
焦虑啊,是力不从心,还是捉襟见肘?牛嘶周:航母撤离亚洲 美国面临中国后院海上力量差距

(2024-07-13 14:46:24) 下一个










航母撤离亚洲 美国面临中国后院海上力量差距


罗斯福号最近与美国的条约盟友日本和韩国一起参加了“自由边缘”演习,这让金正恩领导的朝鲜非常恼火。6 月 27 日至 29 日的东海演习是该舰一段时间以来在该地区进行的最后一次演习。


位于北京的 SCSPI 智库跟踪了它的动向,创造了美国航母战斗群与中国自己的航空母舰率领的海军编队共享海域的罕见例子。



罗斯福号航母打击群将取代其在美国中央司令部责任区的存在,该责任区涵盖中东以及北非和中亚部分地区。 随着罗斯福号离开印度太平洋地区,其姊妹舰罗纳德·里根号也不再位于西太平洋,该区域属于美国第七舰队的责任区。

美国海军研究所运营的 USNI News 周一报道称,里根号正在太平洋中部美国第三舰队的作战区域内航行,此前,该号于 5 月最后一次离开日本横须贺的美国海军基地。



“我们对我们目前在该地区的军事态势和行动充满信心,相信我们能够确保和平与稳定,并履行我们的国家安全承诺,”美国国务院发言人在 5 月回答相关询问时告诉《新闻周刊》。



哨兵-2A 卫星周二拍摄的图像显示,中国航空母舰山东舰和一艘 075 型直升机航母与至少六艘其他军舰一起在有争议的永兴岛东北约 50 英里处编队航行。

中国海事局周三对该国南部海南省东部和西部的军事演习发出了两次航行警告。公告称,两个危险区域将持续到 7 月 10 日,山东舰打击群有可能进行演习。



U.S. Faces Sea Power Gap in China's Backyard As Carriers Leave Asia

Story by Ryan Chan

The U.S. aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt and its escorts are racing from Asia to the Middle East, leaving a rare carrier gap in the Western Pacific region where it hopes to counter China's expanding military footprint.

The Roosevelt recently participated in the Freedom Edge exercise alongside U.S. treaty allies Japan and South Korea, much to the chagrin of Kim Jong Un's North. The East China Sea drills from June 27-29 were its final maneuvers in the region for some time.

Aerial imagery captured on Wednesday by the European Space Agency's Sentinel-2A Earth observation satellite showed the Nimitz-class supercarrier steaming into the South China Sea via the Luzon Strait, a strategic waterway linking the contested trade waters to the Philippine Sea.

Its movements were tracked by the Beijing-based SCSPI think tank, creating a rare instance of an American carrier group sharing maritime space with a naval formulation led by one of China's own aircraft carriers.

Images released by the Pentagon showed the Roosevelt was last in the South China Sea on June 13. The ship departed San Diego in January and mostly patrolled the Western Pacific during its deployment.

On June 22, the U.S. military announced that the aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, after responding to multiple Houthi attacks, had departed the Red Sea and was returning home.

Its presence in the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility, which covers the Middle East as well as parts of North Africa and Central Asia, would be replaced by the Roosevelt carrier strike group.

With the Roosevelt leaving the Indo-Pacific region, its sister ship the USS Ronald Reagan also is no longer in the Western Pacific, part of the U.S. Seventh Fleet's area of responsibility.

USNI News, run by the U.S. Naval Institute, reported on Monday that the Reagan was underway in the U.S. Third Fleet's area of operations in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, having previously departed the U.S. naval base in Yokosuka, Japan, for the last time in May.

This summer, the Reagan is scheduled to conduct a carrier swap in California with the Nimitz-class USS George Washington. The Washington, which is currently operating in waters off the western coast of South America, will take over as the only forward-deployed aircraft carrier in Japan.

Before the Washington arrives at the Seventh Fleet headquarters, however, no American aircraft carrier will be available to support crises or respond to contingencies in the Western Pacific, a stated priority at the Pentagon.

"We are confident in our current force posture and operations in the region to ensure peace and stability and to meet our national security commitments," a U.S. State Department spokesperson told Newsweek in May in response to a related query.

The Roosevelt will stay on station in the Red Sea until its U.S. East Coast-based sister ship the USS Harry S. Truman deploys later this summer, according to USNI News.

The Roosevelt's brief return to the South China Sea comes as the Chinese navy conducts a rare "twin carrier" exercise near the Beijing-controlled Paracel Islands.

Sentinel-2A imagery captured on Tuesday showed the Chinese aircraft carrier Shandong and one Type 075 helicopter carrier sailing in formation with at least six other warships about 50 miles northeast of the disputed Woody Island, known as Yongxing in Chinese.

China's Maritime Safety Administration on Wednesday issued two navigation warnings for military exercises east and west of the country's southern Hainan province. Both danger zones will last through July 10, according to the announcement, leaving open the possibility of maneuvers involving the Shandong strike group.

The Chinese Defense Ministry could not be reached for comment.

U.S. Faces Sea Power Gap in China's Backyard As Carriers Leave Asia (msn.com)


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