The phrase "you reap what you sow" originates from the Bible, specifically from Galatians 6:7, where it says "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.". This essentially means that the actions and choices you make in life will ultimately have corresponding consequences, good or bad, reflecting the idea of "sowing" seeds and then "reaping" the harvest.
- Dear Google
I joined APAD hosting on February 18th 2024, exactly one year ago today.
To me, APAD is never just about language. It's about knowledge of life, about exchanging thoughts and learning from each other, having fun together and building friendship.
I was welcomed with open arms and felt a bit pressure first , as to whom much is given much is required.
But what is worth doing at all is worth doing well, so I jumped in and put my heart and soul into it. For the next 365 days, proverbs come and go, people come an go, I've been here every single day posting/commenting/upvoting!
After being with WXC for two years and have posted and/or commented in other forums (笑坛,投坛,房坛,画坛,诗坛,星坛,几坛,唱坛,健坛,家坛,风坛), I do feel MYSJ is my home forum: a safe port in a storm; a clean peaceful castle filled with well-mannered and self-disciplined people, the wonderful smells of books (bibliosmia) and coffee, the footprints of "God", the Bard of Avon and some other wise writers and poets, and even Wilbur the smart piglet.
So today is the day I want to say Thank You to my fellow hosts 移花 and 7G, and to all kind souls who have helped and participated in APAD.
Slow and steady, I reap what I sow, and together We reap what we sow (I was told that APAD is going to be two years old soon) ... ...
Way to go!