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读赫拉利新书《智人之上》—— 面目模糊的自我修正机制:从历史主义到AI悲观主义的警示

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读赫拉利新书《智人之上》—— 面目模糊的自我修正机制:从历史主义到AI悲观主义的警示


我读的英文版:Nexus: A Brief History of Information Networks from the Stone Age to AI



On Information and Networks

    1.    “History isn’t the study of the past; it is the study of change.”
    2.    “To summarize, a dictatorship is a centralized information network, lacking strong self-correcting mechanisms.”
    3.    “As fish live in water, humans live in a digital bureaucracy, constantly inhaling and exhaling data.”
    4.    “To tilt the balance in favor of truth, networks must develop and maintain strong self-correcting mechanisms that reward truth-telling.”

On Artificial Intelligence

    5.    “AI isn’t progressing toward human-level intelligence. It is evolving an entirely different type of intelligence.”
    6.    “Traditionally, AI has been an abbreviation for ‘artificial intelligence.’ But for reasons already evident from the previous discussion, it is perhaps better to think of it as ‘alien intelligence.’”
    7.    “Ultimately, AI-powered surveillance technology could result in the creation of total surveillance regimes that monitor citizens around the clock and facilitate new kinds of ubiquitous and automated totalitarian repression.”

On Human Myths and Stories

    8.    “All human political systems are based on fictions, but some admit it, and some do not.”
    9.    “Holy books like the Bible and the Quran are a technology to bypass human fallibility.”
    10.    “The naive view expects that if all restrictions on the free flow of information are removed, error will inevitably be exposed and displaced by truth.”

On Challenges in the Digital Age

    11.    “Nobody knows for sure what is causing the breakdown of democratic information networks.”
    12.    “The attempt to concentrate all information and power in one place, which was the Achilles’ heel of twentieth-century totalitarian regimes, might become a decisive advantage in the age of AI.”

On the Role of Humanity

    13.    “We are at one and the same time both the smartest and the stupidest animals on earth.”
    14.    “The decisions we all make in the coming years will determine whether summoning this alien intelligence proves to be a terminal error or the beginning of a hopeful new chapter in the evolution of life.”



读这本书,是因为赫拉利的《人类简史》和《未来简史》,两本引人入胜,脑洞大开的宏观历史大作,充盈着对人类命运的深刻探索。这本新书《智人之上》,仍然以其一贯的历史主义的观点继续剖析人类文明的演变,结合预定论者的警示与AI悲观主义的论调,向读者呈现了一个充满不确定性的未来图景。然而,赫拉利反复提到的一个核心概念——“self-correct mechanism”(自我修正机制),成为了贯穿全书的隐形线索,却也因其模糊性留下了许多悬而未决的问题。



赫拉利以历史主义为工具,指出人类文明的发展始终依赖某种形式的社会自我修正机制。从宗教到科学,再到自由市场,每一种社会体系在出现偏差时,都会试图找到内在修正的力量。他提到,农业革命后,粮食过剩的失衡逐渐促成了中央政权的形成;工业革命后,工人阶级的抗争推动了民主和福利制度的诞生。然而,这种“self-correct mechanism”在今天的技术驱动时代却显得格外脆弱,因为技术的复杂性和不可逆性使传统的修正方式难以奏效。



例如,人工智能和基因编辑技术可能会强化既有的不平等,而算法在决策中的作用则会逐渐削弱公共监督的可能性。如果权力被少数科技精英掌控,而普通人甚至无法理解技术运作的基础,那么社会修正的窗口可能会被彻底关闭。这种前景让人不禁怀疑,赫拉利笔下的“self-correct mechanism”是否还能发挥作用。





“Self-correct mechanism”:悬而未决的命题

尽管赫拉利反复提到“self-correct mechanism”这一概念,但他并未详细论述这一机制在未来社会中如何形成或运行。他仅指出,历史上的修正往往源于危机的爆发和集体反思,但这一逻辑是否能适用于技术时代却未给出明确答案。例如,当算法的透明性和可控性被利益集团所掌控时,社会是否有能力重新夺回修正权?再如,面对生物技术带来的伦理挑战,是否存在超越宗教或国家权威的新型修正机制?赫拉利对这些问题保持了一种开放式的提问态度,却也因此引发了读者对未来更多的担忧。


《智人之上》是一部将历史、哲学与科技交织在一起的思想巨作。赫拉利通过历史主义的透镜审视人类文明,结合对未来预定论式的警示与AI悲观主义的反思,为读者提供了一个理解技术时代复杂性的重要框架。然而,他关于“self-correct mechanism”的探讨虽然引人深思,却显得不够具体。也许,他的沉默本身就是一种暗示——修正机制的形成最终要依赖我们这一代人对危机的深刻理解与行动力。

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