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风中玫瑰 于 2004-09-09 10:19:07







雨落芭蕉 于 2004-09-09 10:28:52


加个塞儿讨论! 下面没地方了 .
Vandana 于 2004-09-09 19:04:49

我在想, 宋晴当时看到张成抱女儿亲晓月时, 就应该毫不犹意离开张成. 宋晴太棉了. 更合况, 宋晴对老公的外遇证据确凿,事实面前张成否认不了. 美国的法律又是绝对是保护这类案子的妇女儿童的. 二个儿子由张成抚养到十八岁理所当然. 宋晴不应该有后顾之犹.

我同学在美国, 家属, 一个儿子, 性格很接近宋晴, 家里家外什么都干, 勤快干净. 据说,人俩争论从没大声过. 我们这一帮都称她是老公的贤内助, 有福之人. 后来老公到北京办公司, 当总裁.大概半年之内就有小情人了. 她发现后, 马上果断提出离婚, 我同学还没有工作. 当时我们都担心她,她将来怎么生活. 可人家乐观呢.在大陆时, 人俩也是爱得一塌糊涂. 你说这事闹的?

pzhaofliu 于 2004-09-09 10:59:16


pgz 于 2004-09-09 10:43:11

I agree with you the family should be carefully maintained even after kids. Spouse should have some time away from kids, some ranmatic get aways, wife should not treat hubby as one of the kid(even though they are), should still keep life fresh and interesting, and so on, like each person should have some alone time just for the sake of being mentally healthy, ideally:-)

If you do not believe the "mother nature"(sorry for borrowing this phrase", you can look at the animal world, there is no social education to ask the mother to take care of their offSprings, but most of them do, that is for survival for the spiecy. That is from GENE. The western country has more freedom now not because of nature, just because of "civilazition", two hundred years agao, they hate dicorce as much as we do. If there is difference between them and us, that is also from gene. Where is tradition from? From people. Why the tradition are different between different race? For me, it is also from GENE:-)

Of course we are human, we have more than animals, but you have to admit the force from Gene is more powerful than any thing else. But for sure we can try to make life easier:-) / or harder:-) (Beside check kids home work, check what they need to bring to school, sent them to extra curiculum program, deliever your project on time to make your boss happy, you have to do one more thing: to keep your hubby feel you are still that 20 sth. girl:-)

Just my two cents:-)

风中玫瑰 于 2004-09-09 10:47:29




pgz 于 2004-09-09 10:57:37

I did not feel Songqing treat Zhangchen like a son, only feel she pays more attention to the kids than to her hubby. I thought that is why you said she is more Mom than Wife. All her decision seems around kids. Which is why I sent the mail. Sorry for miss reading your words.

Well, it is "Yuanfen", there is no perfect person no matter what you do. No matter what you do, you can not change yourself. The "Yuanfen" is used up, that is the end. Anyways, it is easy said than done:-) Just cross the finger to hope I am not going to run into that situation:-)

Selfish me

风中玫瑰 于 2004-09-09 11:03:02



My mom and dad are like this.
raccoon_99 于 2004-09-09 11:29:40

They are very happy couples. My mom enjoys doing the housework. My father is always following her arround and talking to her.

北京胡同串子 于 2004-09-09 15:03:03





seeThruIt 于 2004-09-09 13:55:56

我不觉得水沫想把张成, 或者晓月写成个坏人. 许多事情不是当事人所能控制的. 在一个畸形的社会大环境中, 人的道德品质微不足道. 人们都是为大环境的浊浪所左右.

宋晴聪明过人, 可惜没能及早的领悟这一点, 所以没能保住她的家庭. 不过她能快刀斩乱麻, 也是难能可贵.

风中玫瑰 于 2004-09-09 14:11:12

这年头,真正的坏人和 很好的好人一样稀有。

石头鱼 于 2004-09-09 10:50:11

玫瑰,觉得张成也爱宋晴,何况还有多年感情和两个孩子不能舍 ,这个男人放纵自己爱上了两个人,结果不堪承受~~~~~

风中玫瑰 于 2004-09-09 10:53:52

在这篇文章里我看不到,只看到了习惯和利益。 你想想,一边是一年两三次的探亲,一边是日日相处,哪边的感情更实际些?

雨落芭蕉 于 2004-09-09 11:23:50


never got it!
pgz 于 2004-09-09 11:45:37

I never could understand that part of "father nature":-)

Look at JiaBaoYu, Love MM, also Love JJ, love xiren, also love Qingwen, do not get it why.

Have you watched "yi1 sheng1 tan4xi4", do not understand why that guy can start an affair just without seeing his wife for one month. I asked all my gal friend, they all do not understand. And all guy friend, they seem understand that pretty good:-(

回复:never got it!
雨落芭蕉 于 2004-09-09 12:06:13


回复:$5000/month = love?
文章来源: notsure222 于 2004-09-09 17:42:13
he give her most of his income, I think. doesn’t that show his appreciation of the family? maybe not love from one respect or in pure sense, but still ...

回复:回复:$5000/month = love?
Tinyherb 于 2004-09-09 19:17:53
Love starts passion. As time goes by, passion subsides ; appreciation, affection and responsiblity grow; that is real love that will last .

关于第三者 于 2004-09-09 08:20:25

小月是个比较精明的第三者。打 著不要钱 也不要 人的旗号, 心里却想著做著的却是要人又要钱。破坏别人的家庭!比比,宋晴真是可爱又可敬。回国是为了家庭,是妥协; 给钱给小月是为了家庭,是妥协; 放弃张诚是为了家庭,是妥协。一般的人,真的不容易做到。喜欢死宋晴了。

yayapan 于 2004-09-09 10:26:34

I have great sympathy towards XiaoYuan. I trust she is ture and innocent. Not as you said, all of this is just for money. She is not the kind of the girl which you described. In front of the love, she is just a little bit silly. When all the things covered by love, she got lost, lost all the instinct which she should have and does not know which way she should go. On the other side, she is the victim too. She was hurt no less than any other characters in the novel.

Anyway, nobody should be blamed. Separation is the posion to any close relationship.

It is a pity I can not type Chinese on my computer. My English is really not enough. Otherwise I would be able to express my feeling more accurately. Something subtle might be more precisely.

But I like this novel, it is great. I’d like to show my respect to the author, ShuiMuo and say thank you. Thanks for you presenting this fantastic, well written novel for us. I am looking forward to the following charpters.

In addition, I do appreciate this new way of reading. You can communicate with the authors as soon as it has been made. That is fantastic thing!!

"Not for the money" <>innocent
PhoenixSum 于 2004-09-09 11:42:50

It is at least not responsible if you practise your love to a married man. If she is kind, she’ve have known that this behavior will hurt another family. You are supposed to do what is right instead of what you desire.

回复:"Not for the money" <>innocent
yayapan 于 2004-09-09 12:13:02

What I mean is: they are paying what they want to get, they are paying their desire. Unfortunately, all of them underestimated the risk they would bear, and the price they should pay. Until they realise they barely can afford. I mean, all of them.

"What you mean: ’Not for the money’ <> innocent??? " I do not quite understand that.

I do not suspect the point I made: I trust what XiaoYuan has done, definitely is not for money. What she has done is for a desire, a mad desire for love, for a love she should not have. This is the understanding which conveyed from the author.

People have various reasons for their desires. Some people can not resiste money, some people can sacrifice money and monarch, only for a beauty he loves, some people, like ZhangCheng, wants all but unwillingly to pay. Why can not have some people existing, like XiaoYue, madly love somebody, decently paid the price(left a total mess in her life, a baby without dad, not knowing how to survive in the future,... ect.)

If you say SongQing is innocent, as most of you said, then, I will say XiaoYue is innocent too. She is one of the victims.

That is a novel. Lots of people here discuss it with all sorts of moral criteria. I appreciate it as a novel, with righ depth and great structure.

回复:"Not for the money" <>innocent
asdsdjfkfj 于 2004-09-09 13:07:28

The third person like XiaoYue shuld know that they can not love other person ’s husband ,Xiao Yue ’s outside showes she doesn’t want money ,but I’m sure she wants money inside her heart, she just pretend she doesn’t because she knows Zhang Cheng doesn’t love her if she show it too early ,Anyway she deserve her fate that Zhang left herbecause she is total wrong she loves married man. I hate Xaio Yue.she is not innocent,I hate ZhangCheng more
beacuse he is extremly selfish man.He just want him happy ,doesn’t care anybody else.Song should have given the chance to Zhang love someone else.this is her fault.

raccoon_99 于 2004-09-09 08:47:45
good writing, good story!!

pzhaofliu 于 2004-09-09 08:49:36


来了 于 2004-09-09 09:56:13


风中玫瑰 于 2004-09-09 09:53:28

今天仔细把前两章读了读,觉得在他们的婚姻中,宋晴母性 多于妻性──这也是张成结婚那么多年还没长大的原因。


Mother nature
pgz 于 2004-09-09 10:01:09
Mother Nature made mothers more "mother than wife", it is pretty general rule in nature, that is for the sake of life:-) Unfortunately, if that is sth. to blame, you have to blame nature, not Songqing:-)

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