

(2023-11-05 12:35:58) 下一个

前面一段时间一直在Netflix 上追 New Amsterdam, 我看剧很随性,随便在Netfix 上翻,翻到好看的就看,无意中翻到New Amsterdam 竟然一看入坑,完全是欲罢不能的状态。

这是一部有关于医疗医院的剧,借用一句网上搜来的话,“ A new medical director breaks the rules to heal the system at America's oldest public hospital." 这个叫 Dr. Max Goodwin 的人因为自己的妹妹在七八岁的年纪就是在New Amsterdam 这所Public Hospital 死于医疗事故。所以从那时候起Max 就立志要做一个不一样的 medical director 来fix 千疮百孔的纽约公共医疗系统。

他到任的第一天就把New Amsterdam 所有的医护人员全部解聘,然后根据医生的能力水平经重新评估后聘用到合适的岗位。Max  全身心的投入到New Amsterdam 的运行和管理上,立志务必把New Amsterdam 打造成一个不一样的新医院。在这个过程中他逐步的把Dr. Helen Sharpe, Dr. Lauren Bloom, Dr. Floyd Reynolds, Dr. Ignatius "Iggy" Frome, 网罗到其麾下,逐步组建了一个不但医术杠杠,医德更是没有话说得顶级医疗团队。这几个核心成员都有一个共同的特点就是他们在自己的工作中把自己的心也放进了工作中,这里面的每一个人在自己所从事的领域对自己的事业都有一点理想主义的追求,所以每一个用了心得案例都是那么打动人心。

这是一部十分理想主义的剧,可是案例的选择都很具现实性,节奏紧凑,十分吸引人。我一边看一边同时在思考一个问题就是,我们的生活需不需要一点理想主义?诚然,这个答案是肯定的。我们的生活需要理想主义,因为正是那么一点我们所坚持的理想主义让这个世界变得不太一样,让我们每一天平凡的日子变得不太平凡。举一个例子, 在急诊室负责的 Dr. Lauren Bloom 有一天接到一个从非洲来的病人,十几岁的年纪,疑似感染了埃博拉病毒,这个小孩在隔离室隔离的时候突然发作,进去隔离室是需要全副武装的,可是在Lauren 穿戴装备的时候,这个小孩大口大口的突出鲜血来,于是Lauren 随手抓起一个一般的一次性医疗口罩就冲了进去。在救治这个孩子的过程中,Lauren 的手还被刺破了。这是一个很典型的一个有理想有医德的医生在面对病人生死存亡会做出的选择,十分的理想化,可是我觉得在我们的现实生活中,特别是在西方,这样的人还是有很多的。


特别要提一句的是此剧翻唱了很多老歌,翻唱版都比原版要好听太多,比如,在一个风雪交加的夜晚,New Amsterdam 遭遇大停电,应急供电系统也出现问题,一座那么大的医院,那么多的病人在风雪之夜面对无电的困境,后来经过大家的共同努力,修复了应急供电系统,当电重新点亮医院的那一刻,大家都有一种劫后余生的欢欣鼓舞,这时背景里出现了一首歌,James Vincent McMorrow演唱的  Higher love, 那么的好听,那么的应景,我立马被深深打动,于是就很想知道这是一首什么歌,在股沟搜才知道这是Kygo and Whitney Houston 原唱的Higher Love. 不过说句实在话,原版没有影片里的翻唱好,哈哈。

Higher Love
Song by Kygo and Whitney Houston
Think about it, there must be a higher love
Down in the heart or hidden in the stars above Without it, life is wasted time Look inside your heart, and I'll look inside mine
Things look so bad everywhere In this whole world, what is fair? We walk the line and try to see Fallin' behind in what could be, oh
Bring me a higher love Bring me a higher love, oh Bring me a higher love Where's that higher love I keep thinking of?
That love, that love Bring me higher love, love That love, that love Bring me higher love, oh That love, that love Bring me higher love, love That love, that love Bring me a higher love
That love, that love Bring me higher love, love That love, that love Bring me higher love, oh That love, that love Bring me higher love, love That love, that love Bring me a higher love
Worlds are turnin', and we're just hanging on Facing our fear, and standin' out there alone A yearning, yeah, and it's real to me There must be someone who's feeling for me
Things look so bad everywhere In this whole world, what is fair? We walk the line and try to see Fallin' behind in what could be, oh
Bring me a higher love (oh my Lord) Bring me a higher love, oh (oh) Bring me a higher love (my Lord) It's that higher love I keep thinking of
That love, that love Bring me higher love, love That love, that love Bring me higher love, oh That love, that love Bring me higher love, love That love, that love Bring me a higher love
oh, bring me love (Bring me a higher love, oh) we need a higher love (Bring me a higher love) bring me, bring me, yeah A higher love I keep thinking of, oh
That love, that love (bring me a higher love) Bring me higher love, love That love, that love (bring me a higher love) Bring me higher love, oh That love, that love (bring me a higher love) Bring me higher love, love A higher love I keep thinking of
Bring me a higher love (that love, that love) (Bring me higher love, love) Bring me a higher love (that love, that love) (Bring me higher love) oh
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