

Write a poem simple, deep, and unforgettable.
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《诗 vs. 歌》 《Poems vs. Songs》

(2024-04-02 07:45:33) 下一个

诗 vs. 歌




Poems vs. Songs

poems, she believes
because she writes them herself

songs, she doesn't always believe
because someone else sings them

let someone else go
turn the page
then she is new
singing her own songs on the stage

P.S. 这首诗的中文版是去年年底辞旧迎新的时候写的,现在加上英文版后一起分享给大家。

Let Somebody Go
Song by Coldplay

We had a kind of love, I thought that it would never end
Oh my lover, oh my other, oh my friend

We talked around in circles, and we talked around and then
I loved you to the moon and back again

You gave everything this golden glow
Now turn off all the stars 'cause this I know
That it hurts like so

To let somebody go
All the storms we weathered, everything that we went through
Now, without you, what on earth am I to do?
When I called the mathematicians and I asked them to explain
They said, "Love is only equal to the pain"

And when everything was going wrong
You could turn my sorrow into song
Oh, it hurts like so
To let somebody go

To let somebody go

Oh-oh-oh (oh-oh)

(Let somebody, let somebody go) yeah

Oh, oh-oh, when you love somebody
When you love somebody
Got to let somebody know
Oh, oh-oh, when you love somebody
When you love somebody
Got to let somebody know
So when you love somebody
When you love somebody

Then it hurts like so

To let somebody go
It hurts like so
To let somebody go

But you're still with me now, I know
(Let somebody, let somebody go)
(Let somebody, let somebody go)
But you're still with me now, I know


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CBA7 回复 悄悄话 回复 'BeijingGirl1' 的评论 : 谢谢京妞读诗听歌和鼓励。

BeijingGirl1 回复 悄悄话 歌很好听, 和小西的诗一样, 带着淡淡的忧伤。 “let someone else go
turn the page
then she is new”, 喜欢这几句。 问好小西。