

Write a poem simple, deep, and unforgettable.
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An unforgettable Christmas Day

(2022-12-25 09:17:44) 下一个

《An unforgettable Christmas Day》
by CBA7(小西)

mom: baby, hurry up, we're going to church
son: why?
mom: today is Sunday and Christmas Day, a big day for Jesus
son: oh yeah! the church must have a big birthday celebration for him
mom: that's right, let's go

they drove to the church
on the way, everywhere was closed
church would be the only place open today, they expected

they arrived at the church
it was closed too

son: mom, Jesus is not at home
mom: then where?
son: I don't know

they drove back home
a man opened the front door for them
a girl beside him

son: dad, you were right. everywhere is closed on Christmas Day
mom: baby, that's not true. our home is always open

the girl giggled and hugged her mom and brother


【岁末文艺赛】An unforgettable Christmas Day - CBA7发表于 书香之家 - 论坛 | 文学城 (

An unforgettable Christmas Day - CBA7发表于 爱的星空 - 论坛 | 文学城 (

An unforgettable Christmas Day - CBA7发表于 难得一笑 - 论坛 | 文学城 (

An unforgettable Christmas Day - CBA7发表于 美语世界 - 论坛 | 文学城 (

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CBA7 回复 悄悄话 我的这首叙事诗,通过在周日圣诞节这一天教堂关门和家里门始终敞开的强烈对比,主要表达了两个方面的主题。


mom: today is Sunday and Christmas Day, a big day for Jesus
son: oh yeah! the church must have a big birthday celebration for him

church would be the only place open today, they expected

son: mom, Jesus is not at home
mom: then where?
son: I don't know
