尽管水儿如约写了2024年每一集新上演的‘神秘博士’(Doctor Who)的剧评,我却没来得及整理、翻译和加上我的简评,惭愧!2024的圣诞节特辑播出了,要补全2024年的所有剧集的评论目前不可能,我补上2024年剧集中我和水儿都最喜欢的一集和圣诞特辑吧。这两集和神秘博士的其他剧集没有直接联系,所以即使没有看过‘神秘博士’的其他剧集,这两集也是可以独立欣赏的。
(“神秘博士”(Doctor Who)是由英国广播公司(BBC)制作的经典科幻电视剧。如果没看过但感兴趣,点这里:‘Who Fans’俱乐部。)
剧集1 - "点点和泡泡"("Dot and Bubble")
剧情简介:琳迪(Lindy)住在芬泰姆(Finetime)市,这座城市由附近“家园世界”(Homeworld)的白人、富有的年轻人组成,与周围危险的“野木林”(Wild Woods)隔绝开来。他们完全通过网上社交媒体生活,头顶上套着一个名为“点点”(Dots)的机器人,这些点点机器人投射出一个围绕他们头部的实际“气泡”,通过各种指令和箭头引导他们的行动。故事开始,琳迪的几个朋友失踪,但她毫不在意,当博士试图向她发送警告时,她直接屏蔽了他。此时,博士的同伴露比(Ruby)出现在琳迪的气泡里,诱导她关闭气泡。琳迪随即看到了巨大的蛞蝓状生物正在吞噬一些居民,但却无视了她和其他人。
博士和露比给琳迪和她的朋友们提示安全通道撤离芬泰姆,这些通道通向一条地下河流。离开点点、没有气泡的指引,琳迪战战兢兢的来到街道上。所幸她得到了另一名居民——她崇拜的网红瑞奇(Ricky )的帮助。瑞奇透露,和其他居民不同,他会定期关闭自己的气泡,并能在没有气泡的情况下正常生活。他还发现家园世界已经被蛞蝓吞噬了,但对琳迪谎称一切安好,以免她过度惊吓。
水儿的剧评 - 读读我借助AI翻译的水儿的剧评,你会情不自禁的被感染,我为此这周又刷了一遍剧:
这绝对是一集充满黑暗转折和震撼情节的剧集,这些内容放在《黑镜》中也毫不违和。所有的一切最终汇聚到一个在表演和写作上都极具震撼力量的结局,这可能不仅是本季的高光时刻,甚至是这一时代的代表性场景。恩丘提·加特瓦(Ncuti Gatwa)已经证明了他是一位出色的演员,而这集的最后一幕更是巩固了他作为史上最出色的博士之一的地位。
水儿妈妈的的剧评 - 有点怪怪感觉的是,我在和水儿讨论中写,所以也是先写了英文,然后借助AI写成的中文:
Shuier’s Review :
Wow. Just...wow. In the days and weeks leading up to this episode, me and my flatmates all thought that this would be the worst episode of the season, and that feeling only grew as more and more promotional footage came out. We were so wrong. ‘Dot and Bubble’ begins very strangely, but after a few short minutes, it had us absolutely hooked. It explores so many deeply relevant themes and provides an incredibly nuanced commentary on so many aspects of society, but the best part is that these themes and messages are actually interwoven into an incredibly tightly written story instead of being tacked on top of an underwhelming script.
It is an absolutely shocking episode, full of dark twists and turns which would not feel out of place in an episode of Black Mirror. All of this culminates in an ending so powerful both in acting and in writing that it may just be the defining moment of this series, if not this era. Ncuti Gatwa has already proven himself as a fantastic actor, but the final scene of this episode solidifies him as one of the best actors to have ever graced the role of the Doctor.
This is a somewhat difficult episode to watch, full of deliberately unlikeable characters and horrific story beats juxtaposed with the bright and cheery aesthetic, but that is its biggest strength. My only criticism is that the episode could have been even better if it were a few minutes longer, just to flesh out the characters a little bit more, but the episode is as good as it could have been in the time it had. Dot and Bubble may just be my favourite episode of the season so far, and I could not have imagined myself saying that before it came out.
Mum’s comments:
This is my favourite episode of the season too. The scenes depicting how the internet controls people through Bubbles and Dots are absolutely fascinating. It was thrilling to watch the young people being forced to step out of these Bubbles—curious yet naïve about the world beyond. Up to that point, the story was just intriguing and sprinkled with light humour. However, it took a serious and powerful turn when the naïve girl betrayed the boy who had saved her, tried to help her, and whom she had admired just moments earlier. I wasn’t expecting an episode about the internet, sprinkled with humour, to delve so deeply into human nature in a way that felt neither preachy nor heavy-handed.
剧集2 – 2024 圣诞专辑“欢乐颂”(Joy to the world)
剧情简介:博士到达时间酒店,这是一家建于公元4202年的机构,允许客人造访历史上的各个时点。博士寻求酒店保安的帮助,一起调查一名把公文包用手铐扣在手上的男子。每当有新人被欺骗接手公文包时,它就会控制对方,而前一个携带者则会化为灰烬。最终公文包到了一个名叫乔伊(Joy )的女孩手上。
公文包控制了乔伊。为了解救她,博士不得不激发乔伊对新冠疫情期间政府人员的“派对门”事件的愤怒:当时,由于新冠疫情的封锁,她在圣诞节那天无法陪伴染上新冠的母亲度过最后的时光,她的母亲在圣诞节那天孤独的死去。公文包显露出它是由一家武器制造公司制造的,公司的计划是利用酒店的时间旅行功能让“星种”(star seed)生长,将其作为一种能量来源引爆。故事最后,灾难被避免,星种成为一颗带来希望与安慰的星星。
“欢乐颂”(Joy to the World)是一集节奏极快、充满动作场面的过山车式体验,情感张力十足,尽管将这些情节串联起来的主线稍显单薄。
这集中演员的表演非常精彩。Ncuti Gatwa 再次令人惊艳地饰演了博士,他在这短短一集中展现了巨大的情感幅度,从幽默到平凡再到令人心碎。他这一集中的角色塑造似乎从之前的故事弧中有所倒退,但他的杰出表演让这个角色超越了剧本。客串演员的表现同样出色。Nicola Coughlan 饰演的 Joy 表现尤为突出,再次展现了令人惊叹的表演层次,而 Steph de Walley 饰演的 Anita 则以微妙内敛的表演令人印象深刻。
对我来说,关于疫情的这一场景既出乎意料又极具情感力量。在情感强烈的那一刻,Joy 喊出来:“她在圣诞节去世”,“她因为规则而孤单地死去”,她的愤怒进一步爆发:“那些可怕的人,自己有着吧台、跳舞和聚会,而我听他们的,我让我的母亲独自死去”。
Joy 的言词明显指向了保守党遭遇的质疑——当时媒体揭露出他们在严格的社交距离规则下仍彼此社交。
饰演 Joy 的演员是 Nicola Coughlan,我知道她是因为她在Netflix 剧 “Bridgerton” 中 扮演Penelope 。她的身材是毫不出众的那种——身高 5 英尺,体重大约 56 公斤,BMI 值为 24。然而,在今天的娱乐圈中,身材“普通”是可能被许多人视为“犯罪”的。正是因为这种“普通”,我才更加欣赏她的自信——以及制作方的自信,允许她以自己独特的方式闪耀。
Shuier’s review:
‘Joy to the World’ is a fast paced, action packed rollercoaster ride of an episode filled with incredibly emotional moments, but a somewhat threadbare plot tying them all together.
‘Joy to the World’ tries to tackle so many different things. It explores loneliness, both in the Doctor following the finale, and in the people around him. It also explores the COVID-19 pandemic, with one scene in particular being absolutely both beautiful and harrowing. There are so many, almost too many, scenes tackling highly emotional topics, and some might find that overwhelming or disingenuous, although I really enjoyed it.
The performances within the episode are fantastic. Ncuti Gatwa once again stuns as the Doctor, giving a huge amount of range within a single episode, from the comedic to the mundane to the downright heartbreaking. His character in this episode feels somewhat like a regression from previous arcs, but his performance elevates the character beyond the script. The guest stars are also phenomenal. Nicola Coughlan gives a standout performance as Joy, once again with incredible range, and Steph de Walley’s Anita is a wonderfully understated character and performance.
Unfortunately, there are some negatives with the episode, and some people will find these to be a much bigger problem than others. The plot itself is quite thin. It is clear that the writer thought of most of the scenes and ideas individually, and so the plot moves extremely quickly and can feel somewhat disconnected at times. The ending is also a letdown. It doesn’t really make any effort to explain itself, and it feels a step too far for what is otherwise an episode always grounded in emotion.
Overall, what is undeniable about this episode is the quality of the performances, and a lot of the individual scenes. Whether or not you enjoy it however, depends on your view on the things in between. The episode may not bring Joy to the entire world, but it certainly did bring Joy to me.
Mum’s comments:
To me, the scene addressing the pandemic was both unexpected and deeply emotional. In a raw and powerful moment, Joy cried out, “She dies on Christmas Day,” adding, “She dies on her own because of rules.” Her anguish intensified as she continued, “And all those awful people with their wine fridges, their dancing, and their parties—and I listened to them, and I let my mother die alone.”
Joy’s remarks were a pointed reference to the backlash faced by the Conservatives after it was revealed that they had been socializing with each other during a time when strict social distancing rules were in place.
Such an emotional scene in a sci-fi show might make some people uncomfortable, but to me, it is a brave choice to reflect on real-world issues and to express such intense emotions so candidly.
I’m definitely growing more and more fond of this new Doctor. He is honest with his emotions, full of energy, and, in a way, I’d even say elegant.
The actress who plays for Joy is Nicola Coughlan. I knew her for her role as Penelope in Netflix’s ‘Bridgerton’. She has a body shape that many might consider ordinary – standing at 5 feet tall and weighing approximately 56 kg, her BMI is 24. Well, in today’s show business, being ‘ordinary’ might be seen as a ‘crime’ in the eyes of many. It is precisely because of this ‘ordinary’ that I admire her confidence - and the producer’s confidence to allow her to shine in her own unique way.
Doctor Who 剧评:
科幻片其实很有意思。很多年前的科幻成为今天的reality,想来这部科幻片也是有科学依据的,dots,bubble,和培育出的蛞蝓, star seed(尤其是这个),这些好像就是在播种(像我们今天谈的火星),多少年后也许会grow, blossom, 也成为现实。人类被吞噬的可能性存在的。可怕的!