
"Art is the depth, the passion, the desire,
the courage to be myself and myself
~ Pat Schneider


(2022-03-28 19:01:29) 下一个

How to cure your procrastination?

“Get it down. Take chances. It may be bad, but it's the only way you can do anything really good.” (William Faulkner)

It doesn’t feel good, right? The guilt, the self-contempt, when you are replying non-urgent emails, perfecting powerpoints, checking online news, while knowing well that you have this impending deadline for an important project you haven’t even started. Despite all the grand excuses, you knew what this is all about and loath yourself for not being a better person, because procrastination is ascribed to the dread of hard work.

Well, don’t be so harsh on yourself. Indolence may not be the true story. More than often, what you are afraid of is the failure to pass an unrealistic criterion.

For example, you have a deadline for a grant, and your goal is to write a top-notch proposal that will get you funded the first time and eventually secure your tenure. Then no wonder you keep putting it off, because you’ve made the task unnecessarily difficult. To accomplish that goal, the proposal will have to be exquisitely crafted, let alone the science part. The story needs to hold interest; every sentence has to be punchy or precise or informative. With that goal in mind, you see the sweat, the struggle waiting ahead, but above all, the frustration of not meeting your standard despite all the effort.

Some people say, “Deadlines are the most effective cure for procrastination.” Effective, maybe, but not a good cure, because it takes time to produce quality work. A common myth about deadlines is that, as long as you finish the project by that time, it makes no difference when you do it.

The truth is, the sooner you start working on something, the better. If you wait until you are left with just enough time to finish it, chances are that adverse situations will pop up, demanding time and attention. An unexpected visitor, a sick family member, car breaking on the street. Worse than those, your computer got a virus. You’d be ill-tempered and resentful since you have reserved all the time till the deadline for the project. The longer the waiting, the higher the risk. You swear that next time you’ll start earlier. No use. Similar scenarios will reoccur unless you change the habit.

How about setting up an early deadline by yourself, the so-called soft deadline? Tell yourself that the deadline is a week before the official date. Try it, if you haven’t. Never worked for me.

Timing matters especially when the project involves other people. You know you will do it, eventually, but they don’t. Until you have handed them the final product, they’ll be constantly worried about whether or not you’ll make it. So, ask yourself two questions: do you have to do this, sooner or later? If you do, will finishing it sooner make others’ life easier? If yes, why wait, unless there are more important tasks on your list?

This is not to say we should always treat other people’s requests with higher priorities. Do things in the order determined by their values and urgencies. There are circumstances in which we need to purposely delay certain duties. There are times we have to act at the last minute. But overall, try not to adopt a management style that’s deadline-driven.

Some people say, “The best way to prevent procrastination is to get yourself excited about what you have to do.” That would be nice, but how? We enjoy doing something only after we have started it, and the biggest problem with procrastination is that we keep fooling ourselves that we don’t have to deal with it now.

"It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that they are difficult.” (Seneca, 3 BC - 65 AD).

Always on alert for excuses you find for postponing a demanding task. In fact, fulfilling other people’s requests promptly, getting minor jobs done as soon as possible, those legitimate duties might just be your excuses. This type of disguised procrastination is harder to overcome because you appear to be justified. “I have to take care of these things eventually. I’m dealing with them now so that later I can concentrate on the big one.”

Well, we sometimes overestimate our capacities. What if we only have half of the time that’s needed? Priorities! Always keep that in mind. If something is important to you, it shouldn’t be the one that gets sacrificed. It deserves your attention immediately.

We have all watched this scene in movies: a man or woman sitting at a desk and writing on a blank paper. After a few seconds, he or she crumples the paper and throws it into the nearby basket. More paper, and eventually a full basket. Now with computers we waste less paper---and reduce the pollution, thank goodness---but we can still waste our time. A whole afternoon is spent working on the first few sentences of an article, typing and revising and erasing.

It’s good that we treat the job seriously, but as mentioned above, a high standard only matters for the end result. To get things going, you sometimes have to put up with all the “garbage” in the midst of the progress.

Hemingway said, “The first draft of everything is shit.” I found two implications in this simple quote.

First, you are allowed to write an awful first draft. Ask yourself, would you rather have a bad first draft, or no draft at all? To get your ideas straight on the paper, you must refrain from paying attention to rhetoric, because dwelling on word choices and sentence structures may break the flow of your thought.

The second advice is that you should never be content with the first draft. Note that this isn’t said by me, a non-native speaker who learned most of her idioms through Googling. Even Hemingway had to revise. Do we write better than him?

For example, the article you are reading now has been revised three times. I know, scientific writing is boring; once you have completed the first draft, you can’t wait to put it aside and go on to start something else. Just keep this in mind: if you the author don’t enjoy what you have written, nor will anyone else. This is the time to bring back your high standard. However, if you want to revise and find no time left due to procrastination, that’s another thing.

So my solution is, lower the standard, at least for now. Make it easy enough so it no longer appears to be a daunting task.

For example, tell yourself that you will write a proposal that is unlikely to get you funded this time, but will inform you of how your peers think about the project, and may provide you with better ideas on presenting the science or organizing the application, so that in the next round you’ll have a higher chance.

Once the pressure has been lifted, you are more likely to hit the road. That’s why I put Faulkner’s quote at the beginning. “Get it down.” Forget about grammar or wording or sentence structure. No one but you will read the first draft. Write it as clumsily and stupidly as you wish. What matters for now is get it done early, and then we’ll think about how to make improvements. Note that lowering the standard doesn’t mean you’ll end up with an inferior product.  In fact, your chance of being funded will only increase if you have enough time to make revisions and seek critiques.

The larger the project, the stronger your resistance. So the trick is to divide it into small workloads, especially for the first few days, and take one step a time.

“Today my goal is to write one paragraph. Then I’m done, and I can enjoy the rest of the day without guilt.”

Do that for a few days. If on a particular day you are bombarded, write one sentence at least. Don’t worry about being slow. The key is to establish a routine and get your mind into the mood. We can get used to almost anything we do on a regular basis. If you find yourself pondering on the project when you are not working on it, that’s a good sign.

Once the project is coming into shape, however primitive, it’ll no longer appear intimidating and you may finish the rest in one shot. Here is one of my favorite quotes, though not entirely relevant to our topic: “Writing a novel is like driving a car at night. You can see only as far as your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way.” (E.L. Doctorow)

Last, a warning. While you are self-disciplining, think carefully before you decide to make a commitment. Is it really worth the effort? How likely will your project pay off?

Or course, we can never predict the outcome. Didn’t Faulkner say “take chances”? But if you have tried all the tricks and still can’t get yourself started, or you’re working on it but the progress drags, then it could be an indication that you shouldn’t be doing it at all.

For example, you saw an attractive funding announcement that doesn’t quite fit your expertise. “Wouldn’t hurt to give it a try,” you may say, while trying your best to make the connection. But think about it. If you the investigator aren’t confident, is it likely to convince other people that your idea deserves their money? Might as well save the time for something more productive, such as finishing the next manuscript.

最后,给有耐心读到这里的读者加一个黄段子:“Procrastination is like masturbation: it's fun for awhile, but in the end, you're only screwing yourself.” Lauren Kunze, The Ivy 

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