
西安游子 (热门博主)
  • 博客访问:

My interaction with the outside world(local society)

(2022-08-06 07:47:06) 下一个



To whom it may concern:

I am a reader of Reader digest, even when I was in China. It was in 1985 that I first read a copy of "Reader's digest' when I was a high school junior(a Chinese edition) .The feeling was like you were blowing with a spring wind .From then on, I had been kept on reading some articles on this magazine(in Chinese or English version).
About 10years ago, I immigranted to New York,and took quite a few English classes. Reader digest became a modest writing sample for me.
After a while, I became a blogger, I published more than 100 articles in a oversea_Chinese oriented website .www wenxuecheng com.
My point is: my  emotion of expressing is so strong that I cannot help to write articles to express my self whenever I met someone or experience something.I wrote mostly in Chinese, sometimes in English.
I understand that my  English article is not as good as a local American's , while we have a different view to see the local American society as an immigrant.
I appreciate the articles in Reader Digest, for the reason it shows the core value of "Old American"  .I mean it shows the 
Valued moral level of an old time that people are less shrewd and less self_centered .
I have two concern :
1)would you mind me submit some article that is not so well written in English but having some point.
2)can you figure out that there is an article part like immigrant story?
I make this suggestion , for the reason that reading your Magazine make me feel comfortable and relaxed ,even in tears sometime. So I think maybe the editors behind the magazine is more friendly and openly to more Reader's and writers 
Your loyal M


I have had a membership of Old garden for months 

I should say I enjoy the scene of the garden very much .

I had visit there more than ten times .

I preferred to take my friend there to have a summer picnic 

It was nice.

By the way, may I have a suggestion?

I have been a member of an active dancer group In Queens for about three years. 

We do exercise by dancing the Chinese Squad dance with the Chinese folk songs .

It is a nice experience 

Sometime ,I think it will be a wonderful moment if our dance group will be dancing in the sunlight of Old Westbury garden .

Is there any possibility that you guys make some event about some different countries' folk dance?

I experienced your Scottish festival event,and it lasted a whole day. Very impressive!

It must cost your a lot of effort.

I appreciate your effort.

And I try to figure out what is a good way to run a historic site like yours successfully.

No idea yet, an open minded way?

I did visit other site for golden shore in long island which represents a generation named The Glided  Age.a new TV play series by HBO .

My another example is the cliff house in exit 36 of LIC 495.Their management and event planning is not so great.

What is the way?

I just wish everything will be great , and the site could last for generations 

Thanks for your time and concern 



My name is M. I took part into two month"s Jaz concert (Dec.&Jan2022).I am very much enjoyed by their performance 

My point is how to extend the influence of music(classis music especially).

I know this year the concept of the Jaz concert is for memorizing Louis Armstlong.

So what will it be for next year?

In my opinion Queens is a diversity neighborhood.

I knows a lot of Chinese_American who love music and Chinese folk song as while. 

My suggestion is if we could organize the part_time musicians to do some exercise on every single country"s folk song topic to drawing more attention to the community.

Like I take part in a Chinese square dance group in a 162st park nearby, we dance with the Chinese folk songs almost every day.we enjoy in them .

If there is a concert with our song as a background, we would be very appreciated .

(Not so many chinese_American has good music education/or know how to play instrument of music).

If you can contact with the hostess of Jaz music concert(the female musician saxphoeist).

I guess some interesting idea will happen.

Thanks for your time and concern!

M from Queens 


Dear F:


May I speak something that I am too shy to speak in the public about the concern of race or sex harass within the classrooms?

First, I come from China 6 years before. I met with some sex assault there.

My best friend in high school was harassed by my in-charge teacher. The secret was caged many years until the teacher was arrested ten years later.

The point is I seated by her side, and I only noticed she became quieter, and her grade became lower, and never realized what she was suffering.

I myself seemed be influenced too. I always was quiet and shy, seldom being brave enough to wear a skirt or speak to an adult male during my high school year and first two years' college life (For I noticed that when a girl showed some attraction or bloomed like a flower, and later on she would be greyed like a faded flower within a year. It showed me the way to avoid it, and that was to be modest and cover myself up)

Secondly, I had an ex-husband who had been teaching in a college campus within 10 years and dated with his female students, later on our marriage was dissolved.

at that time, I felt very hurtful by his behavior and his girls' behaviors, but I did not find a way out.

Thirdly, When I began to study in CUNY school three years ago, I began to appreciate my professor and their style, some of male professor were very attractive during the lectures.

One of the English professors was kind and casual in his way, but he was strict to my grade. When it was my last-time meeting with him before my final, I really needed him to give me a better grade.

I even imagined If I had flirted with him, it would work. Because he really showed some interest in me, and I had the big pressure not to be failed.

I did nothing, and I failed that subject.

we all know about the sex scandals, and we all know the women status in real life. That is the pressure we face every day.

I think if you guys did not supply a place like the meeting, I will never get a chance to organize my concern about it.

Thank you!



Dear M,


Thank you for sharing this with me! I am so sorry to hear about your experiences. Each event you described sounds incredibly painful, and sadly, somewhat familiar. I have not had the exact same experiences, but as you say, we women deal with harassment and abuse all the time. Unfortunately it is commonly teachers, bosses and professors who abuse their power with students. This is not ok! It makes my angry and sad. I think it's so important to talk about what?'s happened, and I'm very glad that you wrote to me.


Do you want to get together and talk sometime? I'm on campus Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.












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