

(2018-12-13 07:45:00) 下一个

December 13, 2018

How can some people hate Trump's guts 

- by JessAB


To be clear, I am a Republican but don’t consider myself a fan of Trump.  


I am just puzzling what Trump has done or said to make the people like Maxine Waters type hate him so much even more than the enemies or the criminals who commit violence and massacres. Those people will do anything to try to get him impeached and even jailed just because Trump defeated them so badly and unexpectedly.  So what if Trump didn’t win the presidency, would there still be the ‘collusion’ investigation in the first place?   Right now without any hard evidence for collusion after almost 2 years’ investigation, they are so ridiculously and desperately leading to the campaign finance violation for paying to the mistress?  


So for those Trump haters, they aren’t anything close to what they typically like to portray themselves as empathetic, tolerant or kind hearted. No, they are not!  They just disguise that way at tax payers’ expenses for their own gains. Just ask those haters : do you want violent people to be integrated into your community, and can you accommodate those illegal aliens in your own residence?  I think they would say no because they are just a bunch of hypocrites filled with hatred.  But I do think in this world there are some truly loving and gentle souls out there, and they wouldn’t be hatred!


What are those haters’ profiles and what they have done to make them and the country better other than resistance?  Ask them!


Back to Trump.  He was a private citizen with flaws like everybody else, never a politician before, and certainly didn’t say things politically correct.  The notorious incident that he bragged about women during a private conversation with Billy Bush over a decade ago was surely contemptible.  Also shame on Billy Bush for disclosing a private conversation without consent.  But on the other hand, is it true that some people especially the gold diggers and professional call girls do try to find every opportunity to jump onto the rich men?  You bet!


Now he is the president, but he does not have the absolute power.  Don’t be outrageous for his hard-line stand on illegal immigration.  Trump and the Republicans want law and order. The current immigration system needs reformed in order to get good, talented and hard working people into the US.  But of course that will face lots of resistance for obvious reasons.


Just ask yourself, why would you want to come and stay in the US?  For what?  Imagining that one day the US demographic makeups will be like 51% Hispanic or 51% Black, or even 51% Asian, and the political system is no more like our current one but more like Mexico or China, do you honestly think that would be the same country you originally wanted to come for?   Some people even want the US to be full of people like their own race. In that case I wonder is it better just for them to move back where did they come from?   I would like the diversity meaning for a total inclusion of different ideas, thoughts and innovative approaches.


I feel the US is getting worse compared to two decades ago for various reasons, and has the tendency of slipping into the third world country if continues the way as it was 10 years ago.  Hope the new disruptor will transform the country for better.




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万维假巴 回复 悄悄话 回复 'lingzi68' 的评论 : [让滚刀肉闭嘴的最好办法就是磨刀!][刀磨好了 该干嘛干嘛]


lingzi68 回复 悄悄话 刀磨好了 该干嘛干嘛
lingzi68 回复 悄悄话 让滚刀肉闭嘴的最好办法就是磨刀!
万维假巴 回复 悄悄话 回复 'luckyyycat' 的评论 : 【美国走得太左,很多事情已经颠倒黑白。】。。。。


万维假巴 回复 悄悄话 回复 'luckyyycat' 的评论 : 【至于减税的事,您是以假巴菲之心度老猫之腹了。减税我是支持的,但我不在减税之中,因为复杂,有些人的税反而会增高。it's hurt but not gonna kill me. 我照样支持为民为国的总统! 下结论时,没有根据,就不要对自己太自信了,脸疼不好受。珍重!】


luckyyycat 回复 悄悄话 美国走得太左,很多事情已经颠倒黑白。老川无非是要将米国往正轨上拉,难道让米国一直向左进,就不种族分裂吗? 不公平才制造分裂,民主党才是在一直制造分裂,08功劳最大!
luckyyycat 回复 悄悄话 至于减税的事,您是以假巴菲之心度老猫之腹了。减税我是支持的,但我不在减税之中,因为复杂,有些人的税反而会增高。it's hurt but not gonna kill me. 我照样支持为民为国的总统!

JessAB 回复 悄悄话 Trump 只是总统没有绝对的权力不能制定法律, 白人致上? 有可能吗? 现在不是白人致上反而是白男人处于不利地位, 最明显的是lay-off 他们首当其冲, 而那些女的minority 成了金豆子, 即使工作能力表现再差也难被裁. 其实是不公平的.
我一直是主张race/gender blind, 公平公正, 平等竞争, 按劳取酬. 照顾必须照顾的, 人们友善. 这些在20多年前好像都不是个事. 这也是觉得那时的美国才是当初要来的美国.
从什么时候开始这个社会人们变得越来越懒, 不劳而获/少劳多获 不觉得可耻, 学校对学生教育越来越不严格, 家庭价值观, 人们的责任感, 对工作/家庭的担当越来越减少; 反之吸毒, 犯罪却越来越多. 为什么会这样?
luckyyycat 回复 悄悄话 假巴同志,那你辛苦了,你好像有点踩钢丝绳了。“世界上没有无缘无故的恨,也没有无缘无故的爱”。太祖的话你一定学得很好。

万维假巴 回复 悄悄话 回复 'JessAB' 的评论 : 【20多年前的美国像一盆清水, 】......


万维假巴 回复 悄悄话 回复 '小龙鱼就是我' 的评论 : 【Jess = Jia AB = Ba So, JessAB = 假巴。】


JessAB 不等于“假巴” ,假巴的全名是假巴菲特。一个是女士,一个是男士。一个是65度的老保,一个是正负5度有时忽偏右、有时又忽偏左的家伙。
万维假巴 回复 悄悄话 回复 'luckyyycat' 的评论 : 【尊敬的假巴,你不做间碟你怕谁?】......

》尊敬L...Cat! 呵呵,这是由不得你的事!我们现在真的有点不好办。回中国有人说咱是美国间谍。留在美国有人又说咱们是中国间谍,左右为难啊!你心里不想做间谍,老老实实的过日子,总是有人把你往间谍上面靠。虽然不是要到被收监的地步,但是感觉不是太好啊。


JessAB 回复 悄悄话 20多年前的美国像一盆清水, 外加进的少许墨汁被同化, 还是一盆清水; 随着越来越多的外来墨汁加进, 一盆清水逐近被异化而慢慢变黑. 目睹美国走向衰落, 多种原因造成, 不在我的研究范围.
randomspot 回复 悄悄话 我觉得“恨”川普的主要原因, 恰恰是原文忽视的几点:
- 他是一个白人至上者。 他的理念, 以及相关的政策, 打击美国的多元文化,对少数民族, 比如华裔美国人,非常不利。作为华裔美国人, 从自身利益出发,我看不出任何支持他的理由。
- 他不是一个建设者, 只是一个麻烦制造者。 他的各种政策, 行政命令, 会严重打击美国的经济。 这伤害的即不仅仅是少数族裔了。 所谓的美国强大,不过是个口号。 美国, 在他的治理下, 只会衰败更快。 (他其实只想让白人在美国更强大)
- 为什么要特别关心美国未来的族裔组成?没有理由要专门支持或者反对, 哪一个族裔要维持大多数。 特别关心这个问题的人, 倒是应该问问自己, 你是什么理由?你如果已经是白人,虽然政治不正确, 但从你自己的角度,还算可以理解。 否则, 这根本不是一个我关心的问题。 我来到美国, 不是因为这里白人是多数, 也不是为了把这里变成跟中国一样的国家。

- 无证移民。 支持无证移民, 主要是从符合美国利益的角度来看的。 这个和人道主义没有直接的关系。 支持无证移民, 为什么和把无证移民接到自己社区甚至家里有直接关系? 从为了美国强大的角度看, 美国应该制定可以让更大数量的无证移民在美国合法工作的法规,法令 (这不一定等同于可以让他们立刻移民, 这是两回事, 也是一个复杂的话题)。

其实没有人会去“恨”川普。 让他立刻下台不是一个好主意, 但以此为手段, 打击和川普有同样理念的政客, 这才是目的。

小龙鱼就是我 回复 悄悄话 Jess = Jia
AB = Ba
So, JessAB = 假巴。
luckyyycat 回复 悄悄话 尊敬的假巴,你不做间碟你怕谁?
luckyyycat 回复 悄悄话 对了,少写了一条,自己不成功,恨天恨地恨白人的。

万维假巴 回复 悄悄话 回复 'luckyyycat' 的评论 : [而整天在WXC骂trump的,不是胡涂就是极左思维最大的可能是老川的一些政策令他们害怕了,比如靠大政府吃饭的,靠移民发财的,靠剥削非法移民发家的,想父母来美让别人养老的,龙虾族,等等等等。]



luckyyycat 回复 悄悄话 确实有些人恨Trump恨出病了。08等人恨trump是因为权力,是因为相比之下让他们相形见黜---除了说得好听,治国无道,腐败欺骗,为一己和集团利益不惜践踏国家和百姓利益。而整天在WXC骂trump的,不是胡涂就是极左思维最大的可能是老川的一些政策令他们害怕了,比如靠大政府吃饭的,靠移民发财的,靠剥削非法移民发家的,想父母来美让别人养老的,龙虾族,等等等等。
万维假巴 回复 悄悄话 回复 'JessAB' 的评论 : [Who the hell you think you are that I need to respond to you. I do it only as I please. You are not worth of my time.]

》呵呵,While you are worth of my time, quite contrary! I thought you are confident, apparently you are not at all!
JessAB 回复 悄悄话 回复 '万维假巴' 的评论 : Who the hell you think you are that I need to respond to you. I do it only as I please. You are not worth of my time.
万维假巴 回复 悄悄话 回复 'JessAB' 的评论 : 【Don't you think China is a better place for you to stay?】

》Yeah I do! I spent forty years there, which are much more than that I stay here! And I am not a white puppy here either!

Why don't you answer any one of my questions to you? It is coward not to answer the questions!
JessAB 回复 悄悄话 回复 '文取心' 的评论 : Thank you!
JessAB 回复 悄悄话 回复 '万维假巴' 的评论 : Don't you think China is a better place for you to stay?
万维假巴 回复 悄悄话 》呵呵,弹劾川大爷是一个非常坏的选项。想想你们的彭付统帅,会上任后做什么好事,接着赦免他川大爷就是一个非常可能的结果。



Despite President Donald Trump's public declaration that he isn't concerned about impeachment, he has told people close to him in recent days that he is alarmed by the prospect, according to multiple sources.

Trump's fear about the possibility has escalated as the consequences of federal investigations involving his associates and Democratic control of the House sink in, the sources said, and his allies believe maintaining the support of establishment Republicans he bucked to win election is now critical to saving his presidency.
文取心 回复 悄悄话 支持楼主。
万维假巴 回复 悄悄话 》问题:
万维假巴 回复 悄悄话 》Trump confides to friends he's concerned about impeachment