
In the course of justice none of us should seek salvation.
We do pray for mercy.


(2024-10-17 08:17:10) 下一个


在昨晚(10月16日)的民主党选情通报视频中, Simon Rosenberg 还是那句话,竞选到了目前阶段,"I would much rather be us than them/我实在宁可是我们,而不是他们"。他对这个判断的具体解释在这个视频中。

Simon Rosenberg 是贺锦丽竞选团队的选情分析师,他具体的个人背景资料网上一查就能找到。

支持贺锦丽的乡亲们,如果网上扑面而来/层出不穷不断的新闻/民调/预测让你们不知所措甚至心力憔悴的话,不要紧张,看看 Rosenberg 怎么说就好。



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neshershahor 回复 悄悄话 Keep the good job man, and let's hope we have another 4 year of pre-2016 peace after this in the free world free from populism and QAnon - caz enough is enough.
neshershahor 回复 悄悄话 Not American myself, but living across the atlantic and the least thing we need is a Putin & Orban lover who would sell Ukraine to Kremlin in Oval Office - we all saw what happened in Afghanistan.

No war during his yrs? Tell Nicol Pashinian that! ——Hitler said "who remembers the Armenians".
davidinchina 回复 悄悄话 最近无数的信息反覆轰炸,我感觉很疲惫,希望尽快看到Harris的胜利。
ShalakoW 回复 悄悄话 @你也配姓赵,
It is not I who is doing the talking, it is Simone Rosenberg.
You don't have to believe him though.
你也配姓赵 回复 悄悄话 “I actually don’t know what you are talking about.”