
In the course of justice none of us should seek salvation.
We do pray for mercy.


(2020-09-22 11:11:14) 下一个

最新新闻看,川普总统"亲自设计/亲自部署/亲自指挥"的TikTok与Oracle/Walmart 的商业合作,披着川普总统的祝福,正在历经千难万险地走向歇菜。其中根本原因是对即将成立的新公司 TikTok Global 的拥有权的问题上僵持不下。在祝福这个美国公司只拥有20%的新公司后,川普总统(美国政府)的最新立场是,美国公司必须100%拥有它, 如果中方无法满足这个要求, the deal is off. 
如果最后真没有交易,那$50亿的教育基金计划就要告吹,美国人还得继续学习被川普总统称为的"伪历史", 并为美国联邦政府节省了原本不会浪费的(80 - 50)= 30亿美元。But the truth of the matter is that either way it goes, a deal or not a deal, not at all should there be a cut of $5.0 Billion demanded for the federal government at the negotiation table in the first place, and nor will there ever be, legimately. It is one of many things that makes United States different than P.R. China, or so as I have believed.

Diller: TikTok deal a "crock"
"The whole thing is a crock," said Diller, the chairman of Expedia and IAC, during an appearance on CNBC's "Squawk Box."
"It started obviously simply - to say we want to protect the security of Americans from anything that could happen to them by using TikTok," Diller said. "It has now morphed into a ludicrous game-match between tossing ownership here, control there. ... Its original aims are out the window. It has just come a whole political mishmash."  

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