聪明的艾米 SMart Amy

聪明的艾米 SMart Amy 是献给选择性缄默的儿童, 家长,老师和朋友。 展示如何在日常生活的交流和沟通中帮助选择性缄默儿童。内容包含特定的场景,活动和策略,加上有趣的儿童卡通图画,教选择性缄默儿童如何以非言语的方式交流,并帮助家长和老师制定帮助计划。


(2018-02-24 04:03:48) 下一个

 Talking Formula: 讲话公式

1. People 人物: Who is present? Has she been comfortably verbal with this person before? 谁在场?她以前跟这个人很舒服地讲过话吗? Control the number of people attending and gauge Amy’s individual level of comfort with them. 根据艾米的情况,控制在场人数

2. Location 地点 Where is she? Is anyone passing by? Who is in the immediate area? 她在哪儿?有人经过吗?附近有谁在? Be in a comfortable/neutral location that Amy is either already comfortable with or is neutral. 选一个艾米感觉自在放松的地方, 至少她不紧张的地方

3. Environment 环境: Is the environment free of loud sounds or surprises (unexpected visitors, etc.)? 环境不要有嘈杂的噪音,或意外的事情 (意外出现的人,等等)?

4. Worry Level 焦虑水平 :Fear and Scare Level (0-4): Identify her communication level and reaction stage

These conditions must be controlled 以下条件必须加以控制

The levels of these conditions will vary from person to person and from situation to situation, so it is important to be aware of what your child’s comfort zone is at the time of the interacting 这些条件的水平因人而异,因情况而不同,了解你的孩子讲话时的舒适区十分重要

For example: 例子:

1. People: Amy, Mrs. Fry (Counselor) and Claire (her whisper buddy or talking buddy). 人物:艾米,弗莱太太(辅导员)和克莱尔 (悄悄话伙伴或说话伙伴)

2. Location: Counselor’s office. 地点:辅导员的办公室

3. Environment: Quiet, no loud voices, familiar environment (she has been here before) and prior positive verbal interactions with everyone present in the room. 环境:安静,没有噪音,熟悉的环境(她以前来过),以前她成功地跟在场的所有人讲过话。

4. Worry Level: 0  焦虑水平:零

 Case 1: Person knocks on door。 Person, environment, and comfort level are changed.  If the person is not a stranger, the talking will continue.  If they are, the talking will stop or turn to whispering. taling buddy and Whisper buddy may be present. 情景1:艾米和朋友老师在学校老师办公室边玩游戏边聊天。有人敲门。人物,环境,和舒适区改变了。如果来人不是陌生人,艾米和朋友老师可以继续讲话。如果是陌生人,艾米有可能停止讲话或变成悄悄话。所以讲话伙伴和悄悄话伙伴最好在场。

Case 2: Group walks out of counselor’s office and into the hallway.  Changed location, environment, and comfort level changed.  In a bigger and louder space, the talking will stop or turn to a whisper.情景2:艾米和老师和朋友几个人一起走出辅导员办公室, 走进走廊。地点,环境和舒适区改变了。在更大和更吵闹的空间,讲话可能会终止或变成悄悄话。

Case 3: Group walks to her homeroom. Changed people, location, environment and comfort level. Because she is familiar with people, place, and routine, she may continue talking but with lower voice or whisper. 情景3:艾米和老师和朋友几个人一起走回到艾米的教室。人物,地点,环境和舒适区都改变了。因为艾米对教室里的人物,地点和事情都很熟悉,她可能会继续讲话,但可能会降低声量或变成讲悄悄话。

作者俊华,艾米妈 。 如有需要,加微信:junwang08837,艾米妈邀你进 “选择性缄默症家长分享群”。

选择性缄默症包括语言恐 Speech Phobia,感知障碍 Sensory Disorder, 社交恐惧 Social Anxiety 。 关键词: 孩子为什么不说话,孩子在外面不说话,孩子不敢说话,和陌生人不说话,社交恐惧,孩子在幼儿园和学校不说话,害羞,敏感,胆子小,懦弱,怕生,内向,没自信,固执,不敢吃饭,不敢去厕所,不敢和小朋友玩,,在家讲话,出门不讲话。只和爸爸妈妈说话, 不敢参加集体活动。

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