
唵啊吽 (热门博主)
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Why isn't China a federation?

(2024-10-15 14:08:22) 下一个

Q: Why isn't China a federation?


A federation is not the best form of government for maintaining a large population. EU failed for only half of the Chinese population.

China has an ideal government called Under-the-Heaven. Officers are responsible for All-Under-the-Heaven, not just for their local constituents. For more than two thousand years, the governor of provinces or ancient counterparts could not be a local person, even the chief executive of a county should be from another place. If you are a chief officer of the country, you have to leave your hometown to work for another area.

Western media does not report and does not notice that China from time to time shuffles governors among different provinces. Governors therefore can bring new ideas into a province, and learn a lot from different provinces. That makes the evolution of the political system faster to adapt to changing domestic and international environments. That makes China the most capable government in the world.

Chinese officers bear the responsibility for All-Under-the-Heaven, not just for its local constituency. That’s why China has united for two thousand years, while Europe cannot until today. Chinese population doubles that of Europeans. Chinese civilization is larger than European civilization. China can be united, but Europe cannot.

If we want a peaceful world, if we want a peaceful world governance, we should learn something from Chinese civilization. History proved that the European ideal of governance makes it difficult to avoid wars.

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