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How does the Chinese communist party work? Is there any democracy inside the party?
Yes. The rule is Serving the People. To become a member, you have to demonstrate that you are willing to serve the people. You have to be willing to sacrifice your own interest for the interest of the people. The rule originated during the anti-Japanese-invasion war. The standard was that you are willing to sacrifice your own life for the lives of the mass.
This is the picture of the army led by the CCP. The army liberated the city of Shanghai. They were the conquers. They monopolized the violence. Yet, when they occupied Shanghai, they would not disturb the people of Shanghai. They all slept on the street, after tired battles.
This is the army led by the CCP fighting flood. All civilians were evacuated to safe places, while the army risks their lives to save the dam of the river flooded.
One party, with its own army, has absolute power, very horrifying, right? Not for Chinese people.
Ou Yang-hai was a member of CCP. He lost his life to prevent a train accident.
Xiang Xiu Li was a member of the CCP. She lost her life to prevent an explosion.
A party member is supposed to devote all his life to the interest of the people. Not only the Chinese people but also the people of the world according to their pledge when they become members.
Democracy means a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Devoting their lives to the interest of the people is very democratic for a ruling party.
Only 6% of the population in China are members of the CCP, yet 60% of the health personnel who risk their lives at the front line fighting COVID-19 are members of the CCP. They risk their lives for the people.