

康赛欧 (热门博主)
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介绍两款从Costco买的甜点和零食 祝大家春节快乐!

(2024-02-08 09:17:39) 下一个

Japanese-Style Cake

I went to Costco yesterday to buy some food and bought a box of Japanese-style cake for the first time. I tried it and found it to be good. It has a moderate level of sweetness and tastes no different from cakes in the American style. The cake is a good option for breakfast or snacks. The cake is being sold for $13.99 per box.

Almond+Pecan Clusters


These organic clusters include almonds, pecans, coconut, and pumpkin seeds. They are crispy and have a delightful aroma. With a mild sweetness, they are suitable for everyone's health. You can enjoy these organic clusters as a snack or a dessert.

While having lunch and taking pictures of the clusters, my green budgie Niu Niu watched me, and I recorded the scene.


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