
发现地球真相, 蓝图先生研究银河大历史。

[2012楚雯]银河联邦*The GalacticFederation

(2017-09-19 20:05:22) 下一个

ACIO,外星接触情报组织 Alien Contact Information Organization。
ACIO组织的窗口讯息者有:  Tara塔拉, Rama罗摩(原名Ari Rama Berkowitz ,
M.Huber库伯(2008),  Susan Leland(苏珊利兰2009,
建立阿斯塔之路网站), 以及 2010年开始的 E.Trutwin楚雯女士(2011年发表著作 《阿斯塔和银河联邦》//shanathana及友人翻译了。)。
2002年,  塔拉和罗摩(当时称Ava & Ari)发表了一篇 ""地球大实验"的剧本, 就是  {内巴顿宇宙创造的故事A History of the Nebadon Universe and the Sol Sun System}.   2005年, 他们开始在网上发佈A&A报告, 可在网上看到这些报告。
2013年,  楚雯进一步写下了 关于"地球大实验"剧本的更多的篇章 ;
以下这个[银河联邦]的描述,只是 ACIO的故事版本。
2001年以来的外星星想体系有100个,  蓝图先生读了当中的 25个,
科里的故事是我最喜欢的; 楚雯的故事排第二, 织拉娜 的NC系列
& 坎迪斯的CM系列,排第三。


1.楚雯: The GalacticFederation 银河联邦
2. 马克与楚雯: 近期美国负面外星人的一份简史
翻译: (原)新地球公民须知.博客

 The GalacticFederation 银河联邦
作者:Elizabeth Trutwin(伊丽莎白·楚雯 )(2012年)版权所有
by Elizabeth Trutwin © 2012 All RightsReserved.

Beth and Mark www.GalacticRoundTable.com
[翻译: (原)新地球公民须知.博客]
校读:  蓝图先生 (第5密度的一个中国人)
Ashtar isCommander of the Galactic Federation under the orders of the King of Kings. AdmiralSananda Jesus with the Captain Ashtar are in charge under the GalacticFederation of this Universe Nebadon. Admiral Lincor isthe head of the Star Fleet of the Intergalactic Confederation Seven Universesand they report to him. All of the Gods and Angels mentioned through historywho have worked for the light, known as the Goodly Company, have all been apart of the Galactic Federation. This includes the lion people, the bird peopleand the reptilian people mentioned in Egyptian, Hindu, Greek, Roman and ArabEpics.

阿斯塔(Ashtar)是在万王之王的指令下工作的银河联邦的指挥官。萨南达·耶稣(SanandaJesus)将军和阿斯塔上将负责管辖我们这个名为内巴頓(Nebadon)宇宙的银河联邦。林克尔(Lincor)将军是七个宇宙银河同盟所有的星际舰队的首领。他们向他汇报舰队的状况。历史上所提到的那些为光明而工作的所有的神和天使,他们也是人们所熟知的优秀的天堂使者,实际上他们全部来自于银河联邦。其中包括狮族人[猫科人Feline]、鸟族人[鸟科人Avians]、爬虫族蜥蜴人[爬虫人 Reptilians],他们在埃及、印度、希腊、罗马、以及阿拉伯的叙事诗中都有提及。… [还有人类/类人型 Humans]

Ashtar gave thismessage to the Ground Crew on Earth in 1952:
 “Your Planet was given a rare opportunity tolearn the true and dependable Laws leading to progress along lines of achievement…physical,mental and spiritual…when the One known to you as Jesus Christ was sent inhuman embodiment, not only to teach but to demonstrate in full site of earthdwellers, the Beauty, the Efficacy and Supreme Wisdom of compliance with thosepowerful Creative Laws enunciated by the Omnipotent Creator of All Things!Alas! The failure of all but a mere handful of people to catch even a fleetingglimpse of the sublime spiritual message He brought, which would have freedthem from all forms of bondage to material things…their complete BLINDNESS…filled our hearts with sorrowful despair of any possible chance for Shan[Earth] to be saved from total destruction. I say, we who watched from ourposts of observation in space, lost all hope of ever seeing your planet rescuedfrom the fate it had brought upon itself. Not so your Redeemer! He had made asacred promise to those who believed and trusted Him implicitly. To them Hesaid He would return in power and great glory, and this dark orb would beillumined in spite of all efforts of the Dark Ones to prevent it fromhappening. We come now in full confidence that this promise is to be kept. Wehave been summoned to assist in the fulfilling of this promise. Knowing fromlong experience the manifold joys and satisfactions which will be yours whenyou are released from all those who hold you captive to their evil wills, wecome with an excess of enthusiasm to lend our support to this crusade. Yet wehold ourselves subject at all times to the All-wise supervision of our SupremeCommander. We know each One who is in sympathy with our Mission and we wouldlike you to know what a help it is to have these luminous avenues through whichto reach the darker areas where much of our work must be carried on. May we allband together in a divinely blessed fellowship and lend our utmost effort toserve well and faithfully until the GLORIOUS VICTORY IS WON and the Planet Shan[Earth] is at last a Shining Orb in the firmament of heavens. Salut! ~LordAshtar”
{*1952 阿斯塔指挥部 首次接触地球人 George Von Tassel乔治.冯.他苏 在约书亚树Joshua Tree 这个地方 }


祝愿我们的行星“闪(Shan )” 终将闪耀在无数的天堂之中!
 译者注:Shan是地球在第6纬度和6纬以上的名字,第5纬度的地球叫泰拉(Terra 行星),2012年银河对齐之前的地球处于第3纬度,那是所有的宇宙中,处于实体中最底层的纬度。
The SupremeCommander whom Ashtar mentions in Hindu Faith is called Narayan in theHindu teachings. This is Vishnu (the father) Brahman (the son) and Shiva (theHoly Spirit) in Egyptian teachings this was Ra (the father) Alcyone (the son)and Mother Sekhmet (the Holy Spirit). In the Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu he speaksof The Tao and this is a reference to the Supreme Commander. ~et

Who Are the GALACTICS?
Captain Ashtar,The Ashtar Command and The Galactic Federation by Elizabeth Trutwin January 21,2010


由伊丽莎白·楚特雯编辑 2010-1-21
I have noticedthat people interested in UFOs and Galactics often have not studied ascendedmastery. I also noticed some very advanced spiritual people often do not knowmuch about Galactics. Only recently have Star Seeds and Light Workers begun tolearn they are one and the same group. Ashtar is the Supreme Commander of theGalactic Federation.


The Ones working for Ashtar are the Ascended Masters. The Admiral of theNew Jerusalem is Sananda, who is a higher form of Jesus.Commander Ashtar and the millions in the Galactic Federation do not wish to beseen as different than you or I. They like to be seen as equals. Many of ushave our Twin Flames working in the Galactic Federation on the Ships and we areall on the path of evolution. Much of Ashtar’s Mission involves helping womanand mankind remember the Galactics and also in protecting the Planet as well asthe Solar System from negative extraterrestrials groups and their desire tocontrol Earth and other Planets. One of the most important roles Ashtar hasplayed in recent times with Earth and other Planets in the Solar System is tokeep her inhabitants from destroying themselves and their Planet through theproliferation of nuclear weapons.Even though Captain Ashtar is in charge of theSpace Fleet in this Solar System, he is not limited to this sector of the spacefor his Service. Ashtar represents our Solar System in the council meetings ofour Galaxy, and Universes throughout the greater Cosmos. The Ashtar Command OnEarth and in the Skies. On the MotherShips and StarShips under his command,there are 20 million Crew on the Ships. Working with Ashtar is KOS (King ofSwords). KOS is in a physical template, as we all are, and we all arestepped-down representatives of the highest Source levels…with internalconnections to much higher levels: Mother-Father, God-Goddess, All That Is.
阿斯塔指挥部有地面部队,也有空中部队。在他领导下的母船和星际舰队上,有2000万的工作人员工作在船上。同阿斯塔工作在一起的是剑王(译者注:剑王KOS是耶稣基督在20世纪转世到美国,以兑现他再来地球的承诺,完成地球进入统一的黄金时代的使命)。剑王是一个有躯体的生命,同我们所有人一样。我们全都是从最高的源头那里经过一步步频率降低而形成的生命,我们同更高的层次: 圣父-圣母,神-女神,万有……在内在上相互连接着。
{LT: 珍妮Jeane Dixon和凯西Edgar Cayce的预言, 都说及 `耶稣基督将会重临;他再次重临的时间是 1998/1999。这种说法, 和 ACIO的说法,十分相似。
至于, 中国的紫微大哥出现的时间, 是---现在。}
KOS with St Germain, was appointed by the ICJ ( International Court ofJustice in the Hague) in 1999 as head of the 4 million man, world-wide militia,and pro-forma President of the U.S. He supervises Faction 3 Intel.KOS is an enhanced Galactic-Human with a 3D job heading the Secret Service withPresident Obama, a wife and he speaks 23 languages. Appointed by the WorldCourt in 1999, he has martial law authority to ensure NESARA Announcement andImplementation. KOS was given his authority in 1999 by the World Court and LadyMaster Nada.
He and those who work with him and the Galactics are at 38 levels abovethe President of the US. King of Swords actually has been the single planetaryleader and he wears at least two hats. He is also put in charge ofGalactic-Human adepts who now number about 16 million and who have all beentrained on the StarShips and have full telepathic connectivity and are shape-shifterswith enhanced abilities. Barack Obama is here representing both the SirianCouncil of Nine and also, on assignment from the Great Central Sun (Alcyone)and has assistance and protection by 16 million galactic-humans working for KOSand the 4 Million man world-wide militia. Their task has been to coordinate theremoval of the 40-50′tall dragons (renegade Annunaki) working ingovernment, and in various powerful roles around the Planet . The CIA wasoriginally formed as an Executive Order, to deal with the negativeextraterrestrials making Treaties with the U.S. Government. Now we have seenthis organization searching for StarGates, committing War Crimes, and BlackwaterOps designed to control Earth. There are also reptilian renegades livingwithin vast caverns and underground areas deep within the Planet these adeptshave worked to remove. KOS works with Ashtar at the AICO.
剑王同圣哲曼大师在1999年被国际法院(译者注:国际法院(International Court ofJustice),位于荷兰海牙。是联合国六大机构之一,成立于1946年)委任为一个拥有400万军人,遍布全球的一个民兵组织的首脑,而且也是在幕后操作的美国总统。他监督管理第三情报纵队。剑王是一个在三维世界工作的具有强大力量的银河人类,他同奥巴马总统和夫人一起,负责执行秘密使命。他能说23种语言。1999年由世界法庭委任,拥有军事管制权,以确保NESARA法案的宣布和执行。剑王是由世界法庭和娜达女尊者(Lady Master Nada)授权的。他的灵性等级(基督意识的等级),以及那些同他一起工作的人、还有银河人类都是灵性等级远高出美国总统之上,处于第38等级。剑王实际上是一个独立的行星领导人。他至少有两个头衔。他也负责管理银河人类的各类专家,人数大约1600万人,而且所有的星际舰队的船员都受过专门训练。所有的工作人员全部具有心灵感应的沟通能力以及运用精微能量改变自身形体的能力。奥巴马在地球上代表天狼星九个议会以及大中枢太阳(Alcyone. 昴宿六)委派的任务。他受到为剑王工作的1600万银河人类以及400万地球民兵组织的保护和支持。他们的任务是去协调以便清除40-50英尺高的天龙族(意识退化的的阿奴纳奇人Annunaki),这些天龙人在遍布地球的各个政府和各种有职权的岗位上。CIA(中央情报局)本来是作为执行美国总统的行政指令而成立的部门,用以处理有关同美国政府签订条约的负面外星人(负面ET)的问题。现在我们已经看到这个组织搜索星门、犯下战争罪、暗中设计、妄想控制地球。还有一些意识退化的爬虫族人,他们居住在地球巨大的山洞里和地面之下很深的地方。银河的专家们已经清理了他们。剑王和阿斯塔一起工作在

ACIO (译者注:ACIO是高级智能情报组织,也是外星情报组织,因为此情报组织的特工都具有心灵感应的能力,其他人不具备高级灵性的能力无法介入)

As we Star Seeds unite with our Mighty I AM presences those communicationsconduits are automatically ‘involved’ and will gradually become more conscious,stronger and directly connected with Source Intelligence/All That Is (The GreatEye of Ra, This Represents The Law of One). Now we connect with 12D and thatlevel steps down the energetic messages from 100D, which is the Godhead. So, onthis level, KOS and his Twin Flame, Lady Master Nada, are very elevated soulswith direct responsibility as the Hosts of Heaven and all Councils in charge ofthis World’s Ascension, as well as other Planets in our Solar System. LadyMaster Nada has several powerful hats she wears. First, She is the President ofthe Solar Tribunal on Saturn. Through her position as International Court ofJustice and as International Special Prosecutor with extraordinary powers todissolve courts, arrest judges including our Supreme Court Justices or anyoneelse. She is our NESARA ‘Postal Lady’ in charge of the Announcement andDeliveries.

 She is also Twin Flame of AdmiralSananda. She was originally from Lebanon and is quite familiar with all themid- Eastern/Asian cultures. She traveled extensively with the Dalai Lama. Sheis an Ascended Master. She foreclosed on our Corporate Government on 30September 2008 when Bush defaulted on his payments. The King of Swords then putus inside NESARA Law and saved the world banks and stockmarkets from crashing.She and St Germain are the architects of a whole new planetary economic andlegal revitalization to prepare us for Ascension’s reunification with Source.The Ashtar Command works with GAIA/VYWAMUS. Another important role the AshtarCommand has done is working with GAIA/VYWAMUS in the clearing and resetting ofthe Earth Grid. Metatron heads up this work with Mother Sekhmet. There arecertain grid points on the Earth similar to our acupuncture points on ourphysical bodies. When one of these points gets blocked in our physical bodythere is a stagnation of energy flow which eventually leads to disease. Thesame is true of the planet Earth. We have seen recent massive Earth changes asthe Separation of Worlds continues and the Old Timelines are erased. There arespecial Crews within the Galactic Federation working on this task. Mark andBeth have done extensive work with the Earth Grid and erasing of Timelines. TheEarth Grid is the electromagnetic crystalline connection to the rest of theCosmos and connects through Earth’s portals and StarGates with StarGates whichconnect our Galaxy to other Galaxies.

One of the important things to understand about Commander Ashtar and Hismillions of workers, and fleet of extraterrestrial aircraft, is that they are ethericin nature. They do not have physical bodies like we do, however they are ableto manifest physical bodies and StarShips or project into physicality and timethey want.
现在我们同12纬度相连,这个层次是由源头神性100级[100D] 向下降落而来的能量等级。因此,相对于这个等级,剑王和他的双生火焰伴侣娜达女尊者都是非常高级的灵魂。同时他们也有直接的义务,作为我们的天堂和所有议会的主管人员,负责我们这个行星的扬升,还有我们太阳系其他行星的扬升。娜达女尊者也有许多的头衔,首先她是我们在土星上的太阳系法庭的首席大法官。也由于她的职位,所以她作为国际法庭和国际特别检察官,拥有特别的权力可以解散法院、逮捕法官,包括我们的最高法院或者其他任何人。她也是我们的宣传大使,负责NESARA法令的宣言以及实施。她也是萨南达将军的双生火焰伴侣。她原本来自黎巴嫩,非常熟悉中东和所有亚洲的文化。
她曾同达赖喇嘛(Dalai Lama)一起旅行过很多地方,她是一位扬升大师。2008年9月30日,当布什政府拖欠款项未能支付时,她取消了这个企业化经营的政府赎回权(译者注:这意味着,美国政府长期以来一直是私人经营性质,此时被取缔,奥巴马带着使命需要重新组建真正的人民的政府,将政府的权力归还给人民)。
马克(Mark.Huber)和贝芙beth (即Elizabeth Trutwin楚雯)在地球的栅格设定以及清除时间线方面做了大量的工作。地球的栅格是一种电磁晶格线,它与宇宙的其他部分相连接。并且通过地球上的时空连接口和星门,与银河网络的星门连接。理解阿斯塔指挥官和他的上千万工作人员,以及外星飞船舰队有一点非常重要,那就是他们的身体在自然形态上是以太体(etheric,星光体或者更高层次的光子体)。他们没有我们这种有机组织的肉体。但他们有能力显化出肉体和飞船或者是投影进入到他们希望的肉体和时间线上。
Most of the life on the other Planets in our Solar System is Etheric innature. The Ashtar command also has MotherShips that are anchored in space thatare as long as 100 miles in diameter. These MotherShips contain entire citieswith literally millions of people and a thriving society. Mother Sekhmet’sMotherShip is Nibiru. The Ashtar command is part of a great Confederation ofPlanets, first in our Solar System, and then in our Galaxy.The Ashtar Commandis in charge of our Solar System. Then you have the interplanetaryconfederation which is a larger group of local Planets in our sector of space.Then you have the Galactic Confederation of Planets. Then still larger there isthe Intergalactic Confederation of 7 Super Universes. Admiral Lincor is in thehead of Star Fleet through several universes. Each of these Councils work inconjunction with the Planetary, Solar, Galactic, and Universal SpiritualGroups. The Galactics and Angelics Work Together As One. Commander Ashtar alsoworks closely with the Angelic Kingdom, and with the Protective Forces, mostspecifically with Archangel Michael. Commander Ashtar is an extremely lovingand gentle man but stern and adamant in His Mission to Serve. Many of theAshtar Command walk among us on our streets on Earth without us even beingaware of it. One example is Tom the ringtail Cat Paschat, another is thePoppy Lady, and also the King of Egypt (KOE). The Ashtar Command serves in acertain sense as Heaven’s policemen and they are placed in many roles all overthe World. The Galactics, however, cannot override the wishes or the free will ofthose living on Earth. One of the challenges the Ashtar Command has is that ifour government has in the past made legally binding Treaties with certainnegative extraterrestrial groups, they are not allowed to interfere with ourfree choice, unless we are endangering our Solar System and Galaxy. The onlypath to PEACE is Justice and a Just World is a World of PEACE. KOS, AdmiralSananda, Lady Master Nada, Ashtar, St Germain, Archangel Michael and ArchangelMetatron, Mother Sekhmet and Alcyone, work together as representatives of theAshtar Comand to restore PEACE to Earth.



阿斯塔指挥官是一位极富于爱心而且十分和蔼的人,但在执行任务的时候他会显得十分严谨而又坚定、果断。阿斯塔指挥部的许多队员同我们一起走在地球的大街上,而我们甚至没有意识到这一点。比如汤姆圆尾猫(Tom the ringtail Cat Paschat )、帕碧女士(PoppyLady)、还有埃及王King of Egypt (KOE) 。阿斯塔指挥部从很大的程度上来说,他们从事的是天堂警察的工作。他们在所有的领域里担当着各种角色。但是银河人是不能凌驾于地球的人类之上,无视他们的自由意志和各种愿望。阿斯塔指挥部所受到的一个挑战是,如果我们的政府在过去与某些负面的外星集团签订了法律上的协定,他们不能干预人类自由选择的权利,除非我们的行为威胁到太阳系和银河系的安全。和平的唯一途径就是公正。一个公平的世界就是一个和平的世界。剑王、萨南达将军、娜达女尊者、阿斯塔、圣哲曼、大天使麦克尔、大天使麦塔特隆、圣母赛克麦特和阿尔赛俄涅作为阿斯塔指挥部的代表工作在一起,以帮助地球恢复和平。

The number of negative extraterrestrials is small in number compared tothe vast number of christed extraterrestrials, however, the negative ones arequite dangerous and have tried very hard to control Earth and her resources,control Earth’s population and kept most of Earth poor and in servitude.

What we are seeing in January 2010 is the final maneuvers of the lastnegative ETs leaving the Matrix. None of the Ones here today are originallyfrom Earth. All of us here are Star travelers and here to do a Mission as Earthevolves. We are all extraterrestrial Galactics. We are all Divine Angelics. Weare all wearing human bodies. Ashtar and the Galactic Federation Work WithinThe Office of the Christ. Ashtar and all in the Galactic Federation work fromthe Office of the Christ. When the term Christ is used here it is not meant inthe Christan sense, it is used in the Universal sense. All spiritual paths leadto Christ and the Holy Spirit or Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, Vishnu being theequivalent of the Christ in Hinduism. Krishna was also the premier Christ ofthe eastern world. All religions also lead to the God/dess. Lord Maitreya,Kalki Maitreya, is known as the Cosmic Christ. The Galactics and the Angelicswork together. There are different levels in the office of the Christ. Thereare the Planetary Christ, Solar Christ, Galactic Christ, Universal Christ,Multiversal Christ and Cosmic Christ. Metatron is at the level of CosmicChrist. All Masters of all religions and spiritual paths help their studentsbecome the Christ, it is not in truth a Christian term, it is a living presencewhich you can call any name you want: Sanada/Jesus, Lady Master Nada, LordBuddha, Krishna, Lao Tse, Zoroaster, Kalki Maitreya, Melchizedek, Ra, MotherSekhmet, Alcyone, Archangel Metatron, Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael,Mother Mary, Archangel Uriel, Archangel Gabriel, Helios and Vesta, St Germain,Kuthumi, Serapis Bey, Lord Arcturus, Ashtar and Athena, Commander Hatonn,Commander Soltec, Commander Korton, Commander Monk ka, Tom the Ringtail CatPaschat, Ka tar tek, Tek Ra. These spiritual Masters are all members of theGalactic Federation and all work from the Office of The Christ. You are createdby God as a Christ. Planet Earth is already in the 5th Dimension. It is onlywhen we work from the 3rd Dimension that we forget. Remembering is about wakingup. Every Planet in every Galaxy and Universe call this a different name. Allof the members of the Galactic Federation are what we call Christed ETs. Whenwe have Decloakings and Landings we will get to see our Galactic Family. TheseOnes will be returning to Earth to live with us here and together with us,build Terra Nova. by Elizabeth Trutwin

负面外星人的人数与众多具有基督意识(富有爱心的服务意识)的外星人的数量相比还是很少的,但是负面的外星人是非常危险的,他们绞尽脑汁地企图控制地球和她的资源,控制地球的人口,让地球上的大部分人贫穷并处于受奴役的状态。我们在2010年1月所看到的是最后剩下的外星人在离开这个阵营时的最后的昙花一现。今天在这里的每一个人原本都不是地球人。我们所有人都是星际的旅行者,我们来到这里的一个使命是协助地球进化。我们全部都是地球之外的银河人,我们全部都是神圣的天使。我们全部都穿上了人类肉体的外衣。阿斯塔和银河联邦是在基督的管理部门里面工作的。阿斯塔和所有银河联邦的工作人员都来自于基督管理部门。“基督”这个词语在这里并不是指救世的心态,而是指宇宙(三位一体)的意识。所有的灵性修行都会到达基督和圣灵的境界,或者说是梵天Brahma——比湿奴Vishnu——湿婆Shiva的境界。在印度教中的比湿奴等同于基督。克里希那(Krishna)也是东方世界最早的基督。所有的宗教也都指向“神-女神”。弥勒佛(Maitreya)、卡尔基·弥勒(Kalki Maitreya)也是我们所熟悉的一位具有统一秩序的全宇宙基督。银河人和天使们工作在一起,在基督的管理部门里面存在着不同的等级,有行星基督、太阳基督、银河基督、宇宙基督、多重宇宙基督和统一秩序的全宇宙基督。梅塔特隆(Metatron )也是一位统一秩序的宇宙基督。所有的大师们和所教授的灵修方法都是为了帮助学生成为基督。基督这个词并不是解释真理而使用的一个词语,它是活生生的高级智慧生命的存在。

萨南达/耶稣(Sanada/Jesus)、娜达女尊者(Lady Master Nada)、
佛陀( Lord Buddha)、克里希那(Krishna 即大黑天,瑜伽之主,奎师那)、
老子(Lao Tse)、索罗亚斯德(Zoroaster)、
卡尔基·弥勒(Kalki Maitreya)、麦基冼德(Melchizedek)、
拉(Ra)、圣母赛克梅特(Mother Sekhmet)、阿尔赛俄涅(阿尔康Alcyone)、
大天使梅塔特隆(Archangel Metatron)、大天使迈克尔(Archangel Michael)、大天使拉斐尔(Archangel Raphael)、圣母玛丽娅(Mother Mary)、
大天使乌列尔(Archangel Uriel)、大天使加百列(Archangel Gabriel)、太阳神赫利奥斯(Helios)、女灶神韦斯特(Vesta)、
圣哲曼(St Germain)、库图米(Kuthumi)、
塞拉皮斯·贝(Serapis Bey)、阿克图斯神(Lord Arcturus大角星王)、

科顿指挥官(Korton)、蒙克·卡(Monk ka)指挥官、
汤姆的精灵团队(Tom the Ringtail Cat Paschat)、
卡·塔·泰克(Ka tar tek)、泰克·拉(Tek Ra).
   *{2015, 接触科里古德的蓝鸟人, 名字叫Raw-Tier-Eir 。}

这些灵性大师们都是银河联邦的成员,而且全部以基督的意识工作着。你是被上帝作为 一个基督而创造出来的,行星地球已经处在第五维度(译者注:截止到2013年10月,地球已经处于第5纬度)。这是唯一我们忘记我们在第三维度工作的时刻。回忆是为了觉醒,在每一个银河和宇宙中的每一个行星对此都有自己的说法。银河联邦的所有成员都是我们所说的具有基督意识的外星人。当我们掀掉遮盖,然后着陆,我们可以看到我们的银河家人。这些人将返回到地球同我们一起生活,同我们在一起,缔造我们新的领土。

 Beth and Mark www.GalacticRoundTable.com


={马克与楚雯: 近期美国负面外星人的一份简史}=
 [翻译: (原)新地球公民须知.博客]
The Recent History of Negative ETs in the US by Elizabeth Trutwin   January15, 2010
The United States Government first learned of Germanscientists working on copies of Alien Technology when they invaded Germanyduring WW II. In 1936 Germany had recovered a crashed UFO. In the 1940′s therewas a great increase in extraterrestrial activity. The single most importantevent was probably the Roswell crash.

The Roswell crash occurred on July 7, 1947 nearRoswell, New Mexico. A UFO crashed and the bodies of four deadextraterrestrials were found. These four were Zeta Reticulans. There was a ZetaReticulan Scientist named Sanni Seto on that Craft and she survived and isfine. The radar the U.S. used then caused the Craft to go off course and crash.Between 1947 and 1952 the United States Government obtained at least 16 crashedor downed UFO crafts and 65 extraterrestrial bodies. One live extraterrestrialwas recovered. A UFO was found on February 13, 1948 on a Mesa near Aztec, NewMexico. Another craft was located on March 25, 1949 in s, New Mexico. It wasover 100 feet in diameter and a total of 17 extraterrestrial (ET) bodies wererecovered from the two crafts. Of even greater significance was the discoveryof a large number of human body parts stored within both of these vehicles.This was coded as “Ultra Top Secret” because of the perceived panic that mightoccur if this information leaked out to the general public.

美国政府在二次大战期间侵入到德国时,首先得知了德国科学家在使用外星人现成的技术。1936年德国已经修复了一个坠毁的太空飞船。而1940年代,他们与外星人的交往活动十分频繁。单个的最重要的外星事件可能算是罗斯维尔(Roswell)的坠毁事件。该事件发生于1947年7月7日,在美国新墨西哥州罗斯维尔附近。一个坠毁的飞行器和四具外星人的尸体被发现了。这四个人是泽塔星人Zetas。有一位泽塔星的科学家名字叫珊妮·赛图(Sanni Seto)在这个飞行器上,她幸运地活下来了。美国所使用的雷达造成飞船偏离了航线,导致坠毁。1947年至1952年美国政府获得了至少16架坠毁的太空飞船或者是降落的飞船,还有65名外星人的躯体。一个活着的外星人康复了。1948年在新墨西哥州(New Mexico)阿兹泰克(Aztec )附近的梅沙(Mesa)找到了一架外星飞船,另一架飞船在1949年3月25日位于新墨西哥州的白沙(WhiteSand)的地方发现的,那是一架直径为100英尺的飞船。这两架飞船总共有17名外星人活了下来。更为重要的是许多人类中的角色隐藏了这些飞船的信息,这些信息被冠以最高顶级的秘密。因为这些信息如果泄露给普通的百姓,会引起可以想象的到的恐慌。

The UnitedStates Air Force and the CIA controlled the Extraterrestrial Secret. The CIAwas originally formed by Presidential Executive Order for the Singular Purposeof dealing with this ET situation. What they didn’t say is, those running theCIA were indeed time travelers, ETs in human bodies, who came here from the24th Century. The live ET that was found had been found wandering in the desertfrom the 1949 Roswell crash and was named “Ebe”. Ebe stands forextraterrestrial biological entity. Ebe had a tendency to lie and would onlygive answers to questions that he desired to answer. In 1951 Ebe became ill.American doctors had no idea how to medically deal with Ebe because his systemwas chlorophyll based and processed food into energy much the same as plantsdo. On June 2nd, 1952 Ebe died. In an attempt to save Ebe and to gain favorwith this technologically superior race. President Truman had been keeping ourallies, including the Soviet Union, informed of the developing ET problem. Thishad been done in case the ETs turned out to be a threat to the human race.During Dwight Eisenhower’s first year in office, which was in 1953, at least 10more StarShips were recovered along with 26 dead and 4 live ETs. Eisenhower didnot reveal the secret to the Congress. His friend, and fellow member of Councilof Foreign Relations, (Secret Government) Nelson Rockefeller. The SecretGovernment (CIA) began covertly planning a Secret Group to supervise this ETsituation. This group became known as the MJ12. The Movie “Close Encounters”was a fictionalized version of a meeting with US government officials when anET Ambassador stayed behind in a pledge with the President and the SecretGovernment to make a Treaty. Project SIGNA intercepted alien radio communications.Project SIGNA, through radio communications using the computer binary language,was able to arrange face to face landings and contact with ET Beings fromanother planet. In 1953 astronomers discovered large MotherShips in orbitaround Earth. This initial group of ETs were from Zeta Reticuli and have oftenbeen referred to as the “Greys”. They are very small in stature, about four orfive feet tall. They looked nothing like human beings of the Adam Kadmon styleas we are used to. They had big heads, more almond shaped eyes and long arms. Arace of human ETs landed at Homestead Air Force Base in Florida, andsuccessfully communicated with the US. Government.

美国空军部队和中央情报局(CIA)控制着这些秘密。CIA本来是为了处理外星人问题,根据美国总统的行政指令而专门成立的部门。但是他们保守秘密的原因,是操纵CIA的这些人实际上是拥有时间旅行能力的人,他们是有肉体的外星人,从未来的24世纪来到地球。这些被活捉的外星人自从1949年罗斯维尔坠毁事件以来就一直在沙漠中逛游,他们被称为“Ebe”, “Ebe”代表外星生物体。这些外星生物有一种说谎的倾向,他们只回答他们愿意回答的问题,1951年外星生物生了病,美国医生不知道如何从医学上救治他们。因为他们的生物系统更像是植物,以叶绿素为基础来加工食物从而产生能量。1952年6月2日,外星生物死亡。为了保存外星生物,获得实惠,成为技术优越的种族,杜鲁门总统一直保持着联盟,包括同苏维埃的联盟。他们告知对方有关外星生物的问题,这样做也是为了防止万一外星生物反悔,会对人类的种族构成威胁。艾森豪威尔执政的第一年,就是1953年,他们修复了至少10架以上的星际飞船,还有26名死亡和4名活着的外星生物。艾森豪威尔并没有将秘密透露给国会,他的朋友,也是外交关系委员会的兄弟成员(秘密政府)纳尔逊·洛克菲勒。秘密政府(CIA)开始偷偷摸摸地策划,并成立了一个秘密的集团以便监督外星人的状况,这个集团成为了著名的MJ12 (译者注:美国51区的庄严12项目)。电影《亲密的邂逅》就是以外星人同美国政府官员会面的一个小说类的版本。当时的一位外星大使对美国总统和秘密政府承诺说他们会留下来,并为此签订了条约。1953年天文学家发现在月球的轨道上有许多大型的母船。“西格玛(SIGNA)计划”用来拦截外星人的无线电通讯。通过无线电通讯,运用计算机二进制语言,可以安排面对面的着陆,从另一个行星上与外星生物进行接触。最初的外星生物集团是来自网罟座泽塔星(Zeta Reticuli),他们也时常被称为“灰人”。这些外星人的体型很小,大约4-5英尺高,看上去完全不同于我们人类这种常常被当作亚当始祖的模式。他们有大大地脑袋,比杏仁还要大而突出的眼睛,长长的手臂。一个外星的人种在弗罗里达空军基地的农场着陆,并成功地与美国政府进行交往。

 This groupwarned us of the Greys that were orbiting the equator. They were warning us ofthe ‘Greys’, and a reptilian extraterrestrial race from Orion. The reptilianrace have a reptilian looking head with a human looking physical body. TheGalactic Federation offered to help us with all our technological and spiritualproblems, however they had a requirement. They demanded that we dismantle anddestroy our nuclear weapons. Our Secret Government refused.
A third landing occurred at Edwards Air Force Basein 1954. The base was closed for three days and no one was allowed to enter orleave during that time. Eisenhower arranged to be in Palm Springs on vacation. Onthe appointed day he was spirited off to the base. The excuse was given to thepress that he was visiting a dentist. Five UFO craft landed, and Eisenhower metwith the ETs. All these landings were filmed. This alien group again was fromZeta Reticuli. During this time, the Galactic Federation was trying to help,but the Secret Government refused to end the proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. theCabal, those human looking ETs from the future, the Fallen Angels, had nointention of giving up their power and control of Earth. They were interestedin not only conquering Earth, but many other Planets as well. To this day,President Obama is meeting with positive ETs from the Galactic Federation. Themost recent ‘excuse’ was an injured child during his Christmas trip to Hawaii. Itis easier to hide his comings and going when vacationing in Hawaii“The Rock”. AFormal Treaty between the Zeta Reticulan Star Nation and the United Statesgovernment was signed. We officially received our first ET Ambassador fromOuter Space who was the same Being who stayed in the first landing. His nameand title was his “Omnipotent Highness Krill”. The treaty, basically statedthat the ETs would not interfere in our affairs and we would not interfere intheirs. We would keep their presence on earth a secret. They would furnish uswith our advanced technological development. They would not make any treatywith any other nation on earth. The treaty included a selling of Souls. The Zeta Reticulans were granted,by this treaty, permission to abduct humans on a limited and periodic basis forthe purposes of medical examination and monitoring of our development. Therewas a stipulation that the humans would not be harmed, and would be returned totheir point of abduction, and that they would have no memory of the event. TheZeta Reticulan Ambassadors would remain on Earth. The human “guests” would goto their planet, and then return and then an exchange would take place. Thiswas re-enacted in the movie “Close Encounters”. It was also agreed that bases wouldbe constructed underground in the United States for the use of the Greys andthat two bases would be constructed for joint use of the Greys and the SecretGovernment. Exchange of technology would occur in the jointly occupied bases.


网罟座泽塔星际国家与美国政府之间签订的一份正式的协定。我们正式地接受了来自外层空间的首位外星大使,他们也是第一个着陆到地球上寄居的同一种类的生命。这位大使的名字和头衔是“万能的克里尔(Krill)殿下”。 这份协定的内容基本上是说明外星人不干涉我们的事物,我们也不会干涉他们的事务,我们将对他们在地球上的存在保守秘密。他们将为我们提供先进的技术产品。他们不会同地球上的其他国家签订任何条约。协定包括出售灵魂,在这个协议里,泽塔人被授权允许绑架人类,目的是基于有条件的、定期的、对于人类的发展进行体检和监控。还有一个条款是人类不会受到伤害,并被送回他们被绑架的地点,还有,对被绑架者进行失忆处理。泽塔星的大使们会留在地球上。人类的那些客户将去他们的行星,然后返回。这种交流将开始进行。在电影《亲密的邂逅Close Encounters》中,重现了个场面。条约还同意在美国的地下建立基地给灰人使用,有两个基地则用于灰人和秘密政府双方共同使用,共用的基地用于技术的交流。

These ET bases would be constructed under Indian Reservation in the four corners area of Utah,Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona, and one in the Mojave Dessert near Yucca,California. A secret military fund was put together to build 75 deepunderground facilities. The excuse was that these were needed in case ofNuclear War! It became obvious by 1955 that the Greys had deceived Eisenhowerand broken the treaty. The Secret Government had basically sold out theAmerican people without their permission. Abductions were occurring at hundredsof times the rate agreed upon. There were reports of human mutilationsoccasionally happening also, although this was much rarer. It was alsosuspected that all abductees had not been returned. The Soviet Union were alsoworking with The Greys and were using humans and animals for a source ofglandular secretions, enzymes, hormonal secretions, blood plasma and geneticexperiments, including hybrid pregnancies and babies. The Greys said that thiswas necessary for their survival. They stated that their genetic structure haddeteriorated and that they were no longer able to reproduce. They said that ifthey were unable to improve their genetic structure, their race would sooncease to exist. The Greys were also found to be impregnating human females andsomehow causing an early termination of the pregnancies to secure a hybridinfant. They were also implanting humans on earth with both mechanical andnon-mechanical implants for biological monitoring and tracking purposes. Itrained with Arcturus on his Medical Ships. We have taken some of my HealingClients there. He has shown me the surgical scars made by the Greys duringtheir surgeries. This was meatball surgery and all experimental. Arcturus and Ihave gone in and done Light Surgeries healing the wounds. He has taken me backin time to the moment of the surgeries so I could watch how the Greys did theirwork. They did heart and lung surgeries and bone and muscles surgeries. I alsosaw many Clients who had hosted pregnancy implantations from the Greys. I wentback to the time of the induction to take the baby, with Arcturus.Archangel Michael always accompanies us as well. I have seen a place wherethese orphans go to be adopted within the Grey Community. There are manychildren in this Group who were implanted and inducted.

They are considered outsiders in their Own Society andthey all live in an area together, where there is a community of these Onesliving happy lives. Often when I tell my Client the information about theirexperience, they are angry, sad, and do not believe me. I explain to them whatArcturus told me. These Ones are hybrids themselves and agreed to these thingsbefore they incarnated into human bodies. There is no judgment here. It is timeto forgive and move on into an Attitude of Love. These horrific things are nothappening now.
     外星人的基地将被建在印第安人保留地的下面,位于犹他州(Utah)、科罗拉多州(Colorado)、新墨西哥州(New Mexico)、亚利桑那州(Arizona)的各个地方。一个基地位于加州(California)亚卡(Yucca)附近的莫哈韦(Mojave)沙漠。秘密的军用基金集中到一起用于修建75个地下的设施。借口是在核战争中这些设施是非常必要的。到1955年的时候,很明显可以看出灰人欺骗了艾森豪威尔并违反条约。秘密政府未经人民允许就已经出卖了美国人民。按照协议的规定次数,绑架发生了几百起。也有报道说偶尔也发生过人类受伤的事件。尽管这是非常稀少的。也有人怀疑说所有被绑架者并没有被送回来。苏联也同灰人合作,而且利用人类和动物作为腺体分泌物、生化酶、荷尔蒙分泌物、血浆以及基因实验的来源,包括混血怀孕以及生产。灰人说这对他们自救是非常必要的,他们解释说他们的基因已经退化。他们不能再生产。如果不能改变基因结构,他们的种族不久将停止存在。也有人发现灰人令正在怀孕的人类妇女以某种方式终止妊娠以确保混血婴儿的出生。他们也利用机械或非机械的植入物插入地球人体内部进行生物监测和跟踪。

我[楚雯]在医疗的飞船上受到了大角星人(Arcturus)的培训。我们带了一些我正在治疗的客人去那里。他给我看了灰人在外科手术期间留下的手术疤痕。这是肌肉外科以及所有的试验。大角星人和我已经开始利用“光能外科”治疗这些创伤。他会在给客人手术的时侯及时地将我带回船上,这样我能注意到灰人都做了些什么。他们做过心脏、肺、骨和肌肉的外科手术。我也看到许多客人已经孕育了灰人植入的受精胚胎。我会在婴儿引产的时候返回来同大角星人一起工作,大天使迈克尔(Archangel Michael)也总是陪伴着我们。我已经看到了灰人的社会中有一个地区用来抚养这些孤儿。这个集体中的许多孩子都是属于人工受精并通过引产出生的。他们在他们自己的社会里被当作外来人,他们一起全部生活在一个区域,这是一个过着快乐生活的社区。我时常给我的客人讲述与他们的经历相关的这些信息,但他们很生气、伤心、而且不相信我的话。我向他们解释大角星人告诉我的事情。

 The last negative ET was removed inNovember 2009 and nothing like this will happen on Earth again. Over 18,000Greys lived at the Dulce, New Mexico underground basealone. Some of the technology in these bases was provided by the Greys and isfar beyond the understanding of the Secret Government. There were terriblesciences practiced here, remnants of Atlantis, experiments included mixinghuman and animal genetics. Over the years the Reptilians and Greys became moreand more bold in destroying life for their own purpose. The Secret Governmenthas had over 70 species of ETs trying to contact us. We have obtained and havein our possession over 40 flying StarShips, many of which have been reproducedand are testing and flying ourselves. We have over 100 bodies of dead ETs. TheSecret Government at this time, in partnership with the Soviet Union, workedwith these Negative ETs in the colonization of the Moon and Mars. They launchedtheir equipment for this from a portal in the Indian Ocean at Deigo Garcia Thishappened long before our first official public landing on the moon by astronautArmstrong.Another plan of the Secret Government was the use of nuclear devices to blastholes in the stratosphere to let the greenhouse heat and pollution escape. TheEarth Cooling and poison with pollution was to depopulate the Earth’spopulation. As part of this plan there was the implementation of birth control,sterilization, and the introduction of deadly microbes to slow the growth ofthe Earth’s population, including AIDS. The plague of AIDS was created by theSecret Government with the Negative ETs as a form of bacteriological warfare.It was purposely given to specifically selecteod targeted populations includingBlacks, Hispanics and homosexuals. One of the ways they did this was to lacehepatitis vaccines with the virus. The Secret Government (CIA) and Politics TheOne President that wasn’t under the hold of the Secret Government was JohnKennedy. When he found out about a lot of the Secret Government activities, hecooperated with the Galactic Federation. President Eisenhower had approved 13Million dollars for the Negative ETs to install Nuclear Weapons in Cuba. Theyworked in alliance with Nikita Khruschev. The 13 Families, time traveling ETs,were trying to control the Planet. They were using nuclear weapons to make false reasons for arms and war.They used this backdrop of staged Wars as they continued to look for StarGates.The Galactic Federation thwarted the nuclear missiles in Cuba. It was hiscooperation with the Galactic Federation, that had the Secret Government removehim and his brother, Bobby. President Kennedy is with the Galactic Federationnow and will return with landings scheduled this year. One of the main ways theSecret Government has financed all their projects is through drug money. GeorgeBush was one of the original people that was approached to help the CIA starttheir program of selling drugs.

His former Secretary of State, James Baker is even higher up in the SecretGovernment ladder than George Bush was. George Bush, as you know later becamethe head of the CIA. The fact that these men and the entire corrupt staff havebeen voted out of office marked the beginning of a great awakening for theAmerican people, and the beginning of the end for the Dark Brotherhood’s reignof control. The Secret Government, or Council on Foreign Relations andTrilateral Commission were in complete control of the ET Technology before lastsummer when Mark and I with Rama worked with the Galactic Federation on the Opsto clear the Planet of the Negative ET technologies, their Ships, and theremaining reptilians and Dragons.

 These ones are less than 100individuals controlling our Planet, they and their families are also connectedinto 35 other Planets. This is the reason WHY the Galactic Federation isinvolved. This problem effects our entire Local Galaxy. We are a GalacticSociety. What happens here effects Ones on several local Planets. There havebeen reports that we will “soon” with the new telescope “See Earth-like Planetsthat are inhabited”

This is not joyous news. This is a realization that the Secret Governmenthas HIDDEN our Family from us. The arrests of these individuals are in theirabsolute final days. Ashtar announced on January 12, 2010 the arrests arecomplete. Our Work with The Galactic Federation Secret Forces Mark and I workwith Captain Ashtar, the Supreme Commander of the Galactic Federation, and theAdmiral, Sananda Kumara with the Secret Forces toclear this problem. We work with the Secret Forces of the Galactic Federationwhich include Commander Hatonn from the Protection Forces and Commander Kortonwith Monk Ka from Mars and King of Swords (KOS) on Earth. Our communicationsare coordinated by Commander Soltec from Alpha Centauri.

最后剩下的这些负面外星人在2009年11月被清除,地球上再也不会发生这类事情。在新墨西哥州达尔西(杜尔赛地下基地  Dulce, New Mexico)的地下基地单独生活的灰人超过了 1万8000人。在这些基地中灰人提供了某些技术,这些技术远远超出了秘密政府的理解能力。

{*这些是 SSP秘密太空计划}   

我们有100多位死去的外星人的躯体。秘密政府此时同苏联保持着伙伴关系,而且同负面外星人合作,在月球和火星上殖民。为此,他们在位于印度洋的加西亚圣迭哥(Indian Ocean at Deigo Garcia)一个时空通道连接口发射了他们的设备。这些事件在我们第一次由宇航员阿姆斯特朗(Armstrong)公开登月很久以前就已经发生了。秘密政府的另一个计划是使用核设备炸开大气的平流层,让温室气体和污染逃逸,这样地球的冷却和有害的污染会使地球的人口减少。施行这个计划的其他部分还有生育控制、绝育、引进致命的细菌慢慢的降低地球的人口增长,包括艾滋病。作为细菌战的一种形式,秘密政府同负面外星人一起创造出了艾滋病的瘟疫。这是有预谋的专门针对人口包括黑人、西班牙裔、同性恋者的计划。他们所采取的方式之一就是在肝炎疫苗中参入细菌。

`13个家族` [光明会13家族.Illuminati]  ,这些可以时间旅行的外星人,正在努力控制这个星球。他们利用核武器制造一些虚假的理由挑起武斗和战争。他们发动阶段性战争的背后意图是他们要继续寻找星门。
在去年夏天之前[2009],秘密政府,外交关系委员会以及三边关系委员会完全都是在外星技术的控制之下。马克库伯(MarkHuber) 和我.楚雯还有罗摩(Rama)同银河联邦一起工作,针对这个系统操作,我们将地球上的外星技术、飞船、和剩余的蜥蜴人和天龙人进行了清理。

我们同银河联邦的秘密部队一起工作。马克和我同阿斯塔上将—银河联邦的最高指挥官,以及萨南达·库马拉(Sananda Kumara)还有秘密部队的人员一起解决了这个问题。同我们一起工作的银河联邦的秘密部队包括来自保卫部队的哈顿(Hatonn)指挥官,来自火星的科顿(Korton)指挥官和蒙克·卡(Monk Ka),以及地球上的剑王(King of Swords ,KOS)。我们之间的沟通依靠来自半人马座阿尔法星的索尔泰克(Soltec)指挥官进行协调。


We work with Tom the ringtail Cat Paschat. Our Ops are coordinated withMother Sekhmet and her Paschats. Rama worked with us on all of these Ops. Wecoordinated several Ops from June until November of 2009 to remove the NegativeETs. Because of our work and successes we were targeted by negative ETs. Weworked with Metatron and Archangel Michael, and with Tom the ringtail CatPaschat to make electromagnetic light shields around our homes. These weredesigned to keep the negative ETs out. There were infiltrations. We receivedour intel from the KOS and he coordinated efforts between us and the SecretForces. We have participated in several Ops we have never spoken of. These were the Ops wespoke of that cleared the Planet of the reptilian race, the Greys, their labs,underground experiments and extensive network of destruction. Mark and Itrained individually for years before we met. We were both trained by theSecret Forces independently before coming together for the final Ops. Therehave been many attempts to keep us apart and keep our joint work hidden.

We chose to broadcast our Ops on theinternet and on radio. Mark finallymentioned the Op where one of the last MotherShips of the Zeta Reticulans wasremoved in November. I was in a Craft with Tom the ringtail Cat Paschat and Iwas beamed from the MotherCraft. had extensive injuries, but these improved ina matter of days. I had several treatments from Arcturus which healed mequickly. Mark was so concerned, he spoke publicly of it.

This surprised me and I was too concerned to comment, but did recover in afew days. Mother Sekhmet took out that final Negative ET Craft which was mileswide, very very large. We were told a few days later all Negative ETs have beenremoved from Earth[Nov 2009]. It was that final Op that made it possible forthe work that is being done now. Now the arrests of the Secret Governmentagents, Negative ETs, themselves, are now complete. The Spiritual Awakening ofEarth has been the final key marking the end. The Galactic Federation, with theSecret Forces, with Soltec and Korton, and others, have worked together andstopped the Negative ETs from controlling other Planets in our Local Galaxy. Weare now able to Image more of Space and the Truth is being revealed more eachday. The mass decloakings and disclosure are key and will begin with the UnitedStates President, Barack Obama, the Sirian Commander. The Time For Peace IsNow. by Elizabeth Trutwin 1/15/10




正是这最后的行动使得目前的一切工作得以进行,秘密的政府机构、负面的外星人、还有这些机构的人员,现在都已经被处理 。在黑暗结束的时刻,地球的灵性觉醒,成为了最后的关键。银河联邦同秘密部队,还有索尔泰克、科顿、还有其他人一起合作,阻止了负面的外星人对我们本地银河系的其他行星的控制。

我们现在可以想象更大的宇宙空间,真相的披露每一天都在扩大,大量的揭露和公开是关键。而且揭露也将始于天狼星的指挥官--美国总统奥巴马。和平的时刻就是现在!                                                2010-1-15    蒙·卡



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