
发现地球真相, 蓝图先生研究银河大历史。

[泰勒斯城公主]1995.夏露拉.达克丝访谈 Sharula Dux

(2017-08-15 18:41:19) 下一个

2015前沿 . 阿加森网络 Agartha Network
[泰勒斯城公主] 探寻地下城邦文明之谜
[Cobra访问]地下分离文明与阿加森网络 201509月
[2012伊斯塔] 简史: 不平静的阿加森网络
[地球解放简报] 抵抗运动组织介绍

[泰勒斯城公主1995]夏露娜.达克丝访谈 Sharula Dux
[2015阿加森联盟] 阿加森网络 (夏露拉.达克丝Sharula Dux)
[2015阿加森联盟]《魔戒》之王 &利莫里亚的科普常识 (Aurelia & Nidle)

[西藏密宗神话] 西藏密宗的秘密: 香巴拉的秘密
[西藏密宗神话] 黑魔法. 《时轮经》, 时轮金刚
蓝图先生博客  悦读 (201512月). 对阿加森世界最前沿的理解


2016年, 在网络上去认知阿加森世界, 大概有以下几组讯息群。
我看讯息, 先看大的团队, 先记住所有重要的人物和作品名字。
一般人在看文章, 我是在看真相。

1.  最重要的一支:
泰勒斯城公主.夏露娜.达克丝Sharula Dux - 大祭司 阿达玛Adama (&女祭司Terra RA) --凯萨里亚市(Catharia)波萨罗格斯图书馆(Library of Porthologos)的米可斯Mikos, --玛伽莎Magatha --Zohar左哈(一位泰勒斯长老)
重要著作:  黛安.罗宾斯(Dianne Robbins《Telos泰勒斯1992》
Aurelia Louise Jones奥瑞莉亚 路易斯 琼斯《 Telos泰勒斯 》(2004)
泰勒斯城公主—夏露拉·达克丝著: "探寻地下城邦文明之谜Secrets of the Subterranean Cities, "    http://www.diannerobbins.com/dux1.html
重要组织:   [阿加森联盟Agartha Alliance] (2013)   这个组织和 阿加森的抵抗运动也有关连。

2..   Ishtar Antares 伊斯塔·安塔瑞斯 & Cobra :  阿加森的抵抗运动
3.   [空心地球讯息 Hollow Earth Network]
Zorra索拉-凯瑟琳梅团队 - 网站主持者:Colonel Billie Faye Woodard 比里王菲叔叔(即Zaraya, 他是索拉的儿子)
Kathryn凯瑟琳梅(WhoNeedsLight.org),  和阿加森.索拉Zorra & Zaraya 是一个团队。
凯瑟琳梅团队出现的高维存有, 包括: 原初创造者(Prime Creators),父母神, 萨南得&阿西塔 Sananda& Ashtar, 还有一个 Adama.
讯息者: Kathryn May凯瑟琳梅, Anne DeHart, Christine Burk。 自2013年以来, 这个团队的运作十分用力, 不要忽视。
{ACIO组织(撒南达)认为这个团队是 `黑色的行动`, 是为光明会服务的。
蓝图先生认为, 这支团队是黑色的行动; 它放出来的讯息都是烟雾, 不会通往真相。}

4.    科瑞Corey(2016)的阿加森之旅
重要概念:  7个古老阿加森文明。  安沙尔群体Anshar group[女祭司Kaaree],  星星项链群体 ,  Omegan 群体,  
东方红卍字群体Red Swastika group。...
2016年,安沙尔群体准备要揭露自己, 于是在 [脸书]上出现了安沙尔渠道。
{ACIO组织(撒南达)认为 Corey的阿加森讯息也是 `黑色的行动`, 是为光明会服务的。}

5. [2012- 2016 Agartha Teaching阿加森教学]walkingterrachrista.com =主持者:Terra Christa          
[Earth Assistance with Ashtar Command]
Lord Ashtar 阿斯塔司令 & Lord Sananda撒南达司令,   另外也有一个 Adama 。


现在我去关注夏露娜.达克丝在1995年的一次访谈。未译, 欢迎帮忙翻译。
夏露娜.达克丝生于泰勒斯城, 在1725年。
父母是国王和王后 RA & Rana Mu拉和让拉穆(日那君和日娜妮)。
JC: How is Telos governed?
SD: We have a Council of Twelve Plus One. The twelve who head the Temple are six men and six women, mostly ascended masters, people of high wisdom who stay balanced in any situation. They always set the good of the many above their own personal good, by following what God wants.
SD:我们有一个委员会”12加一”。领导整个寺庙, 有十二人, 六男六女,大多是提升大师,谁在任何情况下保持平衡的智慧高的人。他们总是按照[神]想要,将事物设置在合适的位置上。

JC: What is the "Plus One"?
SD: The “One” is either the High Priest and Priestess, or the King and Queen of Telos. The Order of Melchizedek always balances male and female, which is vital to spiritual enlightenment.
JC:  什么是“加一”? [12+ One]     (LT: 一加是一款手机的名字。)
SD:“一”是最高的大祭司和女祭司,或者是泰勒斯城的的国王和王后。[麦基洗德秩序Order of Melchizedek]总是代表男性和女性的平衡,这是精神上的启迪是至关重要的。
{LT:  “麦基洗德秩序Order of Melchizedek-om” , 以及 “Ascended Masters-am扬升大师” 这2个概念看来都是由阿加森人提出来的,  这是 om & am.  阿加森还有好多其他的概念, 是我们不了解的: om, am , pm, cm, fm , mm. i4m …   如果你不了解这些 `基本概念` , 请不要随便乱写文章.. 中国人写文章的人太泛滥了, 但是有真知灼见的,  少之又少。  }

JC: Who are the High Priest and Priestess?
SD: They are working partners. The High Priest is Adama, an ascended master working directly under Archangel Michael. He is a blue ray master, assisting humanity with ascension. The High Priestess is Terra Ra. She teaches the students in the Temple and is much loved by them. She also is an ascended master.
SD:他们是工作伙伴。大祭司是阿达玛,一个提升大师直属于天使长米迦勒工作。他掌管蓝色光芒,协助人类与提升。女祭司是` Terra Ra泰拉.拉`。她教同学们在寺庙以及他们如何深受喜爱。她也是一个提升大师。

JC: And the king and queen of Telos?
SD: They are Ra and Rana Mu. This lineage is unbroken for over 30,000 years. Though royalty is inherited, it doesn't pass automatically to the oldest son or daughter. The king and queen decide which of their children or grandchildren is most capable of the job. That one then goes through full Temple training and becomes a Melchizedek Priest or Priestess.
JC:  谁是泰勒斯的国王和王后?
接着,他会到寺庙, 经过充分培训,并成为一个 `麦基洗德祭司或女祭司`。
JC: You are called "Princess.” Does that have anything to do with this lineage?
SD: Yes, I am a daughter of Ra and Rana Mu.
SD:(是的,我Ra和木蛙的女儿)。 是的, 我是拉和让拉穆的女儿。

{推想:  Adama  &Terra Ra 有可能是 RA & RanaMU拉和让拉穆[日那君和日娜妮]的儿子^女儿。
而Sharula夏露娜, 是拉和让拉穆的女儿, 这个女儿于1725年才出生。
她后来嫁给一个美国人, 她说丈夫是她的双生光灵魂。}
JC: Who makes the governing decisions?
SD: The Council of Twelve. When it makes a decision, the king and queen can back it, or they may request a change.
JC:  谁行使执政的决定?
SD: `理事会十二`。当它作出决定后,国王和王后可以支持它,也可以请求更改。

JC: Do people get married on Telos?
SD: Yes, we have two kinds of marriages, bond marriage and sacred marriage. When two people feel they really have something together, they care for each other and want to see where it's going, they go to a priest or priestess and commit to a bond marriage. Sometimes these last for hundreds of years, but are usually shorter. Bond marriage partners don't have children. If the marriage doesn't work, they simply go again to the priest or priestess and it is dissolved–no stigma, no disharmony. When a bond marriage becomes very deep and lasting, the two may choose a sacred marriage. This might happen after two hundred years together, or two months. They have a beautiful, large wedding. All of our children come from sacred marriages.
JC: 在泰勒斯, 人们会结婚吗?
SD:是的,我们有两种婚姻,`绑定婚姻和`神圣的婚姻。当两个人觉得他们真的很想在一起玩,他们互相关心,并希望一直看到对方,他们先去一个女祭司或祭司面前,并得到承认为`绑定婚姻。有时,这关係会维持几百年,但通常会短。绑定婚姻伴侣没有(不允许生)孩子。如果这个婚姻不满意,他们只是再去找祭司或女祭司,提出解除绑定, 就可以了。
他们有一个美丽的,大型婚礼。我们所有的孩子都来自`神圣的婚姻。只有在神圣的婚姻之下, 才允许生育孩子。
{LT:  以下是我个人想法, 不代表阿加森人。
我想, 阿加森人对于`性`是从不忌讳。
一点是因为古代的女子是一种稀有资源,社会需要她来传宗接代的, 于是社会需要保护好夫妻制度,让男女关係保持稳定(不过对于贵族却不受此规条所限)。 二点是因为执政官在我们的意识当中丑化`性`,这样起了压抑我们的情绪, 制造了很多不必要的扭曲幻象, 以至 `感情问题`是人类一直在面对的重大难题之一。
未来中国有剩男3千万, 为了解决这个问题,于是我是赞成大力发展爱爱VR虚拟技术, 白金版吹气娃娃,以至适度审查引入岛国的AV片子…还有什么更好的想法呢?
阿加森人鼓励青年人谈情说爱, 一旦确定关係,要到寺庙在祭司面前领取 `爱情证书`的, 他们称这种是 `Bond marriage绑定结婚`bonding!。只有在经过200年的考验后, 他们确是想生孩子了, 才可以进一步进入 “sacred marriage神圣婚姻”, 成为`合法神圣夫妻`, 这样, 他们才取得资格去生育孩子; 否则,随随便便就生孩子, 这种行为是不道德,不文明, 不礼貌的, 是严重的罪行, 是要被所有阿加森人唾弃的。怪不得阿加森的人口才这么少啦。
SD说 : some people can have several bond marriages at once. There's also no stigma on that.有些人可以同时有几个绑定的结婚伴侣。还有的,不会受到大家歧视。
LT: 于是, 可以预见, 泰勒斯城是很多男人的心中的天堂。}

探寻地下城邦文明之谜Secrets of the Subterranean Cities,    
泰勒斯城公主—夏露拉·达克丝(Sharula Dux) 著

银河联盟 & 阿斯塔指挥部


虽然星舰迷航记裡面有提到星际联邦。银河联盟(Galactic Confederation)并不是由许多星球组成的单一联邦国家。这个联盟是许多太阳系和银河系文明基于兄弟情谊、为了与银河系内外的星系进行交流和共同探索宇宙而成立的组织。

银河联盟是由全银河系的各个星区共同组成。我想大家都看过我们银河系的照片。照片的最外围还有箭头比着一个小点说:”我们就在这裡”。没错,我们的太阳就位于银河系的第九区 。

我们银河系/银河联盟的中央区域是第零区。其它的星区都是从第零区向外辐射扩张所形成。每个星区都要为各自的行为负责,同时也要为与其它星区之间的互动关 係负责。我们的太阳系位于第九区,由阿斯塔司令官负责管辖。许多人都听说过阿斯塔指挥部的阿斯塔司令官和他的双生灵魂—雅典娜。



翻译:Patrick Shih


在450万年前,大天使麦可和他手下的蓝火天军和许多光界里的人民,收到天父和天母的祝福,护卫着第一个灵魂,第一个利莫里亚的种子变成人体。这事件发生在皇山提顿(Royal Teton)的避静处。这地区现是美国怀俄明州的国家公园。 原本是从太尔宇宙(Dahl Universe)姆星而来的这些新灵魂就这样投身到地球来。

后来别的星球民族,天狼星(Sirius)、南门二(Alpha Centauri)、昴宿星(Pleiades),和其他不同的星球人民来地球混种而一直演进。 利莫里亚的民族就这样在地球上出现了。可说是相当成功的混血种族!  利莫里亚这块大陆是我们的母地,它在这地球上演进成灵性高度文明。从那时开始, 利莫里亚协助许多新的文明诞生。亚特兰提斯的文明就是后来才诞生的。


地球是处在第五次元的气能世界里。  利莫里亚人大多生以第五次元的光体来生活。 他们有特殊的灵性,能够随时降低他们身躯的频率,来经验那些厚重和具体的次元,然后又变回光体。
当然这是在他们的理智和觉能还没有堕落时,很久以前的文明。  那以后他们的身躯频率慢慢下沉,使这个美好的民族和所有其他地球上的民族意识一起下降。像别的文化一样,人民的灵性掉落到第四次元,几千年后,又持续掉入浓密的第三次元世界。    
作 者: 奥瑞莉亚  Aurelia Louise Jones
这些教导和知识是从桃乐市里的公主夏露娜.达克丝(Sharula Dux)而来。她已搬到地球表面,现在住在美国的新墨西哥州。在一九五〇年期间,一批扬升大师接收到了使命,帮助地球表面上的人们,从灵智上设起「自由的桥梁」。许多讯息是从扬升大师们和亚当马那里通灵而来。  
两万五千年前的战争,摧毁了利莫里亚和亚特兰提斯。这两个大陆为了不同的「理想」而战争。他们有不同的想法和方式——关于如何统治地球上那些不同的民族。拉姆妮亚人觉得应该让那些较不文明的社会,根据他们的理解力和步调让他们自行演进。 ......
他也是一个一出现就会强光四射的人,在一万两千年前,当利莫里亚人初搬到山里时,他指引和协助他们建造了泰勒斯城。在那之前的五千年,当时利莫里亚已经注定将毁灭,而他们开始为泰勒斯城的居住性做准备时,他也提供了很多的辅导。         N.


思想的最强利器, 就是弄清楚一个概念的定义, 它在句子中所表达的意思。
例子:   “Jehovah耶和华”
有100个作者, `耶和华`这字的定义都不相同, 所以就有100个 不同的意思。
例如:  耶和华, 定义: 一种雪糕的名字。
句子: “我的孩子最喜欢的就是耶和华。”
(不明白这个定义的人, 会以为我的孩子是一个很虔诚的基督徒。这真是笑话。)

要明白地球的真相, 银河的真相,
1.  2001年之后出现的文本, 要弄清楚作者的身份, 各种概念的定义, 以及各自的故事体系, 不要将他们混淆。
2001年以来的重要外星思想,  新时期的神话体系:
2012. Cobra-ACIO-Kathryn-Stahr-WM5th –Lessin --  SSP2015 (Corey & Elena)  & SA(2015) -Ruiner(Shane2015) – EM 2015。
2001年始: 造翼者-蓝血-提升学堂-仙女座议会- 基督迈克-尼比鲁议会(织拉娜)-比利叔叔-艾罗访谈-守护者联盟-银河联邦 ~~2012以来: 眼镜蛇Cobra – ACIO 组织(楚雯)– 凯瑟琳梅 - 阿历姗 -- 造翼者第5篇 --莱辛系列 -秘密太空计划(Corey科瑞& 埃琳娜)- 球体联盟信息-
阴谋破坏者Ruiner- 开悟大师 Enlightened Master 。
2.    对于 2001年之前的文本, 古代的神话故事,  各国宗教的
典藉和文本, 都不必过份认真。要在这些文本中去发掘地球的真相, 这是在痴人作梦, 自欺欺人。
3.    在阅读文本的时候, 要最大限度的去寻找 `共性`(共同性)。共性越多的, 表示这些讯息极可能表达了一项 “历史事件”。 例如, 不断有讯息表示 “ `Tiamat & Maldek`曾经爆破, 形成今天的2个行星带 “。 当这个讯息出现的次数越多, 就越值得我们去重视,  它表露了一些历史事件。
4.     所有表达的文本应以英语为标准,  所有的重要概念和名字都有对应的英语。这样才具有真理描述的普遍性。这样, 所有的文本都可以被所有人理解,  包括地球上所有国家民族, 阿加森人, 以及地外外星人。
[端午节], 英文Dragon Boat Festival, 是中国人的一个节日。
[黑白无常],亦称无常,是汉族传统文化中的一对神祇,也是最有名的鬼差。 英文Grim reaper,意思: 无常鬼差, 形象是手持镰刀的一个鬼神。
此四点, 是由一个中国人提出来的。
此四点的提出, 对于认知银河&地球的真相, 具有思想上重要的指导作用。
写于  2016年6月
SD夏露娜.达克丝生于泰勒斯城, 在1725年。
父母是国王和王后 RA & Rana Mu拉和让拉穆(日那君和日娜妮)。
JC: What is the "Plus One"?
SD: The “One” is either the High Priest and Priestess, or the King and Queen of Telos. The Order of Melchizedek always balances male and female, which is vital to spiritual enlightenment.
JC:  什么是“加一”? [12+ One]        
SD:“一”是最高的大祭司和女祭司,或者是泰勒斯城的的国王和王后。[麦基洗德秩序Order of Melchizedek]总是代表男性和女性的平衡,这是精神上的启迪是至关重要的。
{LT:  “麦基洗德秩序Order of Melchizedek-om” , 以及 “Ascended Masters-am扬升大师”
这2个概念看来都是由阿加森人提出来的,  这是 om & am.
阿加森还有好多其他的概念, 是我们不了解的: om, am , pm, cm, fm , mm. i4m …   
如果你不了解这些 `基本概念` , 请不要随便乱写文章.. 中国人写文章的人太泛滥了, 但是有真知灼见的,  少之又少。  
如果说 “阿加森人都是阿修罗Asura,  外星人是修罗Sura”, 这样, 请你先告诉我们  “ Asura & Sura” 的定义是什么?
如果  [Asura   的定义 = 住在地球内部(内在地球)的智能生命;
Sura  =  住在地球以外的智能生命。 ] 于是,  这个`描述句/陈述句` -“阿加森人都是阿修罗Asura,  外星人是修罗Sura”,
就是正确的。    于是乎,  当一些外星人和地球人移居到地心之后, 他们就变成了阿修罗。于是乎,  如果我打算住在阿加森一年,  这样我就会成为一年的阿修罗。  如果有一位玛雅人, 他有半年时间住在阿加森, 有半年住在昴宿星座上, 这样他就既是阿修罗, 也是修罗;  接着我们称这种人 叫 “全修罗 omni-Sura” 定义是, 这位土豪朋友, 他有本事随时居住在银河内的任何星球之上。
好啦。问题是,  一个全修罗和一个修罗恋爱, 他们所生下的孩子是什么?   一个地表人和一个阿修罗玩在一起, 他们所生下的孩子又是什么?  ….. 我想表达的是, 如果连基本概念都没弄清楚, 请不要去写文章。

此外, 记住,不同的作者对于同一个 `词语`,可能有不同的定义和想法。
例如,  Yahweh雅威 – Jehovah 耶和华:
1.  圣经的原字是 YHWH(YHVH),  但它没有读音, 于是这2个字都成为了YHWH 的读音。所以,  这2字可以看作是相同意思的。
2.  西琴将 圣经中的Yahweh雅威看成是 `阿努纳奇人.恩利尔 Enlil。
3.   《一的法则》将  Yahweh雅威看作是`星际联邦`的一个实体, 或一个群体, 称这个群体叫 `Yahweh group雅威集团`。
4. [Jehovah's Witnesses -- 耶和华见证人] 这是一个组织, 成立
于1870年代,  由一位美国人Charles Taze Russell所发起的一种宗教运动。 他不使用 ‘Yahweh`, 而是将 `Jehovah耶和华`视为唯一的真神。 他宣称能够算出世界末日的时刻,最初的资料来源是从圣经的启示录。他是于公元1914年开始发迹的。他宣称在那一年,所谓的哈米吉多顿(Ar--mageddon)战役将发生,在那次战役中,所有的耶和华真实见证人都能获得拯救,亦即有144,000位见证人都能得到特有的救赎。同时,能够在天堂和耶稣基督一起统治整个即将来临的新世界。而其它余存的见证人将被以其它方式获得拯救:首先,他们将清除所有非耶和华见证人的死者,然后在地球上建立一个新的天堂般王国。而迫切的毁灭征兆即是:天灾、不断增加的暴力事件、战争和经济动乱。
5.    NC系列(尼比鲁议会)的织拉娜,  认为  9D Jehowah耶和华是尼比鲁星人,  他娶了狮人Devin德维的妹妹 Jelaila 女狮人织拉娜为妻;  在6D层面, 他就是阿努纳奇人.恩基。
文章: [NC系列]尼比鲁议会成员.阿努纳奇大神们
(2015-03-16)   (附,  Ruiner2015给出提示, 西琴讲的故事, 恩基和恩利尔, 一个对我们友善, 一个对我们不友善; 最好要反过来去理解, 才是正确的。于是, 我LT的理解是,   恩基是对我们不友善的, 他在圣经中的名字就是 “ Jehovah”耶和华老哥啦。)

6. 1973年12月13日,外星人耶洛因的领袖耶和华Jehovah乘飞碟来到地球,经过六天的会见,口述给了雷尔传达给人类讯息, 成为《来自外星人的讯息》。“雷尔运动” ,该教派宣称支持外星人统治地球,雷尔面对电视台郑重声明过:“There is no god!并没有神”。雷尔利安运动宣称人类是耶洛因(Elohim:复数,意指来自天空的人们)利用基因技术创造的。
7. 2004-2015,另外, 有一位耶洛因人叫 Yahweh雅威, 他给琳达迪朗Linda Dillon传送信息, 出现在’爱之议会council of love 13th octave `的网站之上 . 从这篇开始{2004文章: 雅威谈守护天使们Yahweh on Guardian Angels}。
8.    ACIO组织创作的银河神话 (2002),  这个神话故事是在解释 “地球大实验/ 壮丽实验 Grand Experiment”的起源。
耶和华Jehovah 是父母神Father Alcyone 阿尔康父& Mother Sekhmet 赛科麦特的大儿子。 他在尼比鲁星发起了政变,  企图建立他的银河帝国。他和莉莉丝Lilith 生下了 路西法Lucifer & 卡露娜Karula。 他和路西法都是阿努纳奇军阀, 他们控制天龙人Dracos,然后佔据几乎整个银河系内大部份星体, 并且最终佔领了地球。路西法和莉莉丝发生伦乱, 并且生下了银河上一切恶魔的原型。同时, 地球上的很多古代经典都是由阿努纳奇人篡改的,
圣经中的神, 正反映了这位耶和华的本性。
这个神话故事是我所读到的最有意思的一个, 对我有很大的启发。
可见于{楚雯: 地球大实验纪要2013}(百度一下,并下载)。  }
不同的作者, 就有不同的耶和华。我的孩子最喜欢耶和华。



= [1995访谈, 原文未译]
Interview with Sharula Dux by Joanna Cherry
Sunday, 17 July 2011  (2011整理資料, 英文版4千字)
Interview with Sharula Dux by Joanna Cherry

Princess Sharula Dux is a woman known to me for many years. Her message is amazing, yet simple: she is from Telos, a Lemurian city beneath Mt. Shasta. She has come to the surface to begin sharing her culture with ours, so that we might mutually benefit and become one whole civilization.

Several times over the years I have known her, I have heard Sharula speak. I have listened very carefully; never have I heard her contradict herself on the information, which to our ears is complex. She is unassuming; she has a good sense of humor, and gives a lot of love to those around her. She feels like an old and wise being.

In 1995, with Sharula’s permission, I combined information from two tapes she recorded about Telos with my memory of her answers to questions I and others have asked her. I gave it the form of an interview. She has approved it in its entirety.
JC: Sharula, why was Telos built?

SD: Twenty-five thousand years ago, there were two major civilizations of Earth. One was based in the continent of Lemuria, or Mu, which included the area of much of the Pacific Ocean, the western United States, and parts of Asia. The other was Atlantis, over much of what is now the Atlantic Ocean and parts of Africa and Europe. There was a disagreement between these two civilizations concerning thesocial and political evolution of the rest of the human race: Lemuria wanted the less advanced civilizations of Earth to remain free, and Atlantis wanted to govern or control them. A lengthy war broke out between the two. These wars became so severe–they even included thermo-nuclear warheads–that karmic energies were set in motion that would eventually sink both continents.

JC: You used thermo-nuclear warheads? Is there any evidence of this that we can see today?
SD: Yes, the Gobi desert and the Sahara desert, to name just two. After the war, many of the Melchizedek priests and priestesses of Lemuria saw into the future, and foretold the sinking of the continent. They began to look for a place to move. They settled on Mt. Shasta in the eastern part of Lemuria, a great mountain already considered sacred, and which they understood would be safe in the coming cataclysm. They decided to build underground, partly because of the shocks Earth would sustain from the sinking of two continents, and partly because the original atmospheric mantle of Earth had gone, subjecting life on the surface to harmful ultra-violet rays.

In deciding where to build their city, they came upon a great domed cavern within Mt. Shasta, several square miles in area and hundreds of feet high. This became the top level of Telos.

JC: Why was it named “Telos”?

SD: The whole southwestern United States was then called Telos, which means “union with spirit”, so that name was chosen for the city. Four levels were built under the top level, five levels in all, and the city was built to house up to two million people.

JC: How many people live in Telos now?

SD: One and a half million. But it began with only 25,000 people, who moved into Telos 100 years before Lemuria sank. Very few others survived the earthquakes, tidal waves and volcanic activity that accompanied the sinking. JC: When was this? SD: About 12,000 years ago. JC: What about the Atlanteans? Did they build an underground city also?
SD: Yes, under the Mato Grosso plateau of Brazil.

JC: Are there any other subterranean cities?

SD: Yes, in fact there is a whole group of subterranean cities called the Agartha Network. The Lemurians petitioned the Agartha Network to become a member. But as the people of the Agartha cities are wise and non-violent, Lemuria had to convince Agartha that it had learned from its mistakes and would embark upon a course of peace. This was done.

JC: How many cities are in the Agartha Network?

SD: One hundred twenty. JC: Where exactly under Mt. Shasta is Telos?

SD: The domed cavern is over most of the base of Mt. Shasta, and the top of the dome is about halfway up the mountain. The fifth, lowest level is about a mile beneath ground level. Each level is several square miles.

JC: What are on the different levels of Telos?

SD: The top level under the dome is the main part of the city. Most people live there, most commerce takes place there, and that’s where our public buildings are. It’s the heart and soul of Telos. Directly in the center is the Temple–we are a temple society–built to hold 10,000 people. It is white and pyramid-shaped, with a capstone made of “livingstone,” a substance from Venus.
It looks crystalline, and emanates all the rays of the color spectrum. The Temple is dedicated to the Order of Melchizedek, a cosmic priesthood of our universe, dedicated to embodying the light plan given to us by the higher levels of the Godhead. On the top level are also our council buildings and our record buildings. We have records of Lemuria, Atlantis, Egypt, other past Earth civilizations, even civilizations of other planets. There is a building that manages the communications within Telos, between Telos and the other subterranean cities of Agartha, and places off-planet. It also monitors radio and TV from the surface.

JC: What about entertainment? Do you have fun in Telos?
SD: Indeed we do! We have pleasure places for sports, plays, films, music, and dancing. We have a place a lot like the Holodeck in Star Trek, where you create virtual reality for yourself in any adventure you want: climb a mountain, swim a river, go back in history, etc.

JC: Wow!
SD: We also have a building that houses multi-tracking, amino-based computers. These computers are alive. They operate on the Christ-mind and therefore cannot be corrupted. They can read the records of the past, they can read your past lives if you wish and even show them to you; they can read your aura or the health of your body and tell you what you need. They can play your “soul note”, which helps you to meditate clearly, and they can communicate with you on a soul level. They can communicate across galaxies. They help train the Christ mind in people, and we depend on them quite a bit.

JC: What a wonderful thing.
SD: On the second level we have classes, manufacturing of clothes and furniture and other things, and more people living. On the third level are our hydroponic gardens, where we grow all our food. We’ve been vegetarian for over 12,000 years, and we live on vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, soybeans etc. Our crops grow in water; some minerals are added, but there’s no fertilizer and no soil depletion. Our crops grow much faster than on the surface, and we’re able to feed 1 1/2 million people from just a few square miles of land, and give enough variety for eating to be pleasurable.

JC: Do any of your supplies come from the surface?
SD: No, we trade with the other Agartha cities. The fourth level is half hydroponic gardens, part manufacturing and part nature. The fifth level is our nature level. People come here to relax. We’ve created lakes and grown tall trees–there’s a park atmosphere. Animals live there, some of which no longer exist on the surface such as the saber-tooth tiger, the mastodon and the do-do bird. We were able to save them and bring them down to Telos.

JC: Do you keep them in zoos?
SD: No, people and animals get along peacefully in Telos. We’ve trained the carnivors to eat vegetarian food, and gradually they’ve lost their aggression. So literally, here the lion is lying down with the lamb! And you can actually play with a big cat, carefully!

JC: How can you live under the earth? Do you have light?

SD: Yes, we have a process in which stones with a high crystalline content are fused with an electro-magnetic force field of energy. This causes the crystalline matrix of the stone to create a polarity that allows the stone to pull in invisible rays and re-emit them as visible, full-spectrum light. The stone becomes like a small sun, for about 500,000 years. We dim them at night to stay on the same 24-hour day as you have on the surface.

JC: What about air? How do you get enough oxygen?

SD: We’ve created an eco-system. We get our oxygen from the plants and trees that grow here, though some vents do go to the surface. Water in some areas moves at high speeds, circulating air and negative ions. This is so effective, we have less and less dependence on air vents, and this is good because even the air around Mt. Shasta is becoming more polluted.

JC: How do you get around in Telos?

SD: We do a lot of walking, but there are three ways we can travel more quickly. One is something based on crystalline technology and looks just like a basket. You get in, and the basket is guided by your mind–you lift up into the air and float to your destination. This is used for travel around the city. The second method is an electro-magnetic sled that looks like a snowmobile, also used within the city. We can get from Mt. Shasta to Mt. Lassen, an extension of Telos [about 50 miles away], within a few minutes. The third way is electro-magnetic trains that travel at thousands of miles per hour through tubes, never touching the sides. These are similar to your subway trains, and are how we travel to the other subterranean cities around the planet.

JC: Do you build your tubes like we build our subway tunnels?

SD: No. We created the tubes with a boring machine that melts rock and earth to white-hot incandescence and then cools it again instantly, forming a diamond-hard, water-tight substance that is also elastic enough to move with an earthquake, like rubber. We build walls the same way, and there are even subterranean cities under
ocean water that have been built this way. We are preparing to bring this technology to the surface when the time is right.

JC: Sharula, could you be the “Bonnie” one author writes of in Mt. Shasta:
Home of the Ancients?
SD: Yes, I am that one. In those days I used a name to fit more easily with your society. But when I came to the surface to stay for a time, I wanted to use my real name.

(Continued from Part 2.)-
 JC: Are there others from Telos up here with us?

SD: Yes, people from all subterranean cities have merged with life on the surface, to benefit both civilizations. Some of them are well known.

JC: How does a Telosian come to the surface?
SD: There are three ways. There are entrances on Mt. Shasta, with holographic screening devices to make them invisible from the outside. If somebody wants to enjoy the stars or wander a bit on the mountain, he'll use these. The second way is to take a tube, such as to Los Angeles or another subterranean city of the Agartha network. And finally, you can take a scout ship, one of the smaller "space ships" we have.

JC: So some of those ships we see are yours?
SD: Yes, we call them the Silver Fleet. Along with the scout ships, we have three large mother ships. When the mother ships come out–the mountain opens physically–we don't want to scare people, so we've invented machines to create a cloud cover–you call them "cloud ships".

JC: Could one of us from the surface go down into Telos?
SD: In Telos there is no judgment of others, and we have telepathy between minds. Most people on the surface have judgment thoughts, and these are physically painful to a Telosian. Some are invited to go down, mostly students of spiritual masters. As the world changes into greater light and love, our two societies will come together. This will be a long-awaited and joyous time!

JC: When do you think that might be?
SD: We don’t know yet; when there is enough readiness in people on the surface.

JC: Would you describe a typical life in Telos, from birth?
SD: Well, when a woman first realizes she's pregnant, she goes to a temple room where she's given lots of loving support and surrounded with beautiful pictures and music. She sees her baby as beautiful and perfect. This love and perfection go right into its cells. Wonderful building blocks! Both parents talk to the child with great love, sing to it, etc. So it really knows it is loved and wanted. Pregnancy lasts only three months. JC: Three months! But how does the baby survive?

 SD: That’s all a baby needs in the womb; it’s born quite healthy and strong.
JC: What a difference!
SD: When the baby is ready to be born, the mother goes to a birthing section of the temple, where she's assisted by a birthing priestess. The birth is under water– painless–which is best for both the mother and the baby.
JC: Why is that a good way?
SD: As birth usually is on the surface, the baby's umbilical cord is cut long before it is ready or able to breathe easily and naturally. Often it is struck in order to start its breathing, so its first breath is taken in pain and fear. This leads to people shutting down their breath during life–being half alive!–and to diseases such as emphysema and other lung problems.

When a baby is born in Telos, it slides right in to warm water. It feels right at home. It continues to be connected to the mother by the umbilical cord for perhaps half an hour, while it floats around and rests from the birth process, being loved and welcomed by its parents. Finally, it starts to breathe fully on its own. Only then is the cord painlessly cut with a laser.

For the next two years, the father stays home to help with this crucial time of the child's life. It's vital that both father and mother, female and male are present for a child to be fully balanced. Each child is given twelve sets of godparents, most often with children of their own. It spends time with all these families, and begins to feel like all the world is family. This discourages cliques from forming, and de-rigidifies family patterns.

Education begins at three years, and it's based on the intelligence of the child, not its ignorance. Meditation is taught, reading, dance, sports, math, acting, abstract concepts, playwriting. The kids are taught to think for themselves, and work things out. In a "play and learn" concept, they learn self-expression without violence.
Beginning at age five, astral projection is taught, so that children can travel out of body and learn many things. They visit records of the past and view history for themselves; they visit the surface and even other planets. They learn that angels are real, and develop the faith to manifest from the unseen to the seen. They become wise and strong in themselves; there's no victimhood.

We call the teenage years the "years of temporary insanity.”
Kids join with others of their age under the supervision of wise and loving adults. They create plays, they might run wild in the lower caverns for a few days, scream and holler and let out their energy positively. They grow into whole adults–no alcoholism or other addictions.

JC: Is there any insanity on Telos?
SD: None. JC: Any crime?
SD: No.
JC: How about poverty?
SD: No, everyone has what they need and want.

JC: What is a typical home like?
SD: Homes are based on sacred geometries, mostly spheres. Our public buildings look a lot like those of ancient Greece.

JC: Do you have electricity and appliances like we do?
SD: We've developed machinery to tap energy from the ethers, so we don't need electricity. Some appliances are similar to yours, but more advanced. We even have a replicator, as on your TV show Star Trek, but most of the time people like to cook for themselves.

JC: Is your food anything like a surface vegetarian's?
SD: Very similar. We've stolen some of your ideas; we love pizza! Also chocolate.
JC: Do you have pets in Telos?
SD: Yes, just like you.

JC: How tall are Telosians, on average?
SD: About a foot taller than surface folks.
JC: And what's the average life span?
SD: There's no aging in Telos. We are genetically exactly the same as you, but we know we do not age; so we don't. There are a few American Indians in Telos, and they're hundreds of years or more old now.

JC: How old are you?
SD: 269. Most Telosians are between a few hundred and a few thousand years old. One man has been in his body for 30,000 years. We jokingly nicknamed him "Longest"!     JC: So you're a youngster! What about dating?
Do you get a gal who's 25 dating a guy who's 2,000?

SD: Often! (Laughs) JC: Is there any death in Telos?
SD: Yes, but it's rare. Sometimes a person dies in an accident. Pets do die.
JC: What happens when someone is ready to leave Telos?
SD: A large portion of people ascend–take their body into light and move into a lighter dimension. Others may not be ready to ascend, so they learn how to leave their body, and then dematerialize it.

JC: How does a society work where people just stay around?
SD: When people know they're going to live as long as they want to, and even stay young as long as they like, there comes a completely different feeling about life than you have on the surface.
There's not that "You're only young once!" kind of wildness that happens a lot in your society, with reckless behavior and maybe even drugs or alcohol.
Also, since you live for hundreds or thousands of years, you make sure you're taking care of the environment! You're more responsible. The most wonderful thing about living without aging or dying is that you get to do all the things you want to do. Up here, just about the time someone gets enough wisdom and knowledge to start really living, he's grown too old to do much with it.

JC: How is Telos governed?
SD: We have a Council of Twelve Plus One. The twelve who head the Temple are six men and six women, mostly ascended masters, people of high wisdom who stay balanced in any situation. They always set the good of the many above their own personal good, by following what God wants.

JC: What is the "Plus One"?
SD: The “One” is either the High Priest and Priestess, or the King and Queen of Telos. The Order of Melchizedek always balances male and female, which is vital to spiritual enlightenment.

JC: Who are the High Priest and Priestess?
SD: They are working partners. The High Priest is Adama, an ascended master working directly under Archangel Michael. He is a blue ray master, assisting humanity with ascension. The High Priestess is Terra Ra. She teaches the students in the Temple and is much loved by them. She also is an ascended master.

JC: And the king and queen of Telos?
SD: They are Ra and Rana Mu. This lineage is unbroken for over 30,000 years. Though royalty is inherited, it doesn't pass automatically to the oldest son or daughter. The king and queen decide which of their children or grandchildren is most capable of the job. That one then goes through full Temple training and becomes a Melchizedek Priest or Priestess.

JC: You are called "Princess.” Does that have anything to do with this lineage?
SD: Yes, I am a daughter of Ra and Rana Mu.

JC: Who makes the governing decisions?
SD: The Council of Twelve. When it makes a decision, the king and queen can back it, or they may request a change. If there is an unresolved question, the High Priest and Priestess have the final word. Below the main Council of Twelve are lower Councils of Twelve which handle any local disputes. Individual problems or arguments are handled by an arbitrator, a priest or priestess who has access to the akashic records of the past.

 JC: Why is this helpful?
SD: Because often disputes come forward from previous incarnations. When a decision is made, each person understands it is best for all concerned, and the matter is closed.
JC: Do you have money on Telos?
SD: No, we have a non-monetary basis of exchange.

JC: How does this work?
SD: The government owns everything, but isn't responsible for controlling anything. It makes sure, for instance, that food gets to the distribution outlets. When you need something–food, clothes, furniture, art, books, etc.–you simply go to a distribution center and pick it up.

 JC: If people don’t need to work for money on Telos, how does everything get done?
SD: Each person chooses what he wants to do. Say he decides to work in the hydroponic gardens; he sets his own hours, and lets his "foreman" know when he'll be there. And he does show up, because he knows everyone's well-being depends upon his doing his part. Some people's gifts are art, massage, etc. People have plenty of time to meditate, play, rest, go to the Temple for training, and grow spiritually.
{LT: 这比印度教和佛教僧侣们生活要高层次。
吃苦是不必要的; 玩乐和灵修是共时进行的。
首先, 你要对整个银河的知识有大致的掌握,
最后, 你在庙宇之中, 去领悟生命的真谛。
有人明白我在这儿说什么吗?  }

JC: What about the jobs nobody wants to do, like collecting the garbage?
SD: We all take turns doing community service–even Council of Twelve members. There is no one better than, and no one less than. So we might give four hours a month to collect and dematerialize the garbage, weed the gardens, pick up animal droppings, etc.
We're doing it with others so it becomes fun, we sing and have a good time.

JC: You actually dematerialize garbage?
SD: Yes.
JC: Could we ever use that skill on the surface!      SD: Yes.
JC: Do people get married on Telos?
SD: Yes, we have two kinds of marriages, bond marriage and sacred marriage. When two people feel they really have something together, they care for each other and want to see where it's going, they go to a priest or priestess and commit to a bond marriage. Sometimes these last for hundreds of years, but are usually shorter. Bond marriage partners don't have children. If the marriage doesn't work, they simply go again to the priest or priestess and it is dissolved–no stigma, no disharmony.
When a bond marriage becomes very deep and lasting, the two may choose a sacred marriage. This might happen after two hundred years together, or two months. They have a beautiful, large wedding. All of our children come from sacred marriages.

JC: Why did you choose to marry a man from the surface level of Earth?
SD: He is my twin flame, the masculine half of my soul. He chose to incarnate on the surface level to help fulfill our work together, that of merging our two societies into one.
JC: Are any of these master abilities practiced by at least some Telosians:
1) travel by thought (leaving no form behind); or 2) manifestation from the ether?

SD: People who have gone through temple training do learn these things eventually, when they are ready.
JC: Sharula, thank you for coming up to be with us and help merge our two societies. How long do you think you will stay on the surface?
SD: That is up to spirit.

©1995, Joanna Cherry.
You are most welcome and encouraged to share this article with others, as long as you credit the source. Thank you.

Source: www.lemurian.org



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