
发现地球真相, 蓝图先生研究银河大历史。

[外星学]猎户座文明 Orions (2002文)

(2017-07-27 19:34:30) 下一个

2017   外星学- 外星人再发现
外星学[1993地外生命体的远景] 银河人在这里  Galactic People [认知重要概念]
外星学[地外生命体的远景]昴宿星座人Pleiadians与天琴星座人 Lyrans
外星学[地外生命体的远景]天狼星人  Sirians
外星学[地外生命体的远景]齐塔网状星座人  Zetas
外星学[地外生命体的远景] 小灰人 Grays
[外星学]天龙人种类. 天龙人转生为人类  Dracos
[外星学] 大角星人 Arcturians
[外星学]猎户座文明  Orions (2002文)
[外星学] 阿斯塔指挥部  ashtar command
[外星学] 诺迪克外星人 Nordics ET
外星学[AC仙女座议会]仙女星座人述说的银河文明史  andromedans
[2004]Sal Rachele :The Truth about ETs
蓝图先生  汇编


[外星学]猎户座文明  Orions (2002文)
蓝图先生   悦读
-本文  7千字

据“光社区网络”说,事实,银河系有三大主角勢力 :
1. 整个星系中不同星系的[星际联合会]
Galactic Confederation of Light光之银河联盟
(包含了: 仙女星系议会 -  仙女星系,仙女星座,及多个星座的联合 ;
也包含了: 大角-天狼- 昴宿 – 南河三,等等 之议会)
2. [天龙.爬虫类联合]  Dracos &Reptilians 天龙-爬虫人联合
(包含了:  天龙人联盟 Draco Federation;
也包含了, 其中的一个传说中的群体称为 "Annunaki阿努纳奇人--- 是他们建立了地球的光明会 Illuminati。)
3. [猎户座帝国]- 猎户爬虫 + 齐塔之灰人
又形成了三个小组,占主导地位的是 [猎户座]”帝国”,黑色抵抗联盟(组织);以及这两个群体的从属支配者 (例如,灰人群体)。  {电影 -[木星上行],表现了这个帝国。}
”帝国Empire” 和 "黑色抵抗联盟Black League resistance "是经常发生冲突的。黑色抵抗联盟`  是 “帝国”的反对派, 相当于在野党。

 http://www.lyssaroyal.net/   [Lyssa Royal莉萨?罗沃]
admin | 2015-12-07

猎户座星人杰曼(Germain)通过心灵感应告诉了地球人莉萨?罗沃(Lyssa Royal)

你们的祖先与我们猎户座星人有着悠长的历史,就比如古埃及的吉萨金字塔(Giza Pyramid)和狮身人面像是主要由我们猎户座星人在一万五千年以前建造的。这些建筑的真实年份要比你们的科学家测量的还要早许多年。金字塔建筑所用的石头其实是通过空中漂浮技术搬移完成的。
在古埃及的神话中奥西里斯国王(King Osiris) 其实指的是猎户座,而伊西斯皇后(Queen ISIS)指的是大犬座(天狼星);还有吉萨金子塔(Giza Pyramid)在夜空中所对应的猎户座右边七颗星指的是昴宿星云,就是你们俗称的七姐妹星云,昴宿星人对埃及文明也有很大的积极影响。

  你们可以从雕刻在金子塔墙上的图画中看到我们的长相和形态:我们有人形的,鸟头人身形的 ,狮头人身形的,还有一些长着很长头骨的外星人。比如古埃及的哈托儿女神(Goddess Hathor)其实就是一位猎户座星人和地球人的混血后代;因为她具有更高的精神意识并且具有一些你们古埃及的祖先没有的特异功能而被追捧为神灵。
{ 哈索尔之书: 来自扬升的文明The Hathor Material: Messages from an Ascended Civilization. September, 1996}

如果你对飞碟、外星人和神秘事物很感兴趣的话,那么很有可能你就是一个星际种子 star seeds!



作者:  Noel Huntley 2002
翻译:  LT的机器 (2017)


Germain[一个猎户座外星人.杰曼]通过由Lyssa Royal莉萨?罗沃传讯,告诉我们,Orions猎户座人是89%来自织女星和11%的来自天琴Lyran。请注意,Vega织女是天琴星座的最大恒星星体,
而我们这里感兴趣的Orions猎户座人显然来自Betelgeuse和Rigel星  [参宿4, 参宿7]。
[Lyssa Royal莉萨的传讯, 并不代表 "猎户帝国- 以参宿4,参宿7为主."]

在Lyren天琴(11%)的猎户座人之中,大多数是浅棕色皮肤,约10%是具有轻毛发的白种人。虽然他们的身体是像我们这样的水基,但它们具有油性,脂肪含量就像一种润滑剂。另外,正如我们前面指出的那样,小灰人greys占猎户座人口的一小部分;他们的起源,是Zeta Reticuli齐塔,是猎户座星座的邻居。

猎户座人拥有侵略性的声誉/名声,并参与了许多破坏性的战争。请注意,男性的能量与Orion星系统的演化有关; 而Sirius天狼星系的居民也非常涉及地球,是具有女性的能量或极性。

虽然意识与技术之间存在共生关系,但是猎户座种族可能将这一原则推向极限,发展出先进技术(一种类型),同时仍然发动战争。典型的情景是“光明对抗黑暗”; 爱好和平的猎户座人反对 具“侵略性”猎户座人。

1. 整个星系中不同星系的[星际联合会]
Galactic Confederation of Light光之银河联盟
(包含了: 仙女星系议会 -  仙女星系,仙女星座,及多个星座的联合 )
2.  [爬虫类联合]  Dracos & Reptilians 天龙-爬虫联合   ---*天龙人是领导角色。
(包含了, 其中的一个群体称为 "Annunaki阿努纳奇人--- 是他们建立了地球的光明会 Illuminati。)
3. [猎户座帝国]- 猎户爬虫 + 齐塔之灰人
又形成了三个小组,占主导地位的是 [猎户座]
“帝国”,黑色抵抗联盟Black League Resistance(组织),以及这两个群体的支配者 (例如,灰人群体)。
{黑色抵抗联盟`  是 “帝国”的反对派, 相当于在野党。}

在地球上存在的`威权特征 (独裁)`在(多种)ET文明中并不典型,这些主要遗传了猎户座人的习性。

包括黑社会在内的许多猎户座人去了马尔代克Maldek,定居下来 - 这是我们系统中被许多所谓的”堕落天使”所居住的星球,他们有机会进行改革。{这里提出,  Maldek上的人的根源是猎户座人, 他们是好战份子。}
一些消息来源表明,由于Nibiru尼比鲁巨大的星球与其他行星的反向进入我们的太阳系统,所以被震撼(或扰乱了)。这时候,这些黑暗力量中的许多都在地球上因此,这个 星球上的威权本质就包括强制依赖权力。


具有天琴血统特色的猎户星座人,特别引人注目。事实上,他们的祭司,生命是在一般人口的两倍 – 寿命约一千年 - 有明亮的蓝色眼睛,由于严格的精神训练,包括饮食和精神的经验,改变了这种颜色。眼睛的常见颜色是棕色。他们的身高通常在7英尺高。


尽管有精神上的影响,猎户星系文明中仍然存在着`猎户座帝国`与`黑色社会抵抗联盟Black League resistance` 之间无休止的冲突。
[ `帝国`的管治者是 天龙.爬虫. &高灰人。]


*这些灰人主要是与地球政府谈判条约和秘密交易的人。These Greys are mainly the ones who negotiate treaties and secret deals with Earth governments.
*这些灰人主要是与地球政府谈判条约和秘密交易的人。   {20世纪,美帝政府所接触到的灰人群体, 很可能就是来自于 `猎户帝国`。}

    此外, `黑色社会抵抗联盟’团体显然在(地球)山内建成了城市。 帝国强制执行受控生殖,儿童数量等,也由Orion猎户法律执行,被禁止记住。然而,`黑色抵抗组织Black League resistance`没有受到这种心理控制;  他们祭司似乎是从属这个类别[黑色抵抗组织]或是受控制/支配群体。
.  [叙述猎户影响下的地球文明]
一个文明,特别是表达我们所了解的猎户座能量 - 更男性化 - 将是Vivinau行星越来越接近星系的中心。
        “适合者” - 不统治和随后接受培训的人(不抵制,无政府状态,恐怖分子,示威者)
        “万能者” - 那些统治者
    他们(猎户帝国)现在注意到,他们的影响是无效的;他们的最后一台监视器在1957年访问了地球,对现在的影响也在减小。他们接受`造物者不再需要他们的援助 - 他们的能量 - 在地球上,
{猎户对于地球的影响正在失效; 似乎是由于更高层次的生命 [天堂],有其他更好的计划。}
  这些猎户战士想知道我们将如何应付。他们显然是以消除仇恨罪,罪犯,恐怖分子,秩序的原则行事,似乎并没有认识到, 最终康复(和平)是唯一的解决办法,
[黑衣人 MIB -men-in-black]

但他们坚持认为,他们保护我们免受负面的Sirians天狼人侵害,并且(讽刺的是,MIB认为)所有这样的种族,比如昴宿星人, “试图让你模彷他们...他们是溷乱的。”


(MIB 是一种克隆体生命。他们执行 `猎户帝国的计划。)

{Zoltec: The Explorer Race Books I & II   -外星种族探索书I ,II.}
(佐尔泰克)Zoltec指出, 是[黑色社会联盟Black League]的无政府状态,他说他最初把亚特兰蒂斯带走了,他将他们比作恐怖分子。在亚特兰蒂斯之前,他们从猎户座行星追逐到马尔代克Maldek,这是我们太阳系中的一个小行星,根据Zoltec的有序文明, Maldek被黑色联盟摧毁,现在是木星和火星之间的一群小行星。
{* 一的法则说,  70万年前, Maldek被摧毁; 50万年前, Maldek人转生为 火星人, 7.5万年前, 火星人转生为地球人。 古地球的文明史:
Hyperborea希柏波里尔 – Lemuria利莫里亚 – Atlantics阿特兰提斯  -  1万年前大洪水 – 今轮 7000年文明。]
(下文表达不好, 我不作翻译了。)
据Zoosh说, (Maldek人)利用推进燃料被开发出来,以加速他们超越光速逃脱。
 “氢氧组合” 燃料不稳定但非常强大。它大量制造,足以摧毁地球。许多这些破坏性的生物(Maldek人)现在在地球上被化身(转生)。

当被问及他们与创作者的沟通时,他用“铠甲”和“剑”的形式,描述了金色的女性战士的“全能者”的访问。她被描述为终极女性;只要用她的剑感动就是“一件奇妙的事情”。以上猎户座武士素材是从“探险者种族The Explorer Race Books”的书籍中获取的。

显然,创造者可以与这些战士交流的唯一方式是他们可以接受的形式 - 实际上是在自己的制作中。他们似乎完全被女性化的能量所阻挡,或者一个可以和谐地解决所有问题的世界。尽管他们的心理能力,他们的经验,智慧和技术,他们被困住了。
然而,如果他们知道,他们会对他们进行什么样的进化,他们会误会它,并拒绝它 - 只是因为必要的女性气质。

因此,似乎在这方面,人们的看法似乎比人类有限。当Zoltec被问及猎户座的未来(他们有透视未来的概率等方面的先进技术)时,他回答说他不想知道。他们不喜欢他们看到的;提醒我们人类 - 弱者。
作为关于猎户星座的一些最关键的信息,他们显然在Cape Good Hope[非洲好望角]下创造了巨大的洞穴。闪亮的灯书将这个大小描述为罗德岛的数量级。
显而易见,这些猎户座人团队立即作出回应,并很快抵达一艘大型船只。根据Zoosh材料,他们的技术是这样的,他们在Cape Good Hope建造了大约150英里的洞穴,并在大约16个小时内完成了这项工作,主要是为了拯救亚特兰提斯人。

之后,他们在猎户座离开了, 回到他们的家庭星球。


 by Noel Huntley    2002
The Orion constellation is one of the most brilliant. In legend, it represents a mighty hunter brought down by his own pride.

He boasts he could slay all wild animals but he was killed by a scorpion. The constellation's most celebrated feature is the huge nebula 1,500 light years away that lies within the hunter's sword.
Amongst the hundreds of stars in the system are two super giants, Betelgeuse and Rigel, 430 and 770 light years away, respectively.

   Germain, channeled by Lyssa Royal, tells us that Orions are 89% Vegan and 11% Lyran. Note that Vega is a star in the Lyra constellation of stars, whereas the Orions we are interested in are apparently from the Betelgeuse and Rigel star systems.

Of the Orions who are Vegan (89%) in nature, most are of the human type  - a smaller percentage is nonhuman.

Of the Orions who are Lyran stock (11%), most are light-browned skin, and about 10% are Caucasian type with light hair. Although their bodies are water based like ours they have an oily, fatty content acting like a lubricant.
Also, as we indicated earlier, the little Greys occupy a small percentage of the Orion population; their origin, Zeta Reticuli, is a neighbor of the Orion constellation.

Thus, overall, the genetic differences are quite marked.

Orions have a reputation for possessing an aggressive nature and have been involved in many destructive wars. Note that the masculine energy is associated with the evolution of beings from the star systems of Orion, which are related to Earth, whereas inhabitants of the Sirius star system, also very much involved with Earth, carry the feminine energy or polarity.

Although there is a symbiosis between consciousness and technology, the Orion races probably pushed this principle to the limit and developed advanced technology (of a type) while still war-waging. The typical scenario was the Light against the Dark; peace-loving Orions opposed by self-serving 'aggressive' Orions.

According to Light Network there are three major players in the galaxy:

1        the Intergalactic Confederation of different star systems throughout the galaxy

2.       the Reptoid Federation, a conglomeration of many reptoid species
3.  the Orion Empire, ruled by one leader
Now within the domain of the Orion Empire, three groups formed, the dominant Orion Empire, the Black League resistance (to the Empire), and the victims of both these groups.

Even though this pattern of behavior still operates it is less widespread and many individuals have been awakened since the incarnation in Orion of a great avatar.

The authoritarian trait, present on Earth, is not typical amongst ET civilizations and has been acquired from Orion.

Many Orions, including the Black League, went to Maldek and settled - this is the planet in our system that was inhabited by many of the so-called fallen angels, who were given the opportunity to reform.
As is well known, the civilization failed to turn to a more spiritual path and the planet was destroyed, leaving the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.


Some sources indicate it was struck (or disturbed) by the huge planet Nibiru as it entered our system in its counter-direction to the other planets. Many of these Dark forces are on Earth at this time; hence the authoritarian nature that pervades this planet, including an enforced reliance on authority.

On the positive side, however, the Orions have contributed their mental powers for the development of smoothly running systems on Earth. They beam the yellow ray frequency to earth for the stabilization of the intuitive powers within human consciousness.

They are the source for many organizational structures of government, business and industry. Nevertheless this energy is only relevant to Earthman's frequencies, which we shall outgrow and then receive other energies from more advanced races, such as the Lyrans.

Of the genetic percentages mentioned above, the smaller group of nonhuman Vegans would cover the Greys and reptilians and accompanying varieties.

It is not uncommon for abductees to refer to small aliens (Greys) directed by a single tall alien (reptilian type, or sometimes, Nordic). The Greys tend to be servants or mercenaries for the tall reptilians.
These Greys and Dracos are known as the Rigelians (from the Rigel star) and are extremely dangerous.

  The Orions, who have Vegan characteristics, have particularly striking eyes. In fact their priests, who live twice as long as the general population - about a thousand years - have bright blue eyes, which change to that color as a result of strict spiritual training, involving diet and psychic experience. The common color for the eyes is brown. Their height is usually in the 7 foot- tall category.

The duties of these priests is the education in theory and practice of all aspects of relationships for both marital and premarital subjects, including procreation rituals, in which full intimacies occur during a 24-hour stay in the priest's temples as a normal custom. Appearance remains similar from young to old with no senility. Attraction is not physical; awareness of inner-consciousness dominates.

In spite of the spiritual implications, there appears still to remain within the Orion civilizations the never-ending conflict between the Orion Empire and the Black League resistance. The Empire appears to be run mainly by the Greys working with a Federation of Draconian Reptilians, with the aim of extending their domination to other planets.

These Greys are mainly the ones who negotiate treaties and secret deals with Earth governments.

The resistance group have apparently built cities in and within the mountains. The Empire enforces controlled procreation, numbers of children, etc. and also enforces by Orion law that it is 'forbidden to remember'. The resistance group, however, are free from this mental control. The priests would seemingly be either from this category or the victim group.

Their customs are bound to rituals; imagination is not very free and children are told of the myth of Earth: of the freedom to be anything.

A civilization, particularly expressing what we understand by Orion energy - more masculine - would be the race from planet Vivinau nearer towards the the centre of the galaxy.

This is the home of the Warrior League. The Warrior League brings order to their society, and is essentially divided into,

        the 'amenable' -  people who would not rule and are subsequently trained to be amenable (no resistance, or anarchy, terrorists, protestors)
  the 'omnipotent' - those who would rule

The interaction of this race with humans was considered by the Orions to have the purpose of bringing a similarly designed order to us claiming this is a duty on their part given by the 'Creator'.

They notice now, however, they are ineffective; their last monitors having visited Earth in 1957 with decreasing influence to the present. They accept that the Creator no longer requires their assistance - their energy - on Earth any more, and that the Creator apparently has other plans.

These warriors wonder how we will cope. They apparently operate on the principle of destroying negativity, criminals, terrorists, to bring order, not seemingly recognizing that ultimately rehabilitation is the only way, or simply not reflecting these 'negativities' into the environment from one's own mind.

This latter, is clearly the path for humans, hence the Creator's removal of this Orion influence.

Zoltec of the warrior league answers questions via channeling in the Explorer Race books. He states that the average height of this race is over 7 feet tall. They have a similar body to humans but tougher skin. They consider humans weak, physically, mentally and emotionally - they utilize the power of passion.

Their form and means of help to Earth has been through the so-called men-in-black (MIB).
Much has been written about these mysterious 'emissaries'. From the Earth person's viewpoint more negativity seems to be associated with these MIB than positive.

But they insist that they have protected us from the negative Sirians and also (ironically) from all such races as the Pleiadians, who are,

'trying to get you to imitate them... they are chaotic.'

Also the MIB influence government decisions by advocating adherence to their successful societal model and that societies which have used that form of government on Earth have survived the longest.

Note that they praise and respect the Roman Empire.

The MIB are of human size and roughly similar appearance but contain the Orion soul essence. The bodies are cloned by the little Greys who are also in the Orion system. These clones with Orion souls are the MIB.

They are sent in small space capsules to Earth; a journey taking about seven years. On arrival they are trained for a year or so in Earth customs, etc., at an Orion station. They apparently cannot stand our weak energy.

Zoltec refers to the anarchy from the Black League, which he states originally brought down Atlantis, and he likens them to our terrorists. Prior to Atlantis they were chased from the Orion planets to Maldek, a small planet in our solar system with an ordered civilization according to Zoltec, destroyed by the Black League, now a cluster of asteroids between Jupiter and Mars.


According to Zoosh a propulsion fuel was developed to accelerate them beyond light speed for their escape.
The fuel, a 'hydrogen-oxygen combinant' was unstable but extremely powerful. It was manufactured in large quantities and was sufficient to destroy the planet. Many of these destructive beings then incarnated on Earth.

When asked how they communicate with the Creator, he describes visitations of the 'All-Powerful' in the form of a female warrior of golden light with armor and sword. She is described as the ultimate female; just to be touched with her sword was 'a wonderful thing.' The above Orion warrior material is taken from the Explorer Race books.

Clearly the only way the Creator could communicate to these warriors was in a form acceptable to them - virtually in their own making. They appear to be totally blocked of feminine energy or a world in which all problems can be solved harmoniously. In spite of their psychical abilities, their experience, intelligence and technology, they are stuck.

If they knew, however, what evolution had in store for them they would misunderstand it and reject it - simply because of the necessary feminine energy.


   Hence it seems they must have more limited perception in this area than humans. When Zoltec was asked about the future of Orion (and they have advanced technologies for seeing future probabilities, etc.) he replied he didn't want to know. They didn't like what they saw; reminded them of humans - weak.

As a final piece of information about the Orions of some interest was the fact that they apparently created the huge cavern under Cape Good Hope. The Shining The Light books describe the size of this as of the order of magnitude as Rhode Island.

Following one of the many Atlantis disasters, in which the surface of Earth was not habitable, the Atlanteans, who survived, sent out signals for help.

The Orions apparently immediately responded and shortly arrived in a large ship. According to the Zoosh material their technology was such that they built the cavern about 150 miles under Cape Good Hope and did this in about 16 hours - primarily for the Atlanteans.

   However, their motivations weren't without self-interest. Any opportunity to preserve a connection with Earth was taken advantage of in case they needed to utilize it in the future, such as for resources.

Thus they did in fact examine the probabilities for their future which showed they did need the connection with Earth for the next 100,000 years. They thus set up equipment in one 'corner' of the cavern, and protected it with fields, even of a nature to make Atlanteans sick if they came close.

After this they left for their home planet in Orion.




[ 打印 ]