
发现地球真相, 蓝图先生研究银河大历史。

[10年NESARA简史] NESARA简史 自公元2000年以来

(2017-06-25 23:30:32) 下一个

蓝图先生  汇编 2014.]
[NESARA全球繁荣计划] 2014 迎接新地球
[2014.NESARA全球繁荣计划]  一份简介
[10年NESARA-GoodWin菇雯] 白骑士与 NESARA
[10年NESARA简史] NESARA简史  自公元2000以来
[10年NESARA] 向站在前线的 NESARA骑士们致敬
[10年NESARA] 向冲在前线的抵抗运动战士们致敬
[NESARA在2013]瑞士NESARA - 2013.12.19 -…
[NESARA经典] 楚雯: NESARA  2012 报告

[10年NESARA简史] NESARA简史  自公元2000年以来   
NESARA的历史      由Nancy Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div彙編
树下聆风   http://blog.sina.com.cn/erque   /黄金时代(121)
NESARA的历史2012-07-01 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5cd53c6101017eqp.html
[精编版] NESARA资料&历史  2013-06-18
Hetoka:  http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_c1eac0770101brah.html  1892-2011
译者:小鸡飞 . 原文出处:http://www.pathwaytoascension.com/nesarahistory.html
简史重编者:   蓝图先生LT  2013.12      
2000.10.10 –  在2000年10月10日,由于克林顿总统的克隆人没有兴趣将NESARA签署成为法律;在来自美国军方将领的命令下,海豹突击队和
三角洲部队中的精锐部队直捣白宫,并以枪口逼迫比尔·克林顿签署NESARA。在此期间,特勤部和白宫安全人员被 命令退下,解除武装,并被允许在禁口令下见证这一事件。
打从一开始,老布什、公司政府、大银行机构和卡莱尔集团(译注:Carlyle group,也叫凯雷投资集团,建于1987年,是美国最大的国防产品承包商,也是全球规模最大和实力最强大的私有资产投资公司之一。本·拉登的家族也是卡莱尔集团的投资者。)就反对NESARA。为了保密,在正式的国会登记条目中,案件细节和案件号被密封和修改;来反映一枚纪念币,而再一次它最近被修改得更多。这就是为什么没有公开的国会记录以及为什么对这项法律的搜寻不会获得正确的详情,直到改革案公开以后。
国会议员不会透露NESARA,因为美国最高法院命令他们否认它的存在,否则会面临叛国的指控并判处死刑。国会的一些议员实际上已经被指控妨碍公务。当明尼苏达州的参议员保罗·威尔斯通(Paul Wellstone)正打算打破禁口令时,它的小型客机坠毁,夺走了他的妻子,女儿和他本人的生命。
关于NESARA的大量假情报可以在网上找到,这并不奇怪。维基百科的文章完全是虚假信息。哈维·弗朗西斯·巴纳德(Harvey Francis Barnard)博士的NESARA议案——《国民经济稳定与复苏法案》(National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act)在90年代遭到国会否决。巴纳德博士是一名系统哲学家,并且多年来试图让国会对他的货币改革提议感兴趣。巴纳德博士的密友,Darrell Anderson的一份证词可见于:
你也可以在此网站上读到Darrell Anderson的文章。这两人都对货币改革感兴趣。
2001.9.11 – 下一步是向全世界宣布NESARA,但这不是一件容易的事。很多有权有势的集团试图阻止   NESARA的实施。
2001年在经过多次谈判后,最高法院大法官命令第107届国会通过决议批 准NESARA。这发生在2001年9月9日,距NESARA成为法律后18个月。在2001年9月10日,老布什迁入白宫去指导他的儿子如何阻碍宣布。 第二天,2001年9月11日,在东部夏令时早上10点,阿兰·格林斯潘被安排去宣布新的美国财政部银行系统,对所有美国公民的债务免除,以及国内税务局 的废除,作为NESARA公告的第一部分。
2003, 2004
"合一之鸽”~姗尼.茹雯Shaini Goodwin ,   里都Sheldan Nidle,  珍妮花李Jennifer Lee,贝宁格 Patrick H. Bellringer (发表署名Casper的文章) 等人开始发佈讯息, 公开及支持 NESARA法案的真相和实践。
2005 – 哈维·F·巴纳德Harvey Barnard死于2005年5月18日。
(1996)2005年出版他的著作第二版,重命名为《整顿秩序:NESARA的故事——货币和财政政策改革》(Draining the Swamp: The NESARA Story - Monetary and Fiscal Policy Reform)。
2005 – 坎迪斯Candace Frieze   创办无限希望网站AH, 首次全面地介绍[地球之书], 及介绍星际人类及扬升大师, Hatonn, Sananda,St.Germain, Mother Sekhmet, Buddha佛陀,Mohammed 穆罕默德等。陆续发表了数量颇多的 [CM基督迈克系列]的讯息。
2010   "合一之鸽”(Dove of Oneness)即Shaini Candace Goodwin 姗尼.菇雯
于 2010年逝世。
[NESARA -鸽子报告 Dove Report] 全文 2003 (nesara.us / nesaralaw.us)
2011 – 债务上限溃裂激起了对NESARA重燃的兴趣。当我们看着世界经济崩溃,我们可以知道NESARA法律仍在幕后,准备着被宣布。
2012-2013 中文世界:
NESARA  和 [事件] 对于中文世界的朋友, 楚雯 和 [地球盟友眼镜蛇.Cobra] 是 2 个有广泛影响力的讯息来源。
 1-1.   [E.Trutwin楚雯: NESARA 2012 报告]   (2011.12.06)    中文翻译: 林琚月
 1-2     E.Trutwin: NESARA法案 10.30.2013  http://elizabethtrutwin.org/nesara-law/
这篇有精彩图片。这篇文字仍未有中文翻译。但其大意 已在 [楚雯: NESARA  2012 报告]之中了。
2.   一群台湾的光工作者, 汇结了 [地球盟友眼镜蛇]  [准备转变网站PrepareforChang.net]  的资料,整理成一本 [地球的真相与未来]小册子,
觉醒与地球解放事件   地球的真相与未来《民众版》
在线阅读              http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_8e38ed3e0101pyn2.html
 [地球的真相与未来(精华版)   http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_b7a0dc3e0101izxh.html

2014/2015?    [地球事件] 之后, 大宣佈 NESARA法案。
[E.Trutwin楚雯] 撒南达: “大揭露”& “NESARA”& “大宣布” 舞台已经准备好了 (20130906)

[19成员] 宣佈NESARA法案
银河人类GP- Galactic People:   Lady Master Nada娜达夫人,  Lord Sananda撒南达, Lady Master Athena雅典娜女神, Lord Ashtar阿斯塔司令官, Lady Master Diuja, Lord Lincor, Mother Sekhmet母赛克麦特, Lord Alcyone阿尔康父,
 St. Germain圣哲曼大师, Lord Michael (Archangel)大天使迈克, Lord Metatron (Archangel)大天使梅塔特隆, Lord Haaton/ Hatonn(凤凰号指挥官),   Lord Korton, Lord Mon Ka, Lord Rama Arjuna罗摩 阿朱那 (印度教主神 ).
地球人类:  President Obama奥巴马总统, First Lady Michelle Obama美国第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马, President Clinton克林顿总统, Stephen Bassett斯蒂芬·巴塞特(上次DC外星公听会主办人.)
NESARA法案宣佈者: 娜达夫人Lady NaDa;  助手:Patrick Fitzgerald 法官.
[* 注: 以上是来自 ACIO组织,楚雯的情报。]
1.   NESARA金融体系如何应用在 中国?   ~ [NESARA 金融议题]
2.   NESARA 和 地球扬升    ~[NESARA 人类信念/哲学]
NESARA 版本 代替地球旧版本 (Annuanki 版本), 促使地球文明提升;
地球  "同一的意识" Conscious of Oneness 呈现。
宗教融合, 种族平等, 人们热爱和平, 地球正式扬升。
3.   [NESARA  和 星际人类GP- Galactic People]
重新认识地球的历史, 和人类的真相。
4.  [NESARA  和 全意识的回归 Full Consciousness]
 地球大周期終结, 人类大实验结束。人类是多维度存在的生命,这是一个事实。 很多出色的人类可以毕业, 回归 全意识。
 未能通过毕业的 同学们, 只好重读。他們将转生于 另一个第三维度的行星, 重覆应该学习的课程。


NESARA 英文:   2003年以来的讯息汇总
http://goldengaiadb.com/NESARA     Last revised: 22 Feb. 2013

(Not Found The requested URL /NESARA was not found on this server.     //2017)




By Patrick H. Bellringer May 7th 2003

   We are living in very exciting and, yet, very challenging times.  I am reminded of the words of a song.  “The world, my dears, is waiting for the sunrise”.  Indeed!  The world is waiting for the sunrise of NESARA!  Again we are totally frustrated at the slowness of the process of the implementation of NESARA, the one thing that has the possibilities of finally changing our world for the better.

     The Dove Report for May 5, 2003 has again raised the questions for many of, “Who’s in charge?” and “What Plan are we really on---A or B?”  I assure you that St. Germain is totally in charge, and that we are on Plan B!  The White Knights as a group “blew” their chances of Plan A on April 15, 2003 by refusing to honor the World Court’s deadline for the announcement of NESARA.  At that point St. Germain exercised his option of Plan B and has continued forward with Plan B ever since.  He had been given the authority by the World Court more than a year ago to take charge of NESARA using the Faction Three White Knights, should the White Knights as a group fail their task of announcing NESARA.

     I shall explain again the various “Factions” of White Knights and their loyalties.

Faction One White Knights are key people in the U.S. government and military who work for and are totally loyal to G.W. Bush and Co.

Faction Two White Knights are key people in various areas of government, business, education, military etc., who have divided loyalties.  Some work for the Rockefeller Family.  Some work for G.W. Bush and Co.  Some work for big business.  Some work for the Pentagon.  Many of these White Knights are sincerely working for the good of the people of the United States and of the world  Many of the White Knights of Faction Two are obviously double agents and have proven themselves to be so.

Faction Three White Knights are top Delta Force people who are of high integrity and are totally dedicated to the recovery of our nation and our world from the darkside.  They fully support NESARA, and are working hard to bring it to fruition.  These are the White Knights who are presently working with St. Germain to accomplish Plan B.

     The repeated failure of the White Knights of the world to announce NESARA is the direct result of two main conditions.  First, they have operated almost entirely within the realm of third dimension (3D).  They have used 3D thinking, action and technology to attempt to win against a fourth dimensional foe.  Secondly, their ranks are filled with many disloyal White Knights, whose only motive is to sabotage the NESARA process.  These are double agents of Faction One and Faction Two who work for the darkside.  Because of their deceit, most of these “gray Knights” are now gone from planet Earth.

     With the authority for NESARA transferred on April 15, 2003 to St. Germain and Faction Three, NESARA could now move forward in all seriousness.  At his request on April 21, 2003 St. Germain was given full authority by the World Court to use the Forces of Light to assist in accomplishing his mission.  With all the help that Heaven allows, and that’s a lot, NESARA is now being accomplished and is only days away from its full worldwide implementation.  I will explain in greater detail what is now occurring, but first I wish to answer some questions concerning terminology.

     Various terms and names have been used in the Jennifer Lee and Dove Reports and by myself which need further explanation. The Forces of Light are various beings of 5D and high dimensions who have come to planet Earth from the Lighted Realms to assist our Earth and her people at this time.  They have been sent by Creator God at our request.  Earth humans often refer to them as angels or good aliens.  They have various tasks and capabilities as indicated by their names, e.g., warriors/soldiers of Light, Ascended Masters, Archangels, healing angels, etc.  These Lighted Beings graduated into higher dimensions of existence after completing their lessons in soul growth in third dimension.

     “A” and “A” of the Jennifer Reports are husband and wife of eleven years, middle aged, and living in Santa Fe, New Mexico.  The father of “A” (husband) is Commander Ashtar of the Mothership The New Jerusalem, a starship of 5000 miles in diameter, which is orbiting planet Earth at this time.  “A” was given the choice of ascension to 5D earlier in life but chose to remain in 3D with the option to occasionally go into 5D in the physical.  “A” has full memory of past lifestreams and speaks in person with his father, Ashtar, St. Germain, St. Michael, Sananda, Mother Sekhmet, KOS and others when he goes aboard The New Jerusalem.  “A” communicates directly by phone or in person with KOS, the King of Swords or the King.  Sananda (Esu Jesus Immanuel) as Admiral Sananda is in complete charge of our planet Earth Shan’s present transition into fifth dimension.  St. Germain is working under Admiral Sananda and is in charge of the World Trust which backs the funding of the Farm Claims and prosperity programs.  St. Germain has full responsibility for the recovery of the United States of America to a Constitutional Republic again, and now holds full authority for the announcing and implementation of NESARA.

     KOS, the King of Swords or the King is a Vietnam veteran of high Delta Force standing.  He commands the White Knights of the world as well as Faction Three, who are also Delta Force.  KOS works directly under the authority of St. Germain and has given much assistance to Mother Sekhmet in the removal of the darkside from planet Earth at this time.  The King of Swords’ top two Delta Force commanders are called the Alien Hunter and Terry the Terrible.  KOE stands for King of Egypt.  KOE is not in actuality the King of Egypt but a very wealthy and powerful good White Knight Arab from Arabia.  The “Nameless Ones” are two very famous and good White Knights who presently reside as a husband and wife team in Tibet.  Lady Nada is the twin flame of Sananda, is in charge of actual funding of the prosperity programs and Farm Claims and resides currently in Lebanon.  Mr. X is an ex-policeman from Idaho who heads the U.S. Militia of the fifty states.  He is next in command under the King of Swords.

     The Dove of Oneness lives in the Olympia, Washington area.  She is a middle aged lady “walk-in” of eleven years and a Wingmaker from 750 years into the future.  Having returned from the future, the Dove knows that we accomplished NESARA and the Age of Peace and Enlightenment.  She communicates directly with St. Germain, key White Knights of Faction Two, and with many entities of the higher dimensions.  It should be noted that in the Dove Report of May 5, 2003 the reference to “The White Knights have a schedule for doing NESARA which does not include any day this week” refers to Faction Two White Knights.

     Finally, Jennifer Lee is a young housewife with a five year old son living in Los Angeles, California.  She volunteered to assist “A” and “A” with their daily presentation of the progress of NESARA, thus, the Jennifer Lee Reports.  This discussion reads like a science fiction novel, because in our world of lies, the Truth is in fact stranger to us than fiction.

     Let us now turn to the Truth behind the lies of the media.  On Sunday, May 4, 2003 G.W. Bush made a highly media advertised “address to the nation” from aboard the U.S. aircraft carrier, The Abraham Lincoln, off the coast of California.  He told the world that the U.S. Military combat phase of the war with Iraq was over. What G.W. Bush did not tell the world was that he had ordered the U.S. military to immediately do a full force military attack on Afghanistan in an attempt to start World War III.  What is not reported by the media but in reality looks like a Star Wars movie has been occurring in Afghanistan this week.  The U.S. and British Militaries have been battling the Star Fleets of the Forces of Light for world control. Guess who is winning?

     Meanwhile the deliberate killings go on in Baghdad and all over Iraq and Palestine.  The occupying forces under the guise of liberation are securing their control to assure that puppet governments will be established who are subservient to the Khazarian Zionist Bolshevik (KZB) government of the U.S./Israel.   The U.S. and British military are scouring Iraq in an attempt to find the alien technology left by the ancient Sumerian Empire which once covered the area today of Iran and Iraq  Some the this technology is held under the protection of the Kurds of northern Iraq.  As a side note, the Israeli Mossad covertly obtained one of these alien devices held by the Kurds and helped G.W. Bush and Co. to use it for time travel in the 9/11 fiasco.  The World Trade Towers were moved in time, emptied of most people and contents and returned prior to their collapse.  That is why office furniture, computers, generators for each floor, the original flag pole, etc., were missing in the rubble.  With the aid of the Forces of Light this time travel machine was returned to the Kurds.  There will never be peace on earth and NESARA until the evil KZB are dashed to bits.  This is now happening.

     On Monday morning, May 5, 2003 people all over the world were reported missing.  Their beds were empty.  They did not come to breakfast.  They did not show up for work.  Why?  Some of these missing persons were removed by the darkside in a last attempt to stop NESARA.  They were good White Knights in top positions of business, government and military in countries around the world who held key positions in the progress of NESARA.  They are being held in a secret location by the darkside, but the Forces of Light are protecting them and are watching every move of the darkside.

     Most of those missing persons on Monday were taken by Mother Sekhmet, St. Michael, St. Germain and the King of Swords because of their evil deeds.  They have worked hard to win world control and still have the naïve notion that they can win against the Forces of Light.  Not so!   The Spiritual Battle of Armageddon was fought on planet Earth over the past few months and won by the Forces of Light.  The alien beings of higher dimension such as the Reptilian/Draconian/Serpent people and the 25 foot high white dragon people who lived inside our earth have been removed and sent back to their home planets for prosecution.  We are now fighting the Physical 3D Battle of Armageddon which involves the 3D earth humans, who were the minions of the Serpent People.  They are the 3D world controllers who comprise a major portion of the darkside at this time.  These prominent U.S. military, world leaders and military from other countries are the ones presently being removed from Shan by the Forces of Light.   Their claim to fame is over!  The final phase of the great Battle of Armageddon to remove all darkness from Earth Shan is nearly over.  This is what is occurring while you wait for NESARA to be announced.

     There is a massive worldwide effort by the darkside at this time to win.  In the U.S. the Homeland Security Office is working overtime to arrest, punish and incarcerate people secretly.  At this very moment terrible things are happening to unsuspecting American citizens by the U.S. Gestapo law-enforcement agencies in the name of “terrorism” to purge the darkside’s opposition in a final attempt to stop NESARA and the coming of the Kingdom of God on Earth.  This purging is happening worldwide.  For some, this is cause for great fear.  For others it is a challenge to take action.

     On May 6 as reported by the Dove, a group of 45 influential people petitioned the World Court to immediately lift the gag orders on NESARA.  Another group is making the same demands of the U.S. Supreme Court.  The leader of Japan has gone on public record with his statement to the world that “We, the people of the world, are at war with the Bush people!”  This is not the time to complain, “Where is NESARA?” or “Where is my money?”  We are at war, people!  We are in the final episode of Armageddon.  The worldwide removal of the darkside must be accomplished within these next few days for NESARA to be announced.

     Our task is to move to a neutral place within and hold no anger, no guilt, no hatred, no fear.  From that place of neutrality we must hold the Light of Truth.  We must send out the energies of forgiveness and mercy and compassion to all.  Those of the darkside are on their own pathway of lessons in soul growth, as are we.  They agreed to follow their dark pathways to provide us with those opportunities needed for us to learn our lessons as well.  So, in compassion we send them Love and Light.  Even G.W. Bush?   Yes, most importantly G.W. Bush!  We are all fellow travelers on the road to Life.  WE are all connected, and one day we will all be reunited into the “whole” of Creator Source again.

     Make very sure that any anger you may have is that of righteous anger.  I have such anger.  I am angry about the Homeland Security Office arrests, the beatings, the incarcerations.  I am angry about AIDS, anthrax vaccinations, chem trails, SARS.  I am angry about starvation, abuse, the abuse and neglect of children, and I am angry about the killing, the bullets, the bombs, the land mines and the killing—especially the killing of our children.

     Will you stand with me and demand, “no more”?  We will take no more!  We have had it.  This is the end!  We demand the darkside gone---now!  We order them gone now, forever from our planet.  Through our God-Spirit within we so order.  We have had enough!  We take back our power and we demand peace!  Together we stand and together we say, “There shall be Light!”  And there is Light---total Light!

     The curtain of darkness is lifting on a grand new day.  The sunrise of Truth, of freedom, of justice, of peace---of NESARA, for which we have waited eons of time is now breaking over the horizon of our Mother Earth Shan.  The darkness is fading before our very eyes.  Through our creative thought-power we are creating our new Age of Peace and Enlightenment.  Let us rejoice in this Light of our New Day!  Aho!



[ 打印 ]