
YouTube 加-美非法印度移民数量激增十倍

(2024-11-18 17:33:26) 下一个

YouTube 加拿大-美国边境非法印度移民数量激增十倍 | Firstpost America





现在我们来看看加拿大,加拿大与美国的边境出现了一种令人吃惊的趋势,印度人非法移民美国的数量猛增,引起了双方的警惕。美国边境巡逻队的最新数据显示,超过 43,000 名印度人在美国加拿大边境被拘留,在此期间,每小时大约有 10 名印度人在试图越境进入美国时被捕。美国海关和边境保护局在过去一年中逮捕了 14,000 多名试图越过北部边境的印度国民。印度国民占北部边境所有逮捕人数的 60% 左右,是两年前逮捕人数的 10 倍多。现在激增的人数反映了一个更广泛的问题,事实上,皮尤研究中心估计,目前有超过 725,000 名无证印度人居住在美国。他们是美国第三大非法移民人口,但为什么越来越多的印度人选择这条危险的路线离开加拿大前往美国?专家指出,这是多种因素造成的,包括政治压迫、极端主义抬头和加拿大签证延迟等。事实上,加拿大总理贾斯汀·特劳甚至承认,他的政府未能打击非法移民。这发生在他承诺为所有进入加拿大的寻求庇护者提供庇护近 7 年后。一些人认为这是从系统中获利。我们看到太多大公司这样做。回顾过去,当疫情后的繁荣在企业不再需要额外的劳动力帮助时,联邦团队本可以更快地采取行动,更快地关闭水龙头,现在越来越多的印度人逃离加拿大。华盛顿已经将其边境置于高度戒备状态。此外,随着唐纳德·特朗普即将重返白宫,他承诺以边境为首对移民进行有力打击的汤姆·霍尔曼特朗普的团队计划对非法过境和拜登的非法计划进行全面改革,随着局势的升级,一个问题迫在眉睫,美国加拿大边境的移民危机是否会损害两国之间的双边关系.

Canada-US Border Sees Ten-Fold Jump in Illegal Indian Migrants | Firstpost America



Illegal immigration from Canada to the US has seen a staggering ten-fold surge in just two years, with over 14,000 Indians arrested along the border in 2023. Indians now account for 60% of all arrests at this crossing. Economic struggles, long visa waits, and organised smuggling networks are driving this desperate migration. Smugglers exploit vulnerable migrants, while political tensions and extremism in Canada add to the crisis. With the US already housing over 725,000 undocumented Indians, calls for effective immigration reform are growing louder as desperation fuels dangerous risks.



and now we move to Canada where a
startling trend is emerging at its
border with the United States illegal
immigration by Indians into the United
States has skyrocketed to raising alarms
on both sides new data by the US border
patrol reveals that over 43,000 Indians
were detained at the US Canada border
and during this period approximately 10
Indians were arrested every single hour
while attempting to cross into the
United States us Customs and Border
Protection made over 14,000 arrests of
Indian Nationals attempting to cross the
northern border over the past year
Indian Nationals compose about 60% of
all arrests made along the northern
border more than 10 times the number of
arrests made two years ago now the surge
reflects a broader issue in fact Pew
research estimates over
725,000 undocumented Indians currently
live in the United States making them
the third largest illegal immigrant
population in the United States but why
are more Indians taking this perilous
route as they leave Canada and head
towards the United States experts point
to a mix of factors including political
repression Rising extremism and Canada
and a long Visa delay in fact Canadian
Prime Minister Justin trau even admitted
that his government failed in cracking
down on illegal
immigration now this comes almost 7
years after he promised to provide
provide Refuge to all Asylum Seekers
coming into
Canada some saw that as a profit to gain
the system we saw way too many large
corporations do this looking back when
the post-pandemic boom cooled in
businesses no longer needed the
additional labor help as a federal team
we could have acted quicker and turned
off the Taps
faster now with more and more Indians
fleeing Canada Washington has put its
borders on high alert moreover as Donald
Trump is Bo to return to the White House
he's promising an aggressive Crackdown
on immigration led by his borders are
Tom Holman Trump's team plans sweeping
changes targeting both illegal Crossings
and Biden ER illegal programs and as the
situation escalates one question looms
will the migrant crisis of the US Canada
Border Dent bilateral relations between
the two countries for

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