
Jimmy Carter 充实的一生 90岁反思

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作者:吉米·卡特(作者)2015 年 7 月 7 日








《充实的一生:90 岁时的反思》是美国第 39 任总统吉米·卡特的回忆录,于 2015 年 7 月 7 日发布。这本书收集了他的反思和回忆,包括他的成长经历、政治生涯和人道主义努力。

这本书从卡特总统在佐治亚州乡村的童年和早年生活开始。它涵盖了他的早期政治生涯,包括他在佐治亚州参议院的任职以及他竞选州长。[4] 这本书还深入介绍了卡特总统在白宫的时光以及他面临的困难。[4] 他将这些困难分为两类:“大部分问题已解决”和“仍悬而未决的问题”。第一组包括罗德西亚、B-1 轰炸机、纽约市和克莱斯勒的救援以及冷战的结束等话题。他谈到了重要的第二阶段限制战略武器条约。在尚未解决的问题中,卡特强调了毒品、特殊利益、核战争的可能性以及情报机构。他客观地谈论了罗纳德·里根总统、乔治·H·W·布什总统、乔治·W·布什总统和比尔·克林顿总统,但并没有完全免除他们的行为。[2] 这本书继续讲述卡特卸任总统后的生活,包括他在卡特中心的工作、他促进和平与健康的努力,以及他的消遣:绘画、钓鱼和木工。[5]


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A Full Life: Reflections at Ninety 

by Jimmy Carter (Author)  July 7, 2015

“A warm and detailed memoir.” —Los Angeles Times

Jimmy Carter, thirty-ninth President, Nobel Peace Prize winner, international humanitarian, fisherman, reflects on his full and happy life with pride, humor, and a few second thoughts.

At ninety, Jimmy Carter reflects on his public and private life with a frankness that is disarming. He adds detail and emotion about his youth in rural Georgia that he described in his magnificent An Hour Before Daylight. He writes about racism and the isolation of the Carters. He describes the brutality of the hazing regimen at Annapolis, and how he nearly lost his life twice serving on submarines and his amazing interview with Admiral Rickover. He describes the profound influence his mother had on him, and how he admired his father even though he didn’t emulate him. He admits that he decided to quit the Navy and later enter politics without consulting his wife, Rosalynn, and how appalled he is in retrospect.

In A Full Life, Carter tells what he is proud of and what he might do differently. He discusses his regret at losing his re-election, but how he and Rosalynn pushed on and made a new life and second and third rewarding careers. He is frank about the presidents who have succeeded him, world leaders, and his passions for the causes he cares most about, particularly the condition of women and the deprived people of the developing world.

This is a wise and moving look back from this remarkable man. Jimmy Carter has lived one of our great American lives—from rural obscurity to world fame, universal respect, and contentment. A Full Life is an extraordinary read.

From Wikipedia


A Full Life: Reflections at 90 is a memoir written by Jimmy Carter, the 39th President of the United States, released on July 7, 2015. The book is a collection of reflections and memories, including his upbringing, political career, and humanitarian efforts.[1][2][3][4]

The book begins with President Carter's childhood and early life in the Georgia countryside. It covers his early political career, including his service in the Georgia Senate and his run for the governor's office.[4] The book also provides an in-depth look at President Carter's time in the White House and the difficulties he faced.[4] He divides these difficulties into two categories: "Issues Mostly Resolved" and "Problems Still Pending". The first group includes topics such as Rhodesia, the B-1 bomber, the rescue of New York City and Chrysler, and the end of the Cold War. He touches on the significant SALT II Treaty. Among the issues that remain unresolved, Carter highlights drugs, special interests, the potential for nuclear war, and intelligence agencies. He speaks about Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton objectively but does not fully absolve them for their actions.[2] The book continues to Carter's post-presidential life, including his work with The Carter Center, his efforts to promote peace and health, and his past times: painting, fishing and woodwork.[5]

Critical reception

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Upon its release, A Full Life received positive reviews from both critics and readers alike. Many praised Carter for his honesty and straightforwardness in sharing his experiences and reflections. The book was also commended for its historical significance and its contributions to the understanding of modern American politics. Despite some criticism for its lack of depth on certain topics, the book was widely considered to be a fitting tribute to Jimmy Carter's life and legacy.

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