
Judge Judd 承担重担 悬案困扰着他

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Judge Judd“承担重担”——贾德警长坦诚相告:悬案是否困扰着他?

"Carry That Burden" - Sheriff Judd OPENS UP: Do Unsolved Cases Haunt Him?


Valuetainment 2024年8月1日


Judge Judd shares chilling testimonies of horrific crimes, from a tragic incident involving a mother to the haunting memory of a friend killed in the line of duty. 

Host Patrick Bet-David 是 Valuetainment Media 的创始人兼首席执行官。他是华尔街日报畅销书“你的接下来五个动作”(西蒙舒斯特出版社)的作者,也是 2 个男孩和 2 个女孩的父亲。他目前居住在 Ft。佛罗里达州劳德代尔堡。

Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. ?

Patrick Bet-David 


Patrick Bet-David

上周你已经服役 52 年了,你见过很多,对吧,很多不同的随机故事,好的,坏的,丑的,你见过好的见证,人们在改变,你见过一些丑陋的事情,如果你不介意的话,请给我们讲几个你见过的恐怖故事或经历的见证,普通人如果看到,你知道这会对你造成很大影响,你知道一个母亲踩到他,你知道,用胶带绑住他的手,把他扔进游泳池淹死,我读到的所有这些其他故事,关于你经历过的,对吧,如果你不介意分享几个这样的故事,这些经历是否让你对此有点冷淡,它是否让你处于什么位置,如果你去那里,你太情绪化了,你太这样了,你太那样了,你无法领导你的社区,一个故事也是如此,你如何领导这些情况,




克里斯是我的好朋友,但事实上,当我的侦探们逮捕儿童性侵犯者时,我的灵魂得到了滋养,这让我感觉很好,所以我确保他们接受了培训,拥有足够的资源,我们与其他机构合作,这些机构无法负担这些调查的费用,因为每时每刻都有人试图引诱和性侵你的孩子,自从我当警长以来,我们已经从性侵犯者的手中拯救了数以千计的孩子,我们不得不站出来,因为社交媒体把儿童性侵犯者放在了嫌疑犯的位置,因为儿童性侵犯者可以大胆地走进你的房子,你为什么在那里引诱你 12 岁、13 岁或 14 岁好奇的孩子,所以在一天结束的时候,我可以,你知道,如果我列出名单,我会想到我的副手,他们在执行任务时被枪杀,第一次副手在执行任务时被枪杀,他还是个孩子,我去了高中在警察学院,我坐在旁边,我们一起上罗林斯学院,一起上路,我们的家人,我的妻子,他,他的妻子,我们是朋友,他被一个吸食冰毒的废物射杀,那天晚上,他已经杀死了两个人,而出警的警员对此并不知情,所以你看到这些事件,这些事件在你的生活中是真实的,我给你举个例子,如果你看过《警察世家》,你会看到冲突结束时的家庭聚会,这些故事的发生方式令人发指,但从我们在社区中看到的死亡和破坏的意义上来说,它们是真实的,但让你继续前进的是,你知道你正在做出积极的改变,知道你正在拯救人们的生命,知道犯罪率很低,我们县的犯罪率处于50年来的最低水平,你的安全程度是佛罗里达州其他任何地方的两倍,这是了不起的,因为佛罗里达州的犯罪率很低,所以我每天早上醒来,确切地说,几乎每天早上,几乎每天早上,在闹钟响起之前,我都很兴奋来上班,因为我知道今天我们要拯救某人的生命,我们要阻止性侵犯者伤害儿童,你知道吗,顺便说一下,14 年来,我们县的人口是 888,000,所以我们不是一个小县,14 年来,我们有两起未破的谋杀案,14 年来有两起,我们知道其中一起是谁干的,我们只是找不到证人作证,你能告诉我们这两起未破的谋杀案吗,我可以告诉你,其中一起发生在一个小社区的便利店,他们进去抢劫商店,有趣的是,我们有一遍又一遍地向人们解释停止兑现支票停止兑现支票停止兑现支票好吧猜猜是什么强盗很快就弄清楚了嘿如果我在周五晚上早点去那里在他们兑现所有支票之前那里有很多钱他成功抢劫并谋杀了店员另一个是团伙报复性枪击案一群帮派成员和一群人不想告诉另一个人但就是这样所以你知道是谁但是呃帮派帮派成员帮派成员枪击案是的我们把他带到了那个团伙但他还住在那里吗他还在社区里他和他的伙伴们还在那里你见过他吗你见过他吗就像我本人没有但他们进出监狱他们的理念是嘿我们会在街上处理它我们不需要你像纽约的黑帮一样,是的,明白了,但想想这 14 年里,只有两个,只有两个,有多少,有多少发生了,在那 14 年里,我们的谋杀率相对较低,所以我们从低点上升到每年 4 起,到每年 20 起、25 起、30 起,好吧,但现在,我想去年我们有,我正在做,从记忆中,我有这么多,我想去年我们有 12 起,你见过电影评委吗,不,我不看很多电影,很明显,我注意到你错过了几部电影,有几部这样的电影,我想你会喜欢的,我没有时间看小说,我太忙了,实际上你可以成为一名喜剧演员,但好吧,公平地说,我尊重它,我尊重你所说的,但在这部电影中,评委罗伯特·德瓦尔有一个呃呃,他扮演法官的角色,儿子是小罗伯特·唐尼,这个值得一看,值得你花两个小时看,呃呃,所以在这部电影中,他放走了一个男人,让他自由了,因为这让他想起了他的儿子,他希望他能放走他,他有点让他的儿子知道这就是父亲和儿子之间的怨恨,他放走的那个人回来杀死了一个无辜的人,然后当他出狱时,他在呃,你知道,不是7-Eleven,而是一个加油站,他正在那里为他的房子取鸡蛋,法官的妻子刚刚去世,他说嘿,法官你好吗他说你知道我刚才做了什么吗我刚刚去对他杀死的那个女孩撒尿,他说在回来的路上,我撒尿在你妻子的呃你怎么称呼它呃坟墓坟墓上,你看到鸡蛋掉在现场,这太史诗了然后,但是因为他正在应对癌症,他不知道发生了什么,所以视频显示他去了,那个骑自行车的人回来把他带走并杀死了他,这是他对这个罪犯 52 年来的怨恨,你有没有遇到过这样的情况,你真的恨这个人,因为他对这个孩子、这个母亲、这个妻子或这个无辜的孩子所做的事,有没有人让你像这部电影中那样热血沸腾,每个人都让我热血沸腾,因为有一个不应该死的受害者,但我讨厌这种行为,好吧,作为一个敬畏上帝的人,我不能背负仇恨别人的负担,其他执法人员也不能,如果他们要成为职业执法人员,因为这会很快让你不堪重负,让你无法胜任这份工作,所以我选择在糟糕的情况下寻找好的一面,好的一面是,我可以逮捕那个人,然后今晚上床睡觉,知道什么时候他们被判有罪,他们将在监狱里度过余生,如果我们不判处他们死刑,他们就会在那里,事实上,就在上周,我接手了一个案子,我的侦探说,嘿,有一个人愿意为谋杀案认罪 30 年,最低 25 年,他 40 岁,45 岁,他将是一个老人,如果我们认为这不是一个好交易,州政府不会接受他的认罪,我们的州检察官是最好的,我看着他的眼睛,我说我们不会接受 30 年的认罪,我们不会接受 30 年的认罪,他将在监狱里腐烂,因为他犯了一个冷血的一级谋杀罪,因为这个家伙没有支付一些毒品的费用,我们事先就知道了,我的意思是,我很抱歉,我们有证词,在谋杀之前,他吹嘘说他要去杀了这个家伙,我得到了州检察官的授权,接受 30 年的恳求我告诉大家我相信假释

对于那些在死者复活的那一天谋杀的人我相信假释但除此之外把他送去审判判他一级谋杀罪并判处他终身监禁忘记 30 年对我的灵魂有好处你对那个人没有同情心在这个不确定的时代为零如果我们需要什么,我们需要人们相信未来是正确的所以你如果



"Carry That Burden" - Sheriff Judd OPENS UP: Do Unsolved Cases Haunt Him?



Judge Judd shares chilling testimonies of horrific crimes, from a tragic incident involving a mother to the haunting memory of a friend killed in the line of duty. 


52 years last week you've been

serving you've seen a lot right a lot of

different random stories Good Bad Ugly

you've seen good testimonies people

changing you've seen some ugly things

give us a if you don't mind maybe a

couple testimonies of horrific stories or

experiences you've seen where to the

average person if they saw you know it

would do a number on you you know story

of a a mother steps on you know taping

his uh hands throwing him in the

swimming pool drowns all these other

stories that I read about what you've

gone through right if you don't mind

sharing a couple of these stories do

these experiences almost make

you be a little cold about it does it

get you to be where if you go in there

you're too emotional you're too this

you're too that you're not able to lead

your community as well one stories too

how do you how do you lead those


sure first and foremost it

it's your job to bring peace to chaos

that's what they've hired us for And

when everybody else is out of control

that's when you have to be in control

you have to be at your very worst I mean

at your very best when things are the

very worst so when you call law

enforcement the police the sheriff's

deputies in we have to be at our best

when things are the very worst

you know when I think about the guy who

who went in to the house and shot up

everyone in the bathroom killed an

infant in the mother's arms that's a

horrible day killed the father stood

over the girl and shot her down and

thought she was dead she played dead to

keep from being killed that's as bad as

it gets but the reality of it is the

energy is is to do what's right to

always do what's right to see through

these evil people one of the things that

is the one of the top priorities in our

agency is to go after child

Predators sexual offenders people who

are online trying to groom our children

and have sex with them we set up stings

Chris Hansen comes down and joins us if

you remember back I had on yeah Chris

Chris is a good friend of mine but the

reality of it is it feeds my soul it

makes me feel good when my detectives

who are the very best arrest child

Predators so I make sure they have the

training and the resources we partner

with other agencies that can't afford to

do these investigations because every

moment of every day there are people out

there trying to groom and seduce

and sexually batter your

children and we've saved Untold

thousands of children from the hands of

sexual predators since I've been the

sheriff and we've had to step up because


media put the child

predator with the sus the child predator

with the children because a child

predator can walk boldly into your house

why you're there and groom your 12 or 13

or 14 year old Curious child so at the

end of the day I could you know if if I

went down the list I think about my

deputies that have been shot and killed

in the line of duty the first time that

a deputy was shot and killed in the line

of duty he was a kid that I went to high

school with I sat next to in the police

academy we went to Rollins College

together Road together our families my

me my

wife him his wife we were friends and he

shot down and kill by a worthless human

being who was on

methamphetamine and had already murdered

two people that night unbeknown to the

deputies that responded so you see these

events and these events are real in your

life and I'll give you an example if

you've ever watched Blue Bloods and you

see the family gathering at the end of

the conflict now the stories are

outrageous in the way that they're

carried out but they're real in the

sense of the death and destruction we

see in the community but what keeps you

going is knowing that you're making a

positive difference knowing that you're

saving people's lives knowing that crime

is low crime in our county is at a

50-year low you're twice as safe as you

are any place else in the State of

Florida per

capita and that's remarkable because

Florida's crime rate is low so I wake up

every morning almost every morning to be

exact almost every morning before the

alarm goes off excited to come to work

because I know today we're going to save

somebody's life we're going to keep a

sex predator from a

child do you know by the way in 14 years

as large as our county is the County's 8

88,000 so we're not a little bitty

County in 14 years we've had two

unsolved murders two in 14 years and we

know who did one of those we just can't

get any of the witnesses to

testify can you tell us about those two

unsolved murders I can tell you that one

of them is a

is at a convenient store in a small

community and they went in to rob the

store interestingly enough we had

explained to the people over and over

and over quit cashing checks quit

cashing checks quit cashing checks well

guess what it didn't take the robber

long to figure out that hey if I go

there on Friday evening early before

they cash all the checks there's a lot

of money there and he successfully

robbed and and murdered the

clerk the other one is a gang

retaliation shooting and it's a bunch of

gang bangers and one and one group want

would not tell on on the other so but

that's it so which is the one that you

know who it is but uh the gang Banger

theang Banger the gang banger shooting

yeah we got we got him down to the group

but is he still living there is he still

in the community he's he he and his

buddies are still there have you ever

seen him have you ever seen him like I

haven't personally but they're they're

in and out of prison and their

philosophy is hey we'll take care of it

on the street we don't need you like

Mobsters in New York like yes got it

sure but think about this in 14 years

two two of them only only two and how

many have you had how many has happened

in that 14 year our murder rate is

relatively low so we've gone from a low

of four

to 20 25 30 a year a year okay but right

now I think last year we had I'm doing

this from memory and I've got so much

run I think we had like 12 last year you

ever seen a movie judge no I don't I

don't watch a lot of movies it's very

obvious I noticed you missing out a

couple movies there's a couple of these

movies I think you're going to like I

don't I don't have time for fiction I'm

too busy in

reality you could be a comedian but okay

fair enough I respect it I respect what

you're saying but in this movie judge

Robert Deval had a uh uh he plays the

role of the judge the son is Robert

Downey Jr this one's worth watching it's

worth your two hours uh uh so and in

this movie he lets go of a guy that he

allows him to go free because it reminds

him of his son that he wishes he would

have let go free and he kind of got his

son to that's what the resentment was

with the father and the son and the guy

that he lets go to go free comes back

and kills an innocent person and then

when he gets out of jail he's at the uh

you know like a not a 7-Eleven but a gas

station where he's getting picking up

eggs for his house and the judge's wife

had just died and he says Hey judge how

you doing he says you know what I just

did right now I just went and pissed

pissed on the girl that he killed and he

says on the way back I pissed on your

wife's uh what do you call it uh grave

grave and you see the egg drops in the

scene it's

epic and then but because he's dealing

with cancer he doesn't know what's going

on so the video then shows that he goes

and the guy was there with a bike comes

back takes him out and kills him

right and this is a resentment he held

all these years to this

criminal 52 years of doing

this have you ever come across one where

you're like I sincerely hate this guy

for what he did to this child or this

mother or this wife or this innocent kid

has anyone ever gotten your blood to

boil like it did in this movie everyone

causes my blood to boil everyone because

there's there's a victim that should not

be dead but I hate the deed okay as as a

God-fearing man I can't carry the burden

of hating people with me neither can any

other law enforcement officer if they're

going to be career Law Enforcement

Officers because it would burden you

down so quickly that you couldn't do

this job so I choose to look for the

good in a bad situation and the good is

when I can arrest that person and go to

bed tonight knowing when when they're

convicted they're going to spend the

rest of their life in prison if we don't

get them the death penalty they'll be

there in fact I had a case just last

week when my detective said hey there's

a guy that's willing to plead 30

years 25 years minimum mandatory on a

murder he's 40 years old 45 years old

he'll be an old man

the the state won't take the plea if we

don't think it's a good

deal I our state attorney is the very

best I looked him in the eye and I go

we're not taking a 30-year plea we're

not taking a 30-year plea he's going to

rot in prison because he committed a

coldblooded first-degree murder because

this guy didn't pay for some drugs we

knew it in advance in advance I mean I'm

sorry we have the testimony that in

advance of the murder he bragged that he

was going to go kill this guy and I got

the The Authority with a state attorney

to take a 30-year

plea I tell folks I believe in parole

for people who murder the very day the

dead person comes back to life I believe

in parole but other than that take him

to trial convict him of first-degree

murder and sentence him to life forget

the 30 years that does my soul good you

have no sympathy for that man zero in

these uncertain times if there's

anything we need is we need people to

believe the future looks right

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