

(2024-09-17 02:33:44) 下一个

为什么我要在中国而不是美国抚养孩子 | 这些原因会让你震惊

Why I am Raising my Kids in China and NOT the USA | The Reasons Will Shock You


YouTube 2024年9月16日


嘿,我是 Chris,今天大家好吗?请和我一起观看这段视频,我将深入探讨在中国和美国抚养孩子的挑战,我将在这段视频中揭示我做出这一决定背后的令人惊讶的原因。我们将讨论在中国和美国抚养孩子的问题,这两个国家截然不同,有着不同的文化价值观,作为一个经历过这两个国家的人,我有一个独特的视角可以分享。看完这段视频后,你会确切地知道我更喜欢在哪个国家抚养我的孩子,也可能你会知道你更喜欢在哪个国家抚养你的孩子。我在我的地区旅行时注意到的一件事是,在一些墙壁或建筑物上,人们在建筑物上画了壁画,引人注目的是,没有人来给它们贴标签,在上面涂鸦,所以这段视频的主题是关于尊重这里的孩子,他们尊重别人的财产,他们不会给它们贴标签,喷漆,在上面做记号,在上面涂鸦,我尊重这些壁画,它们都是关于家庭的,看起来像家庭价值观,这也是这段视频的主题,没有涂鸦,没有任何东西被标记这真是太神奇了,没有喷漆,没有标记,墙上只有画,但没有涂鸦,没有人过来喷漆,用他们的名字、帮派的文字或他们在洛杉矶喷漆的任何东西来表示对它的不尊重,看看这个,没有人过来做标记,没有不尊重,这不是你的财产,别管它,这些实际上是漂亮的画,有人在墙上画了壁画,墙上还有另一幅壁画,没有人过来喷漆他们的名字,像在洛杉矶那样不尊重它,什么都没有,只是干净,这就是我喜欢中国的原因,尊重别人的财产,它不是你的,你不拥有它,别管它,如果这是洛杉矶,这面墙就会一团糟,到处都是喷漆标签涂鸦,有人在这里画的壁画,在世界之巅,最后只是四处走走,看看发生了什么,孩子们在这里玩得很开心,家人享受着美妙的景色,深圳的平安大厦,看看我们能不能从这个窗户拿出一些东西,再看一眼这个美丽的地方我很感激
每个人都在看这个,留下美好回忆,每个人都很开心,玩得很开心,孩子们玩得很开心,家人只是留下美好回忆,这就是爱的意义,嗯,一点点爱,作为父母,你可能对养育快乐、健康和成功的孩子的压力并不陌生,但我们这样做的方式可能因地而异,无论是在中国还是在美国,父母都面临着一些共同的挑战,比如让孩子在学业上表现出色,对纪律和礼仪有良好的社会期望,然后就是工作、家庭生活和玩乐之间的平衡,在中国,例如,管孩子的概念是父母高度参与孩子的教育和成长的重要组成部分,经常牺牲自己的个人自由,但为了孩子的利益而牺牲是值得的,看到你的孩子成长为好人,你会感到很高兴,在中国,大学考试的竞争非常激烈,这就是为什么孩子们在很小的时候就那么努力学习,这些考试可能会成就或毁掉一个孩子的未来,相比之下,我们在教育方面更注重个性和个人自由,这当然会导致育儿方式更加宽松,是的,中国的教育时间很长,家庭作业也很多,我亲眼看到孩子们在很小的时候就面临学业挑战,我注意到,中国的老师真的很亲力亲为,孩子们的家庭作业也有缺点,那就是我的参与,这是有限的,因为很多都是中文的,我在这方面有限,所以我在育儿方面,这是一种动力,让我完成工作,让工作实现,我只是把他们推向正确的方向,但归根结底,在教育方面,我们希望给孩子最好的,不管你在世界的哪个地方,我们都希望给孩子最好的,这对父母来说是一个沉重的负担,尤其是对于一个外国人来说,在一个他没有长大的国家,继续学习文化和我在中国从事教育工作,但我通过朋友和同事亲眼目睹了他们如何处理情况,以及他们在中国如何做父母,我注意到的一件事是,他们把孩子放在第一位,这对我而言是一个改变,e 我这一生都是一个独立的个体,现在我把别人放在了克里斯之前,那就是我的孩子,这让我内心感到很开心。我的生活发生了很多变化,都是为了家庭和孩子。在中国,很多人告诉我,为了让孩子们成功,他们牺牲了自己的幸福,让孩子们在美国有一个平衡的成长过程。坦白说,这需要很大的个人因素,这可能会导致孩子走上错误的道路。坦白说,在生活中过早地给予太多的自由,可能会导致孩子做出错误的选择,非常糟糕的选择。作为一个经历过两个系统的人,我可以告诉你,要知道正确的道路并不容易,但有一点是肯定的,我们的经历塑造了我们,我们一路上学到的经验教训将对我们的养育选择产生深远的影响。有一天,当我出去散步的时候,我意识到,合适的环境会帮助我做出正确的选择,决定我想在哪里抚养我的孩子,所以我列出了好事和坏事的清单,坏事太多了,让人应接不暇。我稍后会谈到,在中国和美国抚养孩子,并不是方法好坏的问题,而是对独特价值观和文化的理解,你认为这些价值观和文化最适合你的养育方式,在你应对养育孩子的挑战和成功时,对成长和变化持开放态度,这将帮助你在这一过程中做出正确的选择,当我抛开自私的理由,意识到在美国和中国抚养孩子有太多的负面影响时,我开始与世界各地的家人和朋友交谈,阅读文章,看新闻,做自己的研究,总是跳出来的是安全问题,美国根本不安全,安全安全,美国在这方面失败了,盗窃、抢劫、入室盗窃、仇恨犯罪、汽车盗窃和最严重的枪支暴力太多了,不幸的是,其中包括我们在新闻中看到的大规模枪击事件,当这些大规模枪击事件影响到包括我们的孩子在内的公众时,这令人心碎,更不用说美国失败的基础设施、无处不在的毒品、种族主义、对儿童的欺凌、刚刚倒塌的学校、美国的经济适用房美国不存在,而且总体上负担能力在中国,我刚才列出的所有问题都不存在,基本上没有犯罪,你永远不会感到威胁,你的车不会被闯入或偷走,你的家不会被闯入,很安全,你可以在白天或晚上的任何时候走在街上,而且很安全,基本上没有犯罪,是一个无毒品的社会,孩子们不会被同龄人欺负,最重要的是,没有枪支,没有枪支意味着什么,没有枪支暴力,没有大规模枪击事件,我不知道各位家长,或者只是你们在看这个视频,对安全有何感想,但对于我们的孩子来说,这是最重要的安全,还有一些其他原因,我个人倾向于留在中国抚养我的孩子,没有特别的顺序,在中国境内旅行很方便,更不用说去其他亚洲国家旅行很方便,让孩子们在中国境内外再次体验这个世界的文化,中国很干净,中国很安全,中国拥有世界上最便捷的交通基础设施之一,有高速列车、通勤列车、地铁、新道路、新高速公路、公交车,就像我之前说过,出于这些原因和其他一些个人原因,随时随地走动都是安全的,这就是为什么我决定在中国而不是美国抚养我可爱的孩子,谢谢你观看这个视频,我真的很感激,无论你是否为人父母,我都很乐意看到并阅读下面的一些评论,让我们就我在这个视频中提出的问题进行一些对话,如果你是新来的,请考虑订阅,我会很感激的,不要忘记点赞和分享,就像我在过去的视频中说过的,每个人都有发言权,我会一直尊重你的意见,不管我是否同意,我都会尊重你的意见,所以大家保重,祝大家有个安全美好的一天,我的意思是,那个美好的一天,看看这个,看看这里有多干净,如果这是美国的地区,我不会指名道姓,你知道它会是什么样子,你不会舒服,你不会感到安全,但在中国,完全安全第一,非常干净,墙上没有刮痕,没有涂鸦,什么都没有,我甚至在地上找不到一块垃圾,我不会指名道姓地回到美国但你知道你会看到什么吗你不会看到这么干净玻璃上甚至没有污迹没有文字没有涂鸦没有什么令人印象深刻的你得亲自来中国乘坐火车系统看看它离开火车出口让我们看看我们这里有什么惊喜不会编辑任何东西看看这个没有垃圾再次清洁没有惊喜没有任何惊喜没有无家可归的人没有涂鸦只是干净你能说什么据我所知这遍布中国这是一个小站但所有中国的车站都这么干净,没有涂鸦,火车系统内没有无家可归的人,好吧,去地铁站,坐地铁,让我们看看这里是什么样的,看看这个又这么干净,我一直在重复,但这是事实,所以帮我一个忙,在下面评论一下你的地铁系统怎么样,因为这里肯定很干净,真的很好,拿到我的票,让我们通过这里的安检,好吧,这是一个小小的等候区,在我下楼之前,他们有这些地铁站,如果还没有建成的话,中国几乎到处都有,为中国人民提供便利,看看这个,一尘不染,干净,干净,太好了,嘿,大门打开了,去地铁站,地铁在这里,让我们看看我们有什么,看看这个这么干净,没有垃圾,看看这个人在清理那里的垃圾,只是把它扔掉,看看这个又这么干净,没有涂鸦,没有用钥匙在窗户上刮擦,就像你在美国某些地方看到的那样人们在墙上写上他们的姓名首字母或涂鸦,这里没有,只是干净美丽,这里有一个主题,关于中国地铁系统的清洁程度,绝对美丽,你亲眼看到的,它很干净,真的很干净,看看这个,另一扇窗户,没有划痕,没有钥匙痕迹,墙上没有字迹,想知道为什么中国人尊重这个国家的建设,他们不会在墙上骑车,刮掉窗户,在窗户上写上他们的姓名首字母和钥匙,不,这一切都是为了尊重,我尊重它,他们在这里的系统还有另一件伟大的事情,他们有志愿者来帮助人们,所以这些志愿者会帮助老年人,他们会确保你被指向正确的方向,准时离开,不会早一分钟,也不会晚一分钟,真是太棒了,绝对太棒了,再看看这个,另一列干净的火车,再次一尘不染,我想指出一点,没有用你的钥匙刮掉的姓名首字母,没有字迹,没有涂鸦,只是干净的,出发,让我们看看我们有什么在这里有任何惊喜吗干净真的很干净看看这个感觉安全你能在下面的评论中告诉我如果这是美国的火车站外面会是什么样子会是什么样子没有无家可归的人你觉得这里很安全没有垃圾没有人们只是闲逛所以如果这是美国你会在火车站看到什么在下面留言让我知道因为这是我在中国看到的干净[音乐]

Why I am Raising my Kids in China and NOT the USA | The Reasons Will Shock You

YouTube 2024年9月16日

Join me as I discuss the reasons why I am raising my kids in China instead of the USA. Will I stay in China or go back to the US. The decision may shock you, but it's what's best for my family.

Hey Chris here today how's everybody doing join me as I dive into the challenges of raising kids in China versus the US in this video and I'll reveal surprising reasons behind my decision in this video we will discuss raising kids in China versus the USA
which are two vastly different countries with distinct cultural values and as someone who's experienced both I've got a unique perspective to share
by the end of this video you will know
exactly which country I prefer to raise
my children in and possibly what country
you prefer you would raise your children
in let's go one thing I've noticed when
I travel in my area is that on some
walls or buildings there are paintings murals that people
have painted on their buildings and what
jumps out is that nobody has come along
and tagged them put graffiti on them so
it goes in with a little bit of theme
about this video about respect the kids
over here they have respect for other
people's property they don't tag them
spray paint them mark them up put graffiti
and I respect that these murals are all
about family looks like family values
again the theme of this video and no
graffiti nothing is tagged it's actually
amazing no spray paint no markings nothing more paintings on the
wall but no graffiti nobody's come along and spray
painted this dis respected it with their
names gang writings or whatever they
spray paint there in Los Angeles on the
walls look at this nobody's come along
and marked this up at all no disrespect
it's not your property leave it alone
these are actually nice paintings murals
that somebody put on these walls another
mural on the wall nobody's come along
and spray painted their name disrespected it like they would do Los
Angeles nothing just clean that's what I
love about China respect other people's
property it's not yours you don't own it
leave it alone if this was Los Angeles
this wall would be a mess there'd be
spray paint tags graffiti all over this
mural that somebody painted here on top of the world and end just walk around a little bit see what's going on kids having a great time here
families enjoying just a wonderful view Ping On Building in shenzen,see if we can just get something out this window for a second look at this beautiful so again I appreciate
everybody look at this making memories everybody's happy having a good
time the kids just having a good time family just making memories this is what it's
about little bit of love huh little bit of love,as a parent you're likely no stranger to
the pressure to get it right to raise happy healthy and successful kids but the way we go about doing that can vary from where you're at in the world in both China and the USA there are some common challenges that face parents like the pressure to have their
kids perform academically have good social expectations around things like
discipline and manners and then there's the balance of work family life and
having some fun in China for example the concept of Guan or governing children is a huge
part of parents to be highly involved in the kids education and upbringing and
often sacrificing their own personal freedoms but sacrificing for the better
of your children it's worth it there's just something about the joy to see your
children develop into good people in in China it's notorious and competitive for the college exams and that's why children study so hard at early ages these exams could make or break a child's future in contrast us tends to focus more on individuality and personal freedoms when it comes to education which of course leads to a more relaxed approach for parenting and yes education in China has long hours and a lot of homework I see it firsthand kids are academically challenged at Young ages one thing I've noticed that the teachers in China are truly hands on there is a downside to the kids homework and that's my particip it's limited due to the fact that a lot of it is in Chinese and I'm limited in that area so where I do my parenting it's motivation getting the jobs done making it happen and I just push them in the right direction but at the end of the day
education wise we want what's best for our kids no matter where you're at in
the world we all want what's best for our children and that can be a heavy burden
to carry on parents especially for a foreigner in a country where he was not
raised and continues to learn the cultures and the education system which
I'm doing in China but I've seen it firsthand through friends and colleagues
on how they do deal with situations and how they're being parents in China and
the one thing I've noticed they put their kids first and that's been a
change for me I've been an individual person my whole entire life and now I am
putting somebody ahead of Chris and that's my children and it truly makes me
feel good inside I've done a lot of changes in my life a lot and it's all for family and
the children I've had a lot of people tell me in China they've sacrificed a lot of their own happiness to make the kids succeed to make the kids have a well balanced process in growing up in the US let's be honest it's a lot of individuality and this could lead kids
down down the wrong path let's be honest given too much Freedom too soon in life can lead to kids making bad choices very bad choices as someone who has navigated through both systems I can tell you always it's not easy to know the right way but one thing
for sure our experiences shape us and the lessons we learn along the way will
have a profound impact on our parenting choices I realized one day when I was
out for a walk that the right environment would help me make the right
choice on where I wanted to raise my children so I made a list of good things
and bad things and the bad things were overwhelming which I'll touch on
later in the end raising the kids in China versus the USA is not about the
approach of better or worse it's about the understanding of the unique values
and cultures that you decide is best for your parenting and being open to growth and
change as you navigate through your challenges and triumphs on raising your
kids will help you choose the right choices along the way when I put my
selfish reasons aside and realize there were too many negatives with raising the
kids in the US versus China I startedstarted talking to family and friends
worldwide reading articles watching news
and doing my own research and what was always jumping out
was safety the US is simply not safe
safety safety safety the US fails in
this area with too much theft robberies
home break-ins hate crimes car theft and
the worst gun violence which
unfortunately includes mass shootings
that we all see in the news and when those mass shootings impact the public which includes our children it's heart-wrenching not to mention the
failing infrastructure in the US drugs
everywhere racism The Bullying of
children schools that are just Fallen
apart affordable housing in the US
doesn't exist and affordability in
general well in China all of those problems I just
listed doesn't exist there's basically
no crime you never feel threatened your
car is not broken into or stolen your
home is not broken into it's just safe you can walk down the street at any
given time of the day or night and it's
safe it's basically crimeless it's a drug free Society
children are not bullied by their
peers and most importantly there's no
guns and what does no guns mean no gun
violence no mass shootings you know I don't know about you parents or just you watching this video on how you feel about safety but that's number one safety for our children some other reasons I personally lean towards staying in China to raise my children in no particular order easy travel within China not to mention easy travel to other Asian
countries to let the children experience the cultures of this world
inside of China and out side of China again China is clean China is safe China
has one of the most convenient infrastructures for traveling in the
world with their high-speed trains commuter trains subways New Roads new
highways buses and like I said earlier it's safe
to walk around anytime anywhere for these reasons and some
other personal reasons this is why I decided to raise my beautiful children in China instead of the US hey thanks for watching this video I
really appreciate it and if you're a
parent or not I'd love to see and read
some comments below let's get some
dialogue going on what I brought up in
this video if you're new here consider
subscribing I would appreciate it and
don't forget to like and share and like
I've said in past videos everybody has a
voice here I'll always respect your
opinion whether I agree or not it'll be respected so take care everybody have a
safe and great day and I mean that good day look at this look how clean this is if
this was areas in the United States I
won't name names you know how it would
look you wouldn't be comfortable you
wouldn't feel safe but in China just
Total Safety First and so clean no scrapings on the wall no
graffiti nothing I can't even find a
piece of trash on the ground I'm not
naming names back in the US but you know
what you would see you wouldn't see this
so clean there's not even smudge marks
on the glass no writing no graffiti
nothing impressive you got to come to
China and ride the train system yourself
and see it leaving the train exit let's
see what we have up here any surprises
not going to edit anything look at this no trash
clean again no surprises no surprises at
all no homeless people no graffiti just
clean what can you say and from my
understanding this is throughout China
and this is a small station but all of
the stations are like this clean no
graffiti no homeless people within the
train system in China okay heading down
to a Metro up on the subway let's see
what it's like down here look at this so
clean again I keep repeating myself but
it's the truth so do me a favor comment
below on how your Metro system is cuz
it's sure clean here really nice Got My
Ticket let's go through security here
okay this is a small waiting area before
I go downstairs and they have these
Metro stations popping up if not already
completed pretty much everywhere in
China to make it convenient for the people of
China look at this just Immaculate just
clean so clean so nice hey the gate
opened heading down to the Metro the
subway here let's see what we have
look at this just so clean no
trash look at this person cleaning up
what little Trash there is just getting
rid of it look at this just so clean again no
graffiti nothing no scratching on the
windows with keys like you would see in
certain parts of the US people SC rpe
their initials right on the walls or
graffiti not here just clean beautiful
there's a theme here about how
clean the train systems are within China
in the Metros just absolutely
beautiful you're seeing it with your own
eyes it's clean really clean look at
this another window no scratches no key
marks no writings on the wall want to
know why people of China respect what
the country is built they're not going
to ride on the walls scrape up the
windows put their initials with their
keys on the window no it's all about
respect and I respect it another great
thing they have in the systems here
they've got volunteers to help people
out so these volunteers will help the
elderly they will make sure you're
pointed in the right direction to exit
right on schedule not a minute early or
a minute late just amazing absolutely
amazing look at this again another clean
train Immaculate again I want to point
something out no initials scraped with
your keys no writing no graffiti just clean heading
out let's see what we have out here any
surprises clean really clean look at
this feel safe can you tell me in the
comments below if this was a train
station in the US what would it look like outside what
would it look like there's no homeless
you feel safe here there's no trash no
people just loitering roaming around so
if this was the US what would you see at your train
station leave a comment below let me know cuz
this is what I see in China clean

[ 打印 ]