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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVDX_ORzxWg 2023

年3月16日 据英国天空新闻网3月15日报道,澳大利亚前总理保罗·基廷痛斥美英澳三边伙伴关系(AUKUS)协议,称其为一个多世纪以来工党的“最糟糕国际决定”。问你称其为自澳大利亚工党工党政府以来澳大利亚政府最糟糕的国际决定自从前工党领袖比利休斯在第一次世界大战中试图引入征兵以增强澳大利亚军队以来,这是一个错误,是的,为什么奥纳瑟工党让你知道一套反对联盟的淘汰权,但这是我们打破的地方连胜。




據英國天空新聞網3月15日報道,澳大利亞前總理保羅·基廷痛斥美英澳三邊夥伴關係(AUKUS) 協議,稱其為一個多世紀以來工黨的“最糟糕國際決定”。


you've called it the worst International decision by an Australian government since the labor government by an Australian labor government since the former labor leader Billy Hughes sought to introduce conscription to augment Australian forces in World War one and that it's a mistake yeah why is that 


Labor's had you know a knockout set of Rights against the Coalition but this one is where we break the winning streak  

why is that well 


because underlyingall the stuff about the need of nuke about is the idea that China has either threatened us or has threatened us it has threatened us or will threaten us now this is a distortion and it's untrue the Chinese have never implied that they were threat to threaten us or act or sell it explicitly you know the idea that we need American submarines to protect us you know three as if there's we if we buy eight three or at three three are going to protect us from the might of China really I mean the rubbish of it the rubbish see they will never the Americans will never condone or accept the state as large as them you know and that's what China presents China's mere presence I mean they would have preferred they remain in poverty twenty percent of humanity forever but the fact that China is now you know an industrial economy larger than the United States larger according to have 20 larger they say Helen this is not in the Playbook this is just this is not in the Playbook you know what in the front you know so this is what this is about there's three leaders standing there only one is paying Al black elbow Happy Days Are Here Again you know the American president can hardly keep put three coherent sentences together.

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