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Why America Fails to Contain China



然而,包括贸易战、航行自由行动、迫使盟友倾销华为设备和反对一带一路倡议在内的努力都是无效的,人们可能会说,美国越是试图控制中国,它就越强大,越有弹性,例如,声称中国正在制造债务陷阱,只会导致更多的国家在 2024 年初加入一带一路倡议140 个国家加入了 BR,占世界人口的近 75% 和 GDP 的一半以上,而北京通过 BRRI 加强与发展中国家的外交和经济联系,美国在基础设施投资和财政援助方面提供了一些可比的替代方案,因为越来越多的国家站在中国一边,美国指责中国存在各种问题,包括产能过剩和助长俄罗斯乌克兰危机,美国越是试图遏制中国的崛起,它在经济和地缘政治上失败的可能性就越大,在这个视频中,我们将讨论美国难以遏制中国的主要原因,在我们开始之前,请考虑订阅我们的频道以表达您的支持,首先,许多国家依赖中国作为其主要贸易伙伴,根据威尔逊中心和美国研究机构的数据,中国是 120 多个国家的头号贸易伙伴,中国意识到要在全球崛起,就必须阻止任何像美国这样的国家美国阻碍其进步,因此它专注于经济增长并与其他国家发展牢固的经济联系。冷战期间,美国有效地限制了苏联,因为苏联经济正在崩溃,美国鼓励邻国避免与苏联做生意。中国的经济现在正在繁荣发展,许多国家都认为它是他们最大的贸易伙伴。这意味着,当美国希望日本、韩国和欧洲盟友等国家与中国断绝关系时,它经常会失败。例如,当美国敦促日本停止向中国供应先进的微芯片以限制其技术增长时,日本进行了合作。然而,这是日本行动的程度。考虑到特斯拉过去 5 年在中国取得的成就,中国推动了特斯拉的指数级扩张,使其成为世界上最有价值的汽车制造商和电动汽车的主要销售商。中国是汽车的重要市场。行业,尤其??是电动汽车,因为其庞大的消费者基础和强大的中央银行系统,是特斯拉的第二大市场,在中国销售大量电动汽车,这是其商业战略的重要组成部分特斯拉是在中国运营的一百多万家国际公司之一,其中大多数公司正在深化与中国同行的联系,而不是撤出丰田日本最大的制造商打算在上海为雷克萨斯开发电动汽车设施,最终完全拥有该工厂,就像特斯拉所做的那样,正如您所见,中国与全球贸易密不可分,任何试图脱离和停止与中国打交道的国家都可能面临严重的经济后果第二,全球南方的崛起全球南方是指经济和工业发展水平较低的国家,通常位于工业化程度较高的国家以南,本质上包括新兴国家中国一直在积极建立政治联系,增加经济联系,深化安全合作和与这些发展中国家建立更深层次的联系与西方政策分析家的普遍看法相反,中国并没有增加对发达市场的出口,这些出口多年来一直停滞不前,而中国对全球南方国家的出口却翻了一番,一种新型的三角贸易正在为中国在发展中国家的出口成功做出贡献,这种贸易是由特朗普政府对价值 2000 亿美元的中国进口产品征收 25% 的关税引发的,2019 年实施的进口中国向墨西哥、越南和印度供应零部件和资本货物,在那里组装成成品在美国销售,这强调了一个重要的事实,即美国比以往任何时候都更加依赖中国的供应链此外,随着全球南方的崛起,世界正变得更加多极化而不是单极化,美国和欧洲等西方国家将会衰落,而非洲、南亚和拉丁美洲等发展中国家将会发展。中国作为全球经济增长引擎的作用,正在推动全球南方国家的向上流动性。一带一路倡议以及不同的贸易关系已导致对这些地区的大量投资。这就是美国无法阻止中国崛起的原因。也许美国无法为其反华运动找到合作伙伴的最重要原因是国家利益加入反对邪恶共产主义中国的斗争需要牺牲国家利益。大多数盟国和发展中国家是中国的邻国,它们在很大程度上依赖中国来实现经济稳定。中国将继续增长。如果你读西方媒体,你会经常听到这样的说法,即中国正在衰落或陷入危机,美国对出口先进半导体的限制将扼杀中国的技术目标。然而,事实并非如此。中国不仅避免了技术制裁,而且还在我们周围开展工作。国内关税中国表现相对较好,2023 年的增长率超出预期,为 5.2%,而美国的增长率为 2.53%,而欧洲金融实力最强的国家德国在同一年的 GDP 增长率仅为 0.31%,尽管我们反对,但中国决心变得更强大、更富有,中国拥有实现这一目标的经济技术和军事能力,您是否同意我们的分析,请在下面的评论中分享您的想法,如果您喜欢这个视频,请点赞并订阅我们的频道以表示您的支持.

China's climb to Global superpower
status appears Unstoppable however to maintain its
position as the world's largest economy
the United States is determined to slow
China's rise there is a widespread
belief that employment losses to China
damaged the US economy for years we've
heard that Beijing is out competing the
United States but can we blame China for
American job losses when us companies
actively relocated to take advantage of
China's comparative labor and operating
costs the United States is becoming more
aggressive in its efforts to hinder
China's rise urging its Partners to
follow suit however efforts including
trade Wars freedom of navigation operations pushing allies to dump Huawei
equipment and opposing the belt and Road
initiative have been ineffective one may
argue that the more the United States
attempts to control China the stronger
and more resilient it gets for example
claims that China is creating debt traps
have simply led to addition Nations
joining the belt and Road initiative by
early 2024 over 140 countries had joined
the BR accounting for nearly 75% of the
world's population and more than half of
its GDP while Beijing strengthens diplomatic
and economic ties with developing
countries through the brri the United
States provides few comparable Alternatives in infrastructure
investment and financial aid as more
countries side with China the United
United States accuses China of a variety
of issues including overc capacity and
facilitating the Russia Ukraine crisis
the more the United States attempts to
stifle China's rise the more likely it
will fail both economically and geopolitically in this video we'll
discuss the main reasons why the United
States will struggle to contain China
before we go please consider subscribing
to our channel to demonstrate your
support for starters many countries rely
on China as their major trade partner
according to the Wilson Center and
American Research tank China is the
number one trading partner for more than
120 countries China realizes that to
rise worldwide it must prevent any
country such as the United States from
impeding its progress as a result it
concentrates on economic growth and
developing strong economic ties with
other countries during the Cold War the
US effectively confined the Soviet Union
because the Soviet economy was
collapsing and the US encouraged
neighboring countries to avoid doing
business with the Soviets China's
economy is prospering now and many
countries consider it their top trading
partner this implies that when the
United States wants countries such as
Japan South Korea and its European
allies to divorce from China it
frequently fails for example when the
United States urged Japan to stop
supplying Advanced microchips to China
to limit its technical growth Japan
cooperated however it was the extent of Japan's
actions consider Tesla's achievement in
China Over The Last 5 Years China has
fueled Tesla's exponential expansion
making it the world's most valuable
automaker and a major seller of electric
vehicles China is an important market
for the automotive industry particularly
for EVS due to its large consumer base
and strong central banking system as
Tesla's second largest market selling
large numbers of EVS in China is a
critical component of its business
strategy Tesla is one of more than a
million International firms operating in
China the majority of which are
deepening their ties with Chinese
counterparts rather than withdrawing Toyota Japan's largest
manufacturer intends to develop an EV
facility for Lexus in Shanghai to
eventually own the factory entirely as
Tesla has done as you can see China is
inextricably linked to global trade and
any country that attempts to detach and
stop dealing with China May face serious
Economic Consequences second the
emergence of the global South the global South refers to
countries with low levels of economic
and Industrial Development usually
located south of more industrialized
countries in essence it includes
emerging countries China has been
actively establishing political contacts
increasing economic bonds deepening
security cooperation and cultivating
deeper ties with these developing
countries contrary to widespread opinion
among Western policy analysts China is
not increasing its exports to developed
markets these exports have remained
stagnant for years whereas China's
exports to the global South have doubled
a new type of triangle trade is contributing to China's export success
in the developing world this trade was
prompted by the Trump administration's
25% tariff on $200 billion in Chinese
Imports implemented in 2019 China supplies components and
capital goods to Mexico Vietnam and
India where they are assembled into
finished items for sale in the United
States this emphasizes one important
fact America relies more than ever on
Chinese Supply chains Furthermore with
the rise of the global South the world
is becoming more multi-polar than
unipolar the importance of the United
States and Western countries such as
those in Europe will decline while
developing countries such as oan Africa
south Asia and Latin America will grow
China's role as a global economic growth
engine is boosting upward mobility in
the global South the belt and Road
initiative as well as different trade
ties have resulted in major investment
in these regions this is why the United
States cannot stop China's rise perhaps
the most important reason the United
States has been unable to find partners
for its anti-china campaign is National
interest joining the fight against
Wicked communist China requires
sacrificing national interests most
Allied and developing countries are
China's neighbors and they rely
significantly on it for economic
stability China will continue to grow if
you read Western media you will
frequently hear the notion that China is
in decline or crisis and that America's
limits on exporting Advanced
semiconductors would stifle China's
technological goals however this is not
true China has not only avoided
technical sanctions but has also worked
around us tariffs domestically China is
doing relatively well the country
outperformed predictions with a 5.2%
growth rate in 2023 meanwhile the United States enjoyed
a growth rate of approximately
2.53% while Germany Europe's financially
strongest country witnessed only a
0.31% increase in GDP during the same
year in some China is determined to
become stronger and wealthier despite us
objections China has the economic
technological and Military capacity to
accomplish this do you agree with our
analysis please share your ideas in the
comments below if you enjoyed this video
please like And subscribe to our channel
to show your support oh

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