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作者:Lisa Young 和 Harold J. Jansen,UBC 出版社,2011 年 7 月 1 日

2004 年,让·克雷蒂安 (Jean Chrétien) 领导的自由党禁止企业和工会资助政党。 2008年,反对派领导人准备击败保守党政府取消对政党公共补贴的提议。

在《金钱、政治和民主》一书中,丽莎·杨和哈罗德·詹森带领一群杰出的政治学家探索导致这场戏剧性对决的问题。 公共资助的政党是否符合民主的基本原则? 政党财务改革对政党与捐助者之间的权力平衡、国家政党与地方组织之间的关系以及选举竞争产生了哪些影响? 这本及时的著作揭示了随着个人捐助者取代工会和公司,政党的财务重心正在国家组织和地方组织之间转移。 为了确保其财务生存,政党现在必须最大限度地增加席位和选票数量。



这本及时的书由一群加拿大、英国和美国的杰出学者撰写,为 2003 年开始的政治金融改革提供了有趣的视角。对于学者来说,调查这些改革的影响至关重要,因为这些改革构成了政治金融领域潜在的重大转变。 政党与大捐助者之间、各级党组织之间的关系。 苏珊·斯卡罗(Susan Scarrow),《民主转型?》联合编辑
选举财务制度是影响政党和政党竞争的一个日益重要的因素,但由于这些变化相对较新,因此很少有文献探讨其影响。 本书为未来的研究奠定了基础。 这对于政党和选举的学生、记者和起草选举财务立法的政策制定者来说非常有用。 史蒂文·沃林茨 (Steven Wolinetz),《政党》杂志

1 加拿大的改革党和选举财务 / Lisa Youngand Harold J. Jansen

2 政党的国家资助:真相、神话和传说/Justin Fisher

3 政党的公共资助:进一步改革的案例/F。 莱斯利·塞德尔

4 加拿大的金融改革和卡特尔政党模式 / RichardS。 卡茨

5 卡特尔、辛迪加和联盟:2004 年改革后的加拿大政党 / Harold J. Jansen 和 LisaYoung

6 选举财务改革对地方政党组织的影响/David Coletto 和 Munroe Eagles

7 季度津贴和投票率:新旧证据/Peter John Loewen 和 André Blais

8 为政党领导竞选提供资金 / William Cross 和 JohnCrysler

美国竞选财务改革经验的 9 个教训 /Robert G. Boatright

10 结论/Harold J. Jansen 和 Lisa Young

Money, Politics, and Democracy

Canada's Party Finance Reforms

Edited by Lisa Young and Harold J. Jansen UBC Press  Jul 1, 2011

Lisa Young is a professor of political science atthe University of Calgary. Harold J. Jansen is anassociate professor of political science at the University ofLethbridge.

Contributors: André Blais, Robert G. Boatright,David Coletto, William Cross, John Crysler, Munroe Eagles, JustinFisher, Richard S. Katz, Peter John Loewen, F. Leslie Seidle


In 2004, Jean Chrétien's Liberals banned corporations andunions from funding political parties. In 2008, opposition leaders wereprepared to defeat the Conservative government over its proposal toeliminate public subsidies to political parties.

In Money, Politics, and Democracy, Lisa Young and HaroldJansen lead a distinguished group of political scientists in exploringthe issues that led to the dramatic showdown. Are publicly fundedparties compatible with the basic tenets of democracy? What effect haveparty finance reforms had on the balance of power between parties anddonors, on the relationship between national parties and localorganizations, on electoral competition? This timely volume revealsthat the financial centre of gravity for political parties is shiftingbetween national and local organizations as individual donors replaceunions and corporations. To ensure their financial survival, partiesmust now maximize their numbers of seats and votes.

The first comprehensive study of modern campaign finance reforms inCanada, Money, Politics, and Democracy suggests that campaignfinance reforms have shaped party organization and electoralcompetition, contributing to successive minority governments.

This book will be of interest to students and scholars of elections and
party politics, as well as to policy-makers and journalists looking for
background information on the role of money in politics.

This timely volume, authored by a distinguished group of Canadian, British, and American scholars, offers interesting perspectives on the political finance reforms started in 2003. It is vital for scholars to investigate the impact of these reforms, which constitute a potentially major shift in relations between parties and big donors, and between different levels of party organizations.  Susan Scarrow, co-editor of Democracy Transformed?
Election finance regimes are an increasingly important factor shaping parties and party competition, but because the changes are relatively recent, there has been little literature on their impact. This volume establishes a baseline for future research. It will be very useful for students of parties and elections, journalists, and policy-makers who draft election finance legislation.  Steven Wolinetz, editor of Political Parties

1 Reforming Party and Election Finance in Canada / Lisa Youngand Harold J. Jansen

2 State Funding of Political Parties: Truths, Myths, and Legends /Justin Fisher

3 Public Funding of Political Parties: The Case for Further Reform /F. Leslie Seidle

4 Finance Reform and the Cartel Party Model in Canada / RichardS. Katz

5 Cartels, Syndicates, and Coalitions: Canada’s PoliticalParties after the 2004 Reforms / Harold J. Jansen and LisaYoung

6 The Impact of Election Finance Reforms on Local Party Organization/ David Coletto and Munroe Eagles

7 The Quarterly Allowance and Turnout: Old and New Evidence /Peter John Loewen and André Blais

8 Financing Party Leadership Campaigns / William Cross and JohnCrysler

9 Lessons from the American Campaign Finance Reform Experience /Robert G. Boatright

10 Conclusion / Harold J. Jansen and Lisa Young

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