
加拿大高中 电子烟和故意破坏影响高中生和工作人员

(2024-04-17 12:45:56) 下一个



Reta Ismail 多技能记者 2024 年 4 月 16 日

这个问题影响了泰晤士河谷地区学校董事会 (TVDSB) 和伦敦地区天主教学校委员会 (LDCSB) 的当地高中。

“这真是一团糟,我什至不想撒谎……洗手间总是关闭,因为人们吸电子烟、吸大麻、吸毒等,”沮丧的十一年级学生亚当·穆斯塔法(Adam Moustafa)说。




周二上午,数十名学生在 Fredrick Banting 爵士中学外接受伦敦 CTV 新闻采访时,穆斯塔法和萨克利夫等学生抱怨高中内洗手间的现状。


“我们加强了监督,正在考虑其他措施,例如安装电子烟探测器等。我们将继续与家长和学生合作,努力真正鼓励他们在学校周围做出积极的行为,”校长丹尼斯·赖特 (Dennis Wright) 解释道。 与 TVDSB 共同致力于安全学校和心理健康。

据报道,有几起学校工作人员出于健康和安全考虑而被迫关闭洗手间的情况。 然而,两个委员会都表示,学生在任何时候都没有被禁止使用洗手间的情况。

他说:“我们确实有一个具体的例子,我们的设施发生紧急情况,我们在 10 分钟内就让卡车带着移动便盆停了下来,这样我们就可以提供这些东西。”



LDCSB 教育助理总监罗伯塔·吉布森 (Roberta Gibson) 表示:“几年前,这一点变得非常引人注目。如果你还记得,当 TikTok 挑战发生并鼓励破坏行为时。”


“我们楼下的女生洗手间仍然没有皂液器,”十一年级学生哈拉·阿尔祖雷吉 (Hala Alzureigi) 说,她补充说,学校不得不拆除一些洗手间的门,以便能够监控这些行为。

“我认为这是一个持续的挑战,随着学生们在生活中的这些部分的努力,这一挑战将继续存在。 所以我认为,你知道,尤其是在电子烟如此普遍的情况下,持续监测和持续干预,并与我们的学生合作,了解电子烟的危险,可以帮助……减少它,”吉布森解释道。

'It’s pretty messed up': Vaping and vandalism continue to impact high school students and staff across the region


By Reta Ismail Multi-Skilled Journalist  April 16, 2024 

It’s an issue affecting local high schools across both the Thames Valley District School Board (TVDSB) and the London District Catholic School Board (LDCSB).

"It's pretty messed up, I’m not even going to lie…the washrooms are always closed because of people vaping, smoking weed, doing drugs etc.,” said frustrated eleventh grader Adam Moustafa.

And he’s not alone.

“It's awful, one it smells awful, you see these pods everywhere, one time the toilet, you couldn't flush it because there was so many pod things in there,” added another eleventh grader, Aiden Sutcliffe.

Vaping inside washrooms has become a common scene within high schools across the region.

Moustafa and Sutcliffe are among dozens of students who spoke with CTV News London outside Sir Fredrick Banting Secondary School Tuesday morning, complaining about the current state of the washrooms inside their high school.

It’s an issue that both school boards are well aware of and are working to address.

"We've increased supervision, we're looking at alternate measures such as installing vape detectors, etc. We continue to work with parents and students to try really encourage them to engage in positive behaviours around the school,” explained Dennis Wright, superintendent of safe schools and mental health with the TVDSB.

There have been several reported instances where school staff have been forced to close washrooms due to health and safety concerns. However, both boards said at no point have students been left with no washroom access.

"We do have one specific example where we had a facilities emergency and within 10 minutes we had trucks pull in with porta potties just so we could provide that,” he said.

Wright adds that school support councillors have been added in some schools to engage with students in hallways, cafeterias and parking lots to encourage good behaviour and respect school property.

But it’s not just the vaping, there’s also been increased vandalism to washroom facilities, including damaging doors, toilets, sinks and ripping out soap dispensers from the wall.

"It became really noticeable a few years ago. If you remember, when the TikTok challenge happening [and encouraging] the vandalism,” said Roberta Gibson, assistant superintendent of education with LDCSB.

That challenge, dubbed the “devious lick” gained popularity on social media — a trend which involved students posting videos that show them stealing or damaging items taken from their school, most often, from their washrooms.

"We still don't have a soap dispensers in the girls’ washroom downstairs,” said eleventh grader Hala Alzureigi, who adds the school had to remove the doors to some of the washrooms to be able to monitor the behaviour.

“I think it's an ongoing challenge that will continue to be, as students work through those parts of their lives. So I think that, you know, especially with the vaping being so prevalent, with continued monitoring and continued interventions and working with our students to understand the dangers of vaping can help...diminish it,” explained Gibson. 

安省高中生吹哨:他们锁在厕所里抽大麻 吸毒!学校到底管不管

发布:2024年04月17日 09:24来源:加国无忧 51.CA作者:哈科

这是一个发生在安省伦敦市Thames Valley District School Board(TVDSB)和London District Catholic School Board(LDCSB)当地高中的问题。或许,这也是正在安省所有高中正在发生的问题。

Sir Frederick Banting Secondary School in London, Ont. is seen on April 15, 2024. (Reta Ismail/CTV News London)

11年级的学生Adam Moustafa非常沮丧,他说:“一切都太混乱了,我不想撒谎去掩饰······洗手间总是关闭,因为有人在里面吸电子烟、抽大麻、吸毒等。”


另一名11年级学生Aiden Sutcliffe补充说:“太糟糕了,一是闻起来很难闻,到处都是电子烟的pod。有一次,厕所里有很多,你冲洗不掉。”


周二上午,Moustafa和Sutcliffe等数十名学生,在Sir Fredrick Banting Secondary School外接受了伦敦CTV新闻的采访,抱怨学校洗手间的现状。


TVDSB安全学校和心理健康主管Dennis Wright解释说:“我们已经加强了监管,我们正在考虑安装电子烟探测器等替代措施。我们继续与家长和学生合作,真正鼓励他们在学校周围做出正确的行为。”





LDCSB的助理教育总监Roberta Gibson说:“几年前开始这种事情变得非常明显。如果你还记得,当TikTok挑战发生(并鼓励)破坏行为时。”

这一挑战被称为“devious lick”,在社交媒体上很受欢迎,学生们上传视频,展示他们从学校偷东西或损坏东西,最常见的是从洗手间偷东西。

11年级学生Hala Alzureigi说:“我们楼下的女洗手间仍然没有消毒液机。”她补充说,学校不得不拆除了一些洗手间的门,以便能够监控这种行为。


  • https://london.ctvnews.ca/it-s-pretty-messed-up-vaping-and-vandalism-continue-to-impact-high-school-students-and-staff-across-the-region-1.6849591
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