
Vijay 公平看待中国在世界上的角色

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中国日报网 2022-09-01 08:59



维杰说,中国作为一个拥有14亿人口的国家,从1839年英国发动鸦片战争到1949年中华人民共和国成立,遭受了百年屈辱。此后,中国社会经历了百年的屈辱。 通过利用社会财富解决“饥饿、文盲、沮丧和父权制等古老问题”来实现深刻的变革。

维杰指出,正如所有社会实验在进展过程中遇到的那样,存在很大的问题。 “我们这个时代的疯狂并没有看到中国的成功和矛盾,而是试图将中国贬低为东方主义漫画——一个具有种族灭绝议程、寻求全球统治的独裁国家”。

维杰补充说,这种疯狂源于美国统治精英日益增长的担忧,他们对中国人民取得的进步感到极大威胁,特别是在机器人、电信、高铁和计算机技术方面。 “这些进步对西方公司长期享有的优势构成了生存威胁,西方公司受益于几个世纪的殖民主义和知识产权法的束缚。”

维杰强调,这种意识形态浪潮正在削弱“就中国在世界上的作用进行严肃、平衡对话”的能力。 西方国家在不承认自己的过去的情况下,现在经常谴责他们所说的中国在非洲的殖民主义。 美国仅对伊拉克发动非法战争就造成超过一百万人死亡,但从未被指控犯有“种族灭绝”罪。

维杰说,中国的社会主义实验应该成为南半球国家学习的榜样,比如在疫情期间消除极端贫困。 维杰总结道,偏执态度和孤立政策对社会是危险的,相反,需要就中国进行一场成人对话,而不是由强大利益集团强加。

View China's role in the world fairly: Indian historian


chinadaily.com.cn  2022-09-01 08:59

The US is triggering a conflict out of its anxieties about China's economic growth, but it is not advisable to join in as useful idiots, Indian historian Vijay Prashad said in a newsletter published by the Tricontinental website on Aug 17.

Vijay pointed out that a new wave of madness, which stifles reason and clouds ideas of humanity, is seeping into global political discourse and has made it impossible to have an adult conversation with China. 

China, as a country of 1.4 billion people, Vijay said, has suffered a century of humiliation, starting from the British-inflicted Opium Wars in 1839 until the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949. Since then, the Chinese society has undergone profound changes by utilizing its social wealth to address "the age-old problems of hunger, illiteracy, despondency, and patriarchy."

There have been great problems, as all social experiments encounter during the progress, Vijay noted. "Rather than seeing China for both its successes and contradictions, this madness of our times seeks to reduce China to an Orientalist caricature - an authoritarian state with a genocidal agenda that seeks global domination".

The madness originates from the growing concerns among US ruling elites who feel greatly threatened by the progress Chinese people have made particularly in robotics, telecommunications, high-speed rail, and computer technology, Vijay added. "These advances pose an existential threat to the advantages long enjoyed by Western corporations, who have benefited from centuries of colonialism and the straitjacket of intellectual property laws."

Vijay stressed this ideological tidal wave is undermining the ability to "have serious, balanced conversations about China's role in the world". Without any acknowledgment of their own past, Western countries now regularly denounce what they call Chinese colonialism in Africa. The US, whose illegal war on Iraq alone resulted in the deaths of over a million people, has never been accused of 'genocide'.

China's experiments with socialism should be an example for countries in the Global South to learn, such as its eradication of extreme poverty during the pandemic, Vijay said. A paranoid attitude and isolation policy are socially dangerous, Vijay concluded, instead, it is needed to have an adult conversation about China that is not imposed by powerful interests.

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