
農民怒火蔓延全歐 拖拉機圍城

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農民怒火蔓延全歐 拖拉機「圍城」

大公報  2024/02/08














法國農民抗議「自然復育法」衝擊生計 開拖拉機包圍巴黎

2024/02/02 中央社
法國巴黎附近的農民推著拖拉機行走,抗議價格壓力、稅收和綠色監管,並指出這些都是歐洲各地農民共同的不滿。 (路透)





法國內政部長達馬南(Gerald Darmanin)在農民「圍攻」巴黎行動前說:「我們無意讓政府建築、稅務機關或雜貨商店遭到破壞,也不想讓運輸外國農產品的卡車被擋下。這顯然不能被接受。」

0法國巴黎附近的農民,把拖拉機停在高速公路上,抗議標語牌上寫著「憤怒的農民」。 (路透)

他表示,法國總統馬克宏(Emmanuel Macron)已下令展開維安行動,以確保戴高樂機場(Roissy-Charles de Gaulle Airport)和歐利機場(Orly Field)維持開放,並使巴黎最大生鮮批發市場杭吉斯(Marchede Rungis)持續營運。

法國總理艾塔爾(Gabriel Attal)昨天視察一處農場,力圖解決農民的訴求。當局26日曾宣布一連串讓步措施,但未能化解這場危機。




全國農人工會聯盟(FNSEA)主席羅梭(Arnaud Rousseau)昨天表示,工會成員希望政府能有更多作為。

路透社報導,法國農業部長費諾(Marc Fesneau)今天表示,法國希望本周內做出決定,以修改歐洲聯盟(EU)「自然復育法」(Nature RestorationLaw),協助國內的農民。這項法規是關於在最新生物多樣性要求下農地必須休耕的規定。

費諾告訴法國第2電視台(France 2):「在接下來的48小時,我們將提出一些措施。」





Why French farmers are up in arms: fuel hikes, green regulation, EU directives


French farmers have engaged in a standoff with the government to express anger over a perceived lack of respect, rising costs and suffocating EU regulation. Prime Minister Gabriel Attal seeks to calm the protesters while the far-right National Rally hopes to take advantage of their anger, just five months before the European elections.

 By: Louis CHAHUNEAU  

A woman passes by a farmer as he takes part in a protest against taxation and declining income, in Toulouse on January 16, 2024. A woman passes by a farmer as he takes part in a protest against taxation and declining income, in Toulouse on January 16, 2024. © Ed Jones, AFP

France’s farmers are angry with their government. Several dozen of them have been blocking a portion of the A64 highway near Toulouse since January 18 to express their anger. Then an explosion between Thursday and Friday night blew out the windows of a local government building in the nearby city of Carcassonne. Two graffiti tags left at the scene attributed the act to a mysterious collective of winemakers.

"It is not insignificant that this [the protest movement] comes from the south of the country," said François Purseigle, a sociology professor at the French agronomy faculty of the Toulouse Institute of Technology. "Farmers are on the frontline of climate change, with successive droughts taking place, and they have been repeatedly told they are not doing enough for the environment."   

Read moreCan technological fixes solve France’s water crisis amid record droughts?

Surprised by the farmers’ blockades, France’s government announced a delay of “several weeks’” for reforms announced over a year ago to help farmers. The stakes are high: France lost 20% (101,000) of its farms between 2010 and 2020, according to a recent survey.

“Many young people today prefer to avoid self-employment because they would earn less than a farm employee, and this should not be the case,” said Yohann Barbe, a cattle farmer in the Vosges department in northeastern France. Successive governments have been struggling to stop the phenomenon. “Nearly 200,000 farmers will be of retirement age by 2026, but there are not enough buyers [to take over their farms],” said Purseigle. “There is a gap between Macron’s speech on 'civic rearmament' and the reality of farmers who feel completely disarmed.”

'We can't expect farmers to shoulder the ecological transition'

The vulnerabilities of farmers are increasing day by day. “Emmanuel Macron made a great speech on agriculture during a meeting at Rungis International Market in 2017, but never acted upon it. We're fed up,” Barbe said.

Protesters say their movement, which originated in the southwest, is bound to spread nationwide, especially if the government does not quickly respond to their grievances. These include the government’s move to increase taxes on agricultural diesel, a polluting fuel, used by farmers, that has long benefited from government tax breaks. The move will directly affect the sector's production costs.

Read moreFrench politicians attempt to appease angry farmers ahead of European elections

Farmers are also denouncing non-compliance with a law passed in 2018 which guarantees that hikes in production costs be covered by the agrifood chain through trade negotiations. 

"I sell my milk to Savencia (an agribusiness group), even though I don't even know how much milk will cost on February 1, because we didn’t reach an agreement with them in December," said Barbe, who is also a member of the National Federation of Farmers' Unions (FNSEA). In another example, the 2018 law required 20% of the food distributed in canteens to be organic by 2022, but the threshold is still stagnating at around 6%, according to the French newspaper Les Echos. "We can't expect farmers to shoulder the ecological transition by themselves,” said Barbe.

The European Union targeted

Also jarring to farmers are the mounting environmental standards put on agricultural production. They point out that the frequent transposition of European directives make national standards even stricter than European standards. “We are not against more supervision, but we need compensation on prices,” said Barbe. This comes at the risk of losing to foreign competition. France imported more than one chicken out of two consumed in 2022 from abroad (notably, from Belgium, Poland and Brazil).

The farmers are also holding the European Union itself responsible for their situation. With a budget of €53.7 billion for the 2023-2027 mandate, the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) implements a system of agricultural subsidies and other programmes. Farmers describe it as dysfunctional. “For the first time, the CAP subsidies have still not yet been paid to all our farmers in 2023. Several farmers are having problems with their bank or their suppliers, who they weren’t able to pay as a result," said Barbe.

Anger over European regulations grows among French farmers

The far-right National Rally did not hesitate to use this anger against Brussels to launch its campaign for the European elections in June. Jordan Bardella, chief of the National Rally, spent last Sunday with workers on the wine-growing lands of Médoc.

“The European Union and the Europe of Macron (want) the death of our agriculture,” said Bardella. "French farmers are exposed to unfair competition from products from around the world which don't respect the strict standards that they (French producers) have to observe," he added.

For Purseigle, the farmers' anger will be a major theme in the coming European elections. “If they have succeeded in one area, it is in putting agricultural issues on the political agenda,” he said. The newly appointed Prime Minister Gabriel Attal also rushed to the Rhône department in east-central France on Saturday before receiving the FNSEA and the Young Farmers Union Monday in an effort to calm the discontent. “Politics is also about responding to emotions,” Purseigle noted.

As for the farmers, they have already announced they won't hesitate to block Paris and disrupt the Paris International Agricultural Show, which begins on February 24, if the government ignores their demands.

This article was translated from the original in French.

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