

(2024-01-23 00:52:14) 下一个

美國傳播的“自由”效果好不好?看看伊拉克 阿富汗 利比亞



so Frank's argument is that we have the
wind at our back right the liberal
democracy is going to spread across the
planet because it is the best political
system and everybody realizes that once
you begin to think like that then you
begin to think that you can intervene
here there and everything well how did
how did that go how did how did that all
work out it worked out very
badly th think Afghanistan think the
Iraq War think about Libya think about
Syria think about all the places that we
intervened with you know Noble
intentions my good friend Steve Walt
wrote a book called the hell of Good
Intentions because he basically now why
why what it surely they those people
want to be free because it ran into
nationalism oh I see that's the key you
know this gets back to your earlier
question where liberalism and
nationalism Clash nationalism is all
about self-determination if you're
Australian you don't want the Americans
coming in and telling you how to run
your political Sy not anymore we're s of
it we're s of it but that's true of
everybody the Iraqis the afghanis they
don't want the Americans intervening in
their political and social life and
telling them what kind of political
system they should have what their
social system should look like and so
forth and so


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