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作者:克里斯·塞缪尔 2023 年 12 月 28 日

“杀猪”诈骗案中,骗子经常在网上冒充年轻女性,骗取越来越多的钱财。 手机诈骗、诈骗者窃取数据、数字身份窃贼、暗网、短信诈骗在线概念。 智能手机上的黑客符号与个人



据美国有线电视新闻网 (CNN) 报道,在泰国边境附近的大院里活动的人口贩运受害者被迫以精心设计的骗局为目标,说服受害者交出巨额资金。




金三角泰国老挝和缅甸的 3 个边界湄公河上可爱的金佛,河上有船洛阿斯特殊生态,东南亚国家缅甸、老挝、泰国边境地区长期以来一直是犯罪组织的沃土。 


联邦调查局特工詹姆斯·巴纳克尔 (James Barnacle) 告诉媒体:“这是欺诈服务的专业化”,并警告说,越来越多的美国人和世界各地的人正在陷入这一骗局。

据执法机构称,2020 年与这些诈骗相关的损失达 9.07 亿美元,到 2023 年 11 月该年度损失将增至 29 亿美元。



联合国估计,缅甸各地可能有多达 12 万人被关押在营地中,另有 10 万人被关押在柬埔寨和其他地方,他们的生活条件相当于现代奴隶制。

美国有线电视新闻网 (CNN) 采访了 CY,他是金融诈骗案的众多美国受害者之一,损失超过 100 万美元。

这位 54 岁的金融工作人员在网上遇到了一位名叫“Jessica”的骗子,在他们通信几周后,这位骗子向他介绍了加密货币。


然后他被指示安装一个虚假的交易应用程序,并被教导如何“投资”。 他一开始投入了几千美元,并获得了惊人的回报。



杰西卡鼓励赛伊投入越来越多的资金,并承诺这将有助于资助他生病的父亲的护理。 在遇到这个骗子的一个月内,他变卖了所有家庭资产,并借了贷款进一步投资。

CY 的父亲于 11 月中旬去世,他在一起度过了最后一个晚上,每隔几个小时给杰西卡发送一条最新消息。

东南亚国家缅甸、老挝、泰国边境地区长期以来一直是犯罪组织的沃土。 这三个国家之间的地区被称为“金三角”,几十年来一直是世界上毒品最多产的地区之一。



联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室东南亚区域代表杰里米·道格拉斯表示,泰国政府发起了一项运动,以提高泰国公众的认识,但每周仍有数百人被贩运到亚洲从事诈骗工作。 。

泰国司法部长 Tawee Sodsong 告诉媒体,他计划成立一个特别工作组,研究如何防止诈骗中心在泰国电信服务上运营。


中国当局此前表示,缅甸当局于 9 月与中国同行联合打击电信诈骗,截至 11 月已向北京移交 31,000 名嫌疑人。

Myanmar scam centers forcing trafficking victims to dupe Americans out of millions online

"Pig butchering", scams see victims tricked into parting with more and more money by scammers often impersonating young women online.

By CHRIS SAMUEL Dec 28, 2023 

Mobile phone scam, scammer stealing data, digital identity thief, dark web, text sms fraud online concepts. Hacker symbol on smartphone with personal 

Those carrying out the scams are often victims themselves, tricked and forced to work for criminal gangs.

Criminal gangs based in Mynamar are reportedly scamming tens of thousands of Americans out of millions of dollars online.

Human trafficking victims operating out of compounds near the Thai border are forced to target people online with elaborate scams that convince victims to part with huge sums of money, CNN reports.

The fraudulent ploy is known as a “pig butchering”, a scam which sees victims tricked into parting with more and more money by scam artists often impersonating young women online.

Scammers then build a relationship with their targets over weeks and introduce them to cryptocurrency and encourage them to invest their money on a fake clone of a real trading app.

Victims are motivated to keep investing by being shown huge - but invented - returns, like pigs being gradually fattened for the slaughter.

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Golden Triangle the 3 borders of Thailand Laos and Myanmar lovely Golden Buddha on the Mekong River with boats in the river mountains Loas special eco

The border regions of Southeast Asian countries Myanmar, Laos, Thailand have for a long time been a fertile market for criminal organizations. (Image: Getty)
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After a while, the scammer vanishes along with the money.

FBI special agent James Barnacle told the outlet: “This is the professionalization of fraud services,” and warned that an increasing number of Americans, and people all around the globe, are falling for the scheme.

According to the law enforcement agency, in 2020 reported losses connected to these scams amounted to $907million, rising to $2.9 billion for the year by November 2023.

UN and FBI investigators say in three short years, transnational crime groups have exploited developments in tech and the civil war in Myanmar to create a billion-dollar industry duping people across the world into handing over their life savings.

Chinese crime syndicates exploit an army of modern-day slaves, the outlet reports, trapped by what the UN has called one of the biggest human trafficking events in Asia in recent history.

The UN estimates that as many as 120,000 people could be held in compounds across Myanmar, and a further 100,000 people held in Cambodia and in other locations, living in conditions amounting to modern slavery.

CNN spoke to CY, one of the many American victims of the financial fraud, who lost over a million dollars.

The 54-year-old, who works in finance, met a scammer going by the name of “Jessica” online, who introduced him to cryptocurrency a few weeks into their correspondence.

Jessica told him she’d amassed millions by trading gold using cryptocurrency aided by inside knowledge from her uncle in Hong Kong.

He was then instructed to install a fake trading app and was taught how to “invest”. He began by putting in a few thousand dollars, and was shown startling returns.

Hacker wear hood working with laptop when try to hacking into victim system

Tens of thousands of Americans have fallen victim to these elaborate scams. 

Jessica encouraged CY to plough more and more money in, promising it would help fund care for his ill father. Within a month of meeting the confidence trickster, he had liquidated all of his family’s assets as well as taking out loans to invest further.

CY’s dad died in mid-November and he spent their last evening together messaging Jessica updates every few hours.

The border regions of Southeast Asian countries Myanmar, Laos, and Thailand have for a long time been a fertile market for criminal organizations. The area between the three nations, known as the “Golden Triangle”, has for decades been one of the world’s most prolific drug-producing regions.

In 2021 and 2022, a slew of pig butchering scam hubs run by Chinese crime groups cropped up in Cambodia until the government eventually started to clamp down on them.

But Myanmar, which is still in the midst of a bloody civil war since the 2021 military coup, has proven to be a hugely profitable base for carrying out scam operations.

The Thai government launched a campaign to increase awareness among the Thai public, but hundreds of people are still being trafficked through Asia every week to work as scammers, according to Jeremy Douglas, Regional representative for the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in Southeast Asia.

Thai Justice Minister Tawee Sodsong told the outlet he is planning to establish a task force to look into what can be done to prevent scam centres from operating on Thai telecommunications services.

He also wants to hold to account corrupt civil servants accused of aiding human trafficking rings, or of standing in the way of efforts to dismantle them.

Myanmar authorities launched a clampdown on telecom fraud with counterparts in China in September, handing over 31,000 suspects to Beijing as of November, Chinese authorities previously said.

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