
法国球星姆巴佩呼吁结束暴力 停止破坏自己的城市

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基利安·姆巴佩 (Kylian Mbappe) 在警察枪杀 17 岁的纳赫尔·M (Nahel M) 后全国骚乱之际呼吁法国和平

作者:Triyasha Chatterjee 2023 年 7 月 1 日


巴黎圣日尔曼球星、法国队队长基利安·姆巴佩呼吁结束一名年轻人被警察枪杀后的暴力示威活动。 全国各地都爆发了骚乱,特别是在马赛、里昂、图卢兹、斯特拉斯堡和里尔,以及巴黎,周二,17 岁的阿尔及利亚和摩洛哥裔男子纳赫尔·M (Nahel M) 在南泰尔社区被枪杀 。


他写道:“像所有法国人一样,我们对年轻纳赫勒的惨死感到震惊和震惊。” “首先,我们向他和他的家人致以诚挚的哀悼。”

周二,一名自称“Nahel M”的 17 岁儿童在巴黎南泰尔区的一个交通站被枪杀。 这次暗杀事件在首都周围和法国各地引发了数晚的抗议活动,其中许多活动演变成与警察的暴力冲突以及商店的破坏和抢劫。 尽管相关警察周四被捕并被指控故意谋杀,但抗议活动仍在继续。




在巴黎郊区邦迪长大的姆巴佩周三对他所说的“不可接受的情况”表示心碎,但考虑到事态升级已迫使法国政府部署 45,000 名警察,有人呼吁保持冷静 像姆巴佩这样有影响力的人将会受到当局的欢迎。


尽管如此,周五晚上还是出现了额外的动荡,尤其是在里昂和马赛。 姆巴佩和政府希望他的讲话有助于在周末平息事态。
“但除了这种痛苦之外,还有帮助无能为力的人走向真正的自我毁灭的过程。 “暴力解决不了任何问题,更不用说当它不可避免地、不知疲倦地针对那些表达暴力的人、他们的家人、亲人和邻居时。” 他加了。


French Captain Kylian Mbappe calls for END to riots in France


Kylian Mbappe calls for peace in France amid nationwide unrest following police shooting of 17-year-old Nahel M

By Triyasha Chatterjee July1, 2023
PSG Star Kylian Mbappe urges end to violent riots in France follwing the death of teenager Nahel M in a alleged police shooting

PSG star and France captain Kylian Mbappe has called for an end to the country’s violent demonstrations following the death shooting of a youngster by police. Unrest has erupted across the country, notably in Marseille, Lyon, Toulouse, Strasbourg, and Lille, as well as in Paris, where Nahel M, a 17-year-old of Algerian and Moroccan heritage, was shot on Tuesday in the Nanterre neighbourhood.

Mbappe turned to social media on Friday to beg for calm on behalf of the French national squad.

“Like all French people, we were marked and shocked by the brutal death of young Nahel,” he wrote. “Firstly, our thoughts go out to him and his family to whom we extend our sincere condolences.“

On Tuesday, a 17-year-old kid identified simply as ‘Nahel M’ was shot at a traffic stop in the Parisian district of Nanterre. The assassination sparked nights of protests around the capital and across France, many of which devolved into violent battles with police and damage and looting of shops. Protests have continued despite the fact that the cop in question was arrested and charged with voluntary murder on Thursday.

“Obviously, we cannot remain insensitive to the circumstances in which this unacceptable death has taken place.”

“Since this tragic event, we have been witnessing the expression of popular anger whose essence we understand, but whose form we cannot endorse.”

“With many of us coming from working-class neighborhoods, these feelings of pain and sadness, we also share them.”

Mbappe, who grew up in the Paris suburb of Bondy, expressed his heartbreak at what he called a “unacceptable situation” on Wednesday, but given the escalation that has forced the French government to deploy 45,000 police officers, a call for calm from someone as influential as Mbappe will be welcomed by authorities.

PSG Star Kylian Mbappe urges  end to violent riots in France follwing the death of teenager Nahel M in a alleged police shooting

Despite this, there was additional turbulence on Friday night, notably in Lyon and Marseille. Mbappe and the government will be hoping that his speech helps calm things down over the weekend.

“But to this suffering is added that of assisting powerless to a real process of self-destruction. “Violence solves nothing, even less when it inevitably and tirelessly turns against those who express it, their families, loved ones and neighbours.” he added.

The statement concluded with a plea: “The time of violence must end to make way to that of mourning, dialogue and reconstruction.”

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