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作者:朱莉娅·穆勒 - 08/02/22

https://thehill.com/policy/international/3585185-ex-obama-ambassador-to-china-calls-pelosi-trip-a-pro Vocation-that-makes-biden-look-weak/

来自蒙大拿州的民主党人、曾在前总统奥巴马任内担任驻华大使的前参议员马克斯·博卡斯 (Max Baucus) 称众议院议长南希·佩洛西 (加利福尼亚州民主党人) 周二的台湾之行是一次“挑衅”,并补充说这让拜登总统显得“软弱”。

博卡斯在周二晚间接受美国有线电视新闻网 (CNN) 杰克·塔珀 (Jake Tapper) 采访时反复警告,佩洛西此行将使美国更接近承认台湾是一个独立国家,而这位长期参议员表示,这将是一场灾难。



“别忘了,她是议长。 她不仅仅是一名普通的国会议员,”他说。 “除此之外,她还是一位非常坚强的鹰派。 她对中国非常批评。”

“实际上,这正在做什么,它正在推动民主的支持更接近跨越独立的界限。 这才是真正的问题,”鲍克斯说。


“当我们非常接近底线时,我们就是在玩火,佩洛西正在推动我们更加接近承认台湾是一个独立国家。 一旦我们到达那里,我们就会付出代价,”鲍克斯说。


“佩洛西议长,也不要忘记——这对她来说是一张免费通行证。 她不是总统。 她不必担心在全球范围内执行外交政策。 她是国会议员。 她不必担心这个,”鲍克斯说。 “她做了一点,但不多。 可怜的乔·拜登,他看起来很弱,因为他要么告诉她不要去,而在中国人眼中他看起来很弱,要么他很弱,因为他告诉她不要去,但她还是去了。”



克里姆林宫表示,俄罗斯和美国已经讨论了可能涉及被拘留的美国记者的囚犯交换 联合国核机构批准日本将福岛核电站的水排入海洋的计划


两党许多议员都表示支持佩洛西,一方面是因为他们希望看到她不顾中国的反对前往台湾,另一方面是因为他们不希望拜登政府阻碍众议院最高官员做出这样的决定。 旅行。

Ex-Obama ambassador to China calls Pelosi trip a 'provocation' that makes Biden look 'weak'

BY JULIA MUELLER - 08/02/22 


Former Sen. Max Baucus, a Democrat from Montana who served as ambassador to China under former President Obama, called House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) Taiwan visit Tuesday a “provocation,” adding it made President Biden look “weak.”  

Baucus in an interview Tuesday evening with CNN’s Jake Tapper repeatedly warned the trip by Pelosi was edging the U.S. closer to recognizing Taiwan as an independent nation — which the longtime senator suggested would be a disaster.

“This is a provocation because the Chinese government is very opposed to this,” said Baucus, who served as ambassador to China from 2014 to 2017.

He said Pelosi’s visit was much more important than a visit by a random member of the House.

“Don’t forget, she’s Speaker. She’s not just an ordinary member of Congress,” he said. “Add to that she’s a very strong hawk. She’s very critical of China.”

“Really, what this is doing, it’s pushing the support of democracy a little closer to crossing the line into independence. That’s the real problem here,” Baucus said. 

Taiwan wouldn't risk the "disaster" of formally declaring its independence from China, the former ambassador said, but China will react if Taiwan looks like it's leaning toward what the Chinese government considers an “existential” threat. 

“We are playing with fire when we get pretty close to the line, and Pelosi is pushing us much, much closer to recognizing Taiwan as an independent country. And once we get there, we're going to pay a price,” Baucus said.

Baucus, who served with Biden for decades in the Senate, also said Pelosi was making Biden look weak in front of the Chinese, who he said value power and strength above all.

“Don't forget, too, Speaker Pelosi — it's a free pass for her. She's not the president. She doesn't have to worry about conducting foreign policy worldwide. She's a member of Congress. She doesn’t have to worry about it,” Baucus said. “She does a little but not much. So poor Joe Biden, he looks weak because he either told her not to go and he looks weak to the Chinese guys, or he's weak because he told her not to go and she went anyway.”

Pelosi touched down in Taipei on Tuesday after kicking off her congressional delegation tour Monday in Singapore. 

Ahead of her arrival, speculation circulated about whether the Speaker would include the self-governed island claimed by China on her itinerary — which also includes Malaysia, South Korea and Japan — and Taiwan’s addition remains controversial.

Baucus's criticism was striking because of the tenor of his remarks and his stature as both a Democrat and a former diplomat to China.

It was also in contrast to the views of many sitting lawmakers in both parties who have backed Pelosi's Taiwan trip.

Many lawmakers in both parties have offered support for Pelosi both because they wanted to see her go to Taiwan in spite of China's opposition and because they did not want the Biden administration to stand in the way of the top official in the House from making such a trip.

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