
加拿大人挣1加元欠1.85加元 债务继续攀升

(2023-06-14 23:47:41) 下一个




【加拿大都市网】加拿大统计局周三公布的数据显示,与 2022 年第四季度相比,加拿大家庭的债务与其收入相比有所增加。

根据联邦机构的数据,家庭债务与可支配收入的比率从2022 年第四季度的 181.7% 上升到 2023 年第一季度的 184.5%。这意味着普通家庭每增加一元的可支配收入就欠债大约 1.85 元的债务。


家庭偿债率——衡量家庭必须用于偿还债务的可支配收入比例——从 2022 年第四季度的 14.40% 上升至 14.90%。这是自 2020 年以来最大的季度增幅,推动了家庭偿债率达到 2019 年以来的最高点。

加拿大抵押贷款和住房公司在 5 月份报告说,加拿大人的家庭债务比G7集团中的任何一个国家都多,使加国容易受到全球经济危机的影响。

根据Equifax 上周发布的一份报告,随着消费者在通货膨胀和高生活成本的情况下进一步陷入债务困境,越来越多的加拿大人无法每月支付非抵押贷款账单。

加拿大人正在努力应对不断飙升的生活成本,因为加拿大央行上周通过再次将其主要隔夜贷款利率提高25 个基点(0.25 个百分点)至 4.75% 来应对持续的通货膨胀。

2022 年 3 月,加拿大开始了激进的加息运动,以压低通胀,将其关键隔夜利率从 0.25% 推高至 4.5%。该理论认为,通过提高借贷成本,消费者——和企业——将减少支出,从而压低价格并减缓经济?。

Canadians Now Owe $1.85 in Debt for Every Dollar of Disposable Income

By Ketki Saxena  Economy   Jun 14, 2023 15:18

Investing.com -- In the first quarter of this year, Statistics Canada reported an increase in household debt levels relative to disposable income. This rise is attributed to a decline in disposable income while Canadians continue to accumulate more debt.

Data from the agency reveals that seasonally adjusted household credit market debt as a proportion of disposable income increased to 184.5% during Q1, up from 181.7% in Q4 of 2022.

This indicates that for every dollar of household disposable income, there was $1.85 worth of credit market debt.

Meanwhile, the household debt service ratio climbed to 14.90% in Q1 from 14.40% in the previous quarter. This data point represents the principal and interest payments on credit market debts as a percentage of disposable income, meaning that Canadians now owe nearly 15% of their disposable.

This surge can be partly explained by households borrowing an additional $16.5 billion (seasonally adjusted) during Q1, with mortgage debts accounting for $11.2 billion of this amount.

The overall seasonally adjusted stockpile of household credit market debts - encompassing consumer credits along with mortgage and non-mortgage loans - experienced a growth rate of approximately 0.6%. The total figure rose from the fourth quarter's level at around $2.84 trillion in Q3 including $2.11 trillion specifically related to mortgages. This data point represents the total amount owed by Canadians in credit market debt.

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