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Vinegar is able to effectively inactivate Covid-19 virus
1... Japan: Both 4% and 6% acetic acid aqueous solutions effectively inactivated the virus after 5-min incubation with a reduction over 4 log, resulting in a viral titre below the detection limit.
Source: Japan, Virucidal effect of acetic acid and vinegar on SARSCoV-2; Jun. 24, 2020
2... Italy: Both vinegar and acetic acid strongly inactivate SARS-CoV-2 infectivity in Vero cells with a 90% inhibition of the infectious titer when directly applied to a nasopharyngeal swab transfer medium of a COVID-19 patient. The fumigation of vinegar at low concentration (0.34%) ameliorated the symptoms of mild SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Source: Italy, Vinegar and Its Active Component Acetic Acid Inhibit SARS-CoV-2 Infection In Vitro and Ex Vivo; July 20, 2020