
Chinese are not like us. They think carefully.

(2022-08-08 23:01:28) 下一个

Chinese are not like us. They think carefully. They consider all the options. For them the use of force is the last resort. But once they decide to use it, they go all the way to the end to be successful.

----Douglas Mcgregor

Most Americans Have ‘Cold’ Views of China. Here’s What They Think About China, In Their Own Words

JUNE 30, 2021


Negative views of China have increased substantially since 2018. Today, 67% of Americans have “cold” feelings toward China on a “feeling thermometer,” rating the country less than 50 on a 0 to 100 scale. This is up from just 46% who said the same in 2018. The intensity of these negative feelings has also increased: The share who say they have “very cold” feelings toward China (0-24 on the same scale) has roughly doubled from 23% to 47%.

But what do Americans think specifically about China beyond a number that represents their opinion of the country on a feeling thermometer? To understand this, we asked them an open-ended question: “What’s the first thing you think about when you think about China?” We analyzed the first five references in each response and found that Americans rarely brought up the Chinese people or the country’s long history and culture. Instead, they focused primarily on the Chinese government – including its policies or how it behaves internationally – as well as its economy. Human rights, China’s economy and the country’s political system were referenced most by Americans, coming up among 20%, 19% and 17% of respondents, respectively.

While these broad categories are informative, highlighting the frequency of certain topics and themes, the nuance evident in many responses is important in its own right. Below you can explore what Americans say is top of mind when it comes to China, based on the “feeling thermometer” score that they gave the country.

“I’m concerned about the Chinese government but I don’t have a problem with their people. I worry it’s a militant state with genocidal treatment of the Uyghurs, monitoring of their populace with facial recognition and members of opposition disappearing.”
Woman, Democrat, 30-49
“They oppress their people and minority groups. They’re one of the worst perpetrators of crimes against humanity. However, it is complicated because they’re such a massive economic force and often corporate interests override humanitarian interests.”
Man, Republican, 18-29
“China has been oppressing its people for years. They steal U.S. intellectual property and demand unfair trade practices. They have increased their military actions, taken over disputed land, and built a base. Not to be trusted!!!”
Man, Republican, 50-64
“China has little concern for human rights. China has little concern when dealing with other nations. China steals technology. We need to reduce the trade imbalance with China.”
Man, Democrat, 65+
“Uyghur concentration camps/genocide. Limiting internet access, state-sponsored apps and websites, people unable to own homes and being forced instead to lease from the government. Death tolls from any disaster being underreported, huge population living in poverty. Their greenhouse gas emissions.”
Woman, Democrat, 18-29
“VERY restrictive government, rich culture, wealthy, military power, beautiful unique nature.”
Woman, Democrat, 30-49
“China is a beautiful and culturally rich world power. They have an exceedingly strong economy and a growing consumer middle class. They have a strong centralized government loosely masked as a communist republic. In reality it is closer to an authoritarian state, with many examples of the government publicly putting country over people.”
Man, Democrat, 18-29
“We cannot trust them, they are on the offense at all times with our democracy, trade and weapon capabilities.”
Woman, Democrat, 50-64
“Government is assuming control over every aspect of their citizens’ lives. They are trying to become the number one power in the world.”
Man, Democrat, 65+
“They are making way too much money from all their good, bad, cheap, and expensive products sold to the U.S.”
Woman, Democrat, 30-49
“The coronavirus, overpopulation, poor air quality in the cities, poor quality of many products except for technology.”
Woman, Democrat, 65+
“China scares me a bit because their government has a lot of power. I have some friends who used to live in China and they tell me now how much they invade on your privacy, but everyone is okay with it.”
Man, Republican, 18-29
“Human rights abuses, religious persecution, intellectual theft, patent infringement, market manipulation, communist dictatorship, authoritarian.”
Man, Republican, 18-29
“They want world dominance. They could care less about their average citizens. They are the worst polluters in the world.”
Woman, Republican, 65+
“They should face consequences for their role in covering up and hampering COVID-19 efforts and other international issues. I support a U.S. recognition of Taiwan as a consequence.”
Man, Democrat, 30-49
“Everything is made there. They rule the world.”
Woman, Democrat, 30-49
“Communist, suppression, large economy, pollution.”
Man, Democrat, 50-64
“Threat to world security, indifferent toward other countries, dangerous.”
Man, Republican, 65+
“I think they have cheap labor to take jobs away from the American people. I also believe Joe Biden is in bed with them.”
Woman, Republican, 18-29
“Communist, totalitarian, abusive of its citizens, religiously intolerant, crushed freedoms, evil regime.”
Woman, Republican, 65+
“Poor human rights record, communist, suppression of individual rights.”
Man, Democrat, 30-49
“Wonderful, intelligent and entrepreneurial people who, unfortunately, are living under an undemocratic regime.”
Woman, Democrat, 50-64
“Economic powerhouse, increasing world power, poor human rights record, fascinating history and art.”
Woman, Democrat, 50-64
“They make good products, including tasteful clothing. They are our competitor but not our enemy.”
Man, Democrat, 65+
“Extensive poverty reduction of the Chinese population, impressive improvement of health care and education systems, religious intolerance, corruption.”
Woman, Democrat, 65+
“China is far ahead of the U.S. when it comes to tech. The United States has fallen behind. Also, China uses its wealth to influence and gain control of other countries. This must be addressed.”
Man, Democrat, 50-64
“Critical to our economy, ruthless with its population (human rights violations), willing to bend the rules to get ahead (devaluing currency).”
Man, Democrat, 18-29
“Technologically savvy, growing economy, dominant in future world affairs, too many people.”
Man, Democrat, 65+
“I think about communism and lack of personal freedoms. Everything mandated nationally. I work with people from China so have an idea of their culture and business and customs.”
Woman, Democrat, 65+
“Makes too many needed products, controls and oppresses its people.”
Woman, Republican, 50-64
“Communism, repression of the people, the government cannot be trusted.”
Woman, Republican, 65+
“A communist county that wants to rule the world at any cost.”
Man, Republican, 50-64
“Technologically advanced, overpopulated, too controlling, especially regarding human rights, i.e., one-child rule.”
Woman, Republican, 65+
“A nation of great human resources which, if it can overcome its authoritarian traditions, could make great contributions to mankind.”
Man, Democrat, 65+
“Too many cheap products are [being] imported from China. We are becoming a wasteland for these products. Flip over almost any product at Walmart and you will see it is from China. Sam Walton would be ashamed. Everyone wants more for less. We are gluttonous. Products we all need on a daily basis have prices through the roof ... everything else is crap from China.”
Woman, Democrat, 65+
“We should learn to effectively work with them but they cannot be trusted.”
Man, Democrat, 65+
“Militaristic country with few personal rights and freedoms. Large population, country covers a large area and is seeking expansion.”
Woman, Republican, 65+
“A vast and diverse country with incredible innovation, natural beauty, etc. A government that wants continued growth and uses control mechanisms to achieve this.”
Woman, Democrat, 18-29
“They are aggressive in manufacturing dominance at the expense of ethics or human rights. Also they are working to increase their standing as a world power: economically, militarily and in terms of [gross national product].”
Man, Democrat, 65+
“China is the biggest threat to the U.S. They are building their military and hold the upper hand on us because of debt. They are shrewd and no doubt are spying on a regular basis. We must be very cautious when dealing with China.”
Man, Republican, 65+
“The government of China stifles personal freedoms like speech. They are a large contributor to pollution and they are becoming increasingly aggressive from a military standpoint.”
Man, Republican, 30-49
“Communist, does not value human rights, bully, hard to deal with.”
Woman, Republican, 30-49
“I think about the human rights abuses, such as the indefensible treatment of the Uyghurs, as well as the infringements of personal freedoms suffered by all citizens. I think about the gender imbalances still present from the one-child laws of the past, which further harms their society. I think about the centuries of rich culture and history that created incredible art and architecture, as well as incredible inventions that furthered humanity as a whole.”
Woman, Democrat, 30-49
“I think China is the number one polluter on the planet and needs to be regulated by the world. But other than that it’s the U.S. business owners that fund China for their discounted textiles, inflating their markets while strangling ours. We need factories in the U.S. that are eco-friendly and bring back the textile businesses to Americans and lower production costs if we are ever to compete with China’s economy.”
Woman, Democrat, 30-49
“The first thing that comes to mind about China is shopping for cheap goods. Items I would pay triple for. Also, of course the open meat market and COVID-19.”
Woman, Democrat, 50-64
“Although China has great human atrocities, leverages great control over its people, and steals technology, it has had great economic and medical advances in the past years. While there is much controversy in expanding U.S.-China relations, keeping them as allies is to our advantage.”
Woman, Democrat, 50-64
“Economic powerhouse, rising importance, delicious food.”
Man, Democrat, 30-49
“I think how much it has changed since I first visited in the ’70s when everyone rode bicycles. They have pursued a path toward becoming an aggressive territorial power, pushing and expanding their boundaries. They treat their ethnic minority populations very poorly, even criminally. This saddens me. At one time I was very pro-China. Now, they worry me.”
Man, Democrat, 65+
“China implements harmful economic policies for other countries and can be a bully. But economic relations are so intertwined that any action must be smart and calculated in order not to hurt U.S. economic interests.”
Woman, Democrat, 30-49
“Technology advancements, test guinea pigs, human overpopulation, pollution from commercial buildings, manners and kindness to others, rich history.”
Woman, Democrat, 30-49
“There are human rights issues in China, however [there] are also huge human rights issues in the U.S. We can’t simply judge and force China into making needed changes when internally the U.S. is doing a terrible job. I work directly with people from China and from a daily life perspective, people don’t feel like not having freedoms or trying to fly from government control. There is a lot to do in China but there is also a lot to do in the U.S. to respect women, Black, Hispanic, other minorities and children’s lives. I feel there is a lot of control and lack of freedoms in the U.S.”
Woman, Democrat, 30-49
“Manufacturing, lack of human rights, control of citizens.”
Woman, Republican, 30-49
“China seems to be the best in the world when it comes to oppressing minorities, even better than the United States, which is very difficult. What they are doing to the Uyghur population, what they’ve done to Hong Kong and Taiwan, it’s obvious that the power they wield isn’t done for the good of the world.”
Man, Democrat, 30-49
“Intellectual property breaches, hacking/stealing technologies, cheap manufacturing, outsourcing, increasingly aggressive military, financial debt traps in other countries, human rights abuses.”
Man, Democrat, 18-29
“Very scared of their military increasing in power. Very worried about their infiltration into our lives, spying on our industries.”
Woman, Republican, 65+
“Forced conformity, disregard for international environmental agreements, potential for great positive change, or the reverse.”
Man, Democrat, 50-64
“The CCP is a criminal organization holding China hostage. They are a threat to the world.”
Man, Republican, 50-64
“When I think of China I think of the tariffs imposed on America (not necessarily China’s fault). I think of cheap labor, many family members living in small homes, overpopulation, and pollution. I should learn more about China.”
Woman, Republican, 30-49
“China is a country to be feared. Their leadership cannot be trusted. We should be harder on China in every way.”
Man, Republican, 65+
“COVID-19, competition, Great Wall.”
Man, Democrat, 65+
“Repressive communist regime, human rights violations.”
Man, Democrat, 50-64
“A rising economic power with a huge workforce and technological abilities to influence America’s economy and elections.”
Woman, Democrat, 50-64
“Huge cybersecurity risk for the U.S., increasingly threatening militarily, huge damage to U.S. economy via international trade, risk to U.S. financial stability via holdings of government bonds, remains totalitarian while modernizing, potential for better relations through joint programs.”
Man, Democrat, 50-64
“I think China has made great strides towards human rights and allowing their citizens more personal freedoms than before.”
Woman, Democrat, 30-49
“China is the origin country for COVID-19 but they managed to keep the virus from spreading further, way better than the U.S.”
Woman, Democrat, 30-49
“Authoritarian, Uyghur internment camps, strong economy, very rapid construction, Great Firewall.”
Man, Democrat, 30-49
“We rely TOO MUCH on goods from China. China is trying to dominate the whole world and we are supporting that with the stuff we buy from them. Too bad their scientists seem to be smarter than ours. And they are welcomed here as students. We have to stop kissing China’s a**.”
Man, Republican, 65+
“Manufacturing, fast-growing economy, possibly on track to be the next superpower.”
Woman, Democrat, 30-49
“Cheap goods, large market, technologically advancing far too quickly for our interests.”
Man, Democrat, 65+
“A country of incredible vision, and an ability to navigate the political process in a way that allows it to continue to stay focused on goals over a long period of time. Also riddled with corruption, unfair balance of wealth, and ethnic prejudice.”
Man, Democrat, 30-49
“Oppression of democracy, spreads lies and propaganda.”
Man, Democrat, 50-64
“China is a large economic presence in the world. The U.S. needs to work with China instead of condemning them. We need to develop a good, working, respectful relationship with them, and, then, human rights issues could he addressed in future.”
Woman, Democrat, Age refused
“Large country, technologically capable, repressive.”
Man, Democrat, 65+
“The U.S. has become reliant on Chinese manufacturing. China needs to answer for many human rights offenses. Accountability is necessary and that’s difficult when many nations rely heavily on exports from China.”
Identify as neither man or woman, Democrat, 18-29
“I think China is currently going through a much more authoritarian phase than it was even a few years ago. I feel that the treatment of the Muslim minority Chinese people is inexcusable and horrific, and it shows that we don’t actually care about human rights that no one has demanded China change.”
Woman, Democrat, 30-49
“They have killed us financially. I love their food.”
Man, Republican, 18-29
“China suppresses its citizens and cares more about the interests of those in the highest echelons of government.”
Woman, Republican, 30-49
“They are leaders in too many ways! Highly intelligent and very innovative. Also very sneaky and dangerous with spying/intelligence. Very nefarious – not to be trusted. They are also our partners and competitors but may be our number one enemy!”
Woman, Democrat, 50-64
“I think China wants to take over the United States. If we are not careful then we will all have to learn how to speak Chinese. I don’t trust China and President Trump did a good thing when it came to China.”
Woman, Republican, 50-64
“They’re trying to become the world leader. They steal information from us. Very poor human rights. Oppress Christians. Very good at technology.”
Woman, Republican, 65+
“Oppressive and domineering of its own people. Sophisticated propaganda machine. World economic dominance. Fishy motivations behind major transportation-related projects in less developed nations. Mandated idolatry putting Chinese government above God. Manipulation of citizens, invasion of privacy. Efficient online delivery services within the country. Enabling horrendous oppression in North Korea. Buying up influence in U.S., especially Hollywood, AMC theaters to influence our opinions.”
Woman, Republican, 65+
“Communist country that is too rigid with human rights. Large, powerful country and economy that has a large share of global influence.”
Woman, Democrat, 50-64
“Communist, racist dictatorship which can’t be trusted. It strives to achieve world dominance.”
Man, Party refused, 65+
“I went to China in December and it was nice, actually!”
Woman, Democrat, 18-29
“China has a huge population. It is focused on increasing its economic and world influence and has a poor record on human rights. It has made large investments in real estate here in the U.S. and has taken over much of the manufacturing that had been done in the U.S. It has made inroads in alliances with other countries within the last four years as Trump ignored our allies and courted our foes. We need to regain good relations with other countries to limit China’s influence with them.”
Woman, Democrat, 65+
“China has its goal to overtake the United States in world dominance. They also want to destroy democracy.”
Sex refused, Republican, 65+
“They have things right. They take care of themselves. Don’t overpopulate and get an outstanding education.”
Woman, Republican, 30-49
“It is a totalitarian regime that suppresses human rights within its own population while trying to impose its dominance on its neighbors and eventually, worldwide.”
Man, Republican, 65+
“Human rights violations, limited freedoms, but also the ability to better manage crises.”
Man, Democrat, 30-49
“Vast economic growth in the last 50 years, but much factory-caused pollution, kind of like where America was 100 years ago.”
Man, Democrat, 50-64
“Human rights abuses, threats to our national security.”
Man, Democrat, 65+
“I think the way that they are dealing with those who protest and those that are Muslim is abhorrent.”
Woman, Democrat, 50-64
“I think that too many of our things are imported from China. While that is good for them, it’s not always the best for us.”
Woman, Democrat, 30-49
“I think about China as a communist country that oppresses their people. They do not have freedom of religion or speech.”
Woman, Republican, Age refused
“China’s economic growth looks very strong but the country always has serious human right issues.”
Man, Democrat, 30-49
“I think the United States needs to wake up regarding China. China has a rising middle class and it’s building infrastructure. In this way, China is a threat to United States’ dominance on the world stage. The United States is a nation full of aging infrastructure with many major bridges, but engineering achievements seem to be a thing of the past. The United States should: #1. Be focused on having a strong middle class. The Cold War was won partly on the strength of our standard of living. #2. The United States could invest in upgrading infrastructure, providing much-needed jobs while making vastly overdue improvements in infrastructure. A strong middle class and jobs and engineering achievements strengthens our nation and may help this divided country to a degree.”
Woman, Democrat, 50-64
“Communists who cannot be trusted, responsible for COVID-19, they take advantage of the U.S., their people do not have any freedoms and live like slaves.”
Woman, Republican, 50-64
“Made in China, sweatshops, poor living conditions, taking advantage of the people.”
Man, Democrat, 30-49
“China is using underage people to do work. Products brought in from China are cheap and poorly made. It is an overpopulated country. We should do less trading with this country and focus on our businesses here at home.”
Woman, Democrat, 65+
“The U.S. has dug itself into a hole with regards to our Chinese relations. Because of our desire to have extremely inexpensive goods, we have shifted lots of national manufacturing to foreign sites. This is a double-edged sword and ties our hands. We are forced to do business with China. In simple terms it is the fault of the American public that Chinese workers are subjected to the conditions they face in their factories. The only real way to fix this situation is to slow our reliance on imported goods. That would mean the average American has to make a conscious effort to purchase U.S.-made goods. The main barrier here is the lack of choice (not as easily available) and the higher price that often comes with these goods.”
Man, Democrat, 30-49
“When I think of China, I think of food. But from a political standpoint I also think about their successful war on poverty and how they were able to lift over 800 million people out of poverty. It is a truly incredible accomplishment.”
Man, Democrat, 18-29
“If we lose China as an ally, our own country will go bankrupt. We depend on them a lot for items we purchase each day or week. Also, I believe if they were against the U.S., it would cause World War III.”
Woman, Republican, 50-64
“Powerful nation with global impact, for better or worse. Questionable policies regarding territorial expansion and human rights.”
Man, Democrat, 18-29
“Massive population that powers a large part of the world’s economy.”
Man, Party refused, 30-49
“China has a major lead on industry over the U.S.”
Woman, Republican, 30-49
“An industrial power we are dependent on. However, the pollution, human rights infringements, and overpopulation are concerning.”
Woman, Democrat, 65+
“China is an economic powerhouse and large market, but has achieved that due to strong and continued suppression of human rights in a police state.”
Man, Democrat, 30-49
“China is a beautiful country with a fascinating culture. But, as a woman, I am appalled by the oppression of women that is so common there.”
Woman, Democrat, 18-29
“I don’t think anything negative about the people in any way. I think that there is a lot of misinformation and misrepresentation, as well as fear mongering about foreign nations. I do feel that the Chinese government is not transparent in their actions and in the way they treat the people of their nation.”
Woman, Democrat, 18-29
“It’s a place that monitors its population in scary ways. Life there is great – if you aspire to be an automaton working for the state. Otherwise, it’s a corrupt, suffocating, totalitarian society.”
Man, Republican, 50-64
“Untrustworthy. They have a proven track record of NOT being able to be trusted to do the right thing. They kill and imprison anyone who acts counter to the Communist Party line. The cut corners, so from flooring to food, everything they produce should be harshly scrutinized before being consumed. They ARE the major threat to U.S. prosperity, world peace and world health.”
Man, Republican, 50-64
“Economic powerhouse, totalitarian regime, genocidal takeover of Southeast Asia, reaching into Africa.”
Woman, Democrat, 65+
“Pollution, lifelong leaders, trade deal challenges.”
Woman, Democrat, 50-64
“They manufacture a lot. We should learn their ideas. They beat the coronavirus, too.”
Woman, Democrat, 50-64
“A sleeping dragon of economic potential. They are scary, as their government thinks in hundred-year plans, and our government thinks in four-year plans.”
Man, Republican, 30-49
“China is by far the biggest threat to world order since the Nazis in the 1930s. China has a long term strategy to destabilize and economically cripple the west by getting other countries reliant on them so they then have power to cut the world off with short notice.”
Man, Democrat, 30-49
“China will be an important trading partner but they must be watched.”
Man, Republican, 50-64
“China is the biggest threat to world peace and the economies of all the world’s leading nations. China has even publicly stated its intention to control the world economy. We must stop this from happening in order to protect human rights here in the United States.”
Man, Democrat, 50-64
“They are a world power and need to be taken seriously when it comes to their colonization of other countries.”
Man, Democrat, 50-64
“A growing global economic force entrenched in a pseudo-communist philosophy that puts the single party’s interest over those of its people.”
Man, Democrat, 50-64
“China is a terrorist state. They seek to control the U.S. They should not be classified as a friend but as a foe.”
Woman, Republican, 50-64
“I think China is full of human rights violations. I believe there are good people there, but not the government.”
Woman, Republican, 50-64
“Amazing history, communist roots, economic giant, global superpower, human rights violator, beautiful architecture/culture, and the largest threat to world peace.”
Man, Republican, 30-49
“China wants to be the leader in all international affairs. China also wants to be the leader in technology.”
Woman, Democrat, 50-64
“Cruel communist dictatorship, crude capitalist economy, and no environmental laws.”
Man, Democrat, 65+
“The majority of our products are manufactured there and we buy them and sell them at a higher cost. This makes the U.S. money, but it’s also supplying jobs to China and reducing jobs in the U.S. It also feeds China’s economy. If we manufactured more product in the U.S., we would make a bigger profit and create more jobs, and all money would stay in the U.S. and boost our economy.”
Woman, Democrat, 30-49
“I heard about the camps in China and how they may be breaking human right laws.”
Woman, Democrat, 30-49
“I think of the culture and the long history of art and philosophy that the world has gained from China. I think, also, of the controlling and restrictive government, their terrible human rights record, and their seeming desire for more and more control. I also think about how we need to be partners with them if we are ever to properly take on global warming. Of course, it’s hard not to also think of COVID-19 and how it has been managed there.”
Woman, Democrat, 30-49
“They are not to be trusted. They are only interested in advancing their ideas of socialism. They steal technology using spies and internet theft.”
Woman, Republican, 65+
“Economic powerhouse.”
Woman, Democrat, 18-29
“Repressive, aggressive, good people, bad government.”
Man, Democrat, 65+
“China operates to improve its own self-interests and does not play on a level economic field with the free-market countries. They are improving the economic conditions of its emerging middle class. Our economic ties and relations are our best opportunity to work with China and ensure world peace.”
Man, Democrat, 65+
“Largest population, communism, everything is made in China.”
Woman, Republican, 30-49
“Cheap consumables, made through forced (and likely child) labor, reeducation camps, pollution, decimating species over presumed health benefits.”
Woman, Democrat, 65+
“They own much of our property. They make lots of money from us. They have always treated us with disrespect!”
Woman, Party refused, 65+
“U.S. debt and nuclear arms. Knowing that China isn’t ready to come to the table to discuss limitations on nuclear weapons is of concern.”
Woman, Republican, 50-64
“Leader in technology. Makes a lot of cheap products. A possible threat.”
Man, Democrat, 50-64
“Dangerous. Dictatorship. Does not respect freedom or human rights. Spies on citizens as well as noncitizens. Treats Hong Kong and Taiwan terribly and the world should not allow it. Only cares about their own country. Hypocritical with politics and economy. Steals U.S. technology, software, business practice, money, intellectual property.”
Man, Republican, 30-49
“I can remember when history books showed pictures of people sweeping the streets with brooms. They have come a long way since then. I think that their young people are learning more than our young people.”
Woman, Democrat, 65+
“Cheap labor pool exploited by our own multinational corporations in order to kill our unions.”
Man, Democrat, 30-49
“China is becoming a world leader in economics. The issue is they manipulate their currency, which negatively effects the global economy. They also do not have a great record of treating their people fairly. They are able to produce goods cheaply, however that economic influx is not given to the people. Instead, it’s held by the government.”
Man, Republican, 30-49
“Oppression, censorship, secrecy.”
Woman, Democrat, 18-29
“Intellectual property theft, unfair economic player, authoritarian government, slave labor.”
Man, Republican, 30-49
“Massive economic power that cares little about their workers but have brain washed them with propaganda into thinking that they matter. It’s hard to compete economically with a nation that has a workforce that puts their jobs and allegiance to country above all else. Their workforce is so industrious. The workers are like robots. Everything I buy says ‘Made in China.’”
Woman, Democrat, 50-64
“China is already at war with the U.S., along intellectual property theft, cybersecurity, and legal (‘law fare’) lines. Recent comments by China regarding Taiwan, its treatment of the Hong Kong situation, and the Chinese colonization of the South China Sea makes it clear they intend to push every boundary to extract every advantage they can. They fight on every level, and we’re too dumb to take any useful action.”
Woman, Republican, 30-49
“It has economically and technologically progressed beyond expectations.”
Woman, Party refused, 30-49
“Emerging authoritarian superpower.”
Man, Democrat, 18-29
“Military dictatorship, aggressor in international conflicts, cannot be trusted.”
Man, Democrat, 30-49
“Communist, overpopulated, intent on becoming global economic/technologic/militaristic leader, cruel on human rights, social suppression.”
Woman, Democrat, 65+
“Huge, manufacturing, yummy food, overbearing government.”
Man, Democrat, 50-64
“I think China is our largest threat. If we don’t make some changes soon against what China is being allowed to do in the U.S. we are going to be in serious trouble.”
Man, Republican, 50-64
“They cannot be trusted! They will lie, cheat, and steal anything they can from other countries. China will use their manufacturing of much of the world’s products as leverage whenever they can.”
Man, Republican, 65+
“The Chinese leaders have always taken the long view and will patiently let countries like the U.S. and others self-destruct for short term gain, such as gutting the U.S. industrial base for short-term profits obtained by locating our manufacturing in China.”
Man, Democrat, 65+
“Advanced technology and education, less civil freedom.”
Woman, Democrat, 50-64
“Stolen intellectual property, human rights abuses, lack of personal freedoms, lack of transparency, lies.”
Man, Republican, 65+
“China is a communist country which wants world domination and will do anything to achieve that. They purposefully spread the coronavirus to the world.”
Woman, Republican, 50-64
“Overall, it is a very authoritarian country. I think of them persecuting Muslims and detaining journalists who speak out about human rights issues.”
Woman, Democrat, 30-49
“Incredible culture, threat to democratic norms and human rights.”
Man, Democrat, 30-49
“Uyghur Muslim persecution, detention and ‘reeducation’ = ethnic cleansing and a thorough disregard for basic human rights. A lack of freedom of speech, freedom of press, and freedom of movement. The systematic dismantling of Hong Kong’s democracy and the unlawful detention of those activists.”
Woman, Democrat, 18-29
“China’s accomplishments can’t be denied. Quality of life for Chinese people has dramatically improved over the last five decades. That said, human rights are a huge issue. China is becoming increasingly authoritarian and oligarchic, the U.S. is undergoing similar change.”
Man, Democrat, 18-29
“Beware. They want to dominate the entire world and control every aspect of our lives. God help us all, especially the people who already live under their rule.”
Woman, Republican, 65+
“China has little respect for its citizens. They use their military might to bully the less powerful countries. I feel they have little respect for the lives of their military.”
Man, Republican, 65+
“A world leader that works against the interests of the U.S. and is harmful to individual freedoms.”
Man, Democrat, 50-64
“China has a grasp of how its actions will affect its economic outlook far beyond that of U.S. politicians, and their authoritarian government allows them consistency that further strengthens their position. They know what they can get away with, and they abuse that power in gross human rights violations, from the daily oppression of their average citizens to the egregious attacks on Uyghurs that could easily be categorized as genocide.”
Man, Democrat, 30-49
“China is a huge producer of manufactured goods. It has questionable labor practices and it has created greenhouse gases because of the size of its population and its goods production.”
Woman, Democrat, 50-64
“Communism, dictatorship, abusive to its people, liars, can't be trusted, power hungry, poor leadership, dishonest.”
Woman, Republican, 50-64
“A great civilization in long decline, possessing technological might. The possibility of civilizational rebirth from within China is probably overburdened by the totalitarian government; but a few works of art, literature, movies, touched with greatness, still emerge from time to time, so there must be hope.”
Man, Republican, 65+
“Has a large population, is ruled by one man (president, dictator?), has a long and amazing history!, Great Wall, repression of Uyghurs.”
Woman, Democrat, 65+
“Lots of people with little concern for other countries. They make lots of products to sell around the world and are trying to become an even bigger world power.”
Woman, Republican, 30-49
“Communist dictatorship. Biggest threat to U.S. Very repressive to its own people. Internment camps for Muslim Uyghurs. Nine-dash line in South China Sea is totally against international law. Exploitative in dealing with Third World countries.”
Man, Republican, 65+
“Totalitarianism, censorship, state-backed companies.”
Man, Democrat, 30-49
“Communist, genocide, oppression, economic powerhouse.”
Man, Democrat, 18-29
“Cheats. Their citizens are not given any say about their own country and are physically abused if they speak out.”
Woman, Democrat, 65+
“Overpopulation, technology advancements, importance of higher education, COVID-19, and air pollution.”
Woman, Republican, 18-29
“An ancient and beautiful culture. Friendly, community-minded people. Concerned with bellicose foreign policy. Concerned with their treatment of ethnic and cultural minorities.”
Man, Democrat, 30-49
“China has the potential to be a trading partner and can peacefully coexist with the U.S., but they must be held accountable for malign or dishonest behavior and/or practices.”
Man, Republican, 30-49
“They are dangerous. They have too much power and control. They influence too many people here in the United States.”
Woman, Republican, 50-64
“Dictatorship, controlling, wants world domination.”
Woman, Republican, 30-49
“Communist, anti-freedom, anti-human rights, Biden puppeteer.”
Man, Republican, 30-49
“China’s central government, which is not oriented toward social liberty, is well aware of the economic power (a continually growing economy with a strong industrial base) it wields and is ambitious – just like the U.S. government – to turn that to political advantage on a global scale.”
Man, Democrat, 50-64
“They take unfair advantage of many other countries. I feel that they will soon invade Taiwan.”
Woman, Republican, 65+
“Not trustworthy. Wish they didn’t hold so much U.S. debt.”
Man, Democrat, 50-64
“A country of humans, like all the other countries. An innovative, smart, and hardworking people. Their willingness to meet the needs of the global economy supersedes environmental and prudent usage of resources, which is disturbing.”
Man, Democrat, 30-49
“Bloodsucking organ stealers. Murderers of their people. Enemies of God. The world needs to organize to stop them from pillaging small ignorant corrupt African countries. China is a rogue actor in the world economy and needs to be shut out of many economic markets all together. Parasitic politicians and leaders who have no moral values AT ALL. We were fools to give them hard-earned proprietary trade secrets in exchange for cheap manufacturing and products with sucky quality.”
Man, Republican, 65+
“Strong economy, powerful military, lack of human rights, social inequality.”
Woman, Democrat, 65+
“I think of a few friends I have who are from China. From a world standpoint I think mostly about cheap plastic goods. I also think of limited personal freedom.”
Woman, Democrat, 30-49
“A country that steals intellectual property and manufactures shoddy and counterfeit goods. All of these points bring one thing to mind: domination, monopolies, and trade at all costs, without regards to any other country.”
Woman, Democrat, 65+
“The genocide of Uyghur culture. Oppressive state censorship. Vibrant, rich cultural history.”
Man, Republican, 18-29
“Hong Kong and civil rights, apocalyptic environmental damage, communism.”
Man, Republican, 18-29
“Crowded, government overreach into private lives, small families by government decree, neighborhood watch groups, stealing information from the U.S.”
Woman, Democrat, 65+
“Wuhan, where the pandemic started probably a lot earlier than the Chinese let on. If China had been upfront with the with the world at the beginning, more lives would have been saved.”
Woman, Democrat, 50-64
“China will eventually overtake America. Its population is around [four times] ours. As their economy develops and consumer spending rises, they will eventually eclipse us. The question is, when? COVID-19 has accelerated this process by around 10 years.”
Man, Republican, 30-49
“China is an authoritarian regime and its citizens are only exposed to government-sponsored information, effectively cutting them off from the realities of the world. China was only able to keep the COVID-19 pandemic from spreading in its borders because it limited people’s rights and confined people against their will.”
Man, Democrat, 18-29
“Communist nation. Look at what they have done to Hong Kong.”
Man, Republican, 30-49
“Lack of protective labor laws, cheap labor, poor quality goods, starving people, dirty and polluted air, huge military force, cyber warfare, best hackers.”
Woman, Republican, 30-49
“China is an aggressive country which does not value human rights. China is going to be the biggest threat to the U.S. The U.S. is a democratic country and many things can easily be hampered or delayed, but no one can stop Chinese government from taking harsh action or coming up with policies not acceptable to other countries.”
Man, Republican, 30-49
“There are a lot of things made in the U.S. that are made by China. I think we should make our own products and hire our own people.”
Woman, Democrat, 50-64
“Human trafficking, overpopulation, traditions in some regions, COVID-19, food.”
Woman, Republican, 18-29
“I think China steals U.S. secrets as a price of admission to their country. I also believe China fails at humanitarian rights.”
Woman, Democrat, 50-64
“Threat to U.S. security and economy. Terrible human rights record. Terrible record of exploiting poorer countries. Terrible record of stealing U.S. technology. Terrible record of suppressing freedom. Bad record on the environment and global warming. Good at getting its people out of poverty, supplying basic day-to-day needs. Individual Chinese people are mostly good people, like most everywhere.”
Man, Democrat, 65+
“Stolen intellectual property rights, aggression in the South China Sea.”
Man, Republican, 50-64
“Brutal, authoritarian, communist dictatorship. Genocidal hellscape built on the bodies of hundreds of millions under Mao, possibly the most ruthless dictator who ever lived. Global adversary to freedom.”
Man, Republican, 18-29
“The goal of China is to take over the U.S. and the world. Joe Biden is complicit in allowing this to happen. He is basically a puppet of the CCP.”
Woman, Republican, 65+
“A communist state that uses it citizens as slave labor for world markets.”
Man, Republican, 30-49
“Negatively: Civil unrest and the overwhelming lack of religious freedom. Positively: Their response to the coronavirus changed their infection and death rate significantly. Resourcefulness in economic endeavors. Neutrality: Frenemies.”
Sex refused, Republican, 50-64
“Whenever the rare thought of China crosses my mind, I always think about how they have a quarter of the world’s population and I think about how I heard Catholicism was beginning to spread throughout the country.”
Man, Republican, 18-29
“I like their food.”
Man, Democrat, 30-49
“Communism, human rights issues, Uyghur oppression, economic powerhouse.”
Man, Democrat, 30-49
“The leader is a dictator who uses force on his own people. The people are used to doing the bidding of the leaders. The leader will use various types of force on his people to make sure they conform even to the point of putting limits on the number of children they may have. He is also willing to use measures on his young men to make them into stronger and more aggressive people. They are, overall, very intelligent people. Their factories supply a huge supply of goods to countries all over the world, including our country. The people appear to be more structured and productive and disciplined than in our country.”
Woman, Republican, 65+
“We cannot trust them. They hope to control world power.”
Woman, Democrat, 65+
“I think of a country with a rich history and culture that is now, along with its population, subjugated by a totalitarian government that is, for the most part, at least based on my knowledge, accepted by the population because of the deep-seated manipulation that the government engages in.”
Man, Democrat, 18-29
“It’s a powerful country that wasn’t taken seriously soon enough and now we’re playing catch-up.”
Woman, Democrat, 18-29
“A very populous country whose communist leadership is determined to be the world's largest economy and to be positioned to continually flex its military and financial prowess to the benefit of its communist leadership and party. If left unchecked by the United States and its allies, it is and will continue to be a very problematic country on the world stage.”
Man, Republican, 65+
“Totalitarian state where the whole is more important than the parts. Restricted human rights, unfair player in world marketplace.”
Man, Democrat, 65+
“Many of the Chinese people I have met have been good people. Their leaders may be problematic.”
Man, Democrat, 30-49
“Well, it is a country that has human rights problems but we need to have trade with them. We as a country have not done well with human rights so how can we tell other countries what to do when we have families going hungry and Black and Brown people not being treated fairly in our own borders? We need to clean our house before we can judge other countries.”
Woman, Democrat, 65+
“Up and coming world superpower with little interest in human rights. Also, major pollution concerns and exploitation of the country’s poor.”
Man, Democrat, 30-49
“China is a nation we need to pay close attention to. Its education of children shows they are smarter than us and it keeps its trades and finances secret. If it gets more firepower we can be in serious trouble. We must try to keep peace but trade with them must decrease.”
Woman, Republican, 30-49
“China is a communist country that doesn’t believe in civil rights for their people. Their goal is global domination. They rule by brute force.”
Man, Republican, 50-64
“Dictatorship, human rights, dealt with the coronavirus in a proactive way by shutting down the country.”
Woman, Democrat, 65+
“Fantastic culture, bad government.”
Man, Democrat, 30-49
“Unfair trade practices, spying on the U.S., human rights violations, pollution, communism, enemy of the U.S.”
Man, Republican, 50-64
“Manufacturing, communism, a billion people.”
Man, Democrat, 30-49
“A strong economy, built on the backs of human rights violations and horrible pollution.”
Woman, Democrat, 30-49
“I’ve been concerned with China’s response to the citizens of Hong Kong and their demands for democracy, as well as China’s treatment of the Uyghur population. Human rights and transparency are not high on China’s list of priorities.”
Woman, Democrat, 30-49
“Human rights suppression, espionage and cyberattacks.”
Woman, Democrat, 50-64
“Anti-democratic, one-party state breaking promises to Hong Kong, Uyghur concentration camps, forced labor.”
Man, Democrat, 50-64
“They are responsible for the China virus pandemic and knowingly tried to hide it. China was a key component in U.S. election fraud and fixing the election because they wanted Trump out and Biden in since he is as crooked as the Chinese government is.”
Man, Republican, 50-64
“Communism, government propaganda, prisoner work camps, stolen intellectual property, bootleg merchandise, child labor, environmental pollution, crimes against humanity.”
Woman, Democrat, 30-49
“I’ve visited China and loved the culture, the people. It’s a shame the government of China cannot be trusted but the Chinese people seem to be very happy there.”
Man, Republican, 50-64
“Terrifying country that continues to commit horrific human rights abuses and genocide. Currently the greatest threat to world peace. Too much economic power.”
Woman, Democrat, 30-49
“Not a good trading partner, they want to weaken the U.S. and want to dominate the world. Not trustworthy.”
Woman, Republican, 65+
“Economic powerhouse, cheap goods, trade deficit, endless labor force, Machiavellian.”
Woman, Democrat, 30-49
“Evil leadership, fascist, persecuted citizens”
Man, Republican, 50-64
“Communism, Xi, the Great Wall, Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, pandas.”
Woman, Democrat, 30-49
“The U.S. stands in their way of global domination. The U.S. has technology/biomedical secrets China will steal at any cost. China is actively looking for any and all means to damage our economy. China will use any dirty means against us: hacking, payment for influence with politicians or persons of interest, influencing our youth at the college level, misinformation or withheld information, espionage, military threat, biological threat, corrupt practices to turn allies, etc. Anything and everything for their goal of global economic and military dominance. A threat to the globe.”
Woman, Republican, 65+
“Untrustworthy, determined to be the world’s largest economy and willing to go to war to achieve these things.”
Man, Democrat, 50-64
“In my opinion China is an autocratic dictatorship led by a tyrant, Xi Jinping; the government of China, the Chinese Communist Party is an amoral kleptocracy interested merely in its own survival and not at all concerned with the welfare of its citizens. It’s readily apparent that the Chinese government is a bad-faith actor in world affairs increasingly resorting to economic and military threats to deal with the rest of the world. At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic last summer (which China covered up, to this day they’ve only reported 5,000 deaths in a country of almost 2 billion people) China was busy flexing its military across Asia. What sensible nation would do that?”
Man, Republican, 30-49
“Control of information, no free press, strong health care system, discrimination and persecution of ethnic groups, strong manufacturing and technology sectors.”
Woman, Democrat, 50-64
“The Chinese people as individuals are no different than other people, but their government is a totalitarian communist regime bent on conquering its neighbors and land-grabbing, as shown by their takeover of Hong Kong.”
Man, Republican, 50-64
“I visited China as a tourist in 1998. I noticed the presence of armed military personnel everywhere we went. We were limited in our exposure to the general population. The air pollution in Beijing at that time was so bad that we were all affected by it. I know they are not supporting human rights for their citizens, and that, recently, they have begun monitoring the population, setting up ‘social scorecards’ for everyone, depending on the surveillance information they obtain. George Orwell’s predictions about Big Brother have come to pass!”
Woman, Democrat, 65+
“I am very concerned about China’s human rights abuses. I acknowledge the importance of China for the U.S. economy but I do not understand the intricacies of that relationship.”
Woman, Democrat, 18-29
“Poor handling of the coronavirus pandemic, distrust of the Chinese government, and concern over the growing military and suppression of democracy.”
Woman, Democrat, 50-64
“China is run by leadership that has an imperialistic mindset. They are the ones that the U.S. needs to be very careful in dealing with, economically and politically.”
Man, Democrat, 30-49
“Authoritarian, industrial, human rights violations, South China Sea encroachment.”
Man, Democrat, 50-64
“The U.S. needs to work closely with China because they make everything!!!”
Man, Democrat, 50-64
“They’re trying to dominate the world. We should do what is necessary to prevent that from happening.”
Woman, Republican, 65+
“China is highly dedicated to improving the lives of its citizens but with a very strong central government that does not tolerate dissent.”
Man, Democrat, 65+
“Billions of hardworking, good people and a small percentage of people in power that oppress their citizens. They steal whatever benefits them from other countries and have ambitions to be world dominant.”
Man, Republican, 50-64
“Lots of people and a deep, rich culture.”
Woman, Democrat, 18-29
“Trump messed up our relationship with them. We need to get along. I don’t know how human rights are over there but they seem to be doing well overall.”
Man, Democrat, 30-49
“I think China wants to dominate the world in every respect and they don’t care if the world views them as ruthless. It would not surprise me if history will later show that COVID-19 was a biological weapon released intentionally by the Chinese Communist Party or their military.”
Woman, Republican, 65+
“Must be a terrible place to live. I do not appreciate the release of COVID-19 on this planet and they were the major reason that it happened. I view them as an enemy of our nation, not an ally.”
Man, Republican, 65+
“Their involvement in the U.S. and around the world to obtain world domination. Also, the work camps for Muslims and their own slave labor.”
Woman, Republican, 65+
“Socialist, communist, dirty dealer, says one thing and does another, user of its people, wants to own the world.”
Man, Republican, 50-64
“One-party rule. No human rights or personal freedoms. Massive polluter. Regional opportunist. Creating islands to claim as their territory. Larger number of English speakers – more than in the U.S. Corrupt business practices producing knockoffs of U.S. products. Cyber warfare/hackers.”
Woman, Democrat, 50-64
“Focused on economic progress at the expense of individual freedoms to think and act in any way not approved by the government. Strong focus on improving environmental policies but not at the expense of economic growth. A desire to exert its influence and control over foreign territories that it perceives are rightfully owned by China, regardless of what the people that live in those locations want.”
Man, Democrat, 18-29
“Atheistic government that values control over everything. A country that will prioritize silencing and killing its people to promote unquestioning loyalty through fear. A global leader in pollution and carbon emissions that cannot be trusted or allowed to expand.”
Man, Republican, 30-49
“Despite the coronavirus growth a year ago, I was impressed about how fast they moved to stop the virus spread. They shut down huge cities, built hospitals in just days, followed guidelines we in the U.S. should have had like masking, distancing, and so on. They came out of it faster. But the focus [of] former U.S. President Trump was to blame China for the virus instead of following CDC guidelines. If he did, we would be living somewhat normal lives today with the virus under control.”
Man, Democrat, 65+
“China is an ages-old culture that will likely play a leading role on the world stage moving forward.”
Man, Democrat, 50-64
“Totalitarian dictatorship, human rights abuser of its own people, dangerous military power, releaser of a pandemic on the world that could have been avoided, unfair trading partner, godless society.”
Man, Republican, 65+
“Trade, unfair practices with U.S. companies wanting to do business in China, taking over Taiwan, Tiananmen Square.”
Woman, Democrat, 50-64
“Not much free speech, callous attitude toward animals, wet markets, hubs for disease.”
Woman, Democrat, 30-49
“They would like to take control of America. They already control Biden.”
Woman, Republican, 50-64
“China is positioning to be a world power. They are active in developing countries and their ascension to power will be bad for the U.S.”
Man, Democrat, 50-64
“Child labor, militant, geological site outsiders will never see, the East, golden child, cheap clothing online that don’t fit because it’s made poorly.”
Woman, Democrat, 30-49
“They are an up-and-coming industrial power and may soon overtake the United States.”
Man, Democrat, 65+
“Overpopulation, cheap labor, beautiful lands, agriculture, trade embargoes, complicated language, huge land mass, technology.”
Woman, Democrat, 18-29
“They are an authoritarian country. They were where the virus started and they probably caused it to happen.”
Man, Republican, 65+
“Trade, the Great Wall, Chinese food.”
Man, Republican, 30-49
“I think China has made a calculation that it will relegate all else to lifting its people out of poverty. They have been amazingly effective doing so, but have shown a willingness to trample rights, and ignore environmental impacts in the process.”
Man, Democrat, 30-49
“The Chinese people are great but their government is too brutal and authoritarian. They have zero regard for international law and intellectual property agreements.”
Man, Republican, 50-64
“Totalitarian state with no human rights policies or due process for its citizens. Very unfair trade practices and uses its economic and military powers to exploit the global community.”
Woman, Democrat, 50-64
“They care little about other countries and people. They have a tight rein on their own people. They are one of the groups to watch about hacking into American systems.”
Woman, Democrat, 65+
“My husband grew up there. The current government is autocratic and aggressive. China is important and we must work with it as best we can.”
Woman, Democrat, 65+
“I mostly think about the authoritarian government and their censorship. Also their very poor treatment of Muslims.”
Man, Democrat, 18-29
“Emerging power, great potential, frightening government.”
Woman, Democrat, 65+
“They invented gunpowder. I think they need fewer ‘wet markets’ where many of these viruses seem to come from. Their people would be better off if the communist government was overthrown for something more democratic/socialistic. They need to improve their human rights record. We need to not be so dependent upon them for goods.”
Woman, Democrat, 50-64
“Huge country, exports, secretive, secluded.”
Woman, Democrat, 50-64
“China is for China. They will play the world so that they can take over the world. Look at what they are doing now in Hong Kong, and the plan to take over Taiwan. They steal technology.”
Man, Republican, 65+
“I do not like the communist government and its human rights abuses but I do like the Chinese people.”
Man, Republican, 50-64
“I think China has grown too big. That normally wouldn’t be a problem but some of the things they have done lately is concerning to me. I don’t like that we owe them so much money. I don’t trust them anymore.”
Woman, Democrat, 50-64
“Awful human rights, polluted, and negatively affecting the U.S. economy.”
Woman, Democrat, 30-49
“Large country. Overall, economically and socially unified by government, unfortunately at the expense of suppressing minority rights and freedoms. They are also a country that values money and profit over the environment. They are a country with history on their side and so their worldview is different than many Europeans or North American people.”
Woman, Democrat, 50-64
“Cheats, liars, corrupt, bullies, polluters.”
Man, Republican, 30-49
“They manufacture a lot of consumer goods. They are a source of the majority of our PPE, which makes us too dependent on them in times of global crises. They have less effective regulatory controls for the manufacture of drugs, etc., so I have less trust in products from there.”
Woman, Democrat, 65+
“Great country! Powerful economy and the system is changing. The U.S. should change its bias on China and learn from it!”
Woman, Democrat, 30-49
“China is a fascist country that use religious minority slaves to make garments.”
Woman, Democrat, 18-29
“Strong trade, communist, large population, world leader in trade.”
Man, Democrat, 18-29
“They need more democracy and transparency. Also more food regulations and fair pay for its people.”
Woman, Democrat, 18-29
“Strict mandates on Chinese population from the government. Large population. Huge exporters of cheap goods. Emphasis on education.”
Woman, Democrat, 50-64
“Human rights issues, excessive emissions causing very bad air, government subsidies to companies to undercut other suppliers.”
Woman, Democrat, 50-64
“Terrible human rights. Oppressive government. Rich beautiful culture and history. Hurting people.”
Woman, Republican, 50-64
“An economic superpower, a strong military, a history of questionable human rights”
Man, Democrat, 50-64
“In terms of government: human rights violators, market manipulators, intellectual property thieves, aggressors. In terms of people: warm, kind, intelligent, smart, hardworking. In terms of the landscape: beautiful.”
Man, Democrat, 30-49
“Oppressive government with Big Brother activities. They still encourage abortions. They treat some ethnic groups as slaves.”
Woman, Republican, 50-64
“Fair people, strict government, too many factories and pollution.”
Woman, Democrat, 18-29
“China has become a superpower maybe even stronger than the U.S. due to the coronavirus. While we are fighting over stupid things in the U.S., the whole world is laughing at us.”
Man, Republican, 18-29
“There’s a difference between China and its culture, as compared to China and its government. American people need to learn how to make that distinction and stop being so racist.”
Woman, Democrat, 18-29
“Growing world power. Strong military and economy with more capitalistic elements than before. Repressive politically, strong censorship and control, limited concern about human rights. Trade and technical advancements and violations.”
Woman, Democrat, 65+
“I think China [handled] the COVID-19 breakout very well due to the government system and people have resumed normal life.”
Woman, Democrat, 30-49
“China is fast becoming the economic powerhouse of the world. Its abuse of human rights is one thing allowing this growth. Our trade policies must do more to address this part of its economy. Aside from that, its forward-looking economic and climate change advancements in alternative energy technologies are impressive.”
Man, Democrat, 65+
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