
歐洲議員 過去兩百年裡 美国有幾年是沒打仗的

(2022-02-12 07:57:50) 下一个

歐洲議員挺陸酸美 「過去兩百年裡 有幾年是沒打仗的?」|Mick Wallace|中時新聞網



來自愛爾蘭的歐洲議會議員米克·華萊士(Mick Wallace)日前發布一段在議會發言的影片,駁斥了北約卓越戰略通訊中心一份報告對中國大陸的指控。他表示,中國大陸在過去40年裡沒有轟炸過任何國家,反問美國「在過去兩百年裡,有多少年是沒打仗的?」


how this plays out
in the material sense
now we see nato countries uh continually
engaged in warfare to protect their
financial interest yes china doesn't
have that approach
could you tell me which policy creates
more tension in the world
the paper also presents china's attempt
to control the narrative as a sinister
and an almost comical manner the report
reframes china's history as some kind of
they have been working on to treat
people into thinking that what's
happened really happened
now there are some people who speak
about china in a respectful manner as if
their accomplishments in poverty
alleviation public good infrastructure
development and their ability to rise to
world power status without dropping
bombs or imposing blanket sanctions on
countries our entire populations
this might be something that we could
learn from
especially given the misery caused by
nato countries today and the millions of
dead bodies at their feet
your report aims to slander these people
for their lack of prejudice now just to
pick up on a point from your first slide
you say that it's presented as
misinformation that chinese culture is
inherently peaceful
now i should remind you that china
hasn't dropped a bomb on anyone in 40
while the west have been at war for at
well over 200 years
and listen my question to you is how
many years in the last 200 years have
the u.s not been at war thank you very
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