
前纽约市长Michael Bloomberg发起新经济论坛

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嫌达沃斯清谈 布隆伯格发起“新经济论坛”


China first stop for billionaire Michael Bloomberg's New Economy Forum


Michael Bloomberg launches China-linked rival to Davos
Michael Bloomberg launches China-linked rival to Davos
Michael Bloomberg launches China-linked rival to Davos

前纽约市长迈克尔•布隆伯格(Michael Bloomberg)准备发起一个新的经济论坛,与世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum)达沃斯年会分庭抗礼。这个新的论坛旨在讨论中国崛起对美国主导地位构成挑战后的新全球秩序。

这位金融数据业亿万富翁邀请了两位长期关注中国的人士——前美国国务卿亨利•基辛格(Henry Kissinger)和前美国财政部长汉克•保尔森(Hank Paulson)——设计这个“新经济论坛”(New Economy Forum)。他们与中国国际经济交流中心(China Center for International Economic Exchange)合作,后者自称是“中国特色的智库”,由中国国家发改委主管,并由前中国副总理曾培炎担任理事长。这个新论坛将于今年11月在北京举行为期两天的首次会议。

自克劳斯•施瓦布(Klaus Schwab)的世界经济论坛于1974年在瑞士达沃斯举行首次会议以来,这个滑雪胜地已成为全球政商两界精英的代名词。但布隆伯格告诉英国《金融时报》,他的论坛将更侧重于让来自发达经济体和新兴经济体的私营和公共部门领导人共同努力,找出应对从经济包容性到环境可持续性等各种挑战的“可行解决方案”。


基辛格曾帮助策划了理查德•尼克松(Richard Nixon) 1972年访华,还为后来的多位美国总统提供如何与北京打交道的建议。他说他看到美中两国在经过了一段渐行渐近的时期之后,如今正摆出日益敌对的姿态。





新论坛的几位创始人已邀请到不少人参会,其中包括前美联储(Fed)主席珍妮•特耶伦(Janet Yellen)、唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)的前首席经济顾问加里•科恩(Gary Cohn),以及埃塞俄比亚和哥伦比亚等形形色色国家的几十家企业的首席执行官。但布隆伯格表示,会将嘉宾人数控制在400人。与之形成对照的是,世界经济论坛每年在瑞士山间的会议有大约3000人参加。



3M首席执行官英格•图林(Inge Thulin)表示,吸引我的是,这个论坛承诺采取切实行动,并关注新兴市场。“全球经济出现了深刻变化,需要有平台来讨论这一点,”他表示,“我不会说达沃斯的坏话,但未来20年、30年或50年,经济增长将来自哪里?显然是发展中市场。”

曾在2016年考虑参加美国总统选举的布隆伯格,一直通过一系列渠道(从他的彭博慈善基金会(Bloomberg Philanthropies charity)到彭博全球商业论坛(Bloomberg Global Business Forum)),宣扬他对从气候变化到枪支管制等一系列问题的立场。去年,彭博全球商业论坛取代了克林顿全球倡议(Clinton Global Initiative)在联合国大会(UN General Assembly)期间于纽约举行的年度活动。

“新经济论坛”将由布隆伯格的金融数据公司内部的新闻、杂志和会展业务——彭博传媒(Bloomberg Media)——运营。

“目前主要的全球论坛都是从西方的视角出发设计的,”彭博传媒首席执行官贾斯廷•史密斯(Justin Smith)表示,“如果你考虑全球经济的未来并希望把重要的公共和私营部门领导人聚集在一起,这就是另一个群体了。”


China first stop for billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s New Economy Forum – and he’s got some big players on board

Beijing will host the first sessions of the New Economy Forum, November 6-8
PUBLISHED : Tuesday, 15 May, 2018, 10:33am
UPDATED : Tuesday, 15 May, 2018, 8:00pm

Media mogul Michael Bloomberg is launching a new global conference, betting that his inclusion of some of the world’s most influential policymakers and CEOs will prove to be a better forum to address issues of global concern than Davos, G20 or other high-profile talk shops. 


Hosted by Bloomberg in partnership with the government-backed China Centre for International Economic Exchanges and co-chaired by the former US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, the New Economy Forum boasts an advisory board that includes the philanthropist and Microsoft founder Bill Gates, the former Chinese central bank governor Zhou Xiaochuan and Bain & Company chairwoman Orit Gadiesh. 


The forum’s inaugural session will be held November 6-8 in Beijing, a venue choice Bloomberg Media Group CEO Justin Smith called “critical”.

 “As much as you try to establish a global, truly diverse audience for any event, where you hold it is hugely symbolic,” Smith said in an interview.

“In 2018, if you want to have a serious conversation or learn more about the future of the global economy, Beijing would be at the top of that list.” 



Bloomberg, Paulson, elder statesman Henry Kissinger (who is an honorary chairman of the forum) and other high-profile participants have been critical of US President Donald Trump’s hard-line policies toward China, underscoring how much of a counterpoint the event will be to Trump’s approach to Beijing. 

These dignitaries, including former top White House economic adviser Gary Cohn – who resigned after differences with Trump over his plan to slap punitive trade tariffs on imports from China – have been very vocal about the need for closer coordination with Beijing to avert an all-out trade war or direct military conflict. 

Indeed, the dignitaries Bloomberg is pitching to promote the event have made headlines for their strong views about Trump’s unilateral approach to lowering the record US trade deficit with China and investment rules that force foreign companies operating in the country to transfer proprietary technology. 

“Contrary to what the president of the United States said, no one wins a trade war. The whole world would lose; consumers would lose, so we need to get out of this situation,” Paulson said at a China Institute event in New York last month. 

“The first thing we need to do is ratchet down the rhetoric and look for solutions and I think China has been pretty moderate with their rhetoric.”

Former Australian prime minister Kevin Rudd, another member of the forum’s advisory board, called Trump “the greatest source of instability across the Asia-Pacific region because no one knows which way he’s going to jump”. 

Rudd, now president of the New York-based Asia Society Policy Institute, made his comments while moderating an ASPI conference in December. 

And Bloomberg himself said he is working with people in Washington to fight Trump’s policies. 

“Leaders in Washington are considering new trade policies that would unfortunately harm our economy, would kill jobs, would slow innovation, and strain ties with nations around the world, including China, and we cannot let that happen,” the former New York City mayor said during a conference at his namesake company’s headquarters last month. 

 “Other countries around the world, again, including China, are responding with their tariffs and we don’t need a trade war. We’re going to make sure that doesn’t happen.”



Bloomberg’s ranking of climate change as the world’s top challenge also draws a sharp contrast between the forum’s spirit and the policies of Trump, who pulled the US out of the Paris climate accord last year. 

“The Bloomberg New Economy Forum will promote collaboration among participants to address the greatest challenges facing the planet, among them climate change, inequality and social disruption created by new technologies,” the company said in a press release. 

Climate action by the US and China was key to the agreement’s goal to keep the average global temperature increase to within 2 degrees compared with the pre-industrial era level because the two countries are the world’s top greenhouse gas emitters. 

“The laws of nature apply equally in China and the United States and the rest of the world,” Rhodium Group founder Daniel Rosen said recently at an event in Washington. 

“Environmental pressures are going to be pressing profoundly on both of us. Our security, our politics, our economics are all going to be deeply in a state of disruption as a result of environmental pressures,” Rosen said on a panel discussing the future of US-China relations, hosted by the Centre for Security and International Studies. 



Paulson and others said they saw Bloomberg’s ability to turn data into actionable solutions, as he did with his global financial news and data company, as a source of confidence in the inaugural session of the forum.  

“I think that the stellar participants in this really need to voice that the challenges are huge, and existing conferences aren't doing the trick. They are coming in short,” Paulson told South China Morning Post

“I think what we need is a pragmatic, data-driven, result-oriented, solution-oriented approach, and anybody that knows Mike Bloomberg knows that this is the approach he's taken everywhere.” 



By limiting the participants to sitting and former high-level government officials and the leaders of some of the world’s largest technology companies, the organisers said, the forum would be able to facilitate public-private partnerships tasked with addressing social problems caused by climate change and technological disruption.

Participation would be limited to about 400 people as opposed to more than 3,000 for Davos, according to Bloomberg’s Smith. 

“There’s all sorts of cross-border issues where business can play a role, so what I think is that these discussions involving leaders and business can come up with ideas and approaches that will help deal with some of these modern issues and maybe even come up with informing how some of the global governance institutions might be adapted or changed,” Paulson said.

Participation by others including India’s former central bank governor Raghuram Rajan, who is billed as an event host, is part of Bloomberg’s efforts to bring “new economic powers … India, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America” into initiatives around challenges the forum is trying to solve. 

Yasir Al Rumayyan, chief executive of Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund, and Dangote Group CEO Aliko Dangote, whom Forbes magazine has identified as Africa’s richest person, are both listed as founding partners of the Bloomberg forum.

Bloomberg, who was elected New York mayor in 2001 and served three terms, was viewed as a possible independent candidate in the 2016 US presidential contest.

He ultimately decided against a White House run, saying he feared a three-way race would help elect Trump, whose views he opposed.

Bloomberg later threw his support behind the Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

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