
Kevin Rudd: Malcolm Turnbull's new McCarthyism on China

(2018-02-27 05:31:54) 下一个

McCarthyism - Wikipedia

The practice of making accusations of subversion or treason without proper regard for evidence. The term refers to U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy and has its origins in the period in the United States known as the Second Red Scare, lasting roughly from 1947 to 1956 and characterized by heightened political repression as well as a campaign spreading fear of Communist influence on American institutions and of espionage by Soviet agents.

Malcolm Turnbull’s new McCarthyism on China

Last December, Malcolm Turnbull proclaimed that the “Australian people had stood up” — “Aodaliya renmin zhanqilaile” — against the Chinese. This was a parody of a statement attributed to Mao Zedong on the proclamation of the People’s Republic of China, after a century of foreign occupation, that “the Chinese people had stood up”.

Apart from Turnbull’s dubious comparison between China’s communist revolution in 1949 and Australia’s national circumstances in 2017, another small problem with Turnbull’s analogy is that there is no evidence that Mao said it. But then again, Malcolm has never been strong on detail. Remember the Godwin Grech affair?

One of the demands of prime ministerial office is policy consistency. But this is the same Turnbull who, when last leader of the Liberal Party, refused in 2009 to pass my legislation to ban all foreign donations to political parties. Had Turnbull done the right thing back then, much of the recent controversy on Chinese campaign donations could have been avoided.

This is the same Turnbull who as leader accused me of anti-Chinese sabre-rattling after the release of the 2009 defence white paper, which announced the doubling of the Australian submarine fleet and increasing the surface fleet by one-third to respond to China’s changing military posture. Turnbull was also a member of the cabinet that would later approve the sale of the Port of Darwin to a Chinese state-owned corporation on a 99-year lease where Andrew Robb would later become a “high-level economic consultant”.

Then there is the most infamous example of Turnbull’s political hypocrisy on China when our government refused permission for Chinese firm Huawei to participate in the rollout of the National Broadband Network on national security grounds. China did not like it. Nor did Turnbull. Indeed, when he became communications minister, he actively sought to have the government overturn our decision. It should also be noted that Alexander Downer was a paid member of the Huawei board.

Turnbull as a businessman some years back, as he has readily admitted, had mining investments in China. I assume that meant securing regulatory approval from the Chinese communist authorities to do so. Well, good luck to him. That’s what businesses do. I hope he made a profit.

So what has caused Turnbull to backflip on China? China’s strategy hasn’t changed. It has been consistent throughout. China has never pretended to share our democratic values, human rights or independent judiciary. As prime minister I challenged human rights abuses in Tibet. I also defended the legal rights of Rio Tinto employee Stern Hu when he was put on trial for corruption.

China has consistently sought to expand its foreign investment interests in Australia, as in other countries, particularly in the mining industry. Our government approved most of these. But some we didn’t, like Chinese state-owned enterprise Chinalco’s application to buy Rio Tinto, a decision for which we were regularly attacked in the Chinese media.

China also has long opposed US alliances in the region. Notwithstanding this, our government supported the US “pivot to Asia”, including the deployment of additional marines in Darwin. Yet, despite all this, our government was able to maintain a balanced relationship with China, as had previous Australian governments, recognising where our values differed while prosecuting our common interests, which are vast, and never frightened to say no.

Turnbull’s about-face on China, from apologist to McCarthyist, derives from the weakness of his domestic political position — not least because in the public’s view he stands for nothing and has now been behind in 27 consecutive opinion polls. I went below 50 per cent in one. Turnbull saw the Dastyari affair — involving appalling political and policy judgment by an opposition backbencher, but arguably no greater than Liberal Party backbenchers accepting international travel and hospitality from Huawei — as a simple political opportunity to look hairy-chested, to paint Labor as a pack of fifth columnists for the Chinese Communist Party, and through his jihad against “agents of influence” smear the 1.2 million strong Australian-Chinese community and their loyalty to Australia. I presume the next step is for us all to be hauled before a new house committee on un-Australian activities, to further perpetuate the memory of senator Joe McCarthy. Why not a new Petrov royal commission, just for good measure?

China has long sought to increase its influence in Australia and around the world. Other foreign powers do this in Australia too. The question is not one of whether China is seeking to do so here. The real question is to what extent is it increasing; to what extent is it manageable while maintaining a normal, healthy, bal­anced bilateral relationship still capable of advancing the vast array of common interests we share, which I believe we can; and to what extent are our existing laws, regulations and powers up to the task. These are the real public policy questions we face. They are of a more sober nature than shrill statements from Turnbull calling on the Australian masses to “rise up” against the Chinese hordes.

Turnbull’s responsibility is threefold: to substantiate, with data and evidence, not just innuendo, his charge that Australia is somehow under a new major threat from China from within; second, to establish why Australia’s existing laws are not sufficient to deal with it; third, to identify what will be the wider conse­quences for our civil liberties of his new proposed legislation.

ASIO and the Australian Federal Police already have extraordinary powers. Their resources have been enhanced by successive governments. The laws they enforce are robust, except for Turnbull’s gutlessness on foreign don­a­tions reform. Our media laws, competition authorities and investment regulators are there to protect the national interest and prevent the concentration of med­ia power, including in the Australian Chinese-language press. Our vice-chancellors already have powers to uphold academic freedom on our campuses. How many attempts have been made to intimidate students and lecturers? What has been the nature of those threats? What extra powers precisely are needed? If there is a problem, then our agencies should already be taking substantive, operational action as a matter of course, rather than the Prime Minister turning it into a political sound and light show. On sensitive matters of national security, states can just do things. They don’t have to talk about it in the media. But that depends on whether you are prosecuting a serious national security concern or just rank politics.

When China soon becomes the largest economy, it will be the first time since George III this position will be held by a non-democratic, non-Western, non-English-speaking state. China has the second largest military budget in the world. It is run by a one-party state with no intention of democratising. It also has a different concept of the future of the regional and global order. Welcome to the reality that has stared Australia in the face for the past decade, back when Malcolm was China’s cheerleader-in-chief. Every other democracy is facing the same challenge. And opportunity. We’re not exactly Robinson Crusoe.

What this requires is a systematic, comprehensive, whole-of-government national China strategy. Our government approved and implemented such a strategy through cabinet. It provided a balanced framework for maximising the opportunities and managing the challenges in the China relationship. China has a strategy for dealing with us. That’s why we developed one for dealing with them. By contrast, Turnbull has lurched from one extreme to the other, from apologist to confrontationist. There is, indeed, a middle path for dealing with the Middle Kingdom. If Turnbull was actually interested, I’d happily arrange to let him read it. But then again, proper approval for the confidential release of cabinet documents seems to be optional these days in Canberra.

The Liberals historically see foreign policy as little more than the continuation of domestic politics, often the politics of race, by other means. John Howard was a master of it, Pauline Hanson his partner, and Tony Abbott his failed apprentice. We thought Turnbull would be better. Alas not. The China relationship warrants a sophisticated strategy, rather than the juvenile incanta­tion of Chinese revolutionary slogans, whose principal objective was to trigger a sharp reaction from Beijing — all to reinforce Turnbull’s “toughness” in “standing up for Australia”, the hoariest old political chestnut of all, and in Malcolm’s imaginings lifting him in the polls. But the price we have paid has been long-term damage to Australian interests in one of our two most important strategic relationships. Australia deserves better than the rank amateurism we have seen on the Australia-China relationship under Chairman Malcolm’s new McCarthyism.

Kevin Rudd is a former foreign minister and prime minister of Australia. He also served on the parliamentary joint committee on intelligence and security. He has never been engaged by a foreign government or state-owned corporation.

156 Comments in below

陆克文特稿:Malcolm Turnbull对华政策的新麦卡锡主义

陆克文  The Australian  Feb 26, 2018

去年12月,Malcolm Turnbull宣称“澳大利亚人民站起来了” 来回击中方,据称这是模仿毛泽东在宣布中国被外国占领了一个世纪之后,终于获得独立解放时发布的“中国人民站起来了”的声明。

去年12月,Malcolm Turnbull宣称“澳大利亚人民站起来了” 来回击中方,据称这是模仿毛泽东在宣布中国被外国占领了一个世纪之后,终于获得独立解放时发布的“中国人民站起来了”的声明。

除了Turnbull将1949年中国共产主义革命与2017年澳大利亚的国情进行另人质疑的比较之外,Turnbull这一措词模仿的另一个问题是,没有证据表明毛泽东是这样说的。但是再一次,Malcolm从来经不住细节考验,还记得Godwin Grech事件吗?(Godwin Grech是澳大利亚前财政部官员因OzCar事件被Malcolm Turnbull指控。)


同样是Turnbull,在2009年国防白皮书发布后,作为自由党领导人指责我为反华炫耀武力,该白皮书宣布澳大利亚潜艇舰队数量翻番,水面舰队数量增加三分之一以应对中国不断变化的军事态势。当时的Turnbull也是内阁成员,后来批准将达尔文港(Port of Darwin)出售给一家中国国有企业,租期99年,Andrew Robb后来成为了“高级经济顾问”。

Turnbull对华政治的虚伪最臭名昭着的例子就是政府以国家安全为由拒绝中国的华为公司参与国家宽带网络铺设。中国不喜欢这个决定,Turnbull也不喜欢。实际上,当时他任通信部长,并积极说服政府推翻这一决定。还应该注意的是,Alexander Downer是华为董事会的付费会员。


那么是什么导致了Turnbull对华政策的倒退呢?中国的战略没有改变,它贯穿始终。中国从未假装分享我们的民主价值观、人权或司法独立。作为总理,我挑战在西藏发生的侵犯人权的行为,我也捍卫了力拓员工Stern Hu在腐败审判时的合法权益。




Turnbull政府通过把工党描绘成里通中共的一伙,并通过他的反对“外国势力影响”的”圣战“来诬蔑120万澳大利亚华人和他们对澳大利亚的忠诚,以此作为他的政治机会,这看起来似乎很强大。我猜下一步就是把所有参加非澳大利亚活动的人抓到一个新设立的内务委员会(接受审判),以进一步提醒人民对美国参议员乔· 麦卡锡(Joe McCarthy)的记忆。为什么不干脆设一个新的彼得罗夫皇家调查委员会(Petrov royal commission,指的是冷战时期发生在澳大利亚的苏联间谍事件)?

中国一直试图增加其在澳大利亚和世界各地的影响力,其他外国势力在澳大利亚也这样做。问题不在于中国是否试图在澳大利亚这样做,真正的问题是这样的做法在多大程度上增加了; 以及在保持正常、健康、平衡的双边关系的同时,我们可以多大程度上保持对这些做法的可控性,将其控制在正常尺度并仍然有益于双方共同广泛的利益,我相信我们可以做到; 以及我们现有的法律、法规和权力在多大程度上可以完成这项任务。这些是我们面临的真正的公共政策问题,他们比Turnbull呼吁澳大利亚人民”站起来“反抗中国的尖锐言论要清醒得多。

Turnbull的责任有三个:用数据和证据来证明他所指控的澳大利亚在某种程度上已处于来自中国的新的重大威胁之下,而不仅仅是含沙射影; 其次,明确为什么澳大利亚现行法律不足以应对这一威胁; 第三,明确拟议中的新立法对我们公民的自由会产生何种更广泛的影响。



这一现实需要一个系统的、全面的、全国性的中国战略。我国政府通过内阁批准并实施了这样的战略。它为中国关系中的机遇最大化和管理挑战提供了一个平衡的框架。中国有与我们打交道的战略。这就是为什么我们也要制定一个与他们打交道的战略的原因。而Turnbull 却从一个极端走向另一个极端,从辩护者变成对抗者。事实上,存在着一条处理与中国关系的中间路线,如果Turnbull 真的感兴趣,我很乐意安排让他阅读一些文件。但是,最近在堪培拉,妥善处理内阁机密文件似乎变成了不必要的(意指最近发生的政府机密文件泄露事件)。

历史上,自由党人一直认为外交政策只不过是国内政治,通常是国内政治竞争以不同方式的延续,John Howard就是这方面的大师,Pauline Hanson以及他失败的学徒Tony Abbott都是John Howard的同伴。我们以为Turnbull会好些,唉,不是。中国关系需要一个复杂的战略,而不只是一个中国革命标语的幼稚模仿,这样的模仿其主要目标只能引发北京的尖锐反应,所有这些又加强了Turnbull “为澳大利亚站起来”的“坚强” ,这是澳大利亚最老套的政治,Malcolm以为以此可以提高其在民众的支持率。但我们付出的代价是澳大利亚利益在最重要的战略关系之一中遭受到长期损害。


Avatar for Matthew
Matthew 1 DAY AGO
Please leave us alone Kevin

Avatar for Paul
McCarthy was actually good, you know, fighting commies.perhaps spirs were not hiding under the beds but high in the ranks.

Avatar for Bruce
Bruce 2 DAYS AGO
Pi.s off Kevin. We have had enough of you. 

Avatar for Stephen
Stephen 2 DAYS AGO
always take the money no matter the cost

Avatar for Geoffrey
Geoffrey 2 DAYS AGO
Nothing, absolutely nothing that comes from Krudd has value. He was a complete failure as a leader of teams, totally self focused, and a malevolent member of a team. His international performance as an international statesman was cringeworthy.

For all his faults MT handles himself ably and humbly. He stood up to Potus over refugees to the USA.

Krudd caved in meekly and without principle over climate change....

Avatar for Rick A.
Rick A. 2 DAYS AGO
K.Rudd - the narcissists narcissist.

Avatar for Warren L
Warren L 2 DAYS AGO
Abbott gets almost 2000 comments for his article yesterday.

KRudd gets less than 150 today.

Says a lot really.

Avatar for Ben
Click bait

Avatar for Martin
Martin 2 DAYS AGO
I was wondering where the secretary-general was hiding.

Avatar for Darryl
Darryl 2 DAYS AGO
Rank amateurism.  He should know.

Avatar for John
Maybe if Mal did a videoed world wide televised rant of himself doing a dump on the Chinese that might help.

Avatar for A
Who cares. Go away.

Avatar for Jamie
Jamie 2 DAYS AGO
"I went below 50 per cent in one."

Not including the one that mattered. Nor the polls of your fellow travellers in your own party room.

Avatar for Geoff
Geoff 2 DAYS AGO
When I consider the words rank amateurism I think of one thing ... PINK BATTS.

Unfortunately Rudd never had to account for the people he killed. 

Avatar for David
David 2 DAYS AGO
"One of the demands of prime ministerial office is policy consistency'.   A nice touch of irony from KRudd.  


Kevin recently spoke about Turnbull waging a "jihad" against Chinese in Australia.  Get stuck into a community you rely on to get a vital by-election?  Yeah, right Kev.  Still I suppose you can't know everything about Australia when you actually live in New York.  

Avatar for gbe
gbe 2 DAYS AGO
Wasn't Malcolm also going to negotiate the U.S joining the TPP while in the USA last week.

That obviously didn't go to plan just another small hiccup for the great negotiator. 

Avatar for John
No that wasn't the plan. Dream up another.

Avatar for James
James 2 DAYS AGO
A good commentary. But willfully resented by the readership of this "balanced" new organization. Not !

Avatar for Brad
@James Just read the final paragraph again. In your mind this constitutes 'good commentary ' ??

Gee, I wonder what it takes to be described as bitter, partisan mud-slinging.

Avatar for Shaun
Shaun 2 DAYS AGO
I stopped reading after this has-been failed PM invoked the “Godwin Grech affair”.

Avatar for Bindi
Bindi 2 DAYS AGO
What a bitter, bitter rant. Mr Rudd obviously carries an enormous grudge against the current PM because of his rejection of his interest in the UN Chairman role.

While Mr Rudd is so twisted and bent out of shape, can this newspaper not give him a forum. The article is several paragraphs of invective, imagination and bile. Very unpleasant and very unnecessary.

Avatar for Catherine
Catherine 2 DAYS AGO
Funny I was thinking how Ruddesque Turnbull sounded in his scathing sermon to Barnaby. Same sting in the homily, same sanctimonious waffle squeezed through pursed lips, same disingenuous emotions and manipulation politics, same deference of opinions to his mollycoddling wife, and . . . . same inevitable self destruction followed by an avalanche of recriminations and revelations of incompetence from colleagues. How could we be so unlucky - twice 

Avatar for Alan
I don't think our PM will do much that requires any spine. He consistently proves that he has none.

Avatar for graham
graham 2 DAYS AGO
Can the Australian please check in their local supermarket in the pesticides aisle, "Kevin Baits', put them liberally around the office, we would like to hear no more from this pest.

Avatar for Rob 379
Rob 379 2 DAYS AGO
@graham Not nice. But, OK, it's pretty funny.

Avatar for Peter
Peter 2 DAYS AGO
Yesterday's man - is Kevin Rudd still newsworthy? I mean, I subscribe to this paper and they recycle him?

Avatar for William
William 2 DAYS AGO
@Peter I ignore,totally ,Anything from RUDD!....................But the OZ  IS BALANCED  -  Unlike the ABC,Fairfax Guardian Getup  et al   -  Demonstrably !

Avatar for Peter
Peter 2 DAYS AGO
Balance is when you have a chip on both shoulders, but, that aside, I agree that this paper is the best of the lot, and why I subscribe.

Avatar for Michael
Michael 2 DAYS AGO
Calling the Chinese something to do with Rats is always calculated to impress an inscrutable nation, Kevin.


How about you go away, please, as you're irrelevant (thankfully)?

Avatar for Andy
Rudd is devoid of any credibility. An ego driven megalomaniac yet to come to terms with his shortfalls, and too eager to point out everyone else’s.

Avatar for Michael
Michael 2 DAYS AGO
You really have to wonder about this guy.  While he was our only PM to talk Chinese to the Chinese, we was the most disliked and mistrusted of our our PMs by the Chinese.

Avatar for Sandra
Sandra 2 DAYS AGO
@Michael Because he was rude about them, as I recall.

Avatar for Jane
You have to ask where the journalists in this country have been hiding when an ex PM has to write an article questioning the current PMs changing stance on China. And yes, we all remember utegate.

Avatar for Rob 379
Rob 379 2 DAYS AGO
@Jane This ex PM is laughable. What did he call the Chinese? I'm sure you know. Mr Rudd gave us confusion, debt and dreadful relations with China. Utegate? Clearly you show desperation and total ignorance of the way Kevin held Australia back.

Avatar for Brad
@Jane I think its ex ex PM.

Avatar for John
Some things just won't flush.

Avatar for Trevor
Trevor 2 DAYS AGO
@John He's definitely a floater.

Avatar for steve
steve 2 DAYS AGO
Just when it's safe to go out again up pops Kevin Rudd.

Avatar for Norm
Its a toss up really, The US v China a very delicate balancing act for our pollies who at best seem out of their depth. Once you cut through the twaddle in this article Mr Rudd wants to welcome the dragon with open arms...reminds you of the old saw about that long spoon and dining with the devil.

Avatar for Jeremy
Jeremy 2 DAYS AGO
What an extraordinary pile of convoluted nonsense..... Reminds me very much of detailed programmatic specificity. 

Avatar for Mike
The sheer irony of it, Rudd who called the Chinese RF's and then making the statement "The China relationship warrants a sophisticated strategy, rather than the juvenile incantation ----"  You couldn't make it up. 

Avatar for Les
@Mike Sam D paid agent probably agrees.

Avatar for Peter
Peter 2 DAYS AGO
If you suffer from insomnia, just listen to some Kevin Rudd.

Avatar for Mal
Based on his history - the opposite path to anything KRudd recommends would be the safer option

Avatar for Phil
Rudd would know a lot about rank amateurism – we saw it all in the Rudd, Gillard, Rudd days. 

Avatar for Gregory
Gregory 2 DAYS AGO
Hard to know what is worse, seeing the name of Bob Carr or that of Kevin Rudd in the paper. Both duds. Both left too much wreckage and only minuscule good in their wakes.

Avatar for Mike
The Chinese Communist Party are thugs and bullies. They've just become more brazen about it recently, which is why Turnbull has changed his position. I would love to see Trump recognise Taiwan. And invite the Dalai Lama to address congress.

Avatar for Osland Pastures
Osland Pastures 2 DAYS AGO
James. How the left must be laughing, Kevin may not engaged for good reason. PM a China lover, Xi Putin laughing there way around the world.

Avatar for Richard
Richard 2 DAYS AGO
Rudd was responsible for a dreadful deterioration in the Australia China relationship, endlessly lecturing China to their disdain.  How on earth does this man have the gall to lecture anyone on Australia Chinese relations?

Avatar for Alexis
Alexis 2 DAYS AGO
@Richard Because he is hopelessly and endlessly delusional.

Avatar for Ross
Kevin Rudd is the ultimate expert to lecture us on “Policy Consistency”. After all, everyone of his introduced policies consistently failed. His amateuristic attempts at being PM are still impacting on us to this day. Won’t this ego maniac ever go away?

Avatar for Aaron
Aaron 2 DAYS AGO
Ahhhh, Kevin, still furious about Maclolm blocking your obsessive tilt at the UN Secretary General's position??

Perhaps he should have followed your flawless lead on Chinese relations and called them "Rat f......" as well....your hypocrisy is breathtaking, but not unexpected!!

Avatar for Dennis
Dennis 2 DAYS AGO
Australia deserved better than the rank amateurism of Kevin Rudd’s government. But please bring him back so we can sack him again!

Avatar for Rob 379
Rob 379 2 DAYS AGO
"They don’t have to talk about it in the media. But that depends on whether you are prosecuting a serious national security concern or just rank politics".

Is this what Kevin's article is about? Kevin always chose "rank politics" before Australia's national interests. Particularly where it advantaged his objective to be in charge of the UN. Perhaps this is the motivation behind Kevin's attack on the PM.

FLAGSHARE5WilliamAlanBarbaraOsland PasturesLIKEREPLY
Avatar for RusT
Kevin who? 

Avatar for Josef
Josef 2 DAYS AGO
Good article, Kevin.  Who in Canberra these days is interested in producing anything thoughtful, for the long-term interest of this country?

They are all interested in getting points in polls. And busy with scandals. Dual citizenship, ministers sleeping with their staff, etc.

The China threat  as identified by ASIO  is the influence on our politicians via donations to political parties, trips to China and similar. It does not need a new set of laws. Turnbull  creates storm in a teacup to get some points.

Avatar for Alan
@Josef  Having been utterly rejected by the Australian populace, after having presided over the worst 'government' Australia has ever had (yes, ever worse than Whitlam, McMahon and Fraser) and nearly destroying the economy and relations with several other countries, this clown has the gall to posture and lecture another government! It is obvious that Krudd has no self-awareness and no idea. GO AWAY KEVIN.

Avatar for Greta
Greta 2 DAYS AGO
Read the comments here Kev and know thine worth. You did more damage to this country than you will ever know. 

Avatar for Calvin
Calvin 2 DAYS AGO
Kevin 007 is Turnbull's secret weapon. Every time Kevin opens his mouth or taps on the keyboard, Turnbull's dismal approval ratings skyrocket. No one wants to hear from failed-PM Rudd. He has no credibility, no authority and no relevance. After Gillard, Kevin is famous only for being such a profound failure and the nation's second-worst PM. The more he grumbles and whinges about Turnbull, the better Turnbull looks. 

Avatar for Paul
Just go away 07.

Avatar for Jeremy
Jeremy 2 DAYS AGO
I am no Turnbull fan, but being lectured by this self serving, narcissistic and useless ex PM who couldn't even get a simple pink bats installation right is really a bit much. 

Avatar for James
James 2 DAYS AGO
Why is this self obsessed ex politician been given the space to try and tell us how wonderful his knowledge and skill in dealing with all matters Chinese is and how we should take his word as gospel?

Avatar for Michael
Michael 2 DAYS AGO
@James because he speaks Chinese. And lived in Beijing. Which apparently, in Kev’s mind, makes him an expert on China. And the World. And maybe, even the Universe.

Avatar for Mandy
Mandy 2 DAYS AGO
RGR’s Book Of Incompetence includes chapters on Open-Slather People Smuggling and Self-Selecting Immigration, the NBN, the Home Insulation Program, the BER, Treachery & the Revolving Prime Minister’s Door, Debt and Deficit as Far as the Eye Can See, the MRRT, and Socialism Masquerading as Environmentalism. And so on.  And so on, through to the unhappy ending that has many of the culprits living comfortably ensconced in taxpayer-funded retirement and many of the culprits presenting themselves, with a straight face, as the so-called alternative government.  Yep, RGR and Shorten’s Labor, The Greatest Incompetents of Our Time.

PS :  As Abbott said in a debate some years ago of Rudd, “Does this guy ever shut up?”

PPS :  No fan of Gillard, obviously, but she is regarded as having made better inroads into the relationship with the Chinese than the mandarin speaking Rudd!

Avatar for Denis
Denis 2 DAYS AGO
@Mandy  Just one more thing that Abbott got right :)

Avatar for Mark
Il agree with KRudd on the point of Mal, he is a fool.

Avatar for Rob 379
Rob 379 2 DAYS AGO
@Mark Of course you do. Is there anything (anything at all) to substantiate your opinion - other than malevolence?

Avatar for Warren L
Warren L 2 DAYS AGO
The KRudd. A return does of irrelevance syndrome has struck him once again.

If only there was an antidote for this recurring illness.

Avatar for Diogenis
Diogenis 2 DAYS AGO
If it was an animal it would be put down.

Avatar for William
William 2 DAYS AGO
It is sad that this paper does not remark, say, on the giant freight trains now going straight-through from Beijing to London - and many terminals in between - and how this is changing the face of Europe - Asian trade as also China's influence in a way not seen since Genghis Khan and his descendants set up the Mongol Empire that morphed in modern China. Nor does this paper any longer look to support those "informed Australian" for whom it says it publishes nor think we can cope with the detail of China (or any other major economy's) internal trade and development, let alone foreign policy. We can have five or six articles a day covering the Barney Joyce circus (or whomever is the naughty boy or girl of the moment) but providing real news and commentary seems to be matters which The Oz has decided no longer are within its ambit. #

Avatar for James
James 2 DAYS AGO
@William I agree the paper needs to give us more info on items such as your ‘freight trains’ thru to Europe!

Avatar for Josef
Josef 2 DAYS AGO

mushrooms grow best in darkness. And it seems that most are happy with their daily rations. 


Avatar for James
James 2 DAYS AGO
Kevin, Can you please send us a cheque for the NBN. It is possibly the biggest waste of money that produced nothing this nation has ever seen.

I have no idea why anyone would publish anything you wrote.

Please leave us alone. Our children and grand children will all suffer the financial burden that you created for this once great country.

Avatar for Josef
Josef 2 DAYS AGO

agree, we could have double the number of U-boats

Avatar for Timothy
Timothy 2 DAYS AGO
What a stupid article. Calling Mr Turnbull McCarthyist is about as low as a politician can get. It's a smeer dressed up as analysis. And Mr Rudd calling someone else incompetent is just too funny for words!

Avatar for Bert
Kevin, don’t you dare tell us what we don’t deserve in a leader. There have been few if any as toxic as you. Let me tell you this, sunshine. We did nothing to deserve you.

Avatar for William
William 2 DAYS AGO
@Bert I imagine some other angry person could write the same but substituting any other PM's name (save Alfred Deakin, of course). Such comments tell us about the writer, not about the target of their venom. It is best to be sanguine when reading commentary from politicians to whom you have taken a dislike. It is better for your blood pressure and for your family / house and work mates who, no doubt, have heard the rant before (many times). #

Avatar for Alan
@William @Bert  Please tell me how Bert is wrong. After all, the Labor Party turfed him out as leader then the Australian voters turfed him out after he white-anted and backstabbed his way back in. Or perhaps they were wrong and Krudd was right.

Avatar for William
William 2 DAYS AGO
A thoughtful and temperate article. I have no idea whether some of Mr Rudd's analysis and remarks are on the ball or not but note that none of those braying below argue against any of his commentary, just against the man. I imagine that is for two reasons: [1] they have little or no scholarship when it comes to what China is up to and how Australia and the western world, generally, should respond and [2] they have decided [for reasons they are unlikely to be able to articulate] that Mr Rudd is a person that they can kick. I suppose the latter at least means they are not attacking someone else. What a sad and negative life they must live. #

Avatar for Gary
Lol. The Great Man speaks.

Avatar for John
At least Turnbull doesn't insult the Chinese with crude expressions.

Avatar for Kay
Why are we still hearing from this failed and embittered man?  Go back to your New York mansion!  We don't want to hear from you - or read your nasty nonsense!

Avatar for James
James 2 DAYS AGO
"China’s strategy hasn’t changed. It has been consistent throughout."

Really - you think there has been no significant change from Hu Jintao (2002 - 2012) to Xi Jinping (2012 -), either in foreign affairs posture, military posture, or philosophical values regarding freedom of the invidual?

That's an extraordinary analysis. I don't think a single China expert in the world would agree with you. 

Avatar for christopher
christopher 2 DAYS AGO
That’s a laughable error, well pointed out!

Avatar for Josef
Josef 2 DAYS AGO

nothing to worry us down here. They will keep buying dirt from us. Freedom of individual is for their "individuals" to sort out.

Avatar for Graham
Graham 2 DAYS AGO
Sorry, too easy a target. I leave this article to my betters below. 

Avatar for John
What a joke our government has been since the halcyon Howard years

It's been a revolving door of PM's- most of them shockers

You'd think Rudd & Gillard would set the bar about as low as you could get

.......and then along come Mal, the great communicator

Poor Australia


True Blue

Avatar for Malcolm
Malcolm 2 DAYS AGO
Gee Kevin.

Why don't you set up your own party and run for PM again? .You certainly have the money to do it care of your wife milking the British and Australian taxpayers in setting up and running useless job creation schemes.

Go ON....we all need a bit of light entertainment.


Avatar for Brad
Oh dear, still sore at the UN thingy.

Avatar for David
David 2 DAYS AGO
I'm Kevin and I'm here to yelp.  Loudly, and as often as I can find a platform for doing so.



Avatar for Brad
@David Excellent!

It was Reagan who said "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help."

I often wondered in what sense did Rudd use his famous phrase - was it because he thought he would prove to be better than Reagan (its quite possible Rudd is that deluded)?Or self-deprecation  ( less likely in a man with his ego) ?.

Avatar for Craig
Craig 2 DAYS AGO
KRUDD the dudd.

Avatar for Peter
Peter 2 DAYS AGO
Back to the shadows with you Rudd.

Avatar for Nigel
Nigel 2 DAYS AGO
Rats to you Kevin...

Avatar for Andrew
Andrew 2 DAYS AGO
Kevin who?

Avatar for Jacinta
Jacinta 2 DAYS AGO
You might’ve been doing a good job guarding the front door, Kevin, but you left the back door wide open and let 50,000 flies in.

Avatar for Malcolm
Malcolm 2 DAYS AGO
OMG...its the unctuous and highly narcissistic know it all Kevin, the first PM sacked for sheer incompetence by his own party... ...yet again...speaking down to all of us mere  “rat copulators”

And this newspaper prints this stuff..????

Avatar for neil
neil 2 DAYS AGO
Why is this idiot being given space on any subject. This is the child who ranted abuse against the Chinese when he could not get his way at the Copenhagen climate conference all those years ago.......Please disappear Kevin 07"...your time is well past!

Avatar for Norman
Norman 2 DAYS AGO
Was there ever a more telling example of the missed opportunity to put down the UN?

Cuddles would have had them running for trees.

Don, Norm's son.


Avatar for walter
walter 2 DAYS AGO
There is absolutely no difference between Rudd and Turnbull, both wannabe Labor leaders.

Avatar for John
Why is this failed and bitter man published here? I dislike MT myself but this is surely the bitter spite of an egotist who hates Turnbull for not backing his hopeless bid for UN leadership. Get lost, Kevin.

Avatar for Bert
@John it serves as a reminder to think before you vote, to ignore “catchy” slogans like “Kevin 07” (catchy like the plague), and most of all to remind us that Rudd became the PM a second time because of an odious person named Shorten.

Avatar for Con
My advice to Kev is,go away and sit under a tree

Avatar for Alan
@Con  Or a statue with plenty of pigeons on it.

Avatar for Peter
Peter 2 DAYS AGO
I think the Chinese have perfected McCarthyism. Has Mr Rudd forgotten that it is a totalitarian communist state?

Avatar for Stella
Stella 2 DAYS AGO
Sorry but I saw the authors name, and tbh it is hard to take this piece seriously.

Avatar for Kevin
Kevin 2 DAYS AGO
????????Rudd just go away. Are you not satisfied with the gross damage you have done to this nation. Go away. Your opinion is about as valued as your pink batt achievements.

Avatar for Andrew
Andrew 2 DAYS AGO
The "McCarthyist" tag is typical Rudd exaggeration. Are supporter's of China now subject to a McCarthy style witch hunt? Have the booming Chinese propaganda arm of China, the Confucius Institutes, been driven out of our Universities? Have Australia's corporate giants withdrawn sponsorship? No and no is the answer. 

Chinese influence in Australia is stronger than ever. Witness the difficulty that Clive Hamilton, has had in finding a publisher for his book, "Silent Invasion: How China Is Turning Australia into a Puppet State". If it was McCarthyism it would be the opposite situation. It would be those wanting to defend China that could not find a publisher. Typical Rudd hyperbole. 

Avatar for Pattyn
Pattyn 2 DAYS AGO
Sorry kevin its too hard to take anything you say seriously. You were a great knowledgeable man in your own eyes. 

A large proportion of Australians think otherwise. 

We are all still suffering from your time in office and the madness of your policys and spending habits. Here are a few off the top of my head:

Open borders for boats from indonesia, big Australia, $900 cheques, pink bats, school hall overspending

Avatar for Ian
Not even the Labor Party listens to this narcissistic bloke anymore. Only the Greens, Pauline and Nick offer such silly policy ideas but only Kev got to implement them - and we are still paying for them......actually Julia did also did't she and Bill is trying to. Maybe time to stop bagging Mal and focus on the concerns......

Avatar for Sherman
Sherman 2 DAYS AGO
Speaking of undue Chinese influence, can someone explain why I can now read this newspaper in Chinese with a single mouse click in the top right of my computer screen.

Avatar for Samuel
Samuel 2 DAYS AGO
Kevin keep the good fight going I like you have a total dislike for the liberal party using race to score political points but it disturbing when they use it I always said that the libs use the political propaganda Of "fear smear and untruths which instils fear and brings out hatred out  society and they should be condemned because of it history tells  us 

1. Howard used the Asian migration lies 

2.Howard used the tamps lies 

3. Abbot used the muslin lies 

4. Turnbull have used the chines lies 

just to win political point and turn our country from a tolerant society which was the beacon for the rest of world and the libs always try to turn our country to be less tolerant 

Avatar for Peter
Peter 2 DAYS AGO
@Samuel And Labor doesn't tell lies?  Paradoxically, Labor's survival depends on maintaining class divisions, class envy, victimhood and a culture of dependency. The last thing they want would be a society in which everyone aspired to be middle class and was self supporting. They would go out of business. 

Avatar for Steven
Steven 2 DAYS AGO
@Peter @Samuel How can everyone become middle class?

Avatar for Kay
@Steven @Peter @Samuel  Peter didn't say they would.  I think the word "aspire" is crucial.  Did you miss that?

Avatar for Steve
Steve 2 DAYS AGO
Or just using a different euphemism than “rat copulators”?

Avatar for Jonathan
Jonathan 2 DAYS AGO
Another Kevin O7 stuff up which rates a mention is the way he has saddled up the Labor party with a set of rules governing the choice of their leader which makes it virtually impossible to rid themselves of their current dud choice.

Avatar for Dianne
Dianne 2 DAYS AGO
Kevin, kevin, please go away. You keep sticking your nose in. Please realise that you started the mess that this country has become. Until you and your poor choice Gillard come clean and confess, we don’t want to see you, hear you or read you. Go away please and quielty waste the lifetime pension you dont deserve - not 1c of it.

Avatar for John
@Dianne And take Peter Beattie with you.

Both mistake ridden but now giving blots of advice.

Avatar for John
Book a seat for Hewson as well

Avatar for Joy
Bit disturbing,  former Qld politicians Kevin and Clive have themselves in the media in the same week.

Avatar for Jonathan
Jonathan 2 DAYS AGO
Oh shut up Kevin, go crawl under a log where you belong!!

Avatar for Terry
Terry 2 DAYS AGO
Is this person still around? Still being a china sympathiser I see.  A failure as a PM, enough said.

Avatar for Robert
Robert 2 DAYS AGO
Go away Kevin, just go away.

Avatar for Craig
Craig 3 DAYS AGO
This article is a reminder about the silliness of voting for Kev07. Self serving egotistical hypocrite... the third worst Australian PM behind Whitlam and Gillard

Avatar for Diogenis
Diogenis 2 DAYS AGO
Keating did the worst danage.

Avatar for Christopher
Christopher 3 DAYS AGO
Butt out Kevin. You were a hopeless PM - only surpassed as our worst ever by Julia Gillard. You have nothing to contribute in telling any other PM what they should do. You had the golden opportunity and blew it. Big time. So butt out.

Avatar for Mike from Tomago
Mike from Tomago 3 DAYS AGO
I was just reflecting on Rudd's political career successes. Not many to boast about - a trait he shares with our current PM.

Avatar for j
Rudd is still the arrogant irritant he always was. We occasionally need to give him a platform as a form of innoculation against his waffle.

Avatar for Murf Oscar
Murf Oscar 3 DAYS AGO
The only thing new here is Rudd feigning modesty in referencing "our" government actions, not "my" government actions.

Still the same bad loser suffering chronic relevance deprivation. 



Avatar for Mark
 I presume the next step is for us all to be hauled before a new house committee on un-Australian activities, to further perpetuate the memory of senator Joe McCarthy. Why not a new Petrov royal commission, just for good measure?


No us Kev....just you.   And no need for the RC.  I would be happy to just see your return ticket cancelled

Avatar for dexxter
dexxter 3 DAYS AGO
Rudd+Carr+Dastyari=staunch China defenders. Common denominator = Failed Labor politicians. Hopeless lot.

Avatar for liberty
liberty 3 DAYS AGO
 The Liberals historically see foreign policy as little more than the continuation of domestic politics, often the politics of race, by other means. John Howard was a master of it, Pauline Hanson his partner, and Tony Abbott his failed apprentice. ......and there it is. For once Kevin O'Lemon was beginning to make sense. But he could not resist the puerile politically correct Marxist smearing. It was fitting that Julia, a master of Saul Alinsky's dark arts - Rules for Radicals - was a better character assassin even than Kevin and took him down. They truly deserved each other. . 

Avatar for Joy
@liberty Shorten the assassin took them both down. 

Avatar for John C
Kevin, you must know by now that Malcolm is pure populist marshmellow. 

Avatar for Martin
Martin 3 DAYS AGO
Just go away

Avatar for Mark
@Martin Please

Avatar for ross
ross 3 DAYS AGO
@Mark @Martin  Now .

Avatar for christopher
christopher 3 DAYS AGO
You got below 50% once Mr Rudd but even your party couldn’t stand you and gave you the boot. Glad your “popularity” figures give you succour from an all icing and no cake Government! You did rip through the inherited budget surplus though. Credit where credit’s due!

Avatar for Tony
Go away Kevin Rudd. We resoundingly voted you out and it was for very good reasons.

Every time you open your mouth, it only serves to remind us why.

Avatar for Suzanne
Suzanne 3 DAYS AGO
Then it would be equally fair for us to tell Tony to just go away.

Avatar for Rick A.
Rick A. 3 DAYS AGO
When was Tony resoundingly voted out by the electorate (as opposed to being knifed by Malcolm and his mates)?

Avatar for Jason S
Jason S 3 DAYS AGO
@Suzanne Tony has very valid points to make and is being wasted on the backbench. Kevin is just suffering attention deficit disorder. 

Avatar for Craig
Craig 3 DAYS AGO
@Suzanne why?

Avatar for Michael
Michael 3 DAYS AGO
In 1985 did an honours year in International Relations at Qld Uni. My HKG Chinese supervisor said to me "In your lifetime China will awake and it will not all be positive and much will be negative". Prescient words. 

Avatar for trevor
trevor 3 DAYS AGO
"Chairman Malcolm's McCarthyism" WOW...Big words from a little man who should not be allowed to comment on anything worldwide let alone Australia...After having destroyed the Australian economy and decimated the immigration system he has the gall to criticise the current Government...Stone the Crows...

Avatar for Keith
Keith 3 DAYS AGO
Kevin Rudd one of the most unpleasant public figures in my lifetime. Why is he given any publicity?

Avatar for Greg
Just go away Kevin. I am sick of hearing from you. The only good thing Malcolm has done is stop your narcissistic personality being inflicted upon the UN.  

Avatar for Momo
Kevin Rudd carping on rank amateurism in relation to Turnbull and China.

Kevin07 should know - after all he is a professional rank amateur...

Avatar for Robert
Robert 3 DAYS AGO
Wasn’t this the guy who called them rat procreators or words of a similar meaning ?

Avatar for John
There is little doubt that china has become far more bellicose, bullying and demanding over the past five years. We need to deny their ambitions in australia way more forcefully. I have to say that i dont think that allowing the chinese to own so many mining resources is good nor any other assets. Reciprocity is non existent. Rudd is self serving now that he has discovered china' s true strategy. They believe in control not just hegemony. A one party state with ambitions to rule us all.

The west needs to step back from letting the chinese communists buy us up. Trade is fine but ownership?

We also need to ramp up defence. Not just with expensive subs. The indians and the israelis dont stuff around and neither should we.

Avatar for Bob_M
@John  You have absolutely nailed it.  Having dealt with the Chinese over the last 10 years  and seeing how they behave they are no friends of the West. A colleague of mine has for a number of years run an Australian produce export company to China and one by one his Australian sources have been purchased by the Chinese and they have simply stopped him buying the product. In short they are discriminating against Australians in Australian in favour of Chinese. This cant go on any longer. Do we really think Turnbull and Bishop notice nor care?

Avatar for Diogenis
Diogenis 3 DAYS AGO
Pink bats in the belfry.

Avatar for Peter
Peter 3 DAYS AGO
I thought I had sprayed weedkiller on that ...

Avatar for Michael
Michael 3 DAYS AGO
Can't he just go away? Why does the Australian give this incompetent narcissistic person a platform? Seeing even his name on an article is less pleasant than having a tooth pulled without anaesthetic.

Avatar for Tom
To editor, if I want to read what this deluded and unhinged individual defending his own piss poor legacy writes, I’ll buy the Socialist Morning Herald. The only legacy this bloke has is dead pink bats installers and asylum seekers for which he should be prosecuted.

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