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Yesterday, Donald Trump met with a group of students, teachers, and parents to discuss last week’s school shooting massacre in Parkland, Florida and the uniquely American epidemic of school shootings. Referring to the shootings, Trump asked his guests, “Does anyone have any ideas for how to stop it?”
The White House’s selected guests suggested a variety of areas to troubleshoot: Mental illness, bullying, FBI negligence, gun-free zones (which the president has publicly blamed for attracting “maniacs”), censorship, partisanship, lack of relatedness, obsession with identity, lack of expert “consultants,” lack of safety training for students, and even the absence of armed, undercover police in schools. But as 18-year-old Parkland survivor Sam Zeif pointed out, one well-known idea has already been consistently proven to stop mass shootings: Stricter gun laws.
Research shows that countries with fewer guns have lower homicide rates. Even US states with fewer guns have fewer homicides; in a landmark 2002 study, analysis of data from 1988 to 1997 showed that states with “high” gun ownership had three times the rate of homicide than states with few guns. A decade later, a 2013 study found that every percentage point increase in gun ownership corresponded to a 0.9% higher risk of gun homicide. Countries and states that legally limit overall gun ownership simply have fewer gun deaths.
Of course, mass shootings do occur in other countries. Germany, China, Russia, Switzerland have all suffered mass shootings in recent years. Unlike the US legislature, German and Swiss lawmakers responded to massacres by changing the law to prevent such shootings from happening again.
China and Russia’s governments are also tightening the law on who may own guns, and what kinds of guns.
The United States stands out among countries for the frequency with which its mass shootings occur. But last year, after the US witnessed its most fatal mass shooting in history at Las Vegas, the Trump administration made it easier—not harder—for people with mental illness to buy guns. (That decision rolled back Obama-era restrictions that had been passed in the wake of Sandy Hook.)
Back in 1996, it took only 12 days after a mass shooting for Australia to pass the National Firearms Agreement, which banned automatic and semi-automatic weapon for “personal defense.” The country created a temporary buyback program for guns that had become illegal. Stricter background checks were enforced. As Zeif pointed out yesterday, there have been no school shootings in Australia since.
As the televised meeting in the White House continued, thousands of other US teenagers walked out of their high schools, echoing his call for gun control.
京港台:2018-2-24 07:17| 来源:环球网 | 评论( 31 )条
[环球时报-环球网报道 记者白云怡]最近发生在美国佛罗里达州的校园枪击(专题)惨剧让整个世界都唏嘘不已,但让美国本国民众最不满的是,尽管大规模枪击惨剧一再上演,但美国政府却始终没有出台什么真正有效的措施。尤其当禁枪在美国已经被和自由和所谓的公民权利等“政治正确”的概念紧密联系在一起时,枪支管控也越来越成为了美国社会一个解不开的死结。
在21日举行的一次会面中,美国总统特朗普(专题)在白宫向数名学生、教师和家长代表询问,“你们有谁对如何阻止这类事件有什么想法吗?”对于这个疑问,美国时下最火的新媒体之一Quartz 22日给他们支了这样一个招——借鉴一下中国等其他国家。文章称,中国有着非常严格的枪支管控法律,而且还在采取进一步措施,控制农村地区的猎枪拥有量。“研究表明,枪支拥有率越低的国家凶杀率也越低。”