
中国9小时改造火车站 China builds a train station in 9 hours

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中国工人9小时改造火车站 西方网友又炸锅了

2008年01月24日 09:03 环球网










  这是一次非常少见的铁路I级施工,并且施工时间异常紧张,从下午18:30 开始,不到九小时的时间里,工人们要完成道岔拆铺、拢口拨接、信号换装等所有作业。























Now THAT'S high-speed rail! 1,500 Chinese workers build railway for a new train station in just NINE HOURS

  • The workers connected three railroads into one new railway in Longyan, China
  • They also installed traffic lights and a series of traffic monitoring equipment
  • Seven trains and 23 diggers were used to assist the massive project last Friday 

By Tracy You For Mailonline

Published: 06:03 EST, 22 January 2018 | Updated: 10:51 EST, 22 January 2018

Chinese workers have demonstrated their incredible efficiency yet again.

Around 1,500 workers spent just nine hours paving the railway for a new train station in Fujian Province, southern China.

Seven trains and 23 diggers were used to assist the massive project, according to a supervisor. 

Over a thousand Chinese workers have built the railway for a new train station in nine hours
Over a thousand Chinese workers have built the railway for a new train station in nine hours
The workers were said to be divided into seven units to tackle different tasks simultaneously 
The workers were said to be divided into seven units to tackle different tasks simultaneously 

An aerial video released by Pear shows how the construction workers connected three major railroads - the Ganlong Railway, Ganruilong Railway and Zhanglong Railway - with the new Nanlong Railway.

They also installed the traffic signals and a series of traffic monitoring equipment. 

The construction took place at the Nanlong Railway Station in the city of Longyan according Xinhua News Agency

It began on January 19 and finished in the wee hours of January 20, said the report. 

The construction project began on January 19 and finished in the wee hours of January 20
The construction project began on January 19 and finished in the wee hours of January 20
The construction workers connected three major railroads with the new Nanlong Railway
The construction workers connected three major railroads with the new Nanlong Railway
The construction took place at the Nanlong Railway Station in Longyan, Fujian Province
The construction took place at the Nanlong Railway Station in Longyan, Fujian Province

The project was finished so quickly because the workers had been arranged into seven units to tackle different tasks simultaneously, said Zhan Daosong, a deputy manager at China Tiesiju Civil Engineering Group, the country's main railroad builder.

The construction of the Nanlong Railway is ongoing and is expected to complete at the end of 2018.

Measuring 246 kilometres (152 miles) in length, the railway is due to be a main transport link between south-east China and central China, Xinhua reported.

The railway would be able to support trains which operate at a maximum speed of 200kmh (124 mph), according to reports.  


iPandaLian, Dalian, China, 13 hours ago

Almost every state owned company I came to know has its production organized with project management team, very easy and efficient a way. It functions as a coordinator, interfacing with all functional divisions in the organization. The big boss has the PMT manager report to him directly. Any PMT manager can knock his door and get in to discuss.



ROBERT44, BENIDORM, Spain, 16 hours ago

even the banks in the UK take longer to process a lone or send over a bank transfer



ROBERT44, BENIDORM, Spain, 16 hours ago

even the banks in the UK take longer to send over some money or process a lone



George Lee, Wheaton, United States, 1 day ago

The food chain of modern civilization is that workers <-company<-union<-mafia <-communist So when jimmy hoffa got upper hand on company mafia took him out. Fortunately America is not communist country so that is it. In China though things are different. There is no mafia there. There is union but they do as told verbatim. They do not strike,period



loreng, phoenix, United States, 2 days ago

The headline says to PAVE which is nothing special. They did not build the tracks,etc.



velocityboy, Fortress of Solitude, Canada, 2 days ago

You should see their 38 minute elevators and 23 minute escalators. Just don't get on one, ever.



AhhhhChoooooo, Hollywood, United States, 2 days ago

And it takes CalTrans well over a year to fix a 1 mile stretch of potholes and cracks.



justinjonasson, Boston, United States, 2 days ago

Because California is a Mexican province.



McRib1987, Liquid Smoke, United States, 2 days ago

Well, all those crony companies cozying up to the 'leadership' have to make that bribe money somehow..



kevkong, los angeles, United States, 2 days ago

wow they totally outclass laszy american workers



McRib1987, Liquid Smoke, United States, 2 days ago

As if, the leadership would be the ones deciding how fast anything gets done. Americans work more hours on average than anyone in the world, get a clue you slope.



Manich, Cornwall, United Kingdom, 2 days ago

Cant remember what the bridge was, but in China they built one of the longest suspesion bridges in the world in just over a year, if I recall. It was 3 to 4 times longer than anything built here in the UK, which took us 3 years and 3 times as much. Problem is, greedy contractors over here put, say, 10 men on a job which then takes 10 weeks, thinking theyre saving money rather than putting 100 men on the job to finish it in a week. It would still cost the same, but would be finished sooner, with less inconvenience to the people and services nearby, such as roads and rail services. Its a concept they cant understand as they merely seek to line their own pockets and inflate the cost as they go along.



Yeoboseyo, Neverland, United States, 2 days ago

It's impressive and all, but are they doing quality work? With all of the bizarre mechanical incidents resulting in death that end up on the news here, methinks not.



Alf Giles GARNET, Gibraltar, Gibraltar, 2 days ago

Many Councils cannot even fill basic roadway POTHOLES in Britain Or provide public |Litter Bins, never mind build a RAILWAY. (LONDON CROSSRAIL exempted).



Alf Giles GARNET, Gibraltar, Gibraltar, 2 days ago

Here in Trade Union oppressed Britain Two would DIG and 22 at least with their hands in their pockets just bone idle WATCH.



Alf Giles GARNET, Gibraltar, Gibraltar, 2 days ago

Heck In Trade Union oppressed brainwashed BRITAIN, the same Railway would take at least* NINE YEARS to finally complete interspersed by some pathetic repeat British Trade Union pathetic orientated Railway STRIKES.



Apple8, Apalonia, United States, 2 days ago

Here in the states, they would have taken a year as 1 person digs and 7 watch.



Liberty1972, Internet, United States, 2 days ago

Made in China. LOL



LibertarianLisa, Baltimore, United States, 2 days ago

Here in Baltimore all construction projects consist of 10 people, but only three people actually working.



odumba, Nairobi, 2 days ago

Fake news. Technically, the nine hours appears to be just final integration and assembly. Pretty cool determination and dedicated effort. If you don't count the planning, pre-fab and logistics that happens before final integration can happen... or the post-processing to get everything on line... Now. If you really want to see something slightly amazing is California governor Jerry Brown's $9 billion and how many years to get a high speed rail built. So far, only a few of his favorite sidekicks have gotten quite wealthy, but nothing else can be detected to have been accomplished. Even more amazing is that the people who voted for this guy keep voting for him.



odumba, Nairobi, 2 days ago

Fake news. Technically, the nine hours appears to be just final integration and assembly. Pretty cool determination and dedicated effort. If you don't count the planning, pre-fab and logistics that happens before final integration can happen... or the post-processing to get everything on line... Now. If you really want to see something slightly amazing is California governor Jerry Brown's $9 billion and how many years to get a high speed rail built. So far, only a few of his favorite sidekicks have gotten quite wealthy, but nothing else can be detected to have been accomplished. Even more amazing is that the people who voted for this guy keep voting for him.



Straight Truth, Herndon, United States, 2 days ago

Worked? Or enslaved? Big difference! Do it or else!



MangoMan, Singapore, Singapore, 2 days ago

Prison slave labour.



soul stirrer, leeds, United Kingdom, 2 days ago

fantastic, we have gas pipes being laid in Yorkshire 96 weeks of road works we have to put up with bring these guys over



mindwatcher, manchester, United Kingdom, 2 days ago

Guess this is why nearly everything is now made in China, it's called work ethic.



Chinchilla Rodeo, One Percent Ave, United States, 2 days ago

Trump should kidnap them to build the wall!



iPandaLian, Dalian, China, 14 hours ago

As an alien, he can only abduct rather than kidnap as what a human can commit



Ian, Kent, United Kingdom, 2 days ago

if they can build a long wall in ancient times so of course they can build a short section of railway in modern times ...



IC Plenty, Everywhere, United States, 2 days ago

Think of how great our infrastructure would be if we forced our convicts into manual labor.



mingster, Sydney, 2 hours ago

Then they have no time for gym workout.



paul, this once great land, 2 days ago

Send this to British rail and road workers please.



veltonmeade, Branson, United States, 2 days ago

ha ha it's taken 50 years for Metro Detroit to get a 2 mile stretch of rail in downtown Detroit. It would take nine years to do what these guys did in China.



RedSuper, SF, United States, 1 day ago

9 years? You totally underestimate Chinese work ethic and efficiency, if there is no extreme underground situations like dangerous water intrusion, 2 miles should be finished in less then 1 year most of the cases. For example, the city of Nanjing start building Metro since 2001, and now has 200 miles of Metro finished in 17 years.


Stick E Sputum, Bethesda, United States, 2 days ago

they are like ants, red army ants

Grommit222, London, Nepal, 2 days ago

I bet that is nice and safe.

Morrisfactor, Seattle, 2 days ago

America could never do this. All companies are infiltrated with SJWs who would be suing for some imagined transgression and half the work force would be in their "safe spaces".

Langhorne, Whistler, Canada, 2 days ago

haha. But America DID do it! Ever read about the Transcontinental Railroad. America brought it thousands of Chinese workers who built the railroad for them. They are good at building railroads. I don't see any long pony tails on these guys like the stereotypical Chinam@n from the 1800s though.

MangoMan, Singapore, Singapore, 2 days ago

Oh my God, a snail lives there. You cannot build there! Now, where is my Soy Latte and man bun instruction bookelet?

RaONE, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom, 2 days ago

A nation of one point something billion people with beautiful traditions. You rarely see obese people in that country. Any wonder why ? we love moaning and making fun of their healthy food pallette but yet we live our lives in McDonalds keeping ourselves paralyzed to work just as hard.

Crutch Cargo, Ipswich, United Kingdom, 2 days ago

Look up rates of obesity in China. They are getting there, thanks to new found abundance and the influx of crap western food.

iPandaLian, Dalian, China, 14 hours ago

McDonald's fine at least it is abt beef and bread, but KFC is really terrible, chicken fried.

DA, The Bright One on the Hill, United States, 2 days ago

Hey Jerry take note

Nixliberalis, Newtown, United States, 2 days ago

We used to do things like that, as when we built the railway from the Atlantic to the Pacific, over the Mississippi and the Sierras, over and through the Rockies. We were like that, can do attitude, once upon a time. I would like to see that spirit return.

mingster, Sydney, 2 hours ago

You didn't do that. Chinese did it for you.

Kelvin Park, Living The Dream, United Kingdom, 2 days ago

Comrade Corbyn's dream. Nationalise the railways and this will happen? The unions will no longer be his friend if he (hopefully not) gets the power to try it.

ehsfb2001, Anaheim, United States, 2 days ago

They built a SECTION of a railway.

ISN4K3F117I, Syracuse, United States, 2 days ago

Manpower baby

Master John, uSA, United States, 2 days ago

waiting for the updated news, when it breaks down in the next 24hrs right after the 1st train went by... lol..

N3cRoSiS, New York, United States, 2 days ago

Try to get the union to work that fast. Their coffee breaks last 9 hours.

MileHigh, Denver, United States, 2 days ago

Guess they don't have a minimum wage - as this would be too costly anywhere else.

ZEBEDIAH, Manchester, United Kingdom, 2 days ago

This is the advantage for a communist country who can plan whatever they like......citizens however are way down the list of priorities.

RealLife101, New York, United States, 2 days ago

And not a single liberal in the bunch, clearly.

ehsfb2001, Anaheim, United States, 2 days ago

I'm not one but liberals are the reason you that are working 40 hours not 60, that 8 year olds aren't working, that your meat and drugs are inspected etc etc. Conservatives opposed all of that.

Sean, Illinois, 2 days ago

It will be broken in a year.

MontanaMarine, Columbia Falls, United States, 2 days ago

yea it is easy to boast about doing something like this when you have 1.2 billion people to pick from and the AK47 pointed at their heads off camera...

lulu, uk, United Kingdom, 2 days ago

Come & fill up all our potholes please. Ta.

Wenai Prantamporn, Detroit, United States, 2 days ago

Asia will soon rule the world.

GTUSA, THE OC, United States, 2 days ago

In California that would have taken 5 years and cost $5 billion.

kinngyo, I like sandwiches, South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands, 2 days ago

Meanwhile in the west it takes 10 years to decide on budgeting, then it gets scrapped when a new government is elected, then another 10 years to decide on a new budget.. rinse and repeat.. here in Canada we still don't even have any high speed trains.. and our biggest city has less than 10 subway stations lol. so pathetic.

bill_m, Seattle, United States, 2 days ago

Hopefully, it will last longer than 9 months!

POWER, Middlesbrough, United Kingdom, 2 days ago

Hardworking Chinese ,not the lazy British scroungers.

Mark, Wales, United Kingdom, 2 days ago

We do it the other way here, 9 workers to take 1500 hours!!!

Is this all there is, Guarding the border with Wales, United Kingdom, 2 days ago

Not many shovel leaners....

trixareforkids, Malibu, United States, 2 days ago

Next week you'll show us the derailed train's footage. China.

Civil, Canberra, Australia, 2 days ago

Trump should ask them to do the wall. They'd have the whole thing done in time for the midterms!

ficky, sandbach, United Kingdom, 2 days ago

thats the way to do it, we cant make the m6 a smart motorway in 2 years

alangee, newcastle upon tyne, United Kingdom, 2 days ago

Maybe we should award then some of the Carillion contracts?

Nikki Fox, Chicago, United States, 2 days ago

9 hours huh? One high speed train and it's derailing in 3 seconds. good luck with that.

Alex Wijaya, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2 days ago

Don't worry, this is China, not America. Here Train don't derail every few months like in America.

Kun Cao, Ottawa, Canada, 21 hours ago

Sorry dude, you seems to have not graduate from high school and did not the pun of title "high speed rail" which actually means "get the job done with high efficacy". So please go back to your classroom!

Red Arrow Red, Phoenix, United States, 2 days ago

Those folks really know how to work together.

jf2good, Carrollton, United States, 2 days ago

If Amtrak had to build a new station it would take 5 years and cost 20 times as much. Mericka!!!

Nova Scotia Guy, Cole Harbour, Canada, 2 days ago

they could build a bridge to France in a couple of weeks...

Un-StableGenius, No Freedom of Speech on DM, United States, 2 days ago

Sounds safe.

Alex Wijaya, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2 days ago

Certainly, unlike the US trains who have so many accidents these past few years alone.

real1, U.K., United Kingdom, 2 days ago

Here a 9hr meeting would be called to decide the name of the project!!!

portroyal, Blackwood, United Kingdom, 2 days ago

Put's Network Rail to shame.

David Mop, London, 2 days ago

I believe Brunel did something similarly amazing in converting the GWR to standard gauge.

vbg, NE OH, United States, 2 days ago

"1,500 Chinese workers build railway for a new train station?" It's more like assembling the railway since the rail and ties are already put together.. It would be a feat it they built it from the individual parts and components. Not impressed.

Alex Wijaya, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2 days ago

of course the Americans today are the greatest builders. Btw what did you Americans build these days that can impress the world?

Joe Blog, Dorset, United Kingdom, 2 days ago

The US railway was build largely by Chinese workers

Brutalis, Landskrona, Sweden, 3 days ago

High speed train and high speed crew, Woow.



dollarman, lander, United States, 3 days ago

Fastest growing economy in the world is China,will pass the US or has done so already. This will be detrimental for Americans,the petrodollar will take a hit.

bacioglobal, New York City, United States, 3 days ago

In China things are built easily and fall apart easily.

Alex Wijaya, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2 days ago

maybe, but at least their trains don't derail once every few months like the US train do.

chris1217, Madrid, United States, 3 days ago

China does not do the useless studies or have the regulations that the USA has to reckon with. Besides the "unions" would never allow it.

Darren Sharrocks, Manchester, United Kingdom, 2 days ago

so u like to go study fascism then

Basket Deplorable, Hometown USA, United States, 3 days ago

We need to use this concept to build the wall.

MARYS, UK, United Kingdom, 3 days ago

We could accomplish anything in Britain if we had the manpower and at one time (many moons ago) we had the north sea revenue on hand to rely on(that would at one time helped enormously with HS1 & 2), but where has that gone too. I bet this railway was built on time and within the frame work of their budget

steveh2731, MALVERN, United Kingdom, 3 days ago

And all on a bowl of rice!

paevo, USA, United States, 3 days ago

WORK HARDER!!!!.....

Tony147, Redditch, 3 days ago

This would take 2 years to set up the project and buy the land, 2 years to complete the work, probably 2 companies and 15 times as much to get done.

Mark16, Manchester, United Kingdom, 3 days ago

Don't forget the Public Enquiry that would costs millions too. Much like we have the Mottram Bypass at the end of the M67. Years of public enquiries, several plans later, planning permission given 4 years ago, 30 years in the waiting for the locals and absolutely nothing happening.

andyparsonsga, Gainesville, United States, 3 days ago

I think 4 years to get this done in the UK is being highly optimistic!

My Pointless Views, Portsmouth, United Kingdom, 3 days ago

'THAT' is how to to get upgrades done. Not like we do and close the whole system for 2 weeks and then over-run.

F Mercury, London, United Kingdom, 3 days ago

Don't show it to Network Rail engineers, they will need to sit down, oh silly me that's what they do all the time.......

MrBean, Bohemia, 3 days ago

I guess that's impressive. I think we do it all the time in the USA but it looks differently. It only takes us ten workers. Seven "managers" and three actual people working with heavy machinery. ;-)

RobertG, Rockville, United States, 3 days ago

It would be done even faster if we fired the seven managers.

PerAxel, Goochland, United States, 3 days ago

They need to do this in New York city to their subway.

phila_guy, Philadelphia, United States, 3 days ago

Build in haste, repent at leisure once a rail disaster occurs.

Ael Mecheht Gewyrcan, Saxonia, Cook Islands, 3 days ago

Would that be like the train accident you lot had a couple of weeks back ???

wibb20, The Midlands, United Kingdom, 3 days ago

The problem comes when you look at the accident rate during construction, and in use. Having worked in China, I loved their bullet train, and was shocked to hear that from idea to fully functioning was 3 years (for a 400 mile railway travelling at 400kph). But 18 months later, two trains went head on at max speed - not something that is likely to happen in the west, as we are so much stricter with our safety. So learn from China, but don't imitate China.

Alex Wijaya, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2 days ago

yeah that accident happened years ago, since then there is no train accident happen in China. In the US alone, you have so many train accidents in the past few years. So what safety are you talking about?

DuckDodgers, Romford, United Kingdom, 3 days ago

All paid just 50p for a 12 hour shift I bet.

AlexT12, NRW, Germany, 3 days ago

like them or not...they have a booming economy and that not without a reason..!! good for them...!!

toby40, lymington, United Kingdom, 3 days ago

they need to teach brtish workers how to do it !

Ael Mecheht Gewyrcan, Saxonia, Cook Islands, 3 days ago

You mean Blitish workers.

Bunjubura, Windhoek, 3 days ago

Bulltish workers perhaps!

frank 2, Wrexham, United Kingdom, 3 days ago

in uk multiple legislation make's such a timescale impossible

Bazzer69, Walton on Sea, United Kingdom, 3 days ago

Belong to the biggest STATE RUN union in the world. Wonder what they earn.

paevo, USA, United States, 2 days ago

Next to nothing....

tony, telford, 3 days ago

Eat your heart out BR

PeaceandLove1, Los Angeles, United States, 3 days ago

9 hours, California has been working on ours for 9 years. Someone send this to #Feinstein husband

LordProtector, London, United Kingdom, 3 days ago

*Railway station.

Ael Mecheht Gewyrcan, Saxonia, Cook Islands, 3 days ago


MannyT, Philadelphia, 3 days ago

This is possible because of the lack of individual egos and overlords that give no respite.

thechosenone, London, United Kingdom, 3 days ago

Yes - the US method is much better ... ?

MannyT, Philadelphia, 2 days ago

Who mentioned the US? To answer your question... The US is better for the worker, but worse for results. China's is worse for the worker, but better for results

flash-hits-radio, Planet Mars, United Kingdom, 3 days ago

i think Network Rail need to take note of this.

Mustafa Leak, Sin City, United Kingdom, 3 days ago

in Blighty it would take the planning commitee at least a year just to sort out what tea and biscuits they were going to have during their meetings about meetings.

Count Zborowski, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 3 days ago

Paving - or laying track as it's known in the railway game.

imnotinteresting, Essex, United Kingdom, 3 days ago

And yet here in London we are still waiting on Crossrail, until December.

CDF20, Haywards Heath, United Kingdom, 3 days ago

Take the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, the Construction Design Management regulations 2015 and a raft of other regulations then see how their delivery model shapes up!

CoramDeo, Lancaster PA, United States, 3 days ago

It's take months to clean up the derailment, though, as everyone walks by it like they don't see it.

Alex Wijaya, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2 days ago

is that how long it takes the Americans to clean their recent many train derailments?

CoramDeo, Lancaster PA, United States, 2 days ago

We wish. More like three years.

EndofTheWorld1, NoWhere, United Kingdom, 3 days ago

That's Railly good work

DC68, London, United Kingdom, 3 days ago

Would take the UK 6 months to do the same however we would only put 4 guys on the job and 2 of those would have been supervisors.

Pheanix, Essex, Australia, 3 days ago

Korean workers built Hong Kong's new airport in something like 7 years. The Western equivalent would probably take 15 years.

EmLP, YaddaYadda, United Kingdom, 3 days ago

AWPR project managers, pelase take note.

UFFERS, Sheffield, 3 days ago

Interestingly the bulk of American railroads were laid down by Chinese workers.....must be one of the many things that they are good at....One thing I did notice ....not a union official or health and safety rep in sight,that why it only took nine hours.

Completely Average, Somewhere, United States, 3 days ago

Interestingly, while Chinese workers were used to build much of the railroads along the US west coast and famously built the western part of the transcontinental railroad, that's not even remotely close to the bulk of US railroads. Nearly 80% of all railroads in the US are in the east and central US, and almost none of those were built by Chinese. The record for the amount of tracks laid in a single day in the US is actually held by the Irish, who managed to lay 10 miles of track in a single day while building the transcontinental railway. This is after a different group of Irish workers laid 8 miles of track in a single day. Not bad work considering this was in the 1860s and they didn't have any modern construction equipment to help them.

Shadow5, Manchester, United Kingdom, 3 days ago

Take us two years to fill a pothole.

zacklaws, Beverley, United Kingdom, 3 days ago

Pity the tea boy. "Hands up who wants sugar, hands up who wants milk, hands up who wants milk and sugar".

Gastonia, Lincolnia, United Kingdom, 3 days ago

They haven't time to be supping tea.

dan, Oxford, United Kingdom, 3 days ago

China is a railway leader. No messing around. British rail companies have fallen a very long way down since their heyday in the 19c with too many layers of consultation and management. Get the job done, cheap and on time.


Henry W, Kensington, United Kingdom, 3 days ago

They'd still be 'Consulting '....15 YEARS LATER ........in Tory Britain

krumpton, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 3 days ago

Oh Henry, labour are no better you old silly.

Henry W, Kensington, United Kingdom, 3 days ago

Same old Sheeple WHATABOUTERY

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5297201/1-500-Chinese-workers-build-railway-nine-hours.html#ixzz55D3WtWX8

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David Thomas Vickers, crewe, United Kingdom, 3 days ago

Get them on our motorways might take less then years to do the M6


iOld Chap, Caribbean, Grenada, 3 days ago

Welded rails too. Carillion would still be doing the paperwork

macular degenerate, limassol, Cyprus, 3 days ago


RichRR, London, United Kingdom, 3 days ago

Not a woman in sight.

Roger Acton, bootle, United Kingdom, 3 days ago

That'll be the one child policy! More to the point, not a bloomin Nigerian site manager struggling to speakin the local tongue in sight!

Captain Synical, Trowbridge, United Kingdom, 3 days ago

what about the 3 year health and safety assessment

Sweet angel, Brisbane, Australia, 3 days ago


Roger Acton, bootle, United Kingdom, 3 days ago

And the phillipines one will still be standing long after this propaganda piece has sunk into the sludge.

mslilyrose, Daventry, United Kingdom, 3 days ago


a male, Australia, 3 days ago

The West used to be able to do such things, too. The East-West Rail link in the United States once built 10 miles of track in one day, still a record. This was in the 1870's. The Great Eastern Railway in Britain once built a steam locomotive from the plans in only 9 hours. Then came the Elf and Safety (who actually made things unsafe) the Fem,in,ists and the Greenies. And the West died.

tommyyy, singapore, Singapore, 1 day ago

What you have said is also done by Chinese workers.14 thousand Chinese workers is the main power for building the east-west railway.However,they were cruelly treated after finishing the railway.

tommyyy, singapore, Singapore, 1 day ago

What you have said is also done by Chinese workers.14 thousand Chinese workers is the main power for building the east-west railway.However,they were cruelly treated after finishing the railway.

thimbles, Norwich, 3 days ago

I hope Network Rail are looking at this ?

onlyme, london, United Kingdom, 3 days ago

ok but...theres no health and safety to contend with..they pay the workers tuppence ha'penny an hour..and there are limitless amounts of them to dig holes all day long..put it into perspective a British worker on about £100 a day x 1500= £150000 ....but once you put in the overheads materials ect £500k..still worth it??

Basilb, Bucks, United Kingdom, 3 days ago

We'll never compete with them. A bloke told me he worked on track maintenance and they drove the van into a field walked a couple of miles and the first thing was to set up for breakfast and tea.

Rarkar, Winchester, United Kingdom, 3 days ago

Oi, Xi, can we borrow them?

Basilb, Bucks, United Kingdom, 3 days ago

Better still Xi come and show the tw ats in our parliament how to run the country.

wycfitzhunts, Lima, Peru, 3 days ago

Hope it lasts longer than most items from China.

Cluedo, Derby, United Kingdom, 3 days ago

Funny that, I just drove through some temporary traffic lights causing massive tailbacks had saw one man in a hole digging and four men standing watching him with another two in suits on their phones, I suspect talking to their wives. Recently China built no less than 15 airports while we are still talking about a third runway at Heathrow. Anybody starting to see why uk productivity is in the toilet.

Daddycat, Wisbech, United Kingdom, 3 days ago

Easy to do when 1) The state owns all of the land. 2) The state has determination. 3) You have almost unlimited workerpower [should say "manpower" but I'm afraid if the PC/Feminist mob.] willing to work, rather than sit at home collecting benefits. When I was there last year they were talking about building a high speed rail link between Beijing and Moscow in less time than it would take to appoint and overpay consultants in the UK. The number and scale of civil engineering projects we saw during a four week tour was jaw dropping.

Basilb, Bucks, United Kingdom, 3 days ago

Our so called democracy actually lets us down. We swing from help the rich to help the scroungers practically every five years or so.

philiponfire, currently in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 2 days ago

No the state does not own all the land in China. Single house owners frequently hold up development projects when they do not want to move out.

Gone with the wind, Cheshire, 3 days ago

The unions here would never let that happen here.

Charles, London, United Kingdom, 3 days ago

Around 1500 workers?...all in the same place at the same time and actually WORKING? It'd never happen in this country!

kybgb, Maidenhead, United Kingdom, 3 days ago

But then we are not slaves!

Alex Wijaya, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2 days ago

@kybgb no, you are just lazy

Chrisj007, Manchester, United Kingdom, 3 days ago

its took highways agency 5 years to make an extra lane on the M60..

nyoka, Colwyn Bay, United Kingdom, 3 days ago

China has both technology and manpower that Britain can only dream of. It would take 6 months to negotiate this, let alone do the job. Britain is finished as a major power in the world.

Basilb, Bucks, United Kingdom, 3 days ago

6 months what about the enquiry the toads, newts, bats the protesters the consultants. They've been talking about opening the railway up again near where I live for years.

RaONE, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom, 2 days ago

Elf n safety wouldn't even give this project the go ahead in the UK

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5297201/1-500-Chinese-workers-build-railway-nine-hours.html#ixzz55D3Nkm2y

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Chinese workers build railway station in just nine hours

1 day ago
UK should return back the ability of 1900s

When I went to London, it is like a 3rd class city in China

UK GOV should do something update the old railway and highway and airport and port......
2 days ago

Amazing can be done with good planning and attitude.


Here's a similar example from Japan. https://youtu.be/wIbZqqLra9k

2 days ago
literally hitler
2 days ago
It is impressive but let's be honest it's a stunt, look at the number of workers. There is no way that is an efficient use of manpower.
2 days ago

Nothing like a stunt. Common practice in several countries with advanced rail networks.


1 day ago
Really? Evidence?
2 days ago
Next time I'm stuck in year long roadworks on UK roads, I'll think of this. I'm sure it will help my inner calm........not!
2 days ago
mayhem everywhere!
A bit like the UK? HA HA 
1 day ago
We are burdened with planning controls and such dross - no doubt you regret that
2 days ago
Very very impressive. Much like the UK use to be in the 18th and 19th century, in terms of getting things done. 
Today the EU have far too many clingons in every contract wanting their cut. Each having to delay a little more to justify their pay. Each one as useless as the next. 
Maybe we can send our rail engineers to China for training as they did the other way in the 90's and early 00's. 
2 days ago
I'm older than 30
our local council / utility supplier   is going for the World speed record
that is the slowest speed record for fixing a local problem
the above does not give the game away, as it could be almost any local council / utility company, they are almost all useless
2 days ago
We could take a leaf out of the Chinese book.
How about long-term benefits claimants work on constructing HS2 or toileting the elderly.
2 days ago
Xeno of Elea
Almost as impressive as White Sea Canal construction. 
2 days ago
It's not just trains, and it's not just China. 
In the UK we've just got adapted to everything taking a long time and costing a fortune. Outside the UK things are done faster and cheaper. Big things like civil engineering projects are 25% cheaper in the EU, (according to the Public Accounts committee).
I remember having to get a new set of glasses for my girlfriend in the Philippines, not a very advanced country. We went to the local branch of Vision Express. She needed super high refractive index glass, they said it might take a while, come back in the afternoon! The had them ready that afternoon, for £50. In the UK it would have taken 3 weeks and cost £500. 
We're just used to things being crap and expensive here and are amazed when they aren't also crap and expensive in other countries. 
2 days ago
beurre de karite
Just back from Thailand, trains in Bangkok are air conditioned, run on time and very cheap.
2 days ago
ah, the joys of privatisation! 
Never mind, the private owners are doing very well. 
1 day ago
Max Headroom
. . . and why do we need air conditioning in UK? . . . a complete waste of money and hugely damaging to the environment . . . its like leaving your fridge door open 24 hours a day . . . in Moscow the temperature ranges from -20 to +30 and their buses have nature's air conditioning - windows that open
2 days ago
beurre de karite
Building a railway station will take 2 years in Uk and cost 50% than originally costed and delayed by 6 months
2 days ago
You are kidding, right? 
That's far too optimistic and you forgot the top up rescue by our taxes...
2 days ago
Banned in Britain
Now that one of the major contractors for the UK's HS rail system has gone bankrupt, maybe the Chinese can take the task over?

The rail project would be completed in less time than it took to talk about.
And America is first? I don't think so.
2 days ago
State run their trains. They're excellent too. They run on time and are comfortable and their fast trains run well over 200 mph. They can build things quickly cause they have enough resources. 

Unlike the UK where everything is about profit!
2 days ago
I used to get the fast train from Nanjing to Shanghai then the maglev from Shanghai to the airport. Both were brilliant. Superfast, comfortable, cheap and always bang on time. The maglev  took exactly the same length of time as   "Bat out of hell"  on my ipod.
2 days ago
Max Headroom
. . . "Two years ago, the world's largest radio telescope began searching for signals from stars and galaxies and, perhaps, extraterrestrial life in the remote Pingtang county in southwest China's Guizhou province"
. . . are they expecting to find extraterrestrial life in the remote Pingtang county?
2 days ago
John Bull
Is that meant to be mildly amusing or just predictably racist from you?
2 days ago
Well just go forth and multiply, racist Max headroomnotmuchbrain.
1 day ago
Max Headroom
. . . how is that comment racist? . . . it was a comment on the poor punctuation by the Independent editor . . . the point being that the telescope was in Pingtang county, not the extraterrestrial life . . . 
. . . but true to form on this comment site, you always look for racist or fascist connotations . . .  
2 days ago
We need these workers at Tottenham Court Road Station in London.which has been under reconstruction for about 5years.
2 days ago
Can the 2 actually be compared? Most of Crossrail is underground and building new stations alongside existing ones and not disturbing anything.
2 days ago
come on, build one on a field just for fun and see if you finish it in 9 hours.
2 days ago
Perhaps not. The renewal of the regular tube part took years though,with road disruption all around. 
2 days ago
We could never do this in the UK, not with the unions still a power as there would be walkouts, strikes and general complaining and whinging from union bods being asked to actually work. 
2 days ago
No union power in China at all, so no strikes. Is that what we really want?
2 days ago
The problem here was always incompetent bosses
2 days ago
Actually, that's pretty much exactly how it was done in the 1890s in the UK.

Today though, not a chance.
2 days ago
Exactly! In the 18th and 19th century we got things done.
1 day ago
Yes bobtoo, but with no rights for the workers, or protection of any form
2 days ago
Oh, and the reason it couldn't/wouldn't happen today isn't unions, it's right there in the headline - no company in the UK would be willing to hire 1500 workers at night-time pay rates. Much better paper profit figures to just have a handful of full-time employees that work 9-5 for 3 years.
2 days ago
Gove is my Messiah
The lefties on here are getting confused.
They complain about their local council etc etc, roads etc
The problem is the Swivel Eyed Labour loons wants to give everyone bigger wages, more holidays, less hours, more paternity leave etc etc all while crippling us with Red Tape (Thanks EU)
And then they wonder why we can't compete with China
You can't have it both ways my little snowflakes.
2 days ago
Potty name, potty post.
2 days ago
He's got a point. Bureaucracy is a major cause of delays and costs. Labour policy swims in bureaucracy. Wages, holidays, etc. have less to do with it. Regardless of labour costs you factor this in. But could 'any' UK company build the same in 9 hours? Not a chance!
1 day ago
I confess that i would rather see the workers, the real wealth creators, get a bigger share, at the expense of the obscenely overpaid parasitic bosses . . i guess i must be a commie
2 days ago
Gove is my Messiah
Tomorrows news: Railway Station in China collapses.
2 days ago
2 days ago
Is that rude Chinese?
1 day ago
2 days ago
Tom Cassidy
One word: HEATHROW?
2 days ago
We do have planning restrictions here - i suppose you would rather they did not exist, along with unions
2 days ago
Presuming planning is approved. Could any UK company do this in 9 hours?
2 days ago
The big Sainsbury's on the A23, Croydon, has had a broken automatic door for about a month now. I've got a bet with a friend that it'll be repaired by August....2020!
2 days ago
Nine hours, well done. It takes about nine years here due to bureaucracy, exchanges of cash filled brown envelopes, bent politicians...
2 days ago
Max Headroom
. . . and that's just the public enquiry
2 days ago
China has bureaucracy and corruption too, on a far more massive scale than here, but more importantly has no worker rights and no union power, so they do what they’re told.
2 days ago
No one cares about "bureaucracy" and "corruption" if $h!t gets done fast and on time. As for "they do what they're told", well I guess if you're told to build a rail station and get paid for it, you build a f3kcing rail station.
2 days ago
We have evolved to a more refined form of corruption. PFI contracts, management consultants, PR agencies, lobbyists, lawyers. All get in the way of getting stuff done and take a cut. 
In some ways it's easier if you have the old form of corruption where you just pay off government officials.
2 days ago
portsanity .
lots of people want to rain on their parade

i wonder why that is...
2 days ago
We used to be able to do this kind of stuff in the UK.
2 days ago
Gove is my Messiah
Then came along Red Robbo: The man behind 523 car factory strikes
I bet Corbyn still fondly reflects in the "glory days" of British Leyland.
2 days ago
Our car industry failed because of incompetent management
1 day ago
No, then along came rights and protections for workers - no doubt you are still upset about that
2 days ago
This is typical for China. They throw things up in record time and then let them deteriorate also in record time.

I saw the bird nest Olympic stadium last year built for the Chinese Olympic Games just a few years ago. It's badly deteriorating, a lot of the structure is rusting. 
2 days ago
High speed trains at 124mph oh wow.  The French better watch out after all the standard TGV only runs at a mere 220 mph.
2 days ago
Max Headroom
. . . and the environmental footprint of a train built to travel at 220mph is?
1 day ago
The Chinese railway network makes the french one look prehistoric
2 days ago
You Took The Blue Pill
It took our local council 6 weeks to extend a pavement 1.5 mts. 
2 days ago
It will age just as quickly...
Lots of buckets needed for the rainy season.
2 days ago
Take note, Highways Agency...
2 days ago
Jonny Dee
I think your clip ended before they started building the station
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