It's been a long time since I shopped at a local Chinese grocery store (ever since the entire city of Wuhan was locked down) because I couldn't be sure that I wouldn't come across someone there who was carrying the Coronavirus. I don't wear a face mask outside and haven't purchased any masks either because I believe that those patients need the masks the most.
Recently, I've shopped only at warehouse stores such as Costco or Sam's Club, but I find hardly any Chinese there who are wearing face masks.
This afternoon, I finally went back to my local Chinese grocery store after a jog in the park. Again, this is the first I time I'd ventured there in about two months, and it never occurred to me to wear a mask. I was shocked that most of the Chinese there, whether young or old were wearing some kind of mask. As I didn't have a mask, I felt quite isolated and wondered what was going on. Why is it so rare to find people wearing masks except in Chinese grocery stores?
I want to ask the shoppers there why they believe that the Coronavirus visits only Chinese stores!