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学写英文--Yellow River Delta wetland--the paradise of migratory bird

(2022-04-06 08:45:53) 下一个

Scott Weidensaul is a Pennsylvania-based naturalist and author. He has published 2 dozens of books. In 2000, he was in the finalist of Pulitzer Prize in general nonfiction for his book “Living on the Wind”: Across the Hemisphere with Migratory Birds.” He took a longtime systematic observation on migratory birds which included the ornithological technique of banding, and observing the birds. Besides the author talked to various experts including ornithologists who have made many important discoveries about bird biology. All things together makes this book not only a book highlighting the incredible phenomenon, but also a book from which you can learn the science behind this nature’s great wonder.

I like listening NPR radio broadcast and shows. As a sustainable member, I found this program a good combination for everything. It includes local, domestic and international news, interviews with experts in different areas, and entertainment. It brings me knowledge, it also brings me laugher. 

Among many NPR broadcast programs, “Science Friday” is one of my favorite one. After reading the introduction of this program,I knew why this program is so appealing for me—"Science Friday is an award-winning producer of high quality and trustworthy science news and educational programming. “

In the past a few years, I have heard a lot of fascinating science stories from Science Friday, but no one was as impressive as the one I heard on the past Friday with the topic of migratory birds. The program was released through rebroadcasting a recorded interview to Scott in 2021 when his latest book “A world on the wings: The Global Odyssey of Migratory Birds”, was just published.


Scott has a broadcasting voice, from which I could tell his passion to the migratory birds. “When I was a boy of twelve, one day I was sitting on the hill, watching the forest in far. Then a beautiful scene came into my sight. That was a group of birds in front of the moon.  With their wings flapping rhythmically, their necks and heads stretching forward, the birds looked so powerful and elegant.  Since then, a seed of dream was planted in my heart. In the past decades, I have never had a moment of losing my passion on migratory birds. My life has been built on my passion, it leads me to where I am now. I feel so lucky of holding my passion along the road of my life.”


From the interview, I heard a lot of interesting things about migratory birds. For example, except for those non-stop flyers, migratory birds prefer flying at night since the air is cool, and it is quiet.  With this knowledge my mind, I can image hundreds of thousands of migratory birds flying in the sky when I am in sound sleep. The migration seasons are April-May(spring) and Sep-Oct(fall)…


I also learned that Yellow River delta is a popular destination for the migratory birds. Why? Because wetland is an important migratory waterbird staging and wintering area, and Yellow River Delta is one of the youngest wetland of the earth. Coming with the millions of migratory birds are researchers and photographers from all of the world.  As a new habitat of migratory birds, Yellow River Delta was marked on the map of the Important Bird Areas.

In the past ten years, the Yellow River delta wetland has been shrinking since more and more commerical buildings along the shore were built. The construction is not only a destory to the habitat of migratory birds, it also contributes the globle climate change. Finally under the pressure of international community, also on the sake of local villagers who live on collecting shellfish on the mudflats of the delta, last year Chinese goverment banned any new construction in Yellow River Delta. " I have been recording the birds, with the shrinking of their habitat, I thought I was recording the extinction of these beautiful birds which made me feel sad. Now I see a slice of light." an expert who is a regular visitor of Yellow River Delta said.

Yellow River Delta Wetland is listed in the top 10 China tours.

国内开始给老年人打疫苗了。老母亲刚打了疫苗,还得了奖品。我说了句”国内防疫政策有所变化“,姐姐马上回了句”坚持动态清零政策不动摇,上海人民正在攻坚呢。" "嗯,听说了。"我就假装不知道细节,不接着说了。






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