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(2022-03-11 08:44:06) 下一个

Russia’s war to Ukraine has been the hottest topic in the world since the war commenced on 24, 2022. As Putin expected a quick occupation, the current military outcome made him angry and frustrated. This anger and frustration were tensed with the sanctions in economic and diplomatic layers by western world. As a response to the failures, Putin exposed more of his ruthlessness. Hundreds of missiles were laughed into Ukrainian cities. Civilian casualties were bombed along with military facilities and government buildings. Putin also announced that any countries who join the economic sanctions to Russia will be recognized as declaring a war to Russia.  


On Wednesday, Russians attacked a children’s and maternity hospital in the besieged Ukrainian city of Mariupol, four people including a young girl were killed in the strike.  Ukrainian president labelled the strike “atrocity”, Britain accused Russia of a “war crime”. To date, the war has caused thousands of deaths which include hundreds of civilians, 71 of them are children.  


In the past 2 weeks, Ukrainian resident Z publicly expressed his desire of any types of meditation, Putin also said Russia would like to talk, peace is the goal for Russians. But after 3 rounds of negotiation since the start of the war, no resolutions have been reached. The failure of the negotiations came from the big gap about the claims applied by each side.   At the end of the 3rd round negotiation held in Turkey’s capital, both sides expressed their desires for a talk in the near future. Outsiders assumed the next talk probably will happen between the presidents. But I doubt about it. As a strongman, a previous KGB, a proud top leader of Russians, if Putin wants to sit down to talk with Z, a previous actor whom he never would like to give a direct look to.


Some people compared this war with Winter War, also known as the First Soviet-Finnish War. I did research and found the two wars have similarity in many aspects.  Winter War is a war Soviet Union imposed to Finland three months after the outbreak of 2nd world war.  The excuse of Winter War from Soviet was inaccountable, just as the excuse of Russia-Ukraine war. Russia lauched the wars by the anxiety from self-insecurity. The Winter War ended after three-and- a-half fighting in extremely cold weather with the signature of “Moscow Peace Treaty”.  The League of Nations (the first worldwide intergovernmental organization, its main role was maintaining the world peace, just as the present UN.) deemed the attack illegal and expelled the Soviet Union from the organization. Soviet Union didn’t achieve its initial goal of the occupation of Finland, but Mosco got some Finnish territories. According to MPT, Finland ceded golf of Finland and some territories to Soviet Union. Soviet Union got bad reputation from Winter War.


Before  and in the process of Russia-Ukraine war, western intelligent agencies have been studying Putin’s mental health. As one of Putin’s closest friends in international stage, Finland president said he thinks Putin might suffer from the isolation of the two-year long Covid-19 pandemic. There are many articles about the concerns of Putin’s mental health.  but there are also articles expressing the different views.

From the war, people have seen Russia’s military force is not as good as people predicted.  People also saw Russia’s energy superiority, especially in the supply and storage of oil and natural gas. Before the war, 40% of the European natural gas supply was from Russia.  March 8th, US president Biden signed an Executive Order to banthe import of Russian oik, liquefid natural gas, and coal to US.  As a result of the EO, the gas price in US kept rising. 

In Russia schools, since March 1st, Russians military operation started to be taught in social study class.  In the classes, students were taught the military operation as a justice operation with a purpose of denazification. Russians have sufferred from the economic sanctions, but they were told that people in western countries are stuffering too, the oil prices in their markets have roared.










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魏薇 回复 悄悄话 回复 'laopika' 的评论 : 谢谢皮卡老师的信息!我特别查了下招开时间,还好在今年:)
laopika 回复 悄悄话 回复 '魏薇' 的评论 : 国内开放是迟早的事,但估计20大前是不可能了。
魏薇 回复 悄悄话 回复 'laopika' 的评论 : 皮卡老师好!普通俄罗斯的老百姓也是普挑起战争的受害者。这些天脑子里总有两个人不同时期的两张照片在脑中闪现。想到第一个人就太难过,就不说了。另一个人是普京。第一张是他2005年身穿白色柔道服的脸,那时脸上有笑,表情轻松自然,是副让人喜欢的面孔,后一张就是现在他僵硬阴冷,让人感到恐怖的脸。相由心生,我想他真的病得不轻。

laopika 回复 悄悄话 麦当劳选择了个好日子关门,有意思的是他们继续给几万员工发工资,说明关门不是针对老百姓,而是针对政府。