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(2022-02-14 06:48:31) 下一个

To accept the evacation of Americans from Ukraine, Poland has opened the border. Ukraine’s president expressed his disappointment on US and other western countries. “They left Ukraine alone. Their reaction put Ukrainians in panic. but they will not leave their country. “


Even the arrow has already been on the string, Russian’s invasion can happen at any minute, US and other powerful NATO countries haven't given up the effort of seeking for diplomatic solutions.Talks have been made between Biden and Putin, Putin with German president,but no productive results have been made.  

At mean time, Ukrainian military leaders expressed their determination.” If Russians come to Ukraine, their sacrifice will be costly.  As Ukraine is the second largest country in area in Europe, people can imagine if the war really happens, it will not be easy to Russians. Russia troops have to march deep into Ukraine.  Doctors and surgeons have been deployed, and aid tents were set up at the Ukraine-Russia border.  The pictures of marching Russian soldiers in military camoflages made me think of the movie We Were Soldiers. 

It looks like the ever-lasting conflicts between Russia and Ukraine since 1991 originates from the belonging of Easern Ukraine.I pray there are magics happening to stop the foreseeing loss of lives. Given the current tension, Biden might have seen that Putin doesn't care too much about the consequence from the economic sanctions. The sanctions will have impacts on Russian's food supply chains, energy and banking, but the consequence is bearable. Putin's bottom line is stopping Ukraine joining NATO. It seems the only way to stop the crisis is the concession from Ukraine. US will have to play the role of a compromiser.


After a full week of spring-feel weather, today the temperature drops to under 20F with wind chill just above 0F. 

老板的孩子进了NORTHEATERN UNIVERSITY , 问老板有没有交SAT成绩,答”无。学校不要求提交SAT成绩,除需你考得特别好,不然不必提交。我们不搞那个。“把这事和一个过来家长朋友说,朋友几乎不相信,”怎么可能,那么好的学校也不要SAT成绩?!我几乎不信。那除非学生的GPA特别的出色”





今天才知道八孩女的”新闻“。整个事件让人震惊愤怒。十二三岁,如花的年龄,她本应坐在教室里上课,享受父母的宠爱。可她却被人贩子拐卖,从此人生不复。二十几年里,她饱受凌虐,成为一帮禽兽泄欲传宗的工具。她要有怎样的坚强才能活到今天?是否是她心中的信念支撑她熬过二十几年中的每一天: 相信有一天她能被救出魔窟。在许多人眼里她只是一个可怜的精神病人,但她仍然是父母的女儿。期盼这个可怜的女子重回人间,回到父母身边!如果说人贩子是行凶者,他(她)的后面又有多少帮凶?此事村里的人不可能不知道,但至今才被外界曝出,背后原因令人深思。

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