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(2022-01-24 07:06:08) 下一个

 1. To response Russia deploying 100,000 troops at the border of Ukraine, Biden administration is planning to send 5000 US troops to East European countries. The troops will not be sent to Ukraine, but to other NATO countries like Poland or Romania.罗马尼亚,一个久违的名字,听到它就会想到东欧曾经辉煌的女子艺术体操,还有罗马尼亚电影  沸腾的生活。


Putin said the most important even in 20th century is the collapse of Soviet Union. Through the statement, people can have a glance of Putin’s dream of Russian revival.


2. Along with the reopening of the country, Nationally US economy is recovering from the worst phase, even the historically high inflation rate is a big pain for most of Americans. CT, as being a state with the highest vaccination rate of the country, the economy recovering pace is smaller than other states, but the future of economy is optimistic.


3. With the keep declining of Covid positivity, hospitalization and death rate, experts expect to see by the middle of Feb what they predicated will be assured: most likely O variant will be the last mutated virus in the covid pandemic. "We can expect a beautiful spring by then."


4. People's reaction to Covid vaccination is so different. Now the eligible group of people for Covid vaccine in US is for people age over 5, kids under 5 are still ineligible for Covid vaccine. From radio, I heard a mom with kids under 5 has been frustrating. She desperately expects the Covid vaccine for young kids so she will have her kids vaccinated. She thinks that 's the only way for her to feel safe of taking her kids outside for socializing. But quite big fraction of pepole have been fighting for vaccination mandate. Since people are so different, government should offer the service to meet the demanding for different group of people.

5.看英国已经宣布可以全民摘口罩了,心想:英国人果然是我想的最富冒险精神的人群,要不哪来的那么精彩的BBC纪录大片,哪来那么多人类历史上的第一人呢。他们真是个多种性情混合起来的群体:可以很绅士,很幽默,又很勇敢, 不得不服。想到那些年看的英国影片,远有--伦敦上空的鹰,海狼,近点的有-007, Mr. BEAN, 再近点的--唐顿庄园...

Zara Rutherford (born 5 July 2002) is a Belgian-British aviator. At age 19, she became the youngest female pilot to fly solo around the world and the first person to complete a circumnavigation in a microflight after a five-month journey which began in Kortrijk, Belgium, on 18 August 2021, and ended on 20 January 2022. 

1/20/2022年,世界最年轻的女性环球独飞纪录诞生了。打破这一纪录的是现年19岁的ZARA RUTHERFORD。 前两天在广播里听到她接受采访时的讲话,从她的口音我猜她是英国人。查了资料,证实了我的猜测。ZARA现居比利时布鲁塞尔,拥有比利时和英国双重国籍。




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魏薇 回复 悄悄话 回复 'laopika' 的评论 : 我只知道《多瑙河之波》这支圆舞曲,现在还能哼起旋律,不知道还有同名电影。:)从电影中看到的英国人是绅士,幽默,并富有冒险精神。历史上的许多极限挑战纪录,也是英国人创造的,算是佐证吧。BBC的那些系列大片拍摄难度也是相当大的。我还能想起的有《地球脉动》《人类星球》, 其它的暂时想不起来了。:)
laopika 回复 悄悄话 当年罗马尼亚电影还有一部特别好看《多瑙河之波》,英国绅士精神还勇于探索,佩服!
魏薇 回复 悄悄话 回复 '简翎' 的评论 : 上周在城里看到的新闻,英国人胆大:)
简翎 回复 悄悄话 英国都摘口罩了,大英帝国棒。