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(2022-01-16 06:56:45) 下一个

美国的公园不像中国公园那样用围栏围着,界线分明。这里的公园是开放的,界线并不明显,有如水彩画过度,与周围环境更好地融合。 于我看来,这附近的一大片都属于公共公园的范畴,只是这一大片园可以被划分成几个小园。1。运动公园园,园中的两个小花园,两个芦苇塘;2. 凉亭及旁边的青年活动树林. 3.两个BASEBALL FIELD,一个儿童游乐场,一个滑板道,社区活动中心广场,樱花道,黄桦林。3。狗儿公园和其下的一片空场。4。草场林区:包含三个草场,一大片树林。 

In China, the public parks are usually walled or fenced. In US, the parks are opened without obvious borderlines.  From my personal view, I feel the open parks create better environment.  XXX Park is a big park, functionally it can be divided into a few separate parks.


  1. The Green Grass Field is the central of the entire XXXPark.  A black star gravel trail snakes through the park, extending to the next functional area. The trail divides the grass park into two functional areas. The bigger part is fully opened, the spacious grass is a wonderful field to host soccer or other sports events. The other part accommodates two gardens, two reed ponds and assorted ornamental trees, the rest open space in this area is the location for some agricultural events or celebrating events hosted by town.


  1. xxx Pavilion is one of the locations for town Park and Recreation hosting summer camps.  It can also be reserved to host private parties. The woods across the road is a good place for youths who like adventuring in woods.  In it there are varied challenging wooden facilities for fun and exercising. Besides the two main trails , there are a handful of narrow small winding paths scattering in the woods, from where you can experience the feeling of getting lost in the woods.  I think it might be a simulation of living in the woods.


总在天气预报中听到一个词, 根据发音觉得应该是那两个单词,今早总算是得到了确认。是“WIND CHILL”--是指冷空气在风的助力下,人所感受到的温度。. 这个周末美东普遭寒流侵袭,最低温度达到华氏个位数,但是WIND CHILL感觉是在华氏0度以下。看了波士顿的WIND CHILL 是华氏零下20度,达到了EMERGENCY 的级别。

北京海淀通报了北京第一例O COVID-19 CASE, 这这背后还有多少。这个病毒传播快,被感染者很多是无症状的特点,让清零看起来成了impossible mission。

俄罗斯在俄乌边境集结,普京给出的理由是俄的安全受到了乌的威协,美国的女评论员说”这怎么可能呢?俄的军事力量那么强大,乌那么弱小。。“ 也听到乌总统的讲话,有如战前的誓词“ THE MAJORITY OF OUR PEOPLE WILL DEFENSE OUR COUNTRY” 由于两方实力悬疏,听着很悲情。怎么才能避免这场战争呢?感觉俄国人真是好斗也能斗,不知道有没有与爱喝伏特加有关。前阵子儿子推荐了电影T-34.虽然明显的video game印象和DRAMA感,但还是挺好看的。讲的是在二战时苏联的英雄坦克T-34。最有趣的一个场景是“让我们的坦克跳芭蕾吧!”,随着苏联战俘的一声呐喊,重新被整修好的T-34坦克在天鹅湖之四只小天鹅舞曲的背景音乐下旋转飞奔跳跃起来。


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laopika 回复 悄悄话 回复 '魏薇' 的评论 : 好的,以后我再说这句话时一定加上completely:)
魏薇 回复 悄悄话 Inglorious basterds 无耻混蛋
魏薇 回复 悄悄话 回复 'laopika' 的评论 : 我本来想这是部偏门的电影,没想到您也看过!确实算是娱乐片,我看电影不多,不过也联想到另一部恶搞历史的影片,您可以去找看看,评价很高。

皮卡老师的英文进步很快,这句再加个副词COMPLETELY(完全地)就变高级了,就是I completely agree with you!
laopika 回复 悄悄话 那部电影我也看过,挺有意思的,就是个娱乐片。“ I feel the open parks create better environment.”,I agree with you !