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(2022-01-13 03:15:22) 下一个




It has been three weeks since the family living in the white house next to the woods moved to North Carolina. There is a giant red maple tree in the yard. I have been noticing the tree since this summer. The leaves all turned to red before their leaving. I was happy to see that. So the red leaves would say farewell to the families, the families would leave with  reluctance and the red leaves’ best wishes.  


Now the red leaves all gone. in this beautiful late fall afternoon, under the blue sky, the trunk, branches and twigs are silently expressing their reminiscence of the good time they had with their master.


Two cars are parking in the yard. has the house been sold? Here is my question.

One woman and one man get out of the cars. From their dressing, I think most probably they are realtors.

There is a house shortage in many states, undoubtedly the property can be sold at a good price. Thinking here, I recall  the conversation between me and the realtor who helped me buy my property. She is young, should be under 35. “ 




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魏薇 回复 悄悄话 回复 'laopika' 的评论 : 嗯,都涨了。我这中文是2020年写的。皮卡老师是全才,作投资,作学问都在行。:)
laopika 回复 悄悄话 没错,全美房价都在涨,我昨天刚收到有关部门的信,通知我由于房价上升,今年的税也得上涨了:)